
Relationship Evaluation Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Boundaries help you decide: Is this a relationship I want to be in, or is this a relationship that I need to leave?"
"Xbox boss Phil Spencer... telling staff in an email obtained by Bloomberg that Xbox is evaluating all aspects of our relationship with the embattled publisher."
"Do you really need this person? Do they make you happy?"
"Evaluate your relationships. They don't have to be romantic; they can be friendships or with your parents."
"Ask yourself, is this relationship making me a better person?"
"What is the spiritual equity in the relationship? Write it down, not what your emotions say. Not what you envision, not what you dreamed about, and not what you saw in the Tyler Perry movie. Okay? That's real."
"The path I would take for that regardless of those circumstances, obviously, weigh the worth of the relationship. Is it really a bad thing that he's saying? You're so lucky to even have me."
"You have to ask yourself, am I losing real love? Can real love be lost?"
"Analyse the situation, analyze why you took space in the first place, and analyze if you could live with the reason why you took space."
"How many women have been in love with you? How many are still in love with you?"
"Is this someone you want to spend the rest of your life with? Come on. Be for real. It's a circus in there."
"Evaluate your relationship with your spouse in your home and everything that is not productive according to God's promise, arrest it and throw it out."
"I never like really took the time to reflect on that."
"Sometimes we need to see that a relationship is not serving us; ties need to be severed."
"If you don't like the person that you're becoming in this relationship, that's when you know."
"So once we get this understanding we now we're wasting our time on people anymore."
"Character, character, character, because really and truly, it's the only real way we can gauge the longevity of a relationship."
"If it's not right, it's not right, no matter how much love there is."
"Figure out if you're in a world that's bringing you true love or not."
"Regret in certain areas of your life, like maybe my feelings with regret in regards to relationships, that's all pretty solid now."
"Nicole Kessinger got a chance to see that he wasn't well."
"Is this relationship an anchor or a sail in your life?"
"Maybe you guys need to figure out if the relationship is more important than just saying that you're married."
"You have to ask these things, but if you've already given him four years of your time and the relationship, you want marriage and kids, it's just like you have to think okay, do I want to bring my kids in this type of unstable environment?"
"Loving to me, is this healthy? Is this kind? Is this supportive?"
"You deserve so much better than this and then you realize your self-worth."
"Was there respect? Like did this person respect you? Did they value you? Did they give you the commitment, the stability, the security?"
"Are they happy together? That should be the question."
"Is she worthy of being able to raise your child?"
"Venus retrograde: up for review. Reevaluate your relationships, both personal and professional."
"Asking God what you need to do, asking God do I belong here? Should I keep trying with this man? Is this the man for me?"
"The most important question you can ask: How do I feel with this person?"
"If someone loves you, do they care for who you are or who you could be?"
"I feel like a lot of you guys are regretting either committing to someone that you feel is irresponsible."
"Give this person a chance and watch their actions, judge if they're good for you based on their actions."
"You need to reevaluate. Is this woman even deserving of any of my respect? How can you trust someone who treats you like this?"
"There is a possibility for renewed passion, where you date again, have fun again, and see what you liked about each other in the first place."
"You're both wanting to rethink this and see if you're better off together or apart."
"This person had genuine intentions with you, they were really relaxed."
"It might be a relationship on paper, but is it a relationship of the heart?"
"I felt like we were just great business partners as opposed to love partners."
"Your energetic and emotional connections are being heightened... take stock of who and what you're energetically attached to."
"It's time to decide what you want, who you want, and if this relationship is emotionally fulfilling."
"The vast majority of marriages either fall in the grating category or the neutral category."
"Friendship: do they genuinely root for you when you win?"
"When a relationship isn't serving you anymore, it comes down to not getting any growth out of it."
"I don't see any reason why you would stay. How are you so comfortable staying in a relationship like this?"
"Does this connection add value to your life? Do you feel good pouring into it? Does it pour into you? Do you feel loved here? Do you feel seen here?"
"Is this man actually God's best for you? Really think about it."
"Stop wasting your time with men who do not align with your values. As soon as you meet a man that you are interested in dating, you should be vetting him from the time you give this man your number."
"Is this relationship worth fighting for? Is it something that you're going to want to spend time and energy on?"
"If he's not ready now, then he's probably not ever going to be ready. And he said a lot of concerning red flags about cheating and whatnot."
"When you love somebody for so long, you come to a point where you don't know if you love them or if it's just a habit."
"What are my reasons for being with this person?"
"Recognizing the happiness that is associated with this connection rather than the toxicity."
"Stop sleeping with men when you're dating them. You need mental sobriety to evaluate his needs versus your needs."
"There is a you that can survey what relationships serve you or what relationships don't."
"I'm here to truly find out whether or not being together is what's right for us."
"Don't evaluate the person, evaluate the relationship."
"Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I've done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others."
"Never get back with these type of people. Grade with the hardest scale you can possibly grade with when you are actually looking back at your relationship and the breakup."
"If a relationship doesn't make you feel like being in one, then why bother to continue?"
"How deep is your love and how serious are you both on this particular relationship?"