
Personal Insights Quotes

There are 336 quotes

"When you start to complain a lot about a situation or a person, it is an automatic indicator that you need some boundaries."
"I think, no. I mean, obviously, there's levels of everything that I do that is creative."
"I do feel like there's like a lot of happiness here... pretty much every single reading that I've done this week has had, you know, just like an improvement, like a mood improvement."
"Everybody does. We're very good at concealing our insecurities, our emotions."
"There's not many things in life that I'm afraid of. I think my fears are pretty reasonable, not necessarily odd."
"The more that I am allowed into the secret spaces of the men in my life, I recognize that men are insecure too."
"When you get a gut feeling, that's real, right?"
"It's usually the insights you glean about yourself and how the music got you there, how the smell of the tobacco got you there, so it's all contextual as well."
"I like to call it the 'aha moments in the shower' when you're just kind of alone with your own thoughts."
"In an Instagram caption, she wrote: 'I'm driving the cheapest car known to man, but it's pretty fun. I like the sound of the ocean at night. More to come, more to share, more to dream.'"
"What's the one insight that you're really taking away, and most important, how can you put that into action right now to take better hold of your financial life?"
"Your dreams are the keys, the revelation to unlock the mystery of your life."
"Once you feel a little twinge, you're like, 'Oh [__], whatever feeling I have now is not gonna last.'"
"Your intuition is definitely telling you something about this connection."
"I never realized it, but this past weekend when we went to Newport, dude, maybe it was because I was sober this entire time, but like I really saw everyone just looking."
"I think through all of this, there's an obvious fact emerging."
"Guys, I always thought I had daddy issues, but I'm starting to think I have mommy issues."
"My intuition brings all the karmic to the yard."
"I got a scary face. I'm holding, I'm wrinkled. But uh, good point there about that because it does seem very... it just seems very gray."
"I'm kind of okay with being fat and I kind of came to this realization actually I make more than okay."
"And what I also talk about in my book is I'm not mad that that happens, I guess, what frustrates me is that that's what gets the most clicks."
"It's moving to have someone who's a complete stranger knows so much about your life."
"People need to see all the sides of a relationship. Stuff ain't always great and happy."
"Until this experience with Sifu, I never really considered how motivated I am by reaching a game’s end credits."
"I feel like if you watched all my videos closely enough you should have a sense of what I'm going to gravitate to and what I'm not."
"They want to know your deep vulnerable sides, what you desire in life."
"I realize now that I wasn't looking in, I was looking out."
"The more that you get, the more numb you become."
"I don't think until I meet somebody who elicits the interest of marriage within me will I then have a following emotional perspective on what it means to marry that person."
"If you put enough pressure to anything the only thing that comes out is what's already inside."
"I think dying gave me a new lease on life. Part weird to say, but dying gave me a new lease on life."
"But yeah, like when you said that I literally had that very recently, I was just like oh I cannot bend."
"I feel like I have a much bigger perspective of the world."
"Accepting reality, that's really what it is."
"I think compatibility is different than love."
"It's the thrill of the chase, it's the thrill of actually doing it, it's not the oh boy it's the post-nut clarity that's not what makes you happy."
"I had a blast doing this, I rarely get to ramble on about things that I'm currently doing."
"Take care of yourself right now. Dreams are going to be really wild for some of you over the next couple of months. Listen to that."
"Weakness has awareness. Awareness of my own weakness and limitations has incredible value spiritually speaking."
"You know something about the universe that you didn't know before."
"Even if I'm not competing with you guys, it's still that thought process kinda sticks around."
"Remember if you want to see who someone truly is, give them a little bit of power."
"I think we're seeing people for who they really are and it's been a fascinating revelatory time."
"Tracking your own resentment tells you what's wrong with the world."
"I travel a lot, I definitely understand that."
"From day one, I could tell when I pitched this idea, what if there's two friends, yes there was the, oh I had a troublemaker friend or oh I was a troublemaker."
