
Media Manipulation Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"If you're resorting to photoshopping black people as white to prevent people from hearing them speak, you probably need to hear some different opinions."
"Media manipulation is tricking you into losing focus and they're taking away from you, they're taking away your ability to understand the world."
"You got to be aware of the media manipulation as it's being engaged in."
"Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false."
"If you've ever personally pushed through the pervasive fog of media manipulation and authoritative lies that routinely misinform our society, if you've ever experienced an epiphany from learning a verifiable truth that contradicts the narratives you had been told to believe, you have probably felt this sense of awakening for yourself."
"I edited an MLK video to expose how easily media can completely misrepresent reality."
"The goal is to make everybody feel so overwhelmed that they simply don't know what's true anymore."
"We heard a lot this week about fight like hell, but they cut off the video before they showed you the president's optimistic patriotic words."
"The show consciously weaponized controversy to turn the curiosity of the audience in their favor."
"Making your own YouTube videos or internet videos is really the way to go. They can attempt to take it out of context and they can unethically sometimes kind of."
"They know how to manipulate a narrative a certain way to further their agenda."
"She's so familiar and so good at turning any type of publicity into good publicity."
"Google is manipulating your opinions from the very first character that you type into the search bar."
"Framing is everything. You can take a story and twist it to fit your narrative."
"Not everything you see is true. People can manipulate media to make you think and believe however they want."
"It's very easy for a foreign actor to fund and prop up a YouTuber."
"Media warfare is a manipulation and control of news outlets, social media, any outlet of information."
"Kim Kardashian knows how to play us and play the media better than anyone else in Hollywood right now."
"Know the context and don't fall for the shocks which are meant to keep you both angry and ineffectively pointed in the wrong direction."
"That's deliberate manipulation in order to sell a story."
"Sometimes they use shots to make her look taller than she actually is."
"The alternative to calling out an active smear campaign is to let the spearmeisters control the narrative about their target."
"The top-level artists know how to control the media without pandering to them, without ever paying for it, and just leading the media to the water."
"Foreign governments can manipulate media and use your domestic media to manipulate people."
"If I can flood the zone with conspiracy theories, more questions, more suggested implications, then there is time to explore them."
"Taylor Swift will be activated politically by the Democrat Party to further emotionally manipulate millions of American females."
"Every YouTuber's been manipulative in some way. We have to manipulate an audience to describe it to you. That's literally what YouTube is."
"One of the ways Alex Jones engaged his audience was by giving them a mission to investigate Sandy Hook."
"The CIA's use of the American news media has been much more extensive than agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress."
"Yella was obviously just clout chasing and using Cardi B and Offset to get his name in the headlines."
"They vilified him and they knew what they were doing and they knew why they were doing it."
"The outrage over cyberpunk 2077 is a paradox because the materials stirring that outrage is designed to do exactly that within the framework of a video game narrative."
"They set about one of the most concerted smear campaigns in history."
"It just shows you how everything they're doing right now is to spread their propaganda."
"That's right, and that's what aspiring authoritarians, that's what Tucker Carlson of the world, the right-wing echo chamber, that is what they want you to believe."
"The saints did not all start well but they all ended well in heaven... Their deaths were horrible but spiritually, yes."
"The best thing for Joe Biden that could possibly happen is for Trump and the Trump circus to be dominating in the news, and Biden to just be laying back and not saying anything."
"Both press and the princess knew how to manipulate her image."
"Tired of bullies using their large platform to manipulate stories." - Mancher
"I think Trump's tweets are awesome. They make me laugh, they're true, and they get the media to talk about what he wants them to talk about."
"Trump has been grooming his supporters to push back on any impeachment talk with this simple demand: read the transcript."
"If Elon Musk really was doing this just for the sake of trying to regain control of the narrative, that means we won."
"Donald Trump played monkey in the middle with the media."
"I think there is actually going to be a lot of resistance to that. What you're seeing on social media and the news is so manipulated to make you think a certain way."
"Celebrities are engineered personalities designed to either sell you a lie or distract you from the truth."
"We live in a world of wars with weapons anymore it is a war of ideology and media deception upon deception upon deception."
"It really seems like they did kind of set this up to fuck with people."
"The Press themselves are an entity with their own agenda... My goal isn't to inform, my goal is to manipulate, my goal is to affect social change. That's scary."
"The media essentially took advantage of an abuse victim."
"Trump's ability to game the media even to this day proves it."
"You're giving low-level employees often a tremendous amount of power to manipulate search terms and the way these videos are distributed etc."
"I think we're looking at yet another example of narrative control being exerted by the national security state."
"Big news Morgans has something even more powerful at his disposal: he is more influential than any single entity on this planet."
"Speak, don't just clip my voice and stick it out there because you're afraid to talk."
"Maybe that's why people chase rage for money... it's so easy to get people angry and then they agree with you and then they ad revenue."
"The next war might begin with a grainy contested image launched online from some distant and inaccessible outpost."
"All fancy is all these positive stuff coming from the NFL, okay this is what they're offering and the NFL is almost like feeding information to these reporters to basically tell them like hey these guys are acting like spoiled rich pricks."
"This really is gaslighting and manufactured consent on a mass scale [...]"
"Props to the people that had to do their job and actually maybe rose above the propaganda opportunities."
"Jill and Derek are finally ready to share their story revealing the secrets, manipulation, intimidation behind the show that remained hidden from their fans."
"The first thing that I wanted to cover was the obvious astroturfing of the Trump versus DeSantis uh thing."
"Operation Mockingbird is absolutely a thing."
"The entire Chinese virus thing is a distraction and it's letting Trump take control of the narrative."
"This shows you where they want to take it, how they want to use it."
