
Skill Enhancement Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"Sharpen your ax, sharpen your mental ax, sharpen your emotional ax, sharpen your skill set ax, sharpen your tool set ax."
"Through self-development, you can elevate your game in anything that you do."
"Training yourself in the areas that you are weak is going to make you a more rounded individual."
"When you do get your pilot's license, keep going and get your instrument rating too. It will serve you well."
"Limiting ourselves in practice is great not only for getting started on a concept but also for fine-tuning our playing and forcing us into making the most of the knowledge that we have with as few resources as possible."
"Everybody is creative. We have these creative faculties. What we want to do is learn how to develop them."
"The only possible way to improve is to put in the work, put in the hours, and put in the practice."
"Well-designed randomness can give us an infinite variety of situations to hone our skills."
"I loved cooking the chicken adobo, I can do that again and again and again."
"The best way you can practice your survival methods a lot is actually to limit yourself on what you take out."
"Continuing in pursuits that we already have some degree of mastery over and thinking about where could I notch that up another two or three percent."
"Being a good communicator makes you more competent in everything you do."
"Another damage multiplier and remember our rabbit strike clone counts as a mystic ally so it will benefit from this bindings the lesser gods buff."
"You give that little bit of experience to a back three that are very good on the ball."
"Wellspring cooldown removed for more ability energy on group defeats."
"Mining and Smithing rework in RuneScape 3, making skills more profitable and interesting."
"Any tools they can give players to further understand where they're making mistakes and improve as a player is massive."
"Practice, practice, practice and try and finish as many of these problems as possible with daily practice."
"Turn everything you do and every interaction you have into deliberate practice."
"Specific robes will give you unique bonuses or skill boosts depending upon your preferred play style."
"Hackathon, improve skill gained, ultimate gaming, 'To Us and To the Stars'. That is so cool!"
"Constantly enhance your personal skills and adaptability to match the swiftly evolving world."
"Congrats on taking your game to new heights."
"Make the process of learning more conscious."
"Your personal project is the one thing that makes your resume stand out and your skills sharper than the rest."
"I need to get the talent, I need to like improv class I need to acting I need to go to acting class and really like hone the skill an audition a lot of times."
"Exclusively for melee and unarmed characters, Obsidian introduced special V.A.T.S. attacks unlocked by the melee and unarmed skills."
"It's important not to overly rely on [custom brushes] when you start to draw painting... instead using custom brushes to mask your shortcomings."
"Utilize debug tools to gain insights into game mechanics and interactions."
"Consistency beats skill if you're willing to just do the work and put your head down and keep going."
"Increase the workforce, increase the skill set, and thereby increasing not only human capacity but our nation's capacity to innovate."
"Even if you think you're super good at something, you can always get better."
"The challenge isn't just some simple gimmick but an integral part of the game's design that pushes you to play better and understand the game's mechanics."
"Enhance your performance by undergoing as many practice questions as possible."
"The Anja's Evasion Armor Set gives you one of the best bonus skills in the game for using a gun and even for using some of the other weapons as well, it gives you the razor-sharp slash spare shot skill."
"Continually be learning and growing and evolving your skill set."
"Fae touched feat: good for rounding out ability scores and enabling interesting combos."
"Encouraging people to invest in turning their potential into skill sets, absolutely. You get one life."
"Adding a whole bunch of sweet accessories doesn't actually make you a better driver."
"Greater multiple projectiles is by far one of the best supports for single target in the game."
"I actually understand these characters now, so I feel like my skill level just increased like 10 fold."
"We now have a 5-star weak foot which should help us in front of goal."
"One of the most valuable qualities someone can have is the willingness to continue learning and being open to critiques."
"Leather working takes sewing to another level."
"This is gonna make your Reverse Slice, it's gonna make your Carve, it's going to make your Dizzy Swing all hit harder."
"With a little bit of fake it until you make it while putting the effort in to improve your skills, really improve your accuracy little by little."
