
Gaming Evolution Quotes

There are 219 quotes

"It's like comparing a Nintendo and a PS5, though, right? Nintendo was the stuff back then, punch for what we had then the game is evolved."
"The game that it is now isn't what it was in the '90s."
"This is Roblox but every game we play gets progressively more realistic. It starts off super simple, but then we play the most realistic game I've ever seen."
"Genuine sequel and evolution of the series. What made it so popular."
"The 90s went from 2D to 3D in just a few years, which changed the face of gaming forever."
"Video games weren't just Nintendo games anymore."
"To understand modern gaming and the direction it's headed, you also have to understand Let's Plays."
"This era is going to be defined by games being played not by individual people... but an actual community of people."
"2001 set the precedent for what gaming looks like today, more than 20 years later."
"Manuals created a shift in Pro Skater that the franchise would never look back on, going from a game about skateboarding to a custom combo creator in the skateboarding aesthetic."
"Third edition is the first time the game is designed from the ground up by professional designers."
"Something I've always liked about gaming is I imagine that there's gonna be this emergence of the equivalent of like a Western in film."
"Mythic Plus has completely revolutionized the way our characters gear up."
"Gears Tactics aims to bring the feeling of Gears of War fast-paced action to turn-based tactics."
"New Vegas built on what Bethesda managed to establish with Fallout 3 and delivered a more classic Fallout style."
"X2 and X3 felt like natural steps forward for the X franchise."
"The leap from characters being mere vessels for gameplay to becoming these relatable entities with whom we can actually resonate with is a significant milestone."
"In Street Fighter 5, as a playable character, Vega evolved even further."
"What I would like to say is that this has a lot of potential to be a real evolution on the Civ formula as opposed to an iteration on the Civ formula and that excites me."
"That is legitimately a LOT of great presentational changes."
"Gran Turismo 3... represents the largest single leap in visual fidelity between console generations of all time."
"If you didn't live through the rise of playstation, you may not fully appreciate its accomplishments."
"Terraria... has gone from a game which people mocked... to then winning those same critics over by proving that this game is something so uniquely different to everything else on the market."
"Long gone were the days of local co-op split screening with your friends, replaced by the ability to play with anyone, anywhere, in the world."
"It's the next big step in the Overwatch universe."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is the next installment to one of the best single-player games ever and from what's been shown officially and also leaked this is an experience that could change open world games as we know it."
"Leveling became more minor over time, but back then, it was the road itself."
"Overwatch in 2020 onward is going to make the first three years of Overwatch's life feel like the Dark Ages."
"The concept of having a library of games that stays with you from generation to generation has now been established."
"Super Mario Galaxy released with everything feeling so grand and epic, this was the magnum opus for 3D Mario."
"Skyrim cities aren't going to fly anymore like size for Elder Scrolls 6."
"My number one went from a game that I thought was okay at best to in my top 10 games."
"The big leaps in technology between Skyrim and Starfield will mean Starfield will be much more robust."
"It takes the best parts of Half-Life 1, recreates them, and then adds on top of it."
"Civilization 5 introduced city-states, changing the political landscape."
"Twenty-two years is enough time to make some of the best games feel outdated, their lessons superseded by more contemporary efforts."
"This is exactly what I've wanted from a next-generation take..."
"An evolving, diverse game that will grow over time."
"Games that copied Metroid and Castlevania are a dime a dozen, but for the genre to actually advance, we need more games to push the boat out and do something different while still staying true to what made the originals great."
"There's been this logical feeling that a lot of us have had and it's like where is the next step for this open world genre or what is going to be next for video games?"
"It's amazing how these games just kept getting better and better each year."
"Games and the concept of gaming has evolved to be so mainstream."
"Whenever I go back and play D1, it just makes me realize how far D2 has come."
"It's a lot like what Tony Hawk's American Wasteland did for the Tony Hawk Pro Skater franchise."
"Nintendo games have always managed to grow with their audiences."
"Season 4's case we got a plethora of fun new game modes, huge changes to how the game functions, and of course, the massive Summoner's Rift update."
"How lucky were we as kids? We could play on the go just a few years after getting used to console gaming."
"Genuinely feels like a Natural Evolution from PS1 to PS2."
"What's also kind of crazy too is when you consider that the first game and this one were both only 10 years apart."
"Black Ops Cold War will also usher in the next evolution of Call of Duty Warzone."
"Licensed games are beginning to rise above their checkered past and stand as experiences that don’t just honor and respect the source material, but craft entirely new journeys that can stand on their own as quality games."
