
Air Power Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The inclusion of F-16 fighter jets in Ukraine's air arsenal has changed the balance of power."
"Air power has long been the single most important weapon in modern war since World War II."
"Air superiority is what enables the land battle, so if we could enable them to have air superiority, then they would be able to progress."
"The legacy of the battle is that of a huge victory for air forces over a superior naval foe that was also superior in number with his land forces."
"By 1944, air power in World War II was definitely a British and American monopoly."
"Air power cannot secure a political outcome on the ground."
"What Mitchell did was he lit a fire that burned within the hearts of air power advocates after him."
"No great victory is possible without air superiority."
"Air cover was everything in critical conflicts."
"The truth is leading the world in air power has just never been a Frugal Enterprise."
"Allied air power had destroyed enemy planes, guns, and ships."
"Airpower started the war at night, fought it at night, and basically won it at night."
"Desert Storm was the perfect scenario for air power."
"Projection of air power is in fact the biggest weakness for any nation hoping to invade the US."
"I firmly believe that we're on the cusp of another revolution in air power, where the way we think about aviation will fundamentally change once again."
"In reality no other fighter contributed more to victory than the thunderbolt."
"With the a6 II, effective US air power is available round-the-clock."
"Strategic bombing... postulated that air power could allow one to simply fly over the front lines and pummel the enemy's homeland into submission."
"The U.S. Navy guarantees dominance not only in the seas but also in the sky."
"Striking targets in support of troops on the ground and tracking the horizon for enemy fighters, these jets project power from thousands of feet in the air."
"The Battle of the Bismarck Sea was a major victory for Allied air power, cementing the initiative firmly in the hands of the Allies."
"Heavy artillery is what was going to break the trench stalemate by 1918, particularly when directed by air power."
"In the end air power had proven to be Hitler's critical weakness and the Allies greatest strength"
"The true role of air power is to bring victory with a tremendous saving in human lives."
"America should not hesitate to place its destiny in the hands of these men, for with this strategy of air power, they will make the enemy fight on our terms."
"The list of American firsts in air power is extensive... but the truth is you can never tell which technologies are going to define the next era of warfare."
"Maintaining that dominant edge in air power has required broad investment into a number of different efforts aimed at developing or maturing a number of different types of technologies."
"It is an engineering marvel and one of the finest examples of American air superiority."
"We have something they don't — air power. We control the sky; that's something the Fire Nation can't do."
"The firepower and flexibility of the air cavalry troop in Vietnam was unparalleled."
"Without airpower, the German army might well have been a match for American British armies."
"It's to motivate, train, and inspire the next generation of airmen to deliver 21st-century air power."
"The loss of Japanese air power at Midway impacted the entire Japanese military posture."
"Air superiority results from no single component but from a complex mix of elements that make up today's fighters."
"For the first time, Victory on land depended on who controlled the air above it."
"This is the first time in history that a field army has been defeated by air power."
"Air power is the war-winning capability."
"The world became aware of the real importance of air power."
"The combination of our devastating ground tactics and our superior air forces had almost totally destroyed two of Germany's best armies in less than a month."
"Air power ended the Pacific War in a way beyond the imagination of any of the visionary pre-war strategists."
"We will continue to provide America the air power it needs to defend the nation, deter, defeat our adversaries, and reassure our allies and partners."
"So we can execute our mission to fly, fight, win air power anytime, anywhere."
"Under that tremendous umbrella of 11,000 aircraft of all types, the Allies have absolute mastery of the air over the invasion beaches."
"Air power is to play a vital role during The Landings."
"Is this next-generation fighter the future of air dominance?"
"His legacy is one of peace, and for that, he is a true legend of air power."