"Overcharged Support is a new support gem that causes supported skills to deal less damage but makes them inflict much stronger shocks."
"Imagine a bard, 15th level, with a +5 charisma bonus, plus 10 to persuasion due to expertise, and you include in peerless skill. That's 1D20 + 1D12 + 15."
"Your theory must inform your practice, and vice versa."
"Ultimate 30-day speed plan: combine technique, control, muscle development, and pattern memorization exercises."
"It buffs Ember so much too, especially with ET. There's a lot of magical damage and I think mind control is the best Dark Seer out there."
"Learning resources like Tao of Color and Color Grading Central can take your skills to the next level."
"Quick first step on Hall of Fame literally makes you so fast it's actually ridiculous."
"Arrows that come at you and throwing them back, uh yeah, there's... I mean, your maneuverability gets upscaled here."
"Consistency... gives you the foundation... to start doing things really well."
"Unlocking and unleashing the power of luminosity masks - why you're gonna be really excited about it by the end of this tutorial."
"The best thing that you can do is go out and shoot and practice with your camera."
"There's scope for growth, you've just got to learn what it is that makes the better players than you that much better."
"I need to find what works well and when I find what works well I'm sure I'll elevate my game to a next level."
"It's amazing how much faster you can take your turns when you kind of know what you're doing."
"Reduces the cooldown of seven sided strike by sixty percent."
"There is the potential to generate many, many millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs."
"You are basically now more in control of the move than you ever were before."
"Brotherly Love is a damage multiplier, a tier multiplier."
"Bunny hopping combines the air strafe with another jump whenever you hit the ground."
"Look through your replays, look at what you've done, look what you can improve on."
"Map knowledge, that's not something you know that uh you can really teach per se."
"Being able to do this just took the game to the next level for me."
"The potential for these changes greatly increasing the skill ceiling of racing and competitive play is just very exciting to me."
"You grip the ball better... you don't even need to think about catching it... a huge advantage for receivers."
"But I promise if you take on that challenge and succeed, your playing will be so much better when you fold back in the non-chord tones."
"As soon as you start having things like speed ramps and whoosh sound effects and combining them all together it can really elevate your edit."
"Moving on, your third and fifth constellation increase your talent levels."
"These things will definitely take your game to the next level."
"Skilling outfits may seem small, but they add up to big XP bonuses in the long run!"
"This class is for modern day filmmakers, YouTubers, content creators, people that wanna take their production to a whole another level."
"Focus on your Harmony, your peace, perfecting your skills."
"He's the flash, but what he's developed now, he's developed this very, very extremely powerful forehand."
"Having the ability to run a really great random encounter will give you the ability to add unexpected twists and be able to build adventures on the fly at the game table."
"If you combine Python with other knowledge that you've got, you can do many, many things."
"Auto-attack resetting your W gives you higher burst damage."
"This system has essentially let us add hundreds of powerful new notable passives that you can access from all over the tree."
"His new goal is to acquire new skills to become stronger for the person who will someday wield him."
"This deck can carry you when you play against people that are better than you."
"You gotta practice and use whatever tricks you can to help you succeed."
"It's about practicing so that you improve and get the best out of your game to a high level."
"The older Vader's adjustments to his skills made him a more complete duelist."
"As good as you are right now there's still a ton of room for growth."
"And if that's becoming a major weapon in his game then he's gonna find lots of new ways of using it."
"After combining some bows together and doing some enchanting, I got an unbreaking three power five infinity bow."
"We will commit the resources to provide training and upskilling opportunities for 1.186 million manufacturing workers."
"Charisma boosts spells, improves dialogue checks, and enhances aura protection bonus."
"After nearly two days of trying, from day 22 and day 23, I finally enchanted Looting 3."
"Reading quickly allows for quickly absorbing a lot of information."
"Late game slayer: where combat styles evolve and experience soars."
"Crit damage with imbued skills is a fantastic thing that we can now tap into."
"We're adding continuous development scenarios."
