
Audience Building Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"Maybe I can get a bigger audience with the things I say, maybe there could be other people that might benefit from that."
"When you're creating anything, shorts or long-form content, it's going to take time to find your audience and to gain traction."
"There you go. Five things, five things you can focus on that will grow your YouTube channel to 10,000 subscribers and beyond."
"If you see something you like on Instagram or Twitter or wherever, just come in and say, 'Oh, that's cool. I like how you did this thing.' For the record, Instagram is probably the best place to build your audience right now."
"Building your own audience is an amazing way to beat the algorithm and not have to rely on the algorithm."
"Building your own audience is key... if you're only trusting the algorithm, you're at the mercy of those platforms."
"Build a subscriber fan club, an email list is one of the most valuable assets you have as a blogger."
"It takes a long time to build a following, just to lose it in a second."
"People are hungry for different voices, which is why yourself, which is why I can build up an audience just by saying something a little bit different."
"Grind after that it's not like handing you an audience it's like collaborations."
"I started attracting an audience of people who were interested in learning how to become their own boss and work from wherever they were."
"Build the audience first, then sell your feature."
"Appreciate everybody who joined us, really happy to have cultivated this audience."
"The first step to getting a big audience is getting a little audience."
"Starting YouTube, I never imagined having two channels with over a million subscribers."
"You can create an audience for anything you wish to create an audience for."
"Most businesses have no idea what it takes to build an actual social media audience."
"People want to be able to relate to you, that's how you build an audience."
"Build an audience by giving them a load of stuff for free."
"Build an audience of engaged fans and actually listen to them. Focus on developing 1,000 true fans."
"If you love what you do right now if you really love it you need to think about how you can capture your own audience on your own platforms because that translates between companies and jobs."
"Automakers give the Press cars out... once you have an audience."
"Integrity is so important because that's how you build an audience." - The Freckled One
"Put that product out, make your sales, build your audience."
"Consistency gets your audience behind you, gets used to seeing your videos every week."
"They spent all this time trying to build an audience but weren't able to monetize those eyeballs."
"Part of our job is to help them get out to a bigger audience but also I don't like to insert myself where I'm not needed."
"Be yourself. Grow your own audience. You don't need to follow the trends."
"Another way that you can get customers or some audience members for your work without developing a huge following on your own platform is going out to other platforms that might already have that traffic for you."
"Just make the thing you want to make and eventually people will show up who want to pay you to do the thing."
"A quality promoter will get you listeners that will follow you and eventually listen to future releases."
"I'm grateful I built my own audience; it's a power in both right-wing and left-wing media."
"Keep grinding because you will find your audience. Don't give up."
"Find an audience. I don't care who it is. If you're lucky enough as a comedian to find your audience, just find it."
"Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe! Turn on the notification bell, honestly. Period. Do that for me too!"
"Slowly but surely, you'll build up an audience... expect it to take time, lots of time."
"Finding that niche that you could be known for is going to be extremely helpful in building an audience because it also promotes consistency."
"It's been an S-tier side hustle because no other platform has the same ability to organically build an audience."
"You can be a platform for people who absolutely deserve to have an audience because they're talented or they're brilliant or they're interesting or they're funny."
"To grow as a channel you need views you need that you know that audience to come in."
"I need to build a following so I can get people at my shows so that people want to see me. And if people want to see me, I'm selling tickets. Then Netflix will want to work with me."
"You guys are creative people, artists, and you're gonna get fans for like your art or your work."
"A huge key to building a dedicated audience is being consistent and well grinding... quality and quantity is very important."
"At the end of the day, if you want to turn it into something full-time, you have to make a living somehow and creating that audience to people who care about you, to hopefully convert."
"I guess I just wanted to try and build up that audience and create some value."
"Starting a blog and building an audience is the most valuable education you can get in your early days."
"You don't have to spend a lot to get your voice out in the world, build an audience, gain fans, and potentially even turn this into a business too."
"That is clearly the better approach if you want your shows to gain audience and build momentum."
"I'm gonna do it like that, maybe that'll help my fan base grow even more."
"Thank You for Watching, Make Sure You Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe, Rate It Five Stars"
"I was always building an audience that cared about me."
"Hormonal birth control was a huge one last year... skepticism around hormonal birth control was a big one last year."
"You have the energy lined up and again you will in the future too but you do show it could be time to move on this to gather an audience to start making some money on a project you've been working on for some time."
"If you can actually create valuable content, put it out for free once a week, and do it for two years, you will have an audience."
"Having an audience is the most powerful thing, and what people get hung up on is that one, they think they need to start with an audience of a million followers, which is impossible."
"It's all about content, creating your own content and finding your audience, bringing the audience to you."
"Make sure that you're utilizing actively relevant hashtags in your videos because this is going to help you build up a quality audience of people who are actually interested in that kind of content."
"It's important to build a mailing list for your record label and even build separate mailing lists for each artist."
"You can go another route where you only work on personal projects and build an audience around the work that you like to do."
"Building no like and trust is one of the easiest ways of building an audience."
