
Easter Quotes

There are 1024 quotes

"On Easter, spend time hanging with your family, talking with your family, things like that."
"Easter is the spirit of renewal. It's the beginning of spring. The Bible says in Song of Songs, 'Behold, the winter is past; the flowers appear on earth; the season of singing has come.'"
"The Triduum...marks the culmination of everything of the whole year in proclaiming the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus."
"This is powerful. It's short, it's very, very short. It's a single celebration of only three days that marks the end of Lent and leads us to Easter."
"Just as Sunday is the high point of the week, Easter is the high point of the year."
"The beauty of the story, the beauty of this prayer, the beauty of Easter in general, is wrapped around a bloody pathway."
"Our beloved Father in Heaven, we approach Thee now, grateful for the opportunity we have to do so on this beautiful Easter morning."
"Has Easter just become a huge commercialization opportunity for novelty, or actually, could we dedicate 20% of our cloche lifting to just quality, exquisite chocolate?"
"The good news of Easter is that because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is now a way to live without fear."
"The rational man can hardly be blamed if he concludes that on that first Easter morning a divine miracle occurred."
"On that first Easter morning, a divine miracle occurred."
"We struggle with the divisiveness within us, the despair within us, we give life to hope in Easter."
"Happy Easter everyone. I hope you guys are having a great day."
"It's definitely a different Easter than usual, especially being stuck inside, but you know what, we got good friends, we got good people surrounding us."
"I remember when my kids were little, and we did the Easter egg hunts and the Easter baskets and the Easter bunny, we were all about that, but I also wanted my kids to know the real reason behind that holiday was Jesus."
"The single most important holiday in all of Christianity is Easter."
"These Easter eggs are absolutely incredible."
"Christ, our Passover lamb, was sacrificed for us."
"Happy Easter to everybody else. Hope you're having a good day."
"Easter Sunday in the United States is among the most important religious holidays in the nation."
"Complete all the Easter storybooks and you can get yourself a little pun intended in his name Augustine right here ninety overall Center mid."
"We kind of celebrate the fact that Christ has risen more."
"All the eggs have been dyed, here's the lineup looking good."
"Hopefully, the Easter Bunny goes easy on us and we won't lose any, that would be pretty gross, especially being that they're not even good."
"So, with some friends we came down to the park to do a glow in the dark Easter egg hunt to end off the night."
"So our family tradition is a family Easter basket. Fun things to play with together."
"Welcome everybody to Easter morning. This is gonna be nothing bland or boring."
"Let us therefore celebrate the festival not with the old leaven the leaven of malice and evil but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and Truth."
"Peeps are the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy with more than 1.5 billion peeps being eaten every spring."
"Let's look for eggs because that's my bunny plan."
"Happy Easter! May God bless and keep you all."
"Make Easter egg hunting actually really fun."
"Easter is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the fact that he was raised from the dead and that he lives today."
"I used to make Baklava every Easter... it's so easy and so good."
"Forbidden power bar Easter makes more sense to dress up as zombies than Halloween. Love it."
"I always feel like Easter just comes with this really cozy, homely, warm feeling."
"Happy Easter Christ King to everybody, hope you had a wonderful Sunday and spent time with family."
"Egg collection is so good - Finding and collecting those special Easter eggs."
"If you're talking about Christianity, you have to remember that Jesus Christ and here we are in the season of Easter."
"Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is risen, Jesus Christ is King."
"Welcome to Easter, it is time for the Easter promo... one of the most in-depth promos I feel like I have ever seen."
"We are Easter people. Let us be faithful to our calling and cheerful in our service so that we may be fruitful for His kingdom. Amen."
"I hope you guys are having a great Easter, if you're not, then I'm sorry, I hope you get another chocolate bunny."
"Welcome, welcome, welcome everybody. Happy Easter!"
"Thank you for joining Mary Burke live as I'm making ham today."
"So happy Easter everyone, thank you so much for joining me. You've got Mary Burke live in person."
"Thank you for joining me here today live. I appreciate you joining me on this Easter Sunday."
"Happy Easter to everyone. Enjoy, thank you for being here, happy, happy, happy Easter to everyone."
"If we're gonna go for an Easter skin doodle, we might as well go for the Easter bunny."
"I am so happy with how our cute little Easter Bunny pillow turned out."
