
Genesis Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"I think I'm gonna start with Genesis, because, not just because it's first, but I've always been fascinated with it."
"The evidence indicates very similar ideas can exist in primitive hunter-gatherer societies so the idea that customs and beliefs present in Genesis had to develop late is not the only possibility."
"Genesis has everything just about right in this interior."
"The book of Genesis is probably the most profound and full of wisdom."
"Genesis 1 and 2 are complementary rather than contradictory."
"The Bible, especially Genesis, was written by multiple authors that were spliced together into a single book."
"Genesis 1 to 11 is actually the foundation for all doctrine."
"The entire core message of the gospel... is rooted in Genesis history."
"When this backs the Bible right out of Genesis Chapter Six, no question."
"The Genesis is priced very aggressively... it starts at thirty four thousand nine hundred dollars..."
"The Genesis reminds me an awful lot of what I think that the Lexus IS could have or should have been in this particular generation."
"When you look at the Genesis 6 account and take it as a literal interpretation... it traces all the way throughout the Old Testament."
"We are at the very Genesis of all of this starting."
"What happened in Genesis 6 was a big deal and it's preserved a lot of it in this book that we call Enoch and that mattered for New Testament writers."
"And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."
"Anything is possible, Genesis is the beginning."
"If you haven't driven a Genesis, go and drive one; it's a wonderful experience."
"Genesis and modern science are neither enemies nor friends, but two different ways of describing the world."
"The secret of creation, the secret of everything, is locked in that first second."
"True genesis is not at the beginning but at the end, and it starts to begin only when society and existence become radical."
"Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: birth of a masterpiece."
"From ancient Genesis to the modern screen the name Written in Blood."
"Genesis is one of those brands that you need to be adding to your list if it is not already there."
"If these propositions can be proved, they will solve many problems which now perplex mankind. They will confirm in many respects the statements in the opening chapters of Genesis. They will widen the area of human history."
"Genesis 1:1 simply says that 'In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.'"
"Does the word day actually mean day? Norm Geisler wrote in his systematic theology book: 'It is true that most often the Hebrew word yom, meaning day, means 24 hours, however this is not definitive for its meaning in Genesis 1 for several reasons.'"
"Genesis is foundational to understand why we need salvation."
"It actually was really interesting in reading your book, I had not realized that there's a verse in, I think it's Genesis 2, where it said that in the land where gold is very good."
"...I started to laugh at my ridiculous predicament and and that was the genesis of thinking oh god I've got to make something of this..."
"For passengers and for carrying people around, the Genesis is a more impressive package because of the luxury features and the basic design."
"Genesis has the foundations the blueprints to answer the God's word versus man's word dilemma."
"Once you do away with the scientific historical reality of Genesis you do away with the moral code of Genesis."
"The hope for the victory of good over evil is introduced early in Genesis."
"Start at the beginning of creation."
"When man began to multiply on the face of the Earth and daughters were born to them."
"...Genesis introduces us to the stage, the cast and the plot of this great drama..."
"...so of course when you look at the Genesis here that's obviously the first thing you think of is BC Rich just by the aesthetic..."
"If we want to revive the local religion in a manner that's honest, the place to begin is Genesis one."
"...it really shows that you know what Genesis can bring a lot to the table when it comes to luxury sedans."
"when it comes to styling I think Genesis has knocked the G80 out of the park"
"There is good reason to believe the first chapter in the book of Genesis in the way that it's written."
"This thing handles so well, like I gotta do a proper comparison on the track. Man, the second is so at home in this car, I'm shocked. Good job, Genesis!"
"Genesis are pretty much going their own way in my opinion in terms of exterior design, interior design, and even how the cars drive."
"Genesis really does score a few points on the ongoing costs and that's because the servicing is actually included for the first five years."
"What God accomplished in Christ was actually initiated as a small seed in the opening chapters of Genesis."
"Thumbs up here for the Genesis team."
"The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway was scheduled to be the blockbuster, this was the album that was going to finally establish Genesis not just a cult band, playing at the local town hall, but an international group."
"Significantly, Phil Collins also suddenly showed that he was up there with the other two when it came to writing. He wrote 'Misunderstanding' that became their first big American hit and really set them on the path for the future."
"Has Genesis found the right formula with the 2022 model?"
"This Banks number is something of a lost classic in the Genesis catalog."
"I think Genesis is not an account of the exact chronological order but the cosmological order."
"The first 11 chapters of Genesis exhibit many of the family resemblances of Mythology, and yet they are concerned with history...I just do not think that as mytho-history, we should impose on these narratives a sort of wooden literality."