"Using the state-run media, Putin is brainwashing the Russian people by claiming that the western world wants to use 'cancel culture' to erase their identity."
"What is spelled out today is that Roger Stone concocted a cover story to say the way he tried to get information from Wikileaks is through this guy, a guy who Roger Stone knew and had a radio show on which he interviewed Julian Assange."
"They're actors. They know they're lying to you. They'll lie to you whatever it takes just to make sure they're earning that money."
"Trump is a master of fake news" - Neil Sanders criticizes Trump's manipulation of media.
"It's really crystallized for me how the Trump BS machine actually works."
"It doesn't matter what the original intention was; people can still just repackage it to push whatever agenda they want."
"I think they're putting on a show here, they're trying to create some drama, trying to create some doubt, that's what they're doing."
"She called the paparazzi on herself and acts like she doesn't want him there."
"And off the record porter stansberry has allegedly said that they didn't want employees talking to the police or media because the company wanted quote the entire situation to just die down and not make it a big media event."
"This is a kind of brilliant move on his part to come off like the good guy and get his name back in like the [ __ ] media and [ __ ] like that."
"Recognize that you've been played." - Commentator
"And with Bill Barr at the helm and doing what he’s already doing, which is spinning this, like he did with the Mueller report, how can anybody trust it?"
"This whole show's rigged so we're rigging it for you, Mary."
"She is leaning into being the villain and using the scandal as a marketing campaign."
"Nadia turned the shit out of y'all and you guys are falling for it."
"It's so easy, you could change the narrative all you want."
"The Witcher just lost theirs and poor Henry Cavill is used once again by Netflix as a bait and switch."
"How something like this could take hold of so many Americans effectively is high-tech brainwashing."
"It's clear that the tapes have been tampered with by someone who is trying to expose a more disturbing story."
"This trying to manipulate the public maybe the only way you're going to manipulate us at this point is you're going to manipulate us with some sincerity."
"A charm offensive is propaganda about the small, inconsequential positives of an organization or state to distract the media and the people from the negatives."
"Should I continue talking about this where I'm giving brands exactly what they want?"
"Takashi 6ix9ine's defense strategy is the troll defense."
"Another secret that celebrities use that they'll never tell you is that they hire paparazzi to take photos of themselves, photoshop the photos, and then post them."
"Marvel's messing with these fans, man, they're mind [ __ ]."
"Why be two-faced? This guy has been using me as a source on his channel while privately complimenting me but publicly speaking negative about me. Like, shut the [ __ ] up already." - Death Noodles
"We're going to make it so that it's a decentralized force throughout the country so that we can quickly identify stories, quickly identify troll farms, and go in and neutralize the enemy."
"They brought him in the wrong entrance, they tricked all the journalists."
"The CIA put assets in the media back in the 50s." - Oliver Stone
"Trisha Paytas got people to think that Gabby Hannah was obsessively stalking her."
"I have come to this definitive conclusion: I believe that Scott Peterson has engaged in a decades-long effort to reframe the truth through a deliberate campaign of misinformation and lies."
"You can't stop hit jobs from the CIA leaking something to some idiot journalist."
"You just keep playing it up for the cameras, trick your child fans because soon enough they'll realize that they're being played."
"You scripted it to make me a monster because that's gonna get you your ratings. Shame on you."
"The whole Biden Administration are also tightly integrated with the media moguls, the people that are providing the news. They are being handed a narrative and told repeated ad nauseam."
"It was a publicity stunt. Harris gets to have her name in all the papers right before the election."
"Attention you know is the commodity so they want your attention so they're going to manipulate your attention your interest to keep your attention to keep those eyeballs on the screen."
"So you pay people to go on media tours to bash AMC and say there's no squeeze, then why are you on tour?"
"Minor events can be made to seem huge and extremely significant and major ones can be downplayed or totally overlooked."
"Selective editing can completely change the dialog and the narrative that is put forward."
"Dexter throws agent Lundy's bay harbor butcher task force off his trail by leaking a deliberately misleading manifesto to the press."
"Actually, there is AI-generated fake news, but it's not in the hands of Russian disinformation trolls; it's employed by some of the largest news organizations on the planet."
"Imagine if this is the case and it can be proven, how this would give credibility to her paying so many other bloggers to appear to have the same agenda to smear Cardi. This will be huge."
"Let me hide behind minorities. I will go to BuzzFeed News, and they will print and get everybody all worked up."
"I think that this is another, you know, way of Elon Musk in a meta way putting to bed mainstream media."
"No more lies video pulled the biggest reverse card."
"They're manipulating the way we see other people's opinions."
"There are arguably bigger lies on Putin's side."
"I guess the only thing we really know is that behind his ridiculous facade he is clearly an intelligent and scheming individual who knows how to use cancel culture to his Advantage."
"Sony lets out their press release, gaming journalists all fall in line like soldiers in the Nazi Party in perfect unison."
"Russian propaganda presents a different, seemingly passive news."
"He's cloud chasing he knows that when he says something that controversial everybody's going to cover it and he's going to make national news."
"The media doesn't want you to break the matrix."
"Some things I say sometimes get taken out of context on purpose so they can sell what they want to sell."
"The task is to impose necessary illusions and emotionally potent oversimplifications."
"The propaganda system aims to make you see things in a particular way."
"If you control enough of what people see, you start to control how they think about the world."
"They mix and edit and put other camps with us to make it seem like that's what we teach. That's a damn lie, man."
"To twist his words to get the sound bite that you want, to take him out of context and to completely lose his trust is awful."
"You could take any person on this planet and clip their life to make them look to fit whatever narrative you want."
"If you're not actually seeing both people with both reactions and both mouths moving at the same time, chances are that's not actually the context that that sentence was said in."