"Every time I look at you and talk to you, it's reminding me to just be Zen because you just never know where this leads."
"Did I miss something what are your thoughts on my thoughts um let me know in the comment section down below."
"That was when I first learned I think what the definition of what it truly is to be alone."
"You learn a lot about someone after you go through a breakup. That's who they really are, how they treat you, how they talk about you."
"One of the things that I also saw is a lot of resilience and gratitude in a lot of people." - Joyce
"Good guys don't always finish first, that's a good message."
"Time is different for me than it is for you." - "On the concept of time."
"The deepest darkness is always the most enlightening."
"The goal of the Shaolin teachings is to give you insights. What you eventually do with these insights is up to you."
"Welcome to the circus, my final thoughts in the beauty world."
"This theory just this one time is something I feel like I really have to share with you."
"I've put everything down in Randall's comments, everything that I'm going to be talking about today."
"Psychedelics can be truly stunning I think in terms of their effects and the way I just just you know to say the surprise doesn't doesn't come close it's just stunned you know I just didn't know that that was possible."
"Maybe I had to do that but really what that came from was it was simple you know I knew with his guys where he was and where he wasn't what he wanted."
"Life works in strange ways; you start to appreciate the little things."
"Whatever you're kind of craving, I think that's what's gonna be kind of coming, especially if your intuition is telling you so."
"I wanted to come up here and just give you a different perspective."
"Illusions are being shattered, and that is because of Mercury retrograde Scorpio energy."
"Such serious rising can manifest powerful insights this week, especially in regards to spiritual activities."
"It's getting to the point now where you know, no matter what I try to do, I can tell the universe wants me moving on from this here."
"The things that you feel and know are coming you're correct about."
"Intensity of it, maybe it is one of those big ass powerful connections."
"Mate selection is always an indication of the way you see you."
"I see all that, you know, and then I... I can read the frequencies."
"Insecurity is a [ __ ] dude, it's a [ __ ]." - Godfrey
"When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time."
"Everyone wants to be loved, man. Yeah, you know who runs from love? Like, genuine love."
"The curtains are closed. I know when the cameras aren't running."
"Even if I'm wrong, I didn't think about it that way. I just like to talk about things, you know? I like having conversations."
"Dr. Stone's so great because it's such a different concept for me and it makes me feel smart as a dude who's like in his fifth year of college. I'm like, bro, watching this, I'm an intellectual."
"The fear of the thing is usually worse than the thing itself."
"We're going to be asking spirit today in this pick a group tarot reading for channeled messages from your person."
"Listen more to your Venus placements. There's an offer in you that suggests love and beauty."
"There isn't an expert on relationships, they're just people who have thought about it more and can put words to some of the paradoxes, longings, disillusionment, and aspirations that we all have."
"Maybe you have recently seen what you don't want in love and it's that's like bringing in true love into your life."
"I knew School wasn't for me and I knew entertainment industry was but I just didn't know how to get my foot in."
"What validation do you get from a person who's never promised to love you?"
"Now completely and utterly devastated by his collection of newfound insights into the fragility of the physical body."
"The truth about dating as a woman with a disability."
"It gives you a sort of a sense of almost going above things, and looking down at things objectively."
"Hypocrisy is worse than sin. Okay, I want that to sink in."
"What does your person most want you to know?"
"You think you understand something... ...but then it hits you with a curveball."
"It's time to shine bright like a diamond. We have the King of Cups, the Ace of Swords, and the Ace of Wands. There is some type of chemistry, yeah, there's like love around you."
"A Po is a crazy, radical, nonsensical idea. That's the power of Po."
"It's rare when I feel like I got a lot out of a conversation with someone about China and I actually got a lot of this."
"When you don't have nobody, that's all you have."
"If a guy's honest with you, it allows you the opportunity to kind of demystify him."
"They won't let you go. I don't get them letting you go easily, I gotta keep it real."
"That's all we got is today, you know. I don't care if somebody's got 30 years, I've got more out of meetings from somebody counting days sometimes than somebody with 30 years."