"Card games have come a very long way since I played them as a kid, and I find myself both excited and scared to see where they go from here."
"Games are never going to evolve if we aren't willing to give aspiring craftsmen a chance."
"Can you imagine if Super Mario Bros 1 had all these power-ups?"
"Horizon 2 was in many ways the perfect evolution of the first game. The world was almost three times as big, tuning had made its return, and the dynamic weather system added a new layer of immersion."
"Minecraft is about to get more and more realistic."
"Tennis is the new generation in video games."
"Video games are just made different than how they used to be."
"System Shock 2 started a lot of mechanics that have made their way into just about everything in gaming."
"It's as if they cast away the shackles that locked them into that grounded Monster Hunter feel - and over time has really come into its own and embraced... this like fighting game's soul as an influence."
"For the first time in years, the Driver series felt like its own beast again and not just an imitator living in the shadow of a monolith."
"Primeape has a brand new evolution, it's unclear if this is a regional evolution or if this is now a new evolution."
"The times have changed so much from two console generations ago where we either had to have really ugly looking video games with great gameplay or pretty looking games with barely any gameplay."
"Games are constantly evolving and while it's fine to return to an old favor every once in a while, we can never lose sight of why we enjoyed the games we make and play in the first place."
"League is one example... That's what mobas did to MMOs: get straight into the PVP, no messing about."
"Saints Row 4 decided to go from April Fool's joke to a superhero simulator."
"If D&D wants to be about more than just killing monsters and exploring dungeons then I want to see the next supplement do better."
"Resident Evil 4 took everything from the past games and burned it to the ground and dropped kicked it straight into hell."
"Think back and just think what the hell happened to PC shooters, where the hell did they go?" - Totalbiscuit
"Metroid has to do more than just be Metroid's to come back and stick around again."
"Jak 2 Renegade (as it was known here in Europe) was such a huge departure."
"It took the simple jump and shoot formula and added more complex mechanics and more mature storytelling."
"Halo sent shockwaves through the industry—the arena run and gun shooter was dead, the cover-based shooter had arrived."
"Call of Duty Advanced Warfare came along and changed Call of Duty Ghosts create a class system completely."
"It changed the way we physically interact with an interactive medium."
"Town Hall 11 brought Clash of Clans into a new era."
"Abolishing the eight gym formula for trials that are well kind of gyms and Kahuna battles."
"Final Fantasy 9 represented a departure from the two games that had preceded it."
"Tekken 5 set us up for great future Tekken games."
"Fusions are gonna get stronger and stronger."
"This changes the game that we love in a big way. This is it, it's a different game now."
"It's a great new dimension to the game that slightly modernizes it without taking out the feel that the original gameplay Loop had."
"Mario Odyssey is an evolution, not a replacement, reminiscent of Breath of the Wild's expansion."
"This isn't 2004 when WoW came out and there were like one or two other good MMOs to potentially play. Nowadays there are hundreds if not thousands if not hundreds of thousands of great games that we could just boot up right now and play instead."
"Within a year, DICE had truly gotten Battlefront 2 back on track to become the game that it was always supposed to be."
"Halo isn't just Doom translated to be viable for consoles, it's an evolution."
"This fight is still cool it shows how far random has come from just the beginning of the game mod does pale to the preceding battle for a first stage to a final boss there are way worse and only a few better."
"Games need a renaissance where we simplify things a little bit more."
"Battlefield can't be the same game that it was back in 2010... Battlefield has to evolve or die."
"I would love to see Vegas like and it's done okay but like if you think about how it might be done in a current generation console or whatever like a Vegas game it's like really cool."
"When comparing games from 1991 to ones from 2021, it’s easy to see improvements in terms of how games look, how they run, and how they feel to play."
"This is the evolution to the Metroid series that it has desperately needed."
"The shift to 3D really feels like the natural evolution of the series."
"The shift to 3D impacted the games in more ways than just graphics."
"Rockstar chose to somewhat distance GTA 5 from its previous games. While previous GTA games had only one playable protagonist, GTA 5 lets you switch between three: Michael, Franklin, and Trevor."
"It looks as if Rockstar wants wildlife and animals to play a huge part in this game which is awesome because I think in GTA 5 that was abandoned a little bit."
"We want to excite gamers and deliver new experiences. In many cases, we can't take everyone with us from previous consoles because you need new hardware and devices."
"As someone who started gaming in the early 1980s, I have had my tastes and habits change a number of times over the years."
"Tony Hawk's Underground was a tectonic shift in gameplay and identity for the series."
