
Survivor Quotes

There are 482 quotes

"If you or someone you know is a survivor, know that you are not alone, and there is help available."
"I may destroy you is a unique piece because it is something we know was created by a survivor."
"Survivor, the original American series, that's beyond iconic. Such a good game format."
"You're either a victim or a survivor. I am a survivor."
"Conversion therapy survivor is the word that fits best."
"Season 19 Samoa... we saw Russell Hantz, one of the biggest villains in Survivor history, take the prize."
"I know what happened to me. I'm here as a Survivor. I to my dying day will stand by every word of my testimony."
"I feel like it links up so perfectly with Survivor because this story is all about people not really knowing who to trust, they're shaky alliances but at the end of the day people are suspicious of each other."
"We lost a legend yesterday, Tina Turner died. What a legend and also a survivor of domestic violence."
"If you're a rape survivor you are the crime scene... the crime is perpetrated and re-perpetrated every day that you carry it with you."
"Alex Zanardi throughout his life, made it known that he was a survivor."
"Spoiler alert: it's a happy ending. I'm still here, yay!"
"Ivan Martinushkin is the last living liberator of Auschwitz concentration camp."
"A great survivor cast is full of dynamic, interesting people with different lived experiences representing a variety of demographics who came to play Survivor."
"Sometimes Survivor ends up being this big-time transformative, life-changing experience the players will share forever."
"Jeremy chose to align himself with those players like Savage, Joe, and Fishbach in an effort to obscure his own threat level."
"Forgiveness allows you to rewrite your story; you're no longer a victim but a survivor."
"I love Survivor, I love everything that has come from it."
"Survivor through its history has kept players on their toes by introducing elements in the game that the players simply couldn't have foreseen."
"This is the greatest tribe in Survivor history, potentially the greatest group of people ever assembled in one area at one time in world history."
"My name is Elizabeth Shaw, lost survivor of the Prometheus, and I'm still searching."
"At number two is the Strikeforce in Survivor David vs. Goliath."
"Returning player seasons are an exciting prospect for Survivor fans."
"Tom had played probably the most dominant game in Survivor history."
"Sandra had proven in her first two games that she could play the 'anybody but me' game better than anyone."
"Richard Hatch was a household name in the year 2000."
"In order to be the hero or the Survivor of your life, you have to be the victim first to understand."
"It just kind of works out like a survivor car like it is, I don't know, I don't even know if there's any video content here, it's too good, actually car is fantastic."
"Nobody should go through what I did, and I often say to people, I'm one of the lucky ones because I'm still here."
"You can always tell not always you have to be really good at it it's really hard to tell a liar from a Survivor but there are certain things there are like certain things they say."
"The best days of Disney are ahead of us."
"Sometimes the luck of the draw is incredibly lopsided, leaving one tribe with most or all of the challenge beasts."
"You don't need an excel spreadsheet of challenge wins and losses to know when a tribe isn't great."
"Definitely not Hayden at the tribe swap."
"Smile through the pain, Nick. Smile through the pain."
"Who knew Candice from Raro tribe would become such an icon in Survivor history?"
"You just react to what's going on in the game. And I think that is a really great skill to have when you're playing Survivor. To be able to be present and be in the moment and really take in what's happening out there."
"Spencer was going up to bat for me. You know what man, if I win this million dollars, my kids are going to college. Because I do not want them to have a high school education like me when they can have a college education like him."
"I'm a survivor of abuse. It took me 10 years to admit that because the most insidious symptom of abuse is the inability to admit that what you're enduring is not normal."
"No but I like the idea of like a Survivor coming back"
"Every season of Survivor is a story."
"Survivor is amazing. Not a single person has played that hasn't left and said, 'I'll never be the same.'"
"That paranoia goes for 39 days, and when it's over, and we get to final tribal, you can see in their face it's like they just got out of like 30 years in prison. They just have nothing left."
"Nayanka and Purple Kelly's quit is Survivor's most notorious ever."
"At tribal council, Sandra and Krista are once again blindsided by Burton and Fairplay."
"This challenge was so hilarious as after Sandra was the first to be eliminated, Fairplay basically spent the rest of the challenge trying to make a final 2 deal with Lill."
"In reality, she was despised by the entire jury and loses to literally anyone at the merge."
"If that isn't a canonization of her as a survivor legend, I don't know what is."
"They see you as a survivor, somebody who has emerged and grown. Meeting you has transformed their perspective on something."