"It's always worth hearing what he has to say. He's always coming at things at a different angle."
"This whole thing is way bigger than I thought."
"Don't judge a book by its cover... I've been right every time."
"She's probably just not that into you, and you need to be okay with that."
"My biggest takeaway is that the Puerto Rican people are very special."
"Spiritual evolution, intimacy, karma, reality check."
"He knows exactly what he's getting with Susan."
"I think I'm starting to understand how people pass time."
"My wisdom, my knowledge, my understanding for those who want to know."
"I think there's different flavors of transcendence."
"I thought what was fascinating was just how even though it was a father-son relationship how many of these lessons were so fundamental."
"Hopefully, this kind of rambling video is helpful for you."
"Already checked, because I'm not really a morning person, so to speak, but I do travel super early, that is news."
"Your intuition is dead on about something; trust it."
"Josh, your opinions and straightforwardness are one of the things I love most... Liam, Elisa still look forward to your thoughts on Star Wars."
"Some of the most important experiences I've had... doing them on my own in the woods in nature."
"Life's just filled with hard truths like that, you know."
"Truth is coming whether this is about a romantic relationship or somebody that you looked at as a friend."
"It's really hard to find the people with nuance, that's what I've noticed."
"The universe and your intuition come to you through whispers."
"Living twice as long would be really sad... My knees are shaking... I'm about to have my midlife crisis."
"Physically beautiful in no way guarantees that these vitally important feelings of self-worth will exist."
"You already know everything you need to know, like you're just kind of keeping a few things to yourself."
"You always had to be, it's a very interesting life."
"The important things that you're learning in class aren't necessarily like what Mesopotamia was or like how many US representatives there are; it is a sense of like, 'Oh, history is interesting.'"
"It's not feelings, it's really how you feel inside, but it's like, a feeling attached to your identity."
"I think that to me has really stuck... playing the games almost complicates your vision of this stuff."
"When we are the most emotional often we are also the most truthful."
"Now it's time, time, time. Okay, so there is some kind of insult from the past again that is actually going to bring you a new insight now."
"I wasn't using my strengths as a trader... My true strengths are in leadership, in teaching and training."
"I feel very fortunate just because I never obviously I don't think I'll ever reach the level of fame as like modern day A-list celebrities."
"Relationships are fluid, don't have a clear beginning and end."
"Neptune going retrograde is an awesome thing... a lot of revelations coming to light, a lot of ships coming out to light."
"Remembering that we can never get everything from one person... There's so much love all around us."
"These key insights here that I've gathered and reflected upon from Dale Carnegie's book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' are actually an effect of an authentic way of being."
"You're looking at people and you're thinking to yourself how are they different from me, what if these guys know something?"
"That moment of realization, hard to achieve but god damn invaluable."
"I'm a firm believer that people show their true colors at the end of the day and the ulterior motives and the nasty intentions are going to surface at some point."
"The audacity of some people, the entitlement... it's truly mind-blowing."
"I love hearing this stuff from Kevin Smith. He's a fan man."
"The most common form of lying is to yourself. It seems like an oxymoron to lie to yourself because you know what you're lying to yourself about, but to me, this proves something."
"I publish a Weekly Newsletter... I share my biggest takeaways and action items."
"He understands the struggle of life... he's humble man talking about humble things."
"Thank you guys so much for watching I got to get downstairs to help with the baby but I hope this gives you some ideas."
"Even this conversation is helping me really understand what we already knew instinctively."
"Going into a relationship where it's a competition, you've already lost."
"As much as you think Tom did have an ego, or was very grateful because he was, knowing him so well now, I see so much gratitude in him."
"He has a knack for picking out who had good intentions even when the outcomes were all terrible."
"So much going on in the world. I had visions just a few days ago..."
"It's kind of like your intuition... you're able to discern a lot of things at this time."
"Watch for the red flags, they're there. When people show you who they are the first time, believe them."
"Sometimes the person that you want doesn't deserve you."
"I'm just trying to document and share with you what I'm experiencing and seeing."
"It's like what people think inside, but no one says it."
"It's becoming more and more crystal clear to me every single day."
"You get caught in that trap, the lifestyle, you know what I'm saying?"
"This is such intense energy... such big energy."
"I'm really thinking a lot about like the craft of writing about what makes my favorite books my favorite books."
"Furlough made me realize this is where I'm supposed to be."
"The full moon brings things to light. Things will come out, things will be exposed."
"I feel like Nagisa she's probably the most common. Yeah, even like those, like here, I feel like you find out, it's not gonna be like that... Oh, there it is."
"Clarity became the focus... Life has really felt shifty lately, it's felt like I've had no idea what my future was gonna look like for a while."
"You learn a lot about yourself and you learn a lot about the people around you."
"Commitment issues? To me, it means that you basically like me and all, but you're thinking there might be something better."
"Being in a higher elevation, I think, is a key to a lot of things."
"You've gotta find that balance because you find insights in things outside of martial arts."
"Your psychic power will be enhanced, leading you to surprising decisions."
"When people show you who they really are... believe them."
"If COVID taught anybody anything, it taught people what's important in life, and it sure as hell isn't living in your workplace seven days a week."
"Motivation just comes naturally when you don't agree."
"You've got to deal with somebody a little bit different based on how you know the machine, right? Not only category but, you know, what I'm saying."
"Once you start to earn the trust from people, you begin to notice there's always more to the story."
"Feelings are information: anger is information, confusion is information, fatigue is information."
"I don't care, it's a lot more fun trying to drive a slow car fast and a fast car slow, write that down."
"Therapy really helped. I was able to understand why I was feeling angry and upset and how to deal with it."
"Let's get into some things that are very Delta."
"Hunter definitely got there and um you know he knew so much about January 6th I did too and we we sort of had a meeting of the minds."
"I think as you get older, you understand. When you're young, you hear the word lube and you're like, 'Ooh, that's weird.' Well, that's my thing. At some age, you understand lube."
"You got to derive some of these truths and insights for yourself."
"Relationships, bro, it's one of the toughest things."
"It's definitely one that I will reread and continue to think on."
"Keep in mind, this is not when I am in a new relationship...I'm like, 'You know, I know you miss me, I know I'm the best.'"
"Silence is golden. It is. You can hear all these voices in your head and what are they saying and what's real, right?"
"You'd think that there's probably some reason she reacted so strongly to her phone."
"Confidence does not come from you actually truly beating someone else and being better that's that's fake confidence I'll tell you that."
"You literally subtract the words from the actions, you're left with actions. That's your answer."
"People are pretty complex, haven't you noticed?"
"Perhaps you know more than people give you credit for."
"You might be finding your very special connection in the near future."
"When people show you who they are you got to believe in them and they've shown you who they are thousands of times."
"Our gut feeling tells us when something is a little bit off."
"Everyone thought I was going to beat him, I knew that I had no chance but that's the way it was portrayed and the hype was created and it sold great."
"All men suck? Well, it's just the ones you're picking."
"This conversation covers an incredibly wide range of topics, from everything he's doing with his company, metaphysics in the world of deep fakes and Hollywood, his partnership with Emma Chamberlain, and his history of going viral on the internet."
"We need to convince these people to have the aha moment."
"If you want the sweetness of a melon got to have that bitterness of a lemon."
"I hope that this gave you guys a little more insight about me."
"Fasting definitely does that, doesn't it? It makes you think within."
"Real talk is 520 minutes of me giving you some real talk."
"Your journey equips you with insights and strategies that can light the way for others feeling lost or overwhelmed by their circumstances."
"That's a big realization I had when I was sick on Friday on Christmas Eve, and I just wanted to share it with you because I think more people need to be talking about it. I think it's very important."
"That's pretty much everything I've learned over the two days when the Livewire was here."
"Emotional risk, I think, is the most dangerous."
"It will bring up all your unconscious beliefs, things that you didn’t even know you believed in will come up."