
Environmental Consciousness Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"I really like Clean Cult. They're a carbon neutral company. I think that's really important."
"Brad Pitt would reportedly use baby wipes to clean his body, justifying this practice by pointing to the environmental benefits of saving water."
"Bring love into the situation...what kind of footprint do you want to leave on the planet?"
"Maybe communicating with animals would help us to become more empathetic beings ourselves, not just with each other but with the planet as a whole."
"Mother Gaia is an actual character in the cartoon. She feels anguish whenever damage is done to the world."
"We can't just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow."
"You should love your plants more; don't turn your back on mother nature."
"When you look out at the planet, there are no borders. There's nothing, it's one planet, and we share it and it's fragile."
"It really is time for the other manufacturers to genuinely step up and stop faffing about with hybrids...and start making decent electric cars with decent range that are affordable and easy to use."
"We have to laugh, we have to love in order for us to take care of the blue cube that keeps us all connected to the universe."
"Support companies that are helping us with this...no plastic, plastic-free materials."
"We need to move from geopolitics to biosphere consciousness in one generation, or we're not going to make it."
"Repurpose, refashion, reuse. Very much in keeping with the king's way of thinking."
"Their mission is to provide great clothes that don't harm the environment."
"Save a little bit of money, help the environment a bit, it's great."
"It's very gratifying to start a compost bin. It's so cool to see the waste being reused."
"We're not voting with the planet in mind, we're voting with humanity. And absolutely, what's the second thing we can do? Well, of course, we have to live in a very different way."
"I like trying to use things I don't have to throw away as often if I can."
"Thunderpants, the funniest, greenest, weirdest, fartiest movie we have ever done."
"We are part of one planet, and we are one humanity."
"If we want to live in new earth which is already here that's the thing it's already here we just have to start living it we just have to start it's already here we just have to start living it and embracing it."
"Buying secondhand is not only cheaper, but it's also better for the environment."
"Loving the whole idea of being sustainable and eco-friendly here."
"It ain't even about jail, it's about the energy of hurting my own people, hurting my own planet."
"I try to just buy vintage. I try to buy secondhand."
"We need to start being conscious of our breaths and clean up the air, quit polluting."
"Family fun and environmentally conscious - sign me up!"
"I think it will certainly give a perspective on us that okay look, we are all from Earth, we are all in this together."
"Nothing goes to waste, everything gets a happy second life."
"I truly love this product, I hate throwing things in the regular trash. I let's try and compost as much as I can and this is going to save me so much waste."
"We should push for sustainable, well-pastured animals where it can be done."
"We need to rethink our relationship with animals."
"The UFO House uses recycled materials and practical design choices, making it suited for modern lifestyles."
"Be conscious of your utilities use... simple things that you can do not only to save money but also to be a more responsible steward."
"This might be not destroy ourselves and destroy the planet."
"All of these vehicles will run on electricity only."
"If you do care about the environment but you also want to put out a skincare brand that's going to help people, this is sort of the way that you have to do it."
"Sustainability matters to me as well. I do also try and opt for a cleansing balm that comes in a glass jar just so that it can be washed out and recycled."
"It's a really nice feeling to know that you're doing your bit for the planet whilst also getting a really cute phone case."
"I do think that individual choices matter and they add up and can make a difference."
"The common man just wants to live in peace and justice and a clean environment."
"It's time that we launch this next level and that you begin to understand what you see happening technologically and environmentally is a reflection of the level of consciousness of the planet..."
"You are here to bring a new Earth, to create a new home."
"That's nature conscious construction right there."
"I hate people that litter, so bloody selfish."
"We're here to keep your waste out of the landfill." - Tom Eggman
"Realize you're connected to Mother Earth at all times. I'm hearing don't pollute for some reason, I don't know why that's coming in."
"If somebody makes a better electric car than Tesla...I still think that's a good thing for the world." - Elon Musk
"Participating in ancient rituals, like a bison harvesting ceremony, allows us to re-harmonize with the planet and create more balance within ourselves and our communities."
"Building a habit of questioning how your actions impact the ecosystem around you is a great Habit to have."