"This is the exact moment that a rivalry was born."
"But like this whole thing has generated from back in 2019."
"The idea for 'The Animated Series' had its genesis in the character Alex, Rick and Evie's young son."
"Chapters 37 to 50 focus on the sons of Jacob, particularly Joseph and Judah."
"Genesis is not just about what happened but about what always happens."
"This is biblical evidence, all three witnesses in Genesis are out of sync."
"Genesis is where it begins, because it is the book of beginnings."
"Now I want to start from Genesis chapter number two."
"The first and last words of Genesis 1 are 'in' and 'day' respectively."
"Genesis has announced that all of their vehicles will be rear-wheel drive."
"Genesis gets here by giving us all those features standard."
"You'll genuinely be very surprised at what Genesis continues to offer."
"Genesis is best. What better place to start than in the beginning."
"Genesis chapter 1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light."
"It's the idea of there's something really fundamental, specifically about Genesis, that this is how it all came to be."
"Everything in the physical world has its Genesis begins life in the metaphysical World."
"I actually was talking to a few people about doing deals at that time but being at the Air Force one was a part of the genesis of what we built it just made sense."
"Genesis is a complicated thing as it relates to science and as it relates to faith."
"The only way Genesis chapter 3 could be fulfilled was at the cross at Calvary."
"Adam had the ability to name the animals, there's a creativity about him."
"...Genesis is profound profound not in its understanding of the world around us not in its accuracy with the science and history but profound in the impact that it has had..."
"...the inconsistency and the portrayal of God's character in Genesis alone is revolutionarily different..."
"Many Christians I know avoid Genesis like the plague. I want to give you confidence that this is really the place to start. It really does belong on the first page of the Bible."
"...we look at the fossil record we see that the animals show up in the oceans first and then we get fossil evidence for plants and the continents Genesis has it the opposite way your book got it wrong."
"The preferred term for prayer and worship in the Book of Genesis is actually the phrase 'to call on the name of the Lord,' signifying immersion in God's name."
"Genesis was written for you. The assurance of righteousness through faith is just as much for us as it was for Abraham."
"In the beginning, there was no blood on blood being shed."
"How did Adam discover he needed a partner?"
"The interpretation of Genesis chapter 1 is the story of the recreation of the earth rather than the creation of the earth."
"Light was the very first thing that was created."
"In the very first verse it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
"Dr Walton not only is probably the best Genesis scholar of Our Generation."
"Genesis 1:1 is probably one of the most important ideas in the religion."
"The gas-powered two-row SUV that Genesis can't pump out fast enough can also be had as a battery electric vehicle."
"This is Genesis, this is the car that started it all."
"If you want to understand the Book of Revelation and the end of the age, you better understand Genesis, because God declares the end from the beginning."
"...this attention to detail in here is the strongest point of any genesis product that they've ever built."
"...it's really the best that hyundai and genesis can do right now."
"An entire season developed from a simple question."
"The worst thing we could be doing is helping them. There are Christians who say, 'Yeah, it doesn't matter what you believe about Genesis, you can believe in the Big Bang and evolution and it doesn't matter.' Well, it does matter."
"If the Bible in Genesis 1 and 2 is literal it is wrong, and if it's figurative then it's ridiculous."
"God separated the light from the darkness."
"Jesus presents a marriage teaching where he goes back to Genesis and says the two shall become one so there're no longer two but one."
"Genesis is simply the knowledge of beginnings."
"Three in one. The first statement in the Bible is 'In the beginning Gods created the heaven and the earth'."
"The anger and the frustration that a lot of black women go through don't just come out of nowhere. There is a Genesis there, there is a Nexus for everything that they are and what they do and how they react."
"We have to go back to the first story, the story of creation in Genesis."
"The new space opera first began in 1975 with M. John Harrison's 'The Century Device'."
"The word Torah came eventually to mean Genesis through Deuteronomy, the entire book from creation through the death of Moses."
"The importance of Genesis chapters 10 and 11 is that they are the bridge from the beginning of the new World After the flood to the greatest of the biblical Patriarchs, Abraham."
"He uses the Patriarchs in Genesis to explain the doctrine of election."
"In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth."
"Thus evening and morning came into being, a complete day."
"The entire book of Genesis is played out in a loaf of bread."
"Light was created first, then the light was divided by Darkness."
"Genesis at their peak, absolutely brilliant album."
"This album opened up my ears to the wonderful world of Genesis and everything that that entails."
"I never heard anything like it, I fell in love with that band."
