
Economic Instability Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Gold is viewed as a safe haven during turbulent times because it provides a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty."
"Despite all the happy talk that the Fed and the banks want you to buy into, I believe that 2024 is going to be a very unstable year politically and financially."
"We can all agree that economic instability and growing wealth inequality has led to growing rage in America."
"We're in a similar position in the world in 2008 where standards of living are artificially propped up by debt and so once that gives out everyone will be a lot poorer which will create massive social instability."
"Gold tends to go up when people are concerned about government."
"Bitcoin is the lifeboat in the coming storm."
"Gold hitting $15,000 an ounce means something is really screwed up in the economy."
"Things can change super quickly on both the social side and on an economic side."
"We're witnessing the biggest rug pull in the economy in history. We're going to see so many people lose so much money, it is going to be unreal."
"I think capitalism is inherently unstable. It's pretty much the core component of Marxian economic theory to believe that there are internal contradictions in capitalism that will eventually lead to its demise."
"We see the dollar coming apart, our economy coming apart, we see this what's happening with FPX. Now that there's going to be the big push for the cryptocurrency regulations..."
"Gold's prominence as a medium of exchange will increase as a consequence of unstable geopolitics."
"This is one of the most challenging and treacherous times in history for investing."
"It's building up to a big collapse of some kind."
"Things went crazy they not only went crazy to the upside but they've gone crazy down to the deflationary side."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"The financial system is in real trouble. A lot of people who don't want to be thinking about money need to be thinking about money."
"Governments will fail, inflation will soar, housing will crash."
"Could you imagine if government subsidies get shut off it could you imagine when a economic collapse takes place in America and people aren't eating could you imagine the violence you're going to see here in America."
"Expect supply shocks, expect shortages, expect massive volatility to happen."
"Once people lose confidence in a fiat currency you can't get it back."
"How do you not only survive but hopefully thrive in this world of out-of-control central banks, big governments, and central bank digital currencies?"
"When China falls, everybody around the world will feel the tremors."
"Food is everything. When it all goes down and this fiat money starts crashing, what are we gonna need to eat?"
"The risk of the proverbial Black Swan event... it triggers a panic and the panic soon descends into some kind of doom loop."
"Once they pull the rug out from us then people are... going to be destroyed."
"As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors... become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless." - Vladimir Lenin
"Each individual small case of Venezuela or Argentina or Turkey or Greece or Cyprus is the flapping wings of a butterfly the hurricane when it comes how it comes and even on what continent it begins is unknowable but that it will occur is knowable."
"Our entire economy is a house of cards built on a skateboard built balancing on a BOSU ball on the moon on rollerblades."
"Whenever there's civil unrest, whenever there's a larger conflict, whether internal or external, it usually is fostered because of economic instability and chaos."
"Cryptocurrency is a hedge against that. Cryptocurrency people can say okay, well if the dollar is being devalued then I'm going to put I'm going to put my assets in cryptocurrency."
"Goodbye AI and the market has absolutely no legs to stand on."
"The capitalist system of this country... is on shakier ground as an institution than at any time in my lifetime."
"The death of a fiat currency is imminent, it is the people that pay with the labor that it took them to earn that currency."
"Bitcoin is already replacing real money in many parts of the world where fiat currencies are failing."
"Dip buyers beware because central banks have lost control."
"The price of oil keeps fluctuating, leading to high inflation."
"You're one bad recession away from being down here."
"The United Kingdom is in crisis, the pound is crashed, the Bank of England has had to step in to prevent pension funds from collapsing, and the chancellor is enjoying champagne receptions with hedge fund managers."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."
"All of those assumptions are breaking down at the same time."
"Bitcoin is a system that has resonated as a chaos hedge; it's designed to function under chaos."
"I think the capitalist system is very fragile right now."
"You go to Argentina six months before rates were at seventy percent... and it'll be just like that."
"Traditional Finance doesn't have a choice Global debt is so out of control the Fiat money system is so broken they need hard assets like gold like Bitcoin."
"This is a very volatile time that I'm seeing here at the end of the month."
"Folks, the Global Financial system is on the brink and banks are getting very very nervous."
"How can you live? How can you be stable in a game of musical chairs?"
"The world is economically collapsing and spleen too never seen this before ever."
"Purple power, the whole world changed, world economies are crashing today, what's going on?"
"We are inside of a Jenga economy. Is this the one truthfully that topples the whole system?"
"Gold isn't just an inflation hedge... it's more protection against crazy financial conditions and failures in the system."
"Inconsistency in finances leads to clarity in life direction."
"There are still huge, huge risks in the financial system right now."
"Even if we're going to be moving across the globe and knowing that things like healthcare aren't great, like even the economic state of it, like you're saying, even that feels unstable."
"When the system is breaking down, systemic risk of the system is why people rush into gold and silver."
"If anyone in China who has a little bit of money is trying to send their money away... the country is going to collapse."
"Everything could change just like that... it's a bubble, you know."
"You definitely want gold and silver in that kind of situation because it will... be the things that go up by 50, 60, 70% a year when the currencies start crashing."
"We're still not safe from another credit collapse."
"Capitalism is a profoundly unstable economic system, and always has been."
"It's literally the destabilization of the middle class."
"The debt bubble remains the number one threat to human existence on the planet Earth."
"The means of living for colored men are becoming more and more precarious and limited."
"The attacks combined with the war in Ukraine are threatening already volatile oil prices."
"Earth 2 is entering free fall without the intrinsic support of a regular market."
"I want to help you get ready to protect what you have and grow what you have in this time of turmoil."
"The economy is growing more and more unstable by the day."
"Volatility in the markets, creating uncertainty."
"Right now the economy is on shaky ground."
"Major financial institutions have teetered on the edge of collapse, and some have failed."