"It's a very special time where we remember the death burial and resurrection of the Savior."
"Easter is the day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you too will never be the same."
"This Easter is a declaration that Jesus is Lord in our world."
"The spiritual significance of Easter is overcoming death."
"May the grace of the Easter season help us faithfully live out our baptismal mission."
"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here; he is risen!"
"Happy Easter from me and Steve, love you, see you guys in the next video, bye."
"Happy Easter to all those who celebrate."
"This is a great time of year to scour the basket section for those Easter baskets for your kids or for decorating."
"This is like the second most exciting thing that's ever happened on Easter, right after Jesus coming back to life."
"Easter is about Hope and now it's gone."
"Resurrection Sunday, you already know he rose."
"I don't just need Easter in March and April, I need Easter every moment of every day."
"We are Easter people every moment of every day."
"I'm pretty sure that the day this video goes up will be Easter Sunday, so happy Easter."
"Thank you very much for watching. I hope you guys have had a very, very happy and pleasant Easter."
"Remember, you're never too old for an Easter egg hunt. Wear a basket! I'll get you one."
"could make a really great filler in an Easter basket or a sweet little gift to give to some family member"
"We finally decided that this would be the year we will forgo our traditional Easter pastiera and instead make a few of these different variations"
"We celebrating life, we celebrating the resurrection of Christ right here at this table."
"We are an Easter people and Alleluia is Our Song." - Pope John Paul II"
"Well, I hope this home tour has put you in the spirit of celebrating Easter."
"And what I love about Easter, not only just the hope that we have in Jesus, but also a time just to think about what are the things in my life that I really have lost hope for or that I think might be dead or in disrepair or not in good shape."
"Happy Easter! Have a good weekend."
"Why seek the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen."
"see my God Moses took this video of me and Mal walking down the hallway on Easter yesterday and my butt was ginormous it was literally one of those butts that go up and down up and down and like not cute"
"The real question of Easter…Will you welcome resurrection?"
"Happy Sunday, happy Easter, one of my favorite holidays of the year."
"Christ is risen, he is he has risen indeed. Christ is risen, he has risen indeed. Christ is risen, he has risen indeed."
"A big thank you to Melissa and Christian for starting this really fun golden egg Harry Potter Easter swap, a very happy Easter to each and every one of you watching."
"Watch 'The Prince of Egypt' this past Easter Sunday. Honestly, one of my favorite and most underrated animated films."
"Happy Easter! Jellied vegetable Easter eggs for those who don't like chocolate."
"It's traditional that you spend Easter weekend doing DIY, isn't it?"
"This has to be the best Easter anything I've ever had."
"The sound of the music and celebration of Easter stirs him back to life. He's resurrected, so to speak."
"Happy Easter, have a good day, stay quarantine safe."
"I might just shout 'He is risen' and see who shouts back 'He is risen indeed'."
"Jesus' body was placed in the Tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Jewish Council. It's sealed, it's guarded, and yet it's discovered empty that first Easter morning."
"It is Easter that turns every Calvary to a resurrection."
"The message of the Resurrection is that this world matters. The injustices and pains of the present world must now be addressed with the news that healing, justice, and love have won."
"It's Easter that turns every hurt into a Hallelujah."
"It's Easter that turns every tear to a pearl."
"Love the muted tones, the neutral colors for Easter."
"Dollar Tree: where Easter dreams come true without breaking the bank."
"LED water balls: add a touch of magic to your Easter celebrations."
"Easter candy, crafts, and more - discover endless treasures at Dollar Tree!"
"Every Easter, it's a plastic paradise!"
"Good morning, everybody. I feel like I started yesterday's clips like this. It's Easter. Happy Easter if you celebrate. It's Sunday and it's a beautiful day outside, a little bit colder today but it's still sunny and beautiful so we're taking what we can get."
"When people argue for the resurrection, they go to the earliest sources, like Paul's writings and the gospels. But when they claim Easter is pagan, they're not going to early sources."
"Easter is way more metal it's all about a man being crucified and then turning into like a lich or something that's hardcore."
"To be so far from my own home and loved ones yet feel so welcome with this family is a memory I'll treasure for the rest of my Easters."
"Children across cultures, probably yet to appreciate all this resurrection and rebirth symbolism, certainly know the excitement of an Easter egg hunt."