"You are seeing there a World War II Nazi Survivor."
"The worst fear a survivor has of sharing this with someone is that they won't be believed."
"Props to you Jeffrey for not using another Survivor story as a weapon to mess with anybody that you don't like."
"I don't want any Japanese Survivor to think that I'm trying to lord these medals over them. Our opportunity is we have a common ground—they are survivors of the same action that I am a survivor of, and I just like to say a welcome brother."
"The victim, the survivor telling the story, is the only person who can drop the term 'alleged' without scrutiny because they are speaking from their own personal experience."
"For a survivor, don't ask why, ask what."
"Some survivors find something they're able to do and that they absolutely love."
"I'm a son of a Survivor, which set me off on a journey of trying to answer the big questions."
"Richard Hatch wins Survivor Borneo on a four to three vote."
"Combine the scheming of Rob Mariano and the Survivor expertise of Rob Cesternino, and you get Ivy League student Brian."
"Todd led the charge against John Robert finally sending him and his American Idol packing."
"The final immunity challenge is such an important challenge of each Survivor season, and really is one that comes down to who wants it the most."
"Island of the idols came from the idea of how could we get somebody like a Boston Rob to play again."
"Sandra Diaz Twine, a smart strategist on Survivor Heroes versus Villains."
"Survivor thrives on the backs of its casting and I just want some room to breathe. That is all I ask."
"I started tweeting about how we should be firing abusers and hiring survivors instead and how we should be talking about the talents and the skills of these people not just the abuse that they've gone through."
"That was a genius move, and she came up with the whole plan. Heads up, if any of you ever get on Survivor, don't do this. Don't brag about moves unless you are at Final Tribal Council. Any earlier puts a target on your back."
"Survivor serves the purpose of a well-intentioned but relentless adversary that pushes you to deal with stuff."
"I think I'm just a person like I'm a person who enjoys living my life and I wasn't ready to go yet you know is that a Survivor maybe but I don't want to be put on some like pedestal event of health or anything like that because there's still plenty of [ __ ] wrong with me"
"Welcome to ghost Island. It's the past mistakes of other survivors."
"Yao Man is the first person in Survivor history to play an idol and negate votes that would have eliminated him otherwise."
"This is the first official showing of a fake idol. There are so many immunity idols running around here."
"James is also the first person in the show's history to be voted out with an idol in his pocket."
"Gary is the first person in Survivor history to play an idol and negate votes that would have eliminated him otherwise."
"The game has changed: the entire season is based on this idol as it has now evolved and become what we will be dubbing from here on out as the super idol."
"This second version of the hidden immunity idol can be played at any time up through the final four, including after all of the votes are already read, which is way more powerful than the idol from the last season."
"She's the last survivor of the Nostromo."
"The Wilderness had swallowed my friends whole, leaving me as the Lone Survivor of a nightmarish ordeal."
"Violet Jessup died in 1971 the age of 83 not just a survivor of the Titanic disaster but a survivor through and through."
"I did come in as a survivor and I definitely have thrived throughout this course."
"I'm going to stay here and interrogate the lone survivor."
"You are a brave young lady to attack this head-on in my courtroom. I commend you for owning the situation rather than continuing to make yourself a victim of it. You are a survivor and an inspiration."
"Elizabeth Smart eventually married, had two children, and remains an advocate for the prevention of predatory crimes."
"You survived this person before you were this person's victim then you opened your eyes you awakened and you're like hell no I'm not anyone's victim I'm a Survivor so that's the spirit pile number three."
"That girl was Valentina or Valya Utochenko and she would later be known as the only survivor of the group of seven hikers."
"After the war a survivor of the Houston said he met 18 year-old fireman first-class Fred Brown."
"and last but not least we've got survivor fan if you guys have seen the show survivor that's a show i've been obsessed with recently i really really love it oh my goodness"
"It's a Survivor, but you know, there was one for sale late last year almost the same car."
"There is always one Survivor, always someone spared."
"Wayne is the only multi-season player on the entire show to play a perfect game. Dude did not receive one single vote from the time he first arrived on the island, and I think that's an important feat to mention, one of many feats to add to the greatness of Wayne."
"For the first time, there was an actual firsthand account of a satanic cult survivor."
"I'm a lover, I'm a kind person, I have patience and [__], but one thing I'm a very strong person. I got heart, I got... I mean, I'm a survivor."
