
Vaccine Effectiveness Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Vaccine effectiveness against severe disease, hospitalizations, and deaths remains relatively high."
"The VE (Vaccine Effectiveness) against COVID-19 was 91 percent with a confidence interval of somewhere between 89 and 93 percent through up to six months of follow-up."
"The good news is that the vaccines that we have do seem to be protecting against severe disease, hospitalizations, and therefore we would assume deaths."
"For somebody over 65 who's had an AstraZeneca vaccine and has had two doses, our current evidence suggests that just under 80 percent vaccine effectiveness in protecting against hospitalization. That is a brilliant vaccine."
"Public Health England has found that one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces hospitalizations and deaths by at least 75 percent."
"The best protection against this new variant or any of the variants... is getting fully vaccinated and getting a booster shot."
"Covered 19 vaccines are effective at helping protect against severe disease and death. The benefits of covered 19 vaccine outweigh the known and potential risks, which are rare."
"No vaccine is perfect. But what I can say is a 95% effective vaccine is extraordinarily effective."
"You're not thinking about whether the vaccine is effective or harmful. It's the vaccine competing against the disease."
"The vaccine may substantially reduce the effect on transmission of the virus."
"A hundred percent efficacy of preventing severe disease and hospitalizations."
"Across the entire study period, persons with vaccine and infection-derived immunity had much lower rates of hospitalization compared with those in unvaccinated persons."
"The only way we'll get completely back to normal is by having a vaccine that is super effective."
"Early reports on both vaccines suggest that they protect against the individual who's being vaccinated getting the disease, okay, that's really important."
"It is a highly effective vaccine that has the capacity to eliminate polio from this world."
"This vaccine was highly effective in preventing people getting COVID-19 infection."
"This vaccine was 100 percent effective in preventing serious illness and hospitalization."
"The CCP risks facing the same backlash they did with PPE when it comes to the vaccine because if the vaccine doesn't work, this could cause large-scale backlash against the CCP or even worse."
"This really is strong support for this one vaccine dose followed by a three-month delay strategy."
"The vaccine appears to be as effective as it is against ba1."
"Now we have some of these mixing and matching studies that show that if you mix and match the Johnson & Johnson with the mRNA vaccines you can get even better effectiveness." - Dr. Kabita Patel
"It will prevent you from getting a severe case of Covid or dying from it."
"The epidemiology does not support that this vaccine does anything other than consistently protect against serious illness."
"The impact of vaccines is incontrovertible, it's clear as day."
"What wanes is the antibody response, which is the direct neutralizing effect on the virus."
"My bet is we're going to be pretty good for years. My other bet is if you have the vaccine and any of the variants, you are what some people are calling super immunity."
"Moderna vaccines protected against two variants one found in the UK and the other in South Africa the drug maker says its vaccine is just as effective at blocking the British variant as the origin."
"Vaccine does not prevent omicron infection but does seem to protect against severe disease and hospitalization."
"The vaccine is helpful, it does reduce hospitalizations."
"The vaccine remains very effective. It still does produce not 100% protection but a very high level of protection, so that is certainly some consolation."
"The vaccines are working, and the sheer scale of the vaccine rollout has made our position incomparably better than in previous waves."
"The vaccines we've got are spectacularly more effective than we ever dared hope."
"Vaccines can do two things: they can protect you from a virus and they can protect other people from a virus."
"The vaccines have broken the link between increasing cases and deaths."
"The influenza vaccine does not appear to reduce immunity against COVID-19."
"Just think, it's four shots that he got in the span of what, 18 months? Four shots to protect against this virus, and he still got it."
"I'm just going to assume the vaccine worked."
"The success of the vaccine program has redeemed many of the persistent failings of the other parts of the national response."
"Pfizer says its experimental vaccine was more than 90 percent effective."
"You're dumping enough into the system that enough cells pick it up that it results in enough of the immune system encountering it that you get a robust immune reaction that creates memory."
"The vaccines aren't 100% guaranteed effective. New variants will emerge. We're going to have to treat better, start now."
"Vaccines work to prevent death serious illness hospitalization."
"One of the things that's clear from the data is that even though vaccines... don't protect overly well against infection, they protect quite well against severe disease."
"Operation Warp Speed helped prevent the spread; vaccines were immensely effective."
"Data shows a significant reduction in deaths among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals."
"Nearly every death, especially amongst adults, from COVID-19 is at this point entirely preventable."
"Vaccines work incredibly well at reducing the risk of hospitalization and death."
"Vaccination by definition is supposed to prevent your infection by a virus. Therefore, if you have been vaccinated, it should be impossible for you to contract the virus."
"We are so fortunate that the protection against hospitalization is holding up."
"These are incredible vaccines and they truly are transforming the pandemic."
"Vaccination has broken the link between increasing cases and corresponding deaths."
"62 or 63 percent of fully vaccinated people with the delta variant is not enough to stop a parallel pandemic in the unvaccinated."
"The vaccine really has been unbelievably effective. It's saving this country, saving the world."
"What matters is if you go above one or below one... now that we do have vaccines."
"If you've got a vaccine which is 90% effective against even transmitting the virus then... this is looking better than anyone could have imagined."
"Regular exercise May improve the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines."
"If you're on a plant-based diet, you are less likely to get severe COVID and if you get vaccinated it's more likely to work better."
"Vaccine efficacy for even fully vaccinated for infections has dropped. However, for hospitalization and for severe cases, the vaccine efficacy is the same as it was at the time of trial or very similar."
"99.6 percent chance not to be hospitalized. 99.996 percent chance not to die."
"The vaccines have saved tons of lives, millions of lives."
"Our vaccines are working to prevent severe illness, hospitalizations, and death."
"As we use vaccines, what we're effectively doing is taming the virus."
"Now in Israel, we're seeing the opposite. They're saying now that more than half of the people who are seriously ill with COVID-19 in Israel are fully vaccinated."
"Half of the country's 600 patients presently hospitalized with severe illness have received two doses of the Pfizer shot, a rare occurrence out of 5.4 million fully vaccinated people." - August 20, 2024
"I think areas that have more widespread vaccine uptake will have more blunted peak."
"Neutralizing antibodies are critical for vaccine effectiveness and are correlated with anti-RBD antibody levels."
"Protection against severe disease was holding up."
"The vaccines are effective and prevent against serious illness and death."