"When jesus rose again you know it's not just easter eggs fluffy chicks and new spring bonnets for ladies in church."
"The giving of eggs can come with a playful twist."
"Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but has risen."
"The love and time that went into this is appreciated, it really is. Happy Easter to you!"
"I kind of like it for Easter. It just gives like springy Easter Vibes to me."
"I really want the pink bunny because it's Easter and I want it to feel eastery in here."
"Look guys, we've literally been here for less than five minutes and we've already found so many Easter fidgets."
"If you could create any candy for Easter what would your candy be called, what would it taste like, what would it look like?"
"Happy Holy Week! Easter is for your family, Pasquetta is for your friends."
"We all have a reason to rejoice today in the resurrection of Our Savior Jesus."
"We hope that you each have a wonderful Easter and we are grateful to get to celebrate the resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ this Easter."
"Oh, look at these cute things! Easter Decor. They've got some cute bunnies with the trees. I'm really digging that wreath right there, that is pretty."
"Nothing is sacred with you [ __ ] it's [ __ ] Easter it should be for like important [ __ ] to come down and tell me himself."
"Christ the Lord is risen today. Hallelujah!"
"The why of Easter is so that the God of all creation could have a relationship with you."
"This cheater carrot cake is going to be perfect to make for Easter."
"The Easter season reminds us that even on the cross Jesus looks at one and says today is your day to be in paradise and the same call goes out to all of us."
"That Easter rant may be the most deranged thing Trump has ever posted online."
"Trump's holding up this bunny's arm like he just won Easter by knockout."
"Easter matters for reasons far beyond our presence in a building on a special day."
"As a Jew, I love Easter because the candy's off the chain. With all that Easter candy, big time. I like the color palette, the colors beautiful, the candy's beautiful, rabbits lovely."
"Easter day is not simply the happy ending after the sad and dark story of Holy Week. Easter is the start of something. It isn't the ending."
"Did you find a lot of eggs? Did you get to sit on the bunny's lap?"
"Me celebrating Easter, atheists wanting to debate me, me wishing them a happy Easter anyways, God bless you have a blessed day."
"Easter weekend, let's go I'm excited."
"I'm fasting and Easter was pretty good... my numbers were not wonderful yet by any means."
"My only concern really is that people believe in Jesus Christ and that he died... This weekend we're celebrating his death and resurrection and that's what's really important."
"Have yourself a great Easter and don't eat too much."
"I mean to start off with we get to celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the month of April."
"I've got good news. Jesus Christ is alive and he's still changing lives. Happy Easter and welcome to Trendy Church."
"What does Easter mean to you? Easter means that goodness is stronger than evil, truth is stronger than falsehood, and that love triumphs over hatred."
"The resurrection of the dead, let's close this subject on Easter."
"I celebrate resurrected Jesus every day. Every day is Easter Sunday for me and my house."
"The message of Easter does not stop there... we can ultimately become like Jesus."
"The archetype of Easter, as well as one of its meanings, is the inevitable triumph of truth over error."
"Happy Easter from Melissa and me."
"And whatever this occurs on any day of the year in any year of our lives day or night for each of us that moment is Easter morn."
"I hope that these give you some inspiration for some appetizers for your Easter get togethers."
"On Easter Sunday, he is resurrected."
"The only reason Easter is such a happy time is because Good Friday was such a dark time."
"There's nothing like an Easter Sunrise Service with favorable conditions."
"Pray for nice weather for Easter. There's nothing like an Easter Sunrise Service with favorable conditions."
"Happy Easter to you, happy Easter to everybody out there."
"The present age is Easter time. It begins with the resurrection of the Redeemer and ends with the resurrection of the redeemed, between lies the spiritual resurrection of those called into life."
"Now is Christ risen from the dead."
"He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today in number 251."
"In all, what I'm trying to say is celebrate, y'all, it's Easter day!"
"Easter is about New Beginnings it's about Second Chances."
"This wouldn't make a really nice Easter egg for one of you, just one person."
"The tomb was empty, the stone was rolled away, and they saw that Jesus had risen from the dead."
"Jesus revealed himself to several other people on that very same day."
"I think it looks so gorgeous and fabulous and it's going to be so perfect for my Shabby Chic Love Shack fancy inspired Easter Decor that I'm going to be doing this year."