"His wrestling has gotten so much better because of this guy named Triple C who he trains with all the time."
"Miracle became more of a team player, making him a more well-rounded and deadly competitor."
"Great boost the generalist boost is a pretty decent one for getting you a little bit of everything."
"It actually increases the skill gap because the game doesn't have to do as much of the work for you."
"It's time to start adding some more achievements to my repertoire."
"Focus for faster charges and any kind of damage, affinity, and sharpness boosting skills."
"You'll definitely want to incorporate a protective polish decoration as well as a non-elemental boost decoration."
"Use these compositional elements properly, and they will make your photographs far stronger."
"The ultimate... cataclysm... the lucky hit chance is for the duration of the ultimate... you will one shot bosses with this build."
"With the system where you can randomize or skip certain shots you would get a wider variety of shots."
"This is a build that you're gonna be able to get contact dunks with."
"Just keep improving those skills every single day."
"You're only as good as your opposition. If there's a guy as skilled or even more skilled in front of you, I think that pulls out the best in you and therefore the whole sequence is enhanced."
"So work on those drills guys I think that's really going to help you to be a lot more consistent."
"We've really turned him into just an incredible martial character here."
"Get that food variety once you can afford it and it will help you level up your skills a little bit quicker."
"If I play with Matthew and Adam all the time, I would get better at the game because they're significantly better than me."
"The active gives you a shield, I'm such a fan of this because it adds a lot of skill expression to the tank class."
"You can become a much better athlete at your sport without necessarily being able to constantly practice your sport."
"Playing against good opponents usually teaches you more."
"Master Infiltrator: Negates the need for lock picking or hacking perks, a quality of life improvement."
"What I love about strops is it tends to even out your good and bad days with sharpening."
"Fixing overlooked issues: even experienced players can improve."
"Your leadership skills will also start to shine."
"We need things like this in D4 too, a bunch of stuff that just makes your skill do crazy [stuff]."
"But did get myself a skill book everyone loves a skill book."
"The game is you're never going to be perfect so there's always something to get better at."
"Alright, so you should now have everything you need to start stomping with Qiyana."
"If a point guard could come in and add a nice little shooting touch, that would do wonders for a potential backcourt."
"Actively focusing makes the game so much more fun and you're a better player."
"Projectile precision weapons increase the skill gap and make strafing remain effective at longer distances."
"Captain Falcon with instant double jump is literally insane."
"Ignite allows you to beat matchups that would normally be skill matchups without ignite."
"The biggest benefit of blind contour drawing is that it unlocks observation skills."
"You've got to level up your DM skills... the whole game of D&D is one of rising escalation across every aspect."
"Certain skill sets get rewarded, and specialization allows players to excel."
"The manipulator feat allows you to double your proficiency when using deception persuasion and intimidation."
"The soft skills become really, really critical."
"It's honestly changing my game and I feel as if I'm learning more that I'm listening more I am really thinking about new concepts new ideas and I cannot recommend enough."
"Sovereignty is being in your true authentic expression of you... stand in all of who you are."
"That's a dope system... it's gonna add a lot of skill to the game."
"I decided to work on my swing, dial it back, and I really gained some control over my game."
"This buff is even better if you take stoves and grills master from outdoor retreat."
"Skills are a unique change to the game that keeps things exciting."
"Leverage this time and use it to your advantage to enhance your skillsets."
"Every single time you hit with a boosted attack you are lowering the cooldown of your moves."
"A coach like him is going to add that back to his game."
"Sparring really is the only way to sharpen the ax to know that you're at the next level."
"Quick Fix is the best ultimate perk in the game for Platinum camo challenges."
"The minor should really be complementary to your major." - Enhancing your skill set.
"Practice of learning how to draw better, improving your draftsmanship."
"Improved counterspell, just a good talent man."
"No matter how good you are, you've got to get better."
"With all our new buffs and abilities, this fight is pretty simple."
"Make 2020 a year where you explore new skills, deepen existing passions, and get lost in creativity."