"Shopping second hand is not only good for your wallet, but also really good for the planet."
"Thrifting is just one of the best ways to obviously be environmentally good when you're shopping."
"For a lot of people this Ukraine war is becoming a wake-up call... it matters... we're part of a bigger planet species..."
"I think if we all want breathable air and drinkable water we need to learn how to live with less."
"Let's continue spreading positive energy to people and nature around us."
"Please support your local Amish elders and remember to recycle."
"Every company has done their different little parts to make things more friendly, more planet-friendly, eco-friendly, and so this is such a cool option."
"You're trying to get that feeling of natural, helping the planet."
"I envision a world of peace and plenty; see if we take a moment every day just to think about the planet."
"They're made of 50% recycled materials so you can feel good about buying a nice phone case."
"That's pretty cool to be able to get around without having to pollute."
"The fact that it's non-toxic and works as well as the toxic stuff, why wouldn't you do that?"
"Say goodbye to overpaying for Ziploc bags, and thanks to this 10 pack of BPA-free reusable storage bags."
"We have got to raise our Consciousness away from the things that are destroying us and the Earth." - Linda
"He wants to lessen his carbon footprint, don't we all?"
"These are reusable silicone ziplock bags. I've never seen anything like that, but I think it's genius."
"I really do care. The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"The brands I buy from care a lot about the environment and where their materials come from."
"We constantly fight against air pollution, but do we fight against soul pollution?"
"This way of living won't last forever, and when it's done I would rather there's more of the natural world left rather than less."
"Use real plates and silverware over disposable, it's better for the planet and better for your wallet."
"If seven and a half billion people did one thing a day to bring balance and harmony."
"It's very clear that our days of loving the consumption of gasoline are to an extent numbered, but the days of cars like this aren't."
"It's not a trend, this whole sustainability thing. It's something that we need to be conscious of."
"These tires should be safer, maintenance-free, last longer than normal tires, and be more environmentally friendly."
"If we want to take something out, let's be responsible about it."
"We are very much involved in sustainability and plastic reductions."
"You need to deserve success, wealth, and health by vibrating at a higher level."
"The packaging is so sustainable which I love about it."
"My vow is to have a very small carbon footprint and live a very simple life."
"What better way to raise a new generation of thoughtful, eco-friendly city-dwelling humans?"
"The more we can connect into the elements in our everyday life consciously, the more we help heal the elemental imbalance."
"It's just a no-brainer that's why I ride my bike to work."
"Hopefully that leads to a better, you know, more sustainable future."
"Thrifting for the win: a fun, fashionable, and eco-friendly journey!"
"I want to be buried in the ground, no coffin, no casket, no embalming. Just put me on the ground."
"The true way of saving yourself and saving the planet is through the new human."
"I'm a firm believer in a no-waste kitchen, I don't like to waste food and I also don't like to waste things that other people throw out."
"Zero food waste is important to both of us and so we talked about that."
"Commuting to work with mental clarity, exercising in the morning, saves gas, and melts away stress. It's a win-win."
"Earth is coming to a bit of a culmination point, and it's been brewing the new Earth Energies."
"Infinite water was something we never had previously."
"Companies do transition to more renewables, more sustainable technology, more consciousness about their CO2 output."
"Screensaver: Hey, I'm all for Eco mode, saving energy. There's no planet B."
"You know, rather than carrying it with you, send it back into the ground. Mother Earth's always happy to receive it and to help rebalance that energy so that you can let it go."
"There's something really, really cool about catching a big fish and releasing it..."
"There's nothing wrong folks with letting the fish go... you know?"
"What is wrong is all life not being valued. The lives of grass, of humans, of animals, of flowers are all valuable."
"Remember the conversation, don't miss it. Always take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of the planet. Remember, the truth is always indisputable."
"It began for me to nature and animals and understanding that they were sentient beings."
"Let's focus on the good that's coming right now and build a better Earth."
"We are evolving our relationship to nature and our understanding of the truth."
"What if Cloud is an actual extension of the mind of the planet itself?"
"A science that tells us nature is alive is a major step forward."