"The story of Easter: When God gave his one and only son because he loved the world so much."
"When it comes to Easter baskets, it's all about how you stage it."
"If we get through Easter and beyond unscathed, it will be a miracle."
"Jesus is alive, he's alive! Jesus is alive, he defeated sin and death. Hallelujah, the Lord is risen today!"
"Easter reminds us not of death, but of life everlasting."
"Most Americans actually enjoy celebrating Easter in any shape or form whether that's very religious or not really religious at all and just enjoying this kind of fun time that you can have with your children and family members."
"The exact origins of the Easter bunny are clouded in mystery though the theory is that the symbol of the rabbit stems from a pagan tradition Festival of estrae a goddess of fertility whose symbol was a bunny."
"To commemorate the spirit of the Easter season."
"How can you celebrate something so tragic when he was whipped and crucified and buried and we sang with happiness and joy? And I learned why. The resurrection. That was in the last of the story. On the third day, he was raised from the dead."
"You can't pass over this Easter season."
"Peeps: marshmallow covered with sugar. They are absolutely synonymous with Easter time."
"I sure hope you'll enjoy today to give you some early Easter and spring decorating ideas."
"This is so fun if you want to do an alternative to an Easter basket."
"Isn't that adorable for Easter? Oh my gosh, I feel like Julia would really like that."
"This Easter Sunday join us as we talk about a living hope... Tune in for some good music and encouraging word and the promise of a Living Hope."
"Good old Sam's, you guys. I already showed you the Easter treasures, but I'm not gonna lie, they still have those Reese's peanut butter cups."
"The best way to prepare for Easter Sunday is to trust in Jesus today to give your sins to Jesus today and on Sunday get up as he got up and go to church and worship him as your living savior."
"Everyone's gonna get these stacks, so because we did Easter chip hunt, everyone's getting an additional fifty dollars."
"Folks, that was good enough and we're doing this sort of as an Easter deal."
"Now you can always remember him every Easter... almost like a movable feast."
"It's critical. The traditional roast lamb is the best seller at Easter, so it's ordered in extra-large quantities months in advance."
"It always will remind me of the true meaning for Easter."
"Easter is the 31st of March if you didn't know now you know"
"I'm excited about Resurrection weekend because He got up."
"Easter isn't about this fairy tale of this fictional character getting up."
"Happy Easter! He's risen. He's risen indeed."
"Egg-shaped Reese's. It's the best shape, you only get it around Easter."
"Peeps aren't that bad. They're not great, but they're definitely not as bad as people make them out to be."
"The main question, if the Easter Bunny didn't bring this, would we have purchased it? The answer is absolutely yes."
"Christmas makes no sense without Easter. Christmas doesn't make any sense without Easter."
"Mini Eggs, when you see a bag of these in the shops, Easter is here."
"Easter as a movable holiday kept alive Christianity and the entire Western civilization's interest in astronomy so that they could figure out what day Easter was going to be on."
"He's the Savior of the world and he's really the reason for Easter."
"The entirety of the faith hinges upon Jesus resurrecting. If he didn't come back then we got nothing. This is a celebration, it genuinely is."
"Easter week, once again, if you want to look at either of those lessons for this week as you prepare to honor the Savior and worship him this Easter season."
"That's the day Jesus rose from the dead."
"Easter is ultimately way more important than Christmas."
"If you're going to invite somebody at Easter who doesn't know the Lord yet, you write their name down there and I will pray for them by name."
"What happened on Easter was not something that the disciples of Jesus saw coming."
"Their culture was so christ-centered even if a lot of people nowadays don't believe in Christ a lot of people do but their culture was so christ-centered and I loved saying that to people it was one of the greatest things on every Easter to get to talk to people like that."
"There is really no way for us to experience the events of Easter without experiencing the events of the cross."
"The egg is sealed, like a tomb, but once it cracks open, life bursts forth, just as Jesus burst forth from the empty tomb."
"I pray that throughout the Easter season, we'll be able to focus, to center our lives on Jesus Christ and find deep joy in him."
"Every Easter, children across the country rush around their homes and gardens searching for chocolate eggs."
"Queen Victoria actually helped popularize Easter egg hunts as a child."
"Cadbury Mini Eggs are a milk chocolate product created and produced by Cadbury."