"It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
"At the beginning, God created heaven and the earth."
"And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light."
"Live Aid was like the Genesis of the whole thing coming together."
"The first book of the Holy Bible has a Hebrew name which means appropriately 'the beginning'."
"Genesis in general is just killing it right now."
"I just can't say enough good things about Genesis."
"The Euphrates river is mentioned in the Bible numerous times, beginning in the Book of Genesis."
"Many theologians have called Genesis 3:15 the Protoevangelium, meaning the First Gospel."
"The genesis of the ore deposits is one of the biggest controversies in the geological world."
"We've crossed the halfway point in our 12th session exploration of the Book of Genesis."
"The Earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind."
"Genesis gives you the kinship; it actually gives you what the anthropologists say should be there."
"Genesis is without a doubt the most important book in the Bible."
"God knew that we were going to have a problem with that food stuff, so He put it in the first book, in the front of the Bible, in the first chapter."
"Genesis, unimaginably, is my favorite book of the Hebrew Bible."
"Michelangelo's paintings... depict nine different stories from the book of Genesis are some of the most revered pieces of Art to have ever been created."
"The book of Genesis describes creation attributes that living kind of atmosphere of this place to the presence of God's Spirit."
"The world at the beginning of Genesis 1 is watery and dark."
"In Genesis 1, humans were created at the end, on day six."
"The fountains of the great deep burst apart and the floodgates of the sky broke open."
"I love Genesis styling, the way they do those two-bar tail lights and headlights."
"Dancing Volcano remains probably my favorite Genesis song."
"There is no conflict between science in Genesis chapter 1."
"The 15 Genesis is truly a testament to how far Hyundai has come in so little time."
"The Genesis is an absolutely astonishing buy."
"Genesis is really an amazing book and it's a book that people almost always misunderstand."
"God promised that we had the first gospel preached to us, the proto-uangelion in Genesis chapter 3 verse 15."
"The Bible, the creation account in Genesis, is both historically and scientifically accurate."
"Science actually confirms the literal history in Genesis and other things that the Bible teaches."
"The entire book of Genesis is a promise of hope."
"In Genesis 1, creation is the story of God preparing a place for us so that He can be with us."
"Genesis chapter 35 is rich in information but largely hidden to our view."
"And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day."
"God was so enthusiastic about it that in Genesis 1:31, He said that it was 'very good.'"
"Let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear."
"Then Elohim said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light."
"The book of Genesis is absolutely foundational to any understanding of the Bible."
"Genesis 3:15 is a prophecy of the coming Messiah."
"That concludes the book of Genesis."
"Genesis was developing an identification with human concerns, even the beginnings of a morality."
"It's because of Genesis is true that we know that we need a savior."
"The Book of Genesis opens up with the creation of the universe: Let there be light."
"A little over five years ago, Genesis came on the scene."
"Genesis one, two, and three are crucial in order to make sense of the coming of Christ."
"Genesis chapter 15 is one of the most pivotal chapters in the entire Old Testament."
"This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created."
"The first two chapters of Genesis provide a cohesive and detailed account of creation."
"You still get the fantastic 10-year 100,000 Genesis warranty."
"It is not good for a man to be alone." - Genesis chapter 2 verse 18
"Genesis presents the creation as a sudden coming into being of a world through articulate speech."
"Christ fulfills the crushing of the head of the serpent, the very thing that was promised to Eve in Genesis 3."
"We are powerful black women; this is our genesis right now, this is our time."
"The Traditions that lie behind the Enuma Elish and the storyline certainly did influence Genesis 1."
"The history in Genesis is foundational to marriage."
"He then senses an opportunity for the Awakening of Elemental genes and the birth of Life."
"Your darkness is not your destination; it is your genesis."
"After six tiring days of creating the heavens and the earth, God molded a man out of dust, called him Adam, and put him in the Garden of Eden."
"I would say you know I take a when you when you read the first few chapters of Genesis in its historical context, it seems unlikely to me that the author of Genesis is trying to communicate scientific or material understanding of the world."
"Everything that started in Genesis is wrapped up in the Book of Revelation."
"Start at the beginning, okay? We're talking Book of Genesis."
"We are coming to the close of an amazing series on the book of Genesis."
"The first role of the father, beloved, is to give life. He's the genesis of life."
"I'm excited today because we're in the middle of a great series on the book of Genesis."
"Let's take our Bibles this morning and open them up to the Book of Genesis, chapter 6 and verse 14."
"God prepares the heavens and the Earth, then the beginning."
"Genesis is good at making these cars with beautiful designs."