
Phase Transition Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"If you get discouraged, remind yourself it's a phase and when you look out for what the next phase is so you can progress."
"There's something really nice something that sounds really good about using that as kind of our base for this next phase two of the fnaf game universe."
"We have this now so now we're going to move forward into the next phase."
"Hyper-aggressive Demon Prince gonna cast Diabolic Strength as we go into the second phase."
"Prepare yourselves as we're entering DPS phase once more."
"it's molecules for it to stay together as a liquid so all the co2 molecules end up getting pulled apart and they turn into something that's kind of like a gas."
"Dry ice expands 845 times going from solid to a gas."
"The critical point is where the boundaries between two different phases are blurred and new properties emerge."
"In real life, when you come to the point close to the phase transition, then physics sometimes becomes more complicated than a textbook."
"When liquid water reaches a certain temperature, it turns solid, creating cracks along its surface."
"I wish all phase transitions could be that simple."
"In this superconducting state because the Cooper pairs are behaving like one it's sort of like a phase transition."
"At higher temperatures, solids melt and become liquids."
"We are essentially finished with phase one of this project."
"This point where the three lines meet is the triple point where all three phases can exist simultaneously in equilibrium."
"Along the phase boundaries, there be the dragons."
"Ice melts, water boils, metals become superconductors, all at precise and specific temperatures, pressures, or magnetic fields. Why are these boundaries sharp rather than gradual?"
"The lines on the curves here are called the lines of equilibrium because that's where you have two phases in equilibrium."
"Going from solid to liquid is fusion, but going the opposite, liquid back to solid, is crystallization or freezing."
"Dry ice goes straight from solid to gas; it never turns into a liquid at one atmosphere."
"Delta G is zero at the freezing point for freezing."
"You can take that water and heat it up to its boiling point, but then you need to add heat to break the intermolecular forces and you'll be left with steam at 100 degrees Celsius."
"The reason it takes energy to melt solids into liquids is because you're giving the molecules an extra degree of freedom."
"Pure substances have a fixed melting point."
"This is called a jamming phase transition, and it's essentially the same as vacuum packing coffee beans which turns them into a solid brick."
"Phase transition means a sudden change in the properties of the system as you vary, for example, the temperature."
"What happens here is called a phase transition."
"Critical phase transitions exhibit a very weird behavior which is characterized by all kinds of divergencies."
"A superconducting dome appears upon doping sufficiently and all other kinds of strange physics appears in this situation."
"We actually can reach a metal to insulator to superconducting transition."
"One of the defining attributes of a topological phase should be a bulk edge correspondence."
"The big bang is just a nucleation of a phase transition. It's not really a beginning."
"In the process of cooling, you could say the universe freezes in stages, and the laws of nature, actually kind of freeze from a, you could say, gaseous phase to a liquid phase to a solid phase."
"The phase transition might have resulted in the formation of these primordial black holes."
"Bose-Einstein condensation is a phase transition."
"If we keep raising the temperature, we're no longer in equilibrium, and we'll be in the one phase part of the phase diagram."
"There is no sharp discontinuity; there is no infinitely sharp way to say this is a gas and this is a liquid."
"Nucleation means very small particles or nuclei of these new phases will start to form."
"The eutectic reaction is a little bit modified: liquid goes to lead solid solution plus tin solid solutions."
"The system is a metal, but then at some critical spacing, it rather abruptly changes over to insulating behavior."
"Alpha will nucleate because alpha is the only solid present, so alpha will nucleate and grow in the liquid."
"Depending on the rate of change of temperature, the phase transition in the material is going to change."
"Magnetism is a wonderful example of phase transition."
"Entropy becomes more important as we increase the temperature, which is why a crystal can melt into liquid with high entropy and the liquid eventually can become a gas phase which even then have a higher entropy."
"To sublime is to directly change from solid to gas without passing through the liquid phase."
"Water is an exception, because it's got this negative solid equals liquid coexistence curve."
"The importance of the van der Waals equation is it really gives you characteristics powerful from liquid to the vapor phase."