"I've come to realize that I am a domestic violence survivor so it's another reason why I'm making this video so that people that went through what I went through do not consume in that fear to take a stand and talk to someone because it can make a difference in their lives."
"It’s time to move beyond the victim-survivor binary."
"Sarah Collins Rudolph still suffers from residual effects of the explosion, yet is often overlooked in the larger discussions of the bombing and its role in energizing the Civil Rights Movement."
"Most Americans know the story of the four little girls who were killed on September 15, 1963 in the 16th Street Baptist Church, but fewer know that there was actually a fifth little girl who survived, and, of course, that's you."
"Adam was fantastic in Winners at War. I mean, Adam was one of the bright spots of Winners at War. I think he was such a fantastic character on this season."
"Poverty, come on. Lock, had to have her on Winners of War. I mean, I don't think you can have Winners of War again without her and Boston Rob and Sandra. They were absolute locks, absolute necessities."
"Survivor for me has been a double-edged sword. Did I have some great experiences? You bet I did. But it's living with the after effects. Now, was it worth having that experience to be feeling like this? If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't do it all over again."
"The whole nation's being swept away by Survivor, the highest rated show in America."
"Stephen gets a lot of flack for not cutting JT, but he did everything right and JT just won out."
"Candace was athletic, she was smart, she was strategic. I do not understand for the life of me why they would vote her out so early on in a tribe where you would want strength."
"Sierra uses just the clue to build relationships. I think the bonfire lie is genius."
"Taj has an incredible read on the opportunity that this presents, and also I think an incredible read on exactly who to hit with it."
"You were a jerk the whole time. Okay, all three of you, kiss my... this may be the worst final Tribal Council performance I have ever seen or ever covered in any Story video and it's not even close."
"Which onetime player would you most like to see come back and play in a future season of Survivor? Taj, yes."
"Proving that you don't have to be a villain like Richard Hatch to win the game of Survivor."
"If Yul doesn't win this season, it's probably Parvati that wins, right? If Yul doesn't flip Penner, if Raro wins even one of those immunity challenges, and Raro has the numbers, I have to imagine that Parvati is the person who is most likely to win at that point."
"Yule and Parvati as titans of the game are clashing, and Yule wins this battle, but Parvati gets further than she should have because Yule didn't recognize how good she was, but then does recognize how good she was, decides she's a bigger threat than Adam."
"He ate at every single reward challenge which is crazy when you think about it."
"JT charmed everyone's pants off and was a dominant player all game. The social game that JT plays is simply unmatched, especially for a newbie player. Never has it been so blatant who is the fan favorite and the clear winner."
"Feeling good. First time in Survivor history a player has two idols. Yeah, he's practically invincible. Feeling good."
"But it raised it as a possibility. I think ultimately, Jamie still thinking that there is another idol out there and it's just not marked in any way is even funnier."
"Even the bad seasons are still like, uh, have something. You know? So yeah, you know if you love Survivor, you love Survivor even the seasons of memorable characters, I think at least we'll give it that."
"I feel like overall the cast generally all likes one another and unlike many of the other Survivor Seasons there's very few votes of we are voting this person off because we hate them, this person is a horrible person."
"...it was just real life, um, real life emotions that she deals with off of Survivor coming into Survivor."
"Welcome to the crazy history of survivor players leveraging advantages and backfiring."
"This is the most celebrated modern season of Survivor."
"This had everything you would want in a Survivor season: an auction, rights of passage, fun challenges, twists, a good winner."
"This is one of my favorites, if not my favorite build-up to any tribal council in all of Survivor."
"I may seem like an unlikely Survivor with all my phobias and irritable bowel syndrome, but I had the advantage of never having any friends."
"I still stand by the fact that I do think casting is in the best state it has ever been for Survivor."
"I consider myself as a Survivor who has an obligation to share a story."
"It shouldn't cost money to get on Survivor, and it doesn't."
"Season 34 game changers takes this idea to the next level by being all about big moves."
"Cagayan is by far the best season of this era and that is really saying a lot."
"Being the second best challenge beast of your season, being one vote away from winning the game, being a super fan who was on the online forums before they were even popular, and being a mom."
"She was one vote away from being the sole survivor."
"He's a survivor and last I checked, there's still plenty of time left in this program."
"It's important for other people to know that it looks different for everyone. You are a survivor the minute you start treatment, you are even diagnosed you're a survivor."
"She is exhibