
Personal Dilemma Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"I've always felt weighed down by this secret of mine, but is it worth coming out of the stigma if the stigma would feel even heavier?"
"I have a really hard choice to make, and I really need your opinion about it."
"I needed to walk away but also knew that there were probably a lot of other people who were feeling the way I was feeling."
"A religious connotation you know when Dr. Hynek interviewed Officer Zamora, bloody Zamora did not want to speak to Dr. Hynek until he had gone to church to confession and spoken to the priest about what he had seen because he was troubled."
"Vincent's dilemma really begins here as he tries to juggle an affair with see Catherine without K Catherine knowing."
"I don't know how you resolve this situation. I really don't."
"It's complicated. I was on the fence about making this video but if i don't talk about it who will?"
"If I let you go, will you let me go? It must be taken care of by its High Priest."
"He has to give up the love of his life, his best friend, everything."
"I prayed that like I would rather you lose your career than lose God."
"Couples counseling is definitely in store, in my personal opinion, but what would you do if you're in this situation?"
"You're being pulled to make a decision, even if it feels like a gamble."
"I'm like, 'I can't work here no more man. It's like, it's in my dreams. It's torture. It's who you are.'"
"I've been telling people I'm a Leo I'm not in an attempt to create a long con but my plan is getting out of hand what should I do?" - John
"This is such a difficult decision, I mean this is like choosing which of my kids is my favorite."
"Maybe you feel like you owe Cerberus because they saved you. Maybe it's you. Doesn't matter, I still know where my loyalties lie."
"You got to get back to New York... what makes me want to stay here?"
"Am I the for wanting to give my special girl her special bear?"
"I'm trying to choose whether or not it's worth the risk."
"I don't really know where to put it... but it's really going to bother me."
"This dark abandoned house on the outskirts of Lala town is where sweet, sad Edward Scissorhands lives. I can't figure out what to do with my hands. I want to do something for other people."
"Sometimes holding on is harder than letting go."
"Why the hell didn't I just jet for my room then?"
"Am I the [ __ ] for throwing a woman's divorce in her face after she insulted my marriage?"
"It's like I'm enjoying myself but I know someone's gonna start asking me to sing and trying to get me to do it."
"There's a choice here, should I stay or should I go."
"The worst thing is I know I'm gonna have to do something. I'll be damned if I know how far I'll go."
"You feel caught and you're in between a rock and a hard place right now."
"The primary concern here is, I got a three-year-old son asking me how he's supposed to believe in loyalty anymore."
"What would you guys do? Sound off in the comments. You're Taylor, you make a mistake, you're trying to be sneaky, you're trying to hide the money."
"He was unquestionably the bad guy, damned if he did and damned if he didn't on just about everything."
"Oh my God, I feel like I'm gonna cheat on my husband and get a divorce."
"If it was just me, simple old David from Tennessee, I might drop over that wall some night and take my chances running away, but that David Crockett fella, they're all watching him."
"Better than I deserve. What's up, kiddo? Good, thank you. Um, I am calling, I'm going to try to keep this as clear as I can. I'm in a bit of a complicated situation."
"Charlie is so sweet. I have to figure out what to tell people wanting to be home for Christmases."
"It's about the character Troy having to choose between being true to his friend or following his heart with Gabriela."
"Lexi didn't do this. Don't do this. Don't think about this, Lexi. Don't do this!"
"You're wondering if you should take this person back."
"Your person is torn apart... torn between reaching out to you or going away."
"Why are you doing that when you don't want me like that?"
"We're not going to put that bottom right one back in."
"I've got two choices right now: either I give in and submit to the situation or I stand up strong and I fight it and I stand up for what I believe is the right thing to do."
"Show me the way, God, because I don't know what to do from here."
"You think you can marry Pam again? I could, does not sure if I want to."
"He considers telling her the truth for a moment but he cannot bring himself to say it."
"I've never been in that situation where I've been like, 'Wait for me' and then I see another girl that I really click with."
"Is my one life more important than the happiness of all those other people?"
"I guess I do nothing if he moved out any other neighbor would be worse for my situation."
"I don't want Melissa to go but I also don't want to be the reason he doesn't Chase his dreams."
"I think my dilemma is how do I still enjoy being a teenager?"
"He's not in a super nice position, so I mean, leaving is a big word."
"I don't know why I'd be afraid to tell her the truth."
"I want to be angry, but he's right. He's out of line, but he's right."
"Prince Harry is caught between a rock and a hard place." - Victoria Fabray
"Some of you guys are staying in a relationship for a child."
"I'm not going to be the one to tell her her husband died."
"A conscious choice to make, which dragon will you feed?"
"I'm dealing with a lot uh one more question um so I got invited to a sex Island party wow with some with porn stars this was like like like consenting legal like and did you check their medical certificates no not yet"
"If she is not my child... Then I've ruined my life."
"'You told me you would cut all ties,' Grace is talking, her voice quiet, admonishing. 'I know, Christian,' sounds resigned, 'But seeing her finally put it all in perspective for me.'"
"I no longer have a relationship with her, and I'm thinking about leaving my husband."
"I'm absolutely terrified of the prospect of ending it because maybe I'm never gonna find something I love as much."
"It's one of those situations where I can't tell if like the negatives outweigh the positives or with the positives outweigh the negatives."
"Is it unethical for us to, you know, date?"
"I'm conflicted and would love some advice on this."
"I have a confession to make; you won't believe what just happened to me; I have a problem but only really trust you for an answer."
"I wasn't inherently a committed person but didn't want to end things with him either."
"Most of the guys left and I stayed until the wee hours of the morning with the best man, wailing 'Don't do it, man, it isn't worth it.'"
"She's as sweet as she can be, but I'm allergic to her."
"But to Spider-Man, no to Peter, these powers are a double-edged sword."
"Am I stuck in this job? Am I stuck in this responsibility for my family, for my friends? What about me?"