"Gamers have taste now or they're a bit older or they value their time more and that magic just doesn't work anymore."
"E3 was at its best when the industry itself was also in a particular phase... the biggest brightest and most expensive games were also kind of AG... creatively aggressive."
"Heartgold and soulsilver ends up feeling like a weird time capsule it was made to bring a classic game to modern standards but now it's looked to as a classic itself maybe they can revitalize it just one more time."
"GT4 fulfilled the potential of endurance races."
"Not since the PlayStation 3 generation, have we seen such a big leap."
"This was one of the games I wanted to see with modern quality of life changes."
"Tarak does represent a time in the industry and especially for first-person shooters where a lot of titles just really started to be kind of dumbed down."
"The first two years of the 360 were chocked full with things good and bad."
"Goldeneye changed everything, establishing the FPS genre on consoles and paving the way for classic games."
"There was something that people hadn't nailed yet... Overwatch becoming Overwatch."
"Modern warfare is going to be a Call of Duty game that does not have a paid season pass."
"The late 90s were a great time for PC gaming 3d graphics cars were gaining traction in a big way while developers were exploring new genres or simply pushing the limits of existing ones."
"Hitman 3, it finally all clicked and I think it's a perfect package now."
"The transformational power of 3D is we have seen it in video games there is no 2D game anymore the big 2D games are all now 3D right and 3D games showed them how to do it and then 2D games start to become 3D as well."
"The nerf enabled them to inject it with new life to carry the thing that counter-strike loves most into what is quite possibly its most undefinable and exciting era yet."
"Shadow Key, the exclusive Elder Scrolls game for the N-Gage, is a huge upgrade from its predecessors."
"The combat system faces arguably the biggest upgrade we've seen in the Tales of series yet."
"The jump from Xenoverse 1 to 2 was massive, imagine what Xenoverse 3 could bring after all these years."
"DayZ helped create the modern survival genre."
"I do believe that the Steam Deck 2, using Little Phoenix, is going to be able to run AAA games for the remainder of this generation pretty easily."
"Everything about games as we’ve come to know them changes in some capacity with VR."
"I had spent billions of hours in Ocarina of Time, so Wind Waker’s newly expanded scope was not lost on me."
"The future of gaming would not be 2D sprite-based and instead be 3D polygon-based."
"It's kind of refreshing to play the game at level 99 and see how they've kind of evolved it over all this time."
"This basically turns Minecraft from just being a game into more of a platformer."
"Every game after Mario Kart 64 is incredible."
"Simulators have gone so far that we are now texting and doing emojis inside of Roblox. I don't know how this happened, but I'm excited to play it."
"The biggest trend from the start of this marathon to now would the quality increase from game to game that I believe...most people can agree on."
"I've played League since like God it must have been like 14 or something 10 years so like I was like I've I've known I've been known."
"Super Mario Bros. marks the beginning of modern gaming."
"If y'all take a look at WWE 2K22, you might see some massive differences from previous cycles, and this is the best looking game yet."
"Innovation and evolution are a key ingredient to any series traveling from one generation of consoles to another."
"In the Switch, you’ll find Nintendo’s past, updated to the present, and you’ll see their vision for the future of gaming."
"Fortnite's evolution is just getting started."
"This is when Minecraft went from being a LEGO competitor to being a LEGO."
"Ninja Gaiden really smashed into 3D in a fantastic way."
"These were the games that took the small steps so that later ones could leap."
"You should look at Axie Infinity as the 'Angry Birds' moment of blockchain gaming."
"Damn video games have really come on a long way in creating believable worlds."
"The game has come a long way over its seven years of existence."
"VF 3 tried to abandon the Square Arena, instead created more natural feeling arenas with multiple layers."
"Resident Evil 4 kicks off a new era for the franchise."
"Odyssey continued the reboot's new gameplay feel adding a gorgeous Greek setting."
"The introduction of the fairy type was a welcomed inclusion in Pokemon X."
"Lords of Shadow is a hard reboot for the series in every single way possible."
"The Burning Crusade I think was a start of turning the game from kill bosses get loot to an epic story with so many different and interesting characters."
"A game like this would not have happened even five years ago."
"Kirby's Dreamland for the Game Boy was incredibly basic... but Kirby: The Forgotten Land makes the player feel like this whole progression process feels a lot more satisfying."
"Wouldn't it be cool to play a game like Doom with actual 3D graphics?"
"Need for Speed: It's a lot faster than the 3DO original and it's loaded with more content but you know what's coming for our best racing game the iconic Sega Rally Championship."
