
Modern Warfare Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"The combination of vehicle disabling followed by a final drone shot has been one of the hallmarks of this conflict and potentially a big shift in armored doctrine in modern combat."
"A 5th generation war is easier to fight than one might think, more complex to be sure, but at the end of the day, fighting a 5th gen war could be as simple as turning off the TV, putting down the smartphone, and going outside to play in the yard with your kid."
"The most dangerous period of time because of Weaponry, because of nuclear."
"The attack on the Rosneft diesel fuel tank underscores a growing trend in modern warfare: precision attacks on critical logistics points."
"Kamikaze drones, also known as loitering munitions or suicide drones, have come to the fore in modern warfare due to their precision, flexibility, and ability to carry high-explosive payloads to specific targets."
"The Oshkosh L-ATV light combat tactical all-terrain vehicle represents a generational leap in the realm of military trucks."
"Attack helicopters play a pivotal role in the foreign theater of modern warfare."
"The war in Ukraine has proven that drones have become one of the most important parts of the modern battlefield."
"I'm pretty sure Infinity Ward is taking a stab at rewriting the Modern Warfare sub-series with these reboots."
"Air power has long been the single most important weapon in modern war since World War II."
"This World War III that is being proposed... it's going to be a combination of a technological war, media war, psychological, and also debt."
"We have got to bring together the best resources of this country to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies we face in this country."
"When you really think about modern-day warfare, what they're trying to do is implausible, unsustainable."
"Given its status as arguably the first large peer-scale conflict of the 21st century, it shouldn't be surprising that people have watched the Ukraine War pretty damn closely for lessons around what weapon systems work, and what weapon systems are suffering a little bit in modern conflict."
"War being waged here isn't being done through tanks and bombs but instead through the invisible forces of culture and ideology."
"We are not going to just rely upon our own human eyeball to engage, find, locate, whatever it may be, enemy targets, friendly targets."
"By far as connectivity is that there's nothing that's more important today for modern military forces."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred."
"World War II saw modern industrial nations descend into once unimaginable cruelty."
"The history of 21st-century fighting is, in many ways, a history of cyber warfare."
"Ultimately, three new types of mobile forces emerged to replace the cavalry: armored cars, paratroops, and helicopters."
"Never take away somebody's victory because of your own ego."
"The successful operation underscored Ukraine's determination to retake its territory and showcased its growing capabilities in modern warfare."
"Battles are fought not with Conventional Weapons but with lines of code and algorithms."
"In this rapidly evolving era of Modern Warfare, conventional military might alone is not enough to guarantee Victory."
"Warrior, the modern world now. You needed technically able specialists to work on the ship and you needed to retain them."
"Wars will no longer be fought in far-off lands that can be ignored simply by turning off the TV."
"Cyber warfare has become a fixture of modern conflict."
"This one definitely took me a while for me what's the hardest part of modern warfare 3 campaign."
"Modern Warfare 3 just wanted to tell a good story and wrap up this long experience in a way that everybody will remember, and I respect that so much."
"It's a really cool Netflix original... a modern warfare movie mixed with a supernatural element."
"In today’s world, though, that is just an invitation for a quadcopter to fly over you, drop a grenade, and then … well, that’s the ballgame."
"Do you agree? Do you think there is a big camping issue in modern warfare?"
"A modern war was an economic war and that the enemy's homeland was a stockpile just waiting to be destroyed."
"Cyber operations like this illustrate the evolving nature of modern warfare."
"Mosaic warfare is adaptable, and instead of creating a kill chain of systems to destroy enemy targets, it creates a kill web of different systems that has built-in redundancy."
"We do not live in a world of wars with weapons anymore, it is a war of ideology and media."
"Modern warfare comes down much more to who can detect the enemy first and can you shoot the archer so you don't have to shoot down all of their arrows."
"Precision attacks and technological ingenuity play a crucial role in modern warfare, where Ukraine's strategic adaptation to Russian advances reveals the weaknesses of the aggressor."
"Welcome to the second Civil War, 2014 - now."
"Modern Warfare 2019 is actually a damn phenomenal game."
"The battlefield rarely has to do with tanks and bullets."
"One of the most iconic skins in the Modern Warfare series."
"World War III, for all intents and purposes, is pretty much underway, though it doesn't really conform to our current understanding of past world wars."
"Modern war is decided by one's conduct of electronic warfare."
"Some say it's the arms race of the 21st century."
"The next war might begin with a grainy contested image launched online from some distant and inaccessible outpost."
"In an era of global violence, a new breed of warrior has emerged."
"Information warfare touches so many aspects of our society."
"They're giving us a master class in how to execute high-intensity Warfare in the modern environment."
"He writes about Modern Warfare but he also writes about time; his novels reveal the ancient patterns of war that no amount of Technology can erase."
"This is information age guerrilla warfare. It's not so much about ambushing the police; it's about ambushing the minds of regular people."
"Modern warfare demands something that doesn’t take decades to develop, is inexpensive, and can get the job done."
"Dozens of Bucha civilians were killed by metal darts from Russian artillery forensic doctors discover flashes rarely used in modern warfare in bodies found in mass graves."
"What if I told you that Geico had a bundling policy that would be very interesting?"
"The M1A2 is the most advanced Abrams to date."
"Neither matter. The real threat to tanks in modern warfare are weapons that can strike from above, such as attack drones and man-portable missiles such as the Javelin."
"Being able to rain down missiles from the sky is definitely a Vibe."
"Perception wars: they can't use their old weapons anymore."
"Russian artillery: a formidable component of modern warfare, challenging and innovating."