"We are just part of the flow of Nature and the flow of water and the importance of keeping ourselves in a very positive state of love because it affects the water so dramatically."
"This F-150 Platinum Hybrid is...ma'am, at AC power that will get people to change their minds about hybrids and pickups."
"Name a eco-friendly BR, what look at him he's like hm look at his face he's like hm."
"Thank you for being cardboard and one beautiful beautiful packaging none of that you know all white pretty garbage."
"You don't have to buy a bunch of plastic. You can actually get in there and make memories."
"Initially we didn't know what we wanted. Yeah, um, but then, um, the whole ESP thing and the recycled and all that, we were, I was like yes, absolutely."
"Live as though we already are in New Earth, even in small ways."
"And it's very environmentally friendly as well while the U.S. spent trillions of dollars in a 20-year war in Afghanistan and the 10-year war in Iraq that produced no benefits for the American people."
"Honestly, I really have been trying little ways to be less wasteful."
"Their mission is to inspire a new generation of shoppers to think secondhand first, and I love that."
"I love that they are becoming a lot more conscious and sustainable."
"Are there things in your life that you could do to improve the environment or improve your health simply by taking a less convenient route?"
"Because I'm incredibly who I am and so the climate aspect matters to me tremendously what I found with 99 of my conversations is people are headline reading and don't know the tech they don't know that ethereum is going to proof of stake."
"Why throw these away? Don't throw anything away."
"Zero waste is about reusing, mending, making do with what you already own."
"The most sustainable thing that we can do is to wear the things that we already own to give them life to give them a nice long life to take care of them."
"Sustainability with completely recyclable packaging."
"Thrifting is probably my favorite... it's better and less wasteful."
"The ability of our species and countless others to thrive depends on individuals engaging deeply in ancestral healing."
"It would be really cool if you could be sustainable within your community."
"It's an intrinsic human right to be as stupid as we want as long as it doesn't destroy the planet."
"This guy is more about Legacy, positive Legacy for the planet. Being remembered throughout history for helping Humanity, not destroying it."
"The most sustainable way to shop is to not shop at all."
"Shopping my own closet... kind of wearing what I already own... moving in a direction of sustainability."
"Every Galaxy s24 series comes in a box made from 100% recycled paper material."
"I have to do all I can to leave the world a better place than it was the way that I found it because the only thing that live after you going is your deeds that's it."
"Reawaken your relationship with Gaia. Once you are able to do that, you will understand that you are in control of all of it."
"Why go to Ikea and buy new furniture when I can just repurpose all furniture? I'm not going to claim to be an activist or a perfect person when it comes to the environment."
"The perfume flowers are our sisters, the bear, the deer, the great eagle, these are our brothers."
"I really want to encourage people to buy things that last a long time and that serve the planet better."
"The brilliance of her thank-you cards is not only to give an EV hero warm feel-good feelings but also manages to do this without making villains of the current ICE vehicle owners."
"Creating an AI with more information leads to smarter choices better for the planet and for Consciousness."
"Don't buy things people don't want. It's an easy, free way to reduce our impact on the planet as people of privilege."
"Just making a few small changes and being a little bit more mindful of the environment, if we all did that just like a tiny bit it would make such a difference."
"I think most big cities will have electric fire trucks because it is not sitting on a street corner spewing out diesel fume and pollutants."
"Taking conscious steps on our beautiful planet can bring healing and happiness."
"So what will nature say to you? How will nature speak to you to advance?"
"It would be really nice if I could pick up all this broken glass and take it home to prevent it being a hazard to people's pet dogs they walk on here."
"It's just really cool that Lexus offers a very high MPG option for the same exact price as the regular version."
"It didn't feel right to me to create a brand that was going to be wasteful, that was going to be not considerate of the environment."
"Uses arsenic-free glass, it's BFR-free, mercury-free, PVC-free, and uses highly recyclable materials."
"That tripletail's my favorite fish, and I'm growing in my ways of, you know, I want to go out, catch some fish, but do it responsibly, you know?"
"I hate to waste any food at all and I really want to get better about not doing that."