"It's pretty remarkable to see how far it's come to the point where we're actually integrating them into marathon runs."
"Video games have gotten to this point is insane."
"One of the biggest leaps was when CS:GO came out, which was when it started supporting real-time lighting from the sun."
"Pokemon Legends Arceus... they evolved the Pokemon formula."
"The initial games were not good compared to more complex gaming systems. That's the era we're in now."
"It's going to be an entirely different game than we've ever played."
"Fourth edition was explicitly designed to be played as a video game."
"Roblox games have evolved to the point that some of them are legitimately better looking and better playing than some AAA titles."
"Esports became an industry before almost anywhere else."
"Pokemon is getting better each and every generation and getting closer than ever to an immaculate blend of intriguing storytelling and balanced gameplay."
"It's been so exciting to see the shooter genre evolve into what it is now."
"Minecraft is becoming a game more about specialization."
"Pub G: beta vs. now. What do you think is the future of battle royale games?"
"Tekken 3 wasn’t just a slightly better game than 2, it was a groundbreaking turn for the series."
"It's revolutionized the way Clash of Clans is being played."
"Destiny 1 turned casual players into hardcore players."
"Gaming for me has gone from being a solitary experience, to a family bonding activity."
"They want to go full steam ahead on a new golden age of strategy games."
"Zelda can go from this to this, why has Pokemon only gone from this to this?" Wow.
"This game finally had Telltale moving away from the point-and-click formula."
"In this generation of gaming more than ever before it is the primacy of narrative."
"Despite how far we've come as a gaming generation, this one really does stand, especially for the era that it was made."
"I still think it's one of the absolute best generations, and Black and White 2 over the last year or so have slowly started to become my favorite Pokemon games, dethroning Diamond Pearl and Platinum."
"You know I feel like today you don't get that anymore. With the Xbox One and PS4 it's like, 'Oh these are really cool!' But it's just kind of the stuff above what we had. But back then, remember that leap? It was like, 'Holy shit!'"
"It's interesting to jump from playing the newest game in a franchise to the oldest and really see what's changed but also see how deep those roots go."
"Halo really refined the controller scheme that pretty much every modern FPS title uses now."
"Think of it like this: in all the Smash Bros., we have all these legacy characters, but no character represents a more current age of gaming like Minecraft Steve."
"Gaming is getting better and better no matter where you play, that's an absolute fact."
"Weak tight poker players do not win anymore."
"Cabal went from a character that most people didn't really bother with to now one of the scariest characters to fight."
"It really puts into perspective just how much we've missed out by Blizzard shifting their focus from Overwatch onto Overwatch 2."
"Metroid Dread captures the nostalgia and improves where it needs to."
"It really does feel like Nintendo wants to just push Breath of the Wild into a new era of Zelda."
"The NES brought so many new norms to the table, especially by late 1986 when I scored mine."
"The level of storytelling also saw big improvements as well. On-screen characters had visible emotions that grabbed you and held you like never before."
"It's unprecedented when it comes to GTA, like this franchise."
"The Pokémon games changed forever in Gen 3 when they introduced abilities, providing additional inherent attributes to each Pokémon out there, making them far more diverse."
"Pokemon XY took this opportunity to make every Pokemon three-dimensional."
"Story games have been blowing this assumption wide wide open for a long time."
"Super Mario Bros 3 was like a graphics upgrade from like... It was like seeing the Witcher 3 for the first time."
"It's funny how that culture influences how people perceive games, right? Like, D&D did so much for modern-day RPGs and modern-day gaming. It really established the idea of what we now see in video games."
"It's just funny looking back on this because we're so used to modern games which look super realistic."
"Gaming has gone from handheld only to dominating Nintendo's entire lineup to being in a great balance with 3D titles."
"If early gaming phones were a house, this is the entire city."
"It shows us a future where photorealistic games might exist a lot sooner than we think."
"Once upon a time, first-person shooters were just about shooting people in the face, but then Half-Life came along and added the story."
"The second game in the series, Streets of Ranger 2, arguably went one step further, delivering a beat-em-up that arguably looked and played even better than most that could be found in arcades at the time."
"Can you believe that this is where games are right now? Like, remember where games were 20 years ago? This is where we are right now."
"The biggest leap to gaming actually happened from the PlayStation 2 to the PlayStation 3 era."
"My generation is the generation where Competitive Gaming and million-dollar Fortnite players came into existence."
"This generation of games isn't just better looking; it's faster, more convenient, and a lot more social."