"The Battle of Shiloh truly opened their eyes to the horrors of modern industrial war."
"Hybrid warfare is basically using economic or political power to hurt a country without firing a shot."
"It's refreshing to see guns instead of swords."
"Ukrainians continue to obliterate very expensive and modern Russian tanks."
"Nightmare Berlin: Here is the form of the new Ukraine... After the Russian operation, the map is based on wiretapping and intelligence provided by the CIA and other U.S intelligence services."
"World War One was in every way the first modern war."
"World War III has already started, it's just that nothing has been declared formally."
"I think modern warfare did an excellent job."
"The u.s navy's latest los angeles class design is the free world's most lethal attack submarine."
"There's a war going on out there right now, and it's happening in the financial warfare."
"War is no longer used or fighting is no longer driven by justice and defending the innocent."
"Navies are genuinely useful. So, having naval superiority now is actually a big deal."
"Wars aren't fought like they used to be, a societal evolution allowing cowards, deceivers, and hollow men to obtain power and influence and enjoy their 15 minutes of fame."
"Success in the 21st-century warfare demands that we evolve to compete in new domains."
"The Gulf War was one of the most striking victories in modern land combat."
"It's truly modern, very well designed for the conflict that it was going into."
"The new face of war: fighters with drone escorts."
"The war in Iraq is the most privatized war in modern history."
"Partisans and other forms of guerrilla warfare are proving to be just as successful as armies in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine."
"Despite Russian attempts to seize it with tanks artillery drones and cyber attacks Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their ground."
"Snipers today are fortunate to have years of modern developments in ballistics, scopes, and rifles at their fingertips."
"I'm happy that we're going back to modern warfare."
"In order to engage in fifth generational warfare... you need access to the platforms for which you can actually argue with people."
"World War 3 has already started, it's just that people don't realize it."
"A clash of technology: Drone warfare reshapes the battlefield."
"Energy weapons are here today, ladies and gentlemen."
"You're in World War Three, but it doesn't need to take form in the way that you might perceive that it would have in the past. It's just playing out on so many levels right now."
"F-16s utilizing JASSMs could allow for Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov's stated long-term plan to retake Crimea "without a fight.""
"Moving to Modern Warfare two they played it safe they had a decent enough story missions were pretty fun and engaging overall it wasn't bad speaking purely on the campaign of course."
"Modern-day conflicts are no longer about physical form, they're about economics."
"Modern warfare is not food soldiers, it's equipment, rockets, heavy weaponry."
"Speed is definitely a benefit in modern tactics."
"Committing resources to arm Ukraine is a key piece of the strategy to build a defense industry ready to fight a modern war."
"It's a shocking reminder of how destructive weapons of war have become."
"We're in a different era of war, which means a different strategy when it comes to impacting the foreign entity."
"War was deadlier than ever and fully industrialized."
"Digital Warfare is the next front of warfare."
"War is very different now, and we're very likely to see conflict shortly between Russia and Ukraine."
"War is no longer simply military confrontation between nations, but anything from popular unrest to terrorism."
"It's giving us a master class in high intensity conflict in a modern information driven environment."
"War does not depend on soldiers; it's a game of technology."
"Conflicts can be fought with less casualties."
"Fifth generation Warfare is real and that this war is just as much of a psychological one as it is physical."
"We live in a time of unprecedented technology... wars need no longer be fought with blood but with optics."
"Modern day wars are not just limited to armed conflicts; they can be fought in other domains as well."
"Infinity Ward drops their own Battle Royale included with Modern Warfare."
"I'm almost grateful for modern warfare."
"...war is no longer fought just by how many soldiers have you lined up at the border."
"What is the utility of force in modern warfare?"
"Like the old troopers who had ridden to glory before them, these modern cavalry men had fought with bravery and devotion for their nation's security and for the integrity of the entire free world."
"'It was just really sad and it was just really fascinating to see this kind of more modern war and how it played out.'"
"This is not going to be won in one battle. This is the beginning of modern war."
"The aircraft carrier is an indispensable unit of the modern fleet."
"The Apache is today's state of the art attack helicopter. It is fast, agile, and powerful."
"We're seeing drone warfare for the first time in the human story, swarms of drones — that's what the future of warfare is like."
"The power of the Air Force has changed history and the face of modern warfare."
"The type of warfare, basically the protest, is on a completely different level with today's technology."
"This new Tank Killer quickly proved its value in the modern Battlefield."
"The 95th rifles fought much more modern, along with the third kazadors modern tactics."
"This is an emerging tactic right here, the way we fight now for all intents and purposes."
"The Great War would also provide an awe-inspiring, albeit horrific, demonstration of early modern warfare."
"The birth of Modern Warfare, embodied by steel and blood."
"This is the future of modern warfare. Active camouflage, enhanced strength, and light shields."
"In those few short weeks, the world watched in awe as the latest generation of smart bombs, rockets, and guided missiles took center stage."
"Disruption and sabotaging, I think it's the new weapon in the world in general."
"War nowadays is not fought in the trenches; it's drones dropping grenades on you."
"I immersed myself into Modern Warfare 2 at the time and I became obsessed with my crew and my group of guys."
"Modern Warfare is fantastic, like I love what they did with the AC-130 gunship and all that stuff."
"The most modern weapons tend to use controllers that are based on optimal navigation."
"Information is the new power; it's the new battlefield."
"Warfare is not fought with Tomahawk missiles and tanks; it's fought with computer viruses."
"You can't have a civil war in this day and age; we've got the Army, Navy, Marines, helicopters, tanks."