"I tend to feel dizzy whenever I'm on a bus, but I think walking or using public transportation is more environmentally friendly."
"I met Kevin for the first time about five years ago in Shanghai. Of course, I flew there, but he went by train."
"Carpool High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for carpools, buses, motorcycles, or low emission vehicles."
"The positive impact of the business on people or the environment measures the success of a social business."
"Live well, why hurt yourself, why hurt the planet, why hurt the animals? Be kind to yourself, and then turn to everybody else around you, including the planet and the animals."
"Tube Town, baby! Tube Town matters to the planet."
"If we're not engaged with the seasons and the cycles of life, then are we ever going to become ecologically aware enough to live a different story?"
"We're all on this beautiful planet Earth together, and we have to be thinking globally for our mutual survival."
"It was 13 years ago this month that I sold my final petroleum-powered vehicle and decided to get into human power."
"After watching that movie, it convinced me... it made me stop eating red meat and made me think I need to get a water filter."
"I'm completely sold on the electric revolution."
"We are all in this together with the natural world."
"They care about the planet... that's something I've been really caring more about."
"People in the UK love to walk everywhere because they're smarter, they care about the environment, and it's a beautiful walk."
"I wished I lived in a city where I didn't need a car."
"It's pretty incredible every corner you turn, there's no trash to be seen."
"I love that more companies are going in that direction."
"If we are what we wear, then we can actually reduce pollution coming out of the fashion industry."
"I'm very pleased with how they are conscious about waste and all of that."
"I apologize for that interruption, somebody thought it would be really brilliant to save the planet and have lights that turn off automatically if there's not enough movement in the room."
"The Panamera was Porsche's first step into the world of hybrids and plugins."
"Sustainability in yarn production is a major issue, so I'm grateful to see efforts being made."
"Every voyage is an opportunity to make a difference."
"The moral of the story is try to source things locally, do what feels good in the long term and health."
"I really like their move towards more sustainability."
"We have to think about how we reduce waste, eliminate waste."
"I always remind myself one of the priorities I had for getting a new car was miles per gallon and driving in all electric as much as possible."
"It contains 50 percent or greater of recycled materials which today is very important."
"It's really been quite an experience living off-grid; it makes you appreciate pollutants nature and a bigger way."
"It's made with more than 50% recycled plastic which is kind of cool."
"My personal take on this is that it's really good; this will massively help reduce Samsung's environmental impact."
"Imagine not having to buy water bottles, you save so much money."
"I hope that encourages you to go out thrifting instead of buying new, just customize the fit of your hoodie."
"I am one with my surroundings, aware of the connective energy between me and my world."
"I'd never do anything like throw litter on the floor, and I came to hate injustice with a passion."
"I love food and meat but realize I may need to give it up to help drive a sustainable food system."
"We don't have to take care of Earth when you are Earth; you will start taking care of yourself."
"I'd rather invest in something of quality, have the support from the company, and do a bit for the planet at the end of the day."
"We're really going to ditch the polyester, we're going to ditch the acrylics, and we're going to really stick to cotton, linens, wool."
"We're all just trying to do the best we can with what we have on this little Earth that we have to share space on."
"It's packaged with 60% post-consumer recycled plastic. We love that."
"I'm trying to be more conscious too of the world now."
"We're all much more sustainably thinking about sustainability a lot more these days."
"The frequency of Gaia reminds us that we are infinitely connected to one another."
"We're very environmentally aware here; we're very conscious of species."
"I think that most people act responsibly, I think that most people really do try and separate their trash and throw it away."
"If you're like me and you need a new car, you might be thinking of going electric to help the environment."
"The Mirra 2 is composed of over 90% recycled pre-consumer and post-consumer content."
"There's something really good about knowing that you're using renewable to charge and you're not using petrol."
"You don't have to go vegan, but if you want to help the world out, just eat less animal products."
"If you're looking for something unique and rare that still does its bit for the environment, then this is definitely worth a look."
"This is the most fuel-efficient hybrid vehicle available in the United States currently."
"Note the lack of packaging on this bike; this is a good thing."