"You need to promote somehow because OnlyFans doesn't have a discover page. So how are you going to promote, especially with no following?"
"I'm really interested in building audience, community, and meaningful connection."
"Creators are building audiences first and then finding products that match the needs of that audience."
"Identify your target Avatar's problems; solving them is the core principle for building your audience."
"YouTube is the path to get from 10K or 50K to 100 200 300K because you're building a real audience selling products helping people."
"I had been building up my audience for so long"
"If you're trying to build a fan base, a new audience, you've got to nurture it, you've got to take your time. You gotta take your losses. Sooner or later it's gonna take hold and hopefully be a leader in the business."
"If you're going to choose this route in my opinion the only reason to do it is because you actually like the audience you're willing to do the audience building part for a long time even when there's no results."
"You don't need to build your audience first."
"Number one, discord forums chats whatever you want to call them whether it's on discord whether it's on reddit spending time in those particular places where people already gather who like your type of brain or have similar interests to you great places to build up an audience"
"If you ever wanted to blow up and this is for anybody else who wants to, you know, this is mostly for you know people who want to build an audience, to build an audience you have to find out, find a niche I found my niche."
"He has followed the rules and done exactly what you're supposed to do if you want to build an audience of loyal members who practically worship you."
"Monetizing off platforms is not only a great way to make money but it's a way to expand your audience and legitimize yourself as an entrepreneur."
"Creating content and building an audience is a slow game."
"You don't have to spend five years to build this audience they already did that and so they're going to just point."
"Once you have your product suite in place, if you don't have an audience just go partner with somebody who has an audience and give them half the money."
"If you're going to build your own audience for whatever it is, whatever that brand is that you're building, if you're making your own IP or you're even if you're just an Instagram artist, you kind of have to do the same thing over and over."
"If you're starting from zero... the ads won't work. You have to organically be able to warm an audience first."
"The first phase of my business for me at least was not going to be focused on monetizing necessarily but instead focused on developing my art skills and building an audience at the same time."
"If you're going to build an audience, it's because you don't want a job."
"Remember my genius advice which is start sooner rather than later when it comes to trying to build an audience on the internet."
"Grow your email and SMS list early on. Own your audience. Don't solely depend on social media."
"If you can build a hundred thousand followers do so and if you have the time to also kick up a channel where you could get an audience who may eventually be interested in what you're working on chef's kiss"
"I thought that's how you build an audience, by being honest and open."
"Now, anyone who goes to download my music will have to give me their name and email and also subscribe to my channel. This is how you build your subscriber base for your music channel."
"We want you to be absolutely exceptional at craft, we want you to build an audience, we want you to have a personal monopoly, we want you to be writing regularly. It's good for us, it's good for you."
"All online audience building is that simple. It really is. I mean, that is the 80/20 of it. But it just requires showing up, making it happen."
"I have seen a shift in terms of the interest and the importance people are putting on writing and using writing to build their own audience."
"Use writing to build a readership that grows infinitely with the internet."
"Identify my customer and what their needs are before building an audience."
"Building your own audience is key for long-term success."
"Once you start building a sizable audience, people and companies will start reaching out to you asking if they could buy a dedicated post or shoutout from you."
"Your goal is to create as much trust and loyalty as you possibly can, to build an audience of people who love you and love to buy from you."
"You have to think about how you're going to monetize your newsletter and you need to build your audience around that."
"At this point, you will start building up an audience."
"Building the audience is actually a fun thing."
"The goal is to acquire an audience that likes you, follows you, and trusts you."
"The best thing about Etsy though is that you have a huge built-in audience that is growing like crazy."
"Start posting about them, start posting about the process, get people interested and start acquiring your followers early."
"Just keep beating at it until people start noticing it, and then you build your audience off of that."
"You get to own the things that you make... If you take that risk and if you build up enough of an audience and you bring enough quality and enough consistency... You can build your own empire."
"I started to just really build up my audience."
"That's how you develop 1,000 loyal fans."
"If you're able to build an audience through this and you're providing true value you can monetize in a lot of different ways."
"Not to mention, you build up your own audience."
"I think more people should build audiences and sell real products."
"I might do this, I think I could build a large following."
"You don't need a huge audience to start, you just need to get started."
"List building is really about creating a buzz around your business and putting content out there that is so compelling people want to be part of your business."
"There is no magic bullet I wish there's not but with a disciplined approach just like me, you can build an email list of hundreds of thousands of people."
"You now have a way to directly contact the group of people who are interested in the value you plan on providing in the future."
"You're helping us build a wonderful audience."
"...that tells YouTube there's a ready-built audience for this content and that bumps us up and it also helps get us recommended to people who may not know about Disciple Dojo. So those are two ways you can really help this ministry out."
"Don't stress out about the views. Don't stress out about that because it's about building those people that really, really love you, your subscriber base, your supporters."
"Effectively use your strengths as a writer and gradually build your fan base."
"You have to go out and seek out your ideal clients and audience."
"Making videos is probably one of the only ways that you can really communicate and start building an audience."