"It's called resume building, okay? Very normal."
"Use all that time you have... listening, listening, listening and reading."
"Typescript is something that you definitely want to add to your resume."
"Happy birthday Richie, older, wiser, more successful, and more dangerous than ever on a dart board."
"Stay focused and keep those perfect attacks flowing to gain the upper hand in combat."
"Everything combined is what makes you better, not just one thing or the other."
"Education is key, knowing more about your craft helps tremendously."
"At level 13 we get our third ASI which we will use to take resilient and boost our wisdom."
"Exalted Blade really becomes game-changing once you get your full build on."
"The combo of new moves and off ball movement may make playing away from the ball much more of a skill game."
"This is a great item. Our secondary items are bone Spears, skeletal mage, and death Nova, giving us triple damage on those skills, awesome!"
"Playing harder opponents is going to get you ready for the foot champions. Smacking kids is not going to help you."
"You seek new challenges now, working with computers, technology, astrology, progressive skill sets can be part of your development into the next seven years."
"That's what good collaborators do is they kind of work on their own thing in the presence of somebody else that's working on their own thing but they're reinforcing each other's weak spots and kind of filling in those gaps."
"Anyone can do this, whether you're a beginner, an advanced animator, there's always something to benefit from just studying live action footages."
"It's going to take your guys understanding and knowledge about pattern trading to an entirely new level."
"You can swap this guy into any super super knee yeah even even a very mediocre team and he immediately elevates you to the level of you know tournament contenders."
"The Sentinel remaining stationary... to keep that better ballistic skill."
"The smarter you get, the smarter your program has to get."
"As long as we embrace that concept we simply become better and better at what we do each time we do it and there's always room to improve and sharpen our skills."
"If you want to get very good at something, find someone better than you and learn everything you can from them."
"You can significantly reduce the time spent in your video editing software with just some simple tweaks to your editing process and an understanding of the fundamentals of editing a video."
"You know only to activate the nano swarm once the alarm bot is activated, getting kills way more often and knowing exactly when someone is pushing into sight."
"All skill trees have been changed...to give players actual abilities."
"The full moon in Virgo...an opportunity to hone in your skill, to do it with the intention of getting better and better at it."
"We make it our job to help you take your woodworking to the next level."
"You'll be able to take your building to the next level and make structures you didn't even know were possible."
"Kobe took who MJ was but enhanced the skill set."
"Take your problem-solving abilities to the next level."
"One of the best ways to get better at the game is actually learn from the pros."
"I'm gonna make you an art beast by the end of this."
"Danger increases abilities, but the limit is reached when you are satisfied with your achievements."
"This unique approach not only demystifies the inner workings of machine learning, but also significantly enhances software development skills."
"Whether you're looking to switch jobs, start a new career, or level-up your skills, this Google Career Certificate can open doors to new job opportunities."
"Detailing is definitely what's going to take your haircuts to another level and separate you from everybody else."
"That's the main goal out here: better equipped for the job."
"If reading doesn't prove to increase critical thinking skills then what should I be doing?"
"It's just getting that accuracy better, and of course, as your eye is observing all this too, your mark and your own bar for how you see and perceive things will just get better."
"...airbrushing in general is a huge game changer for folks that want to really step up their skills in scale modeling."
"Think of it as lifelong learning and how to enhance the skills that you already have."
"Supercharge your project management knowledge."
"They're a great way to upskill and expand your workplace opportunity."
"This technique is going to be even more valuable for you if you continue on and get your instrument rating."
"AI has this incredible opportunity to amplify people who are already exceptionally skilled and lower the barriers for others to get into these topics."
"The big thing that hopefully you're taking away from this is that if you already have a skill set in PowerBI or data warehousing or whatnot, we didn't leave you behind, we just added to it."
"It's amazing how quickly just by altering a few things I can completely up my ability to do something."
"If you want to become a real C# developer, definitely check out my C# master class."
"Let's level up our binary exploitation game, learn new tips and tricks, and enhance our trade craft."