"Engage, create an audience, build your social media."
"If you have customers already, if you have clients already, and they have audiences as well, that's a great place to start."
"When you start to gain an audience, you're going to have a lot more opportunities."
"Creating a waitlist is a powerful way to build an audience while you are building your product."
"Over the years, YouTube has become a platform where creators can showcase their talents, build an audience, and even make a living."
"I understood that I had to practice my craft, build an audience, and gain trust."
"While you're building your audience, you're going to have that core group that's been a day one with you that's always going to grow with you."
"Content Inc by Joe Pulizzi can help you build a massive online audience, whether you already have an established business or if you're looking to build the audience first, and then eventually turn that into a business."
"Building a large audience is actually a prerequisite to monetization."
"Selling an online course can be a great source of passive income if you build an audience of people who want to learn from you."
"Building an audience makes a huge difference."
"Your goal is to get your users, your viewers, your subscribers, your most loyal followers onto a platform that you control: your email list."
"Creating online content and building an audience is the major opportunity that has come about as a result of the internet being a thing."
"Don't wait for a bigger audience, start, and then the audience will follow."
"You want to start creating these audiences right now because then when you're finally ready to launch YouTube ads, you have this massive pool of people you can start showing your ads to."
"Go out and talk to your target market and build an audience."
"I got to create content, watch my own books, get a manager, and build my audience myself."
"You need to build your own audience, you need to build your own clients, your own customers."
"Build your own brand can definitely help you get an audience."
"That's a great feature about MailChimp, it helps you build an audience."
"Publishing a blog post every day teaches you how to become a better writer and it will build your audience quicker."
"You draw more people to your channel by being consistent."
"We're trying to build an audience, not just trying to have customers."
"The multi-season approach has allowed The Chosen to consistently build its audience and generate a unique level of engagement."
"If you are good at content, it is possible to build a large content audience."
"Focus on building the audience first."
"If you post enough of the stuff, you will get an audience, you just have to keep doing it and you have to do really good stuff."
"Growth takes consistency, the more you drop, the more your numbers will grow."
"We were building an audience that we didn't even know about."
"If you want a fast way to build an audience, it's going with what you already have available to you rather than making it difficult for yourself and trying to do the things that just aren't natural."
"You almost can't be too early... as soon as it's interesting, start building an audience."
"I will literally show you guys how to grow an audience doing reaction videos on YouTube."
"If you wanna build an audience that actually buys from you, you're gonna have to focus on building trust, rapport, and engagement first and foremost."
"When you put yourself out there, you will get negative feedback, but also you're going to find your voice and your audience."
"The first step is to build the Right audience."
"Once you find your window and you build your audience, that's when you're building your crowd."
"So if you are a creator or artist, you can simply log on, sign up using your username, and once your first story is approved, start building an audience and getting paid to create."
"Once you have an audience in place, you have people to sell to, you have people that you don't necessarily have to pay to continually advertise to in order to generate revenue."
"Do your own thing, build your own audience."
"After six months of running the YouTube channel, I'd grown a bit of an audience, I'd had built up to about a thousand subscribers."
"Why an email list is so important, why an audience is so important in affiliate marketing."
"Marketing is not selling, it's about gathering a herd, creating fans."
"If you build an audience in a specific need and you follow along, everything else is gravy."
"If you're vulnerable through and through, it will build your audience for you."
"In this workshop, I really teach the entire system that I use with my clients to help them first build an audience and then monetize that audience."
"The hardest viewers to get are those first couple hundred, couple thousand."
"We'll find our own audience in Chicago. That's what we'll do."
"It's also a great way to build your email list."
"This not only looks professional but it's a great way to promote your social networks and grow your audience."
"Now with social media, you really can build out an audience, you can build out a community."
"Growing an audience takes time and luck."
"One of the great things about being an artist in our time and age, is that you can build your own audience."
"Building an audience and keeping those folks in the loop with the work that you're doing can be essential for landing more work."
"If you're building a website and you want to build a business, you also want to make sure you're collecting email addresses and building your mailing list."
"If anyone tells you that they don't mind giving up a vote, a viewer, a listener, a customer, they should be in another business because that's how you build your audience, one at a time."
"It's about that grind to create that relationship... how many years it takes to create an audience, a loyal audience that trusts you."
"If you enjoyed it, please like, subscribe, hit that notification bell."
"A song could have legs... it gives the song enough time to build an audience, enough time for there to become anticipation and buzz."
"If you want to build an audience, you need to focus on giving value."
"I wanted my own audience that I could take with me in whatever I make."
"You can today start building an audience... create something of value for a community of people."
"Collaborating is a really good way to exchange audiences with people."
"Your first 20, 30, 40, 50 videos to build your audience need to have a YouTube SEO strategy."
"Build an audience. That is the fun part. It is my favorite part."
"Build up the audience long before the game is out."
"If you guys want to be a YouTuber or whatever, and if you like doing the videos and stuff, and if you just keep making them, you're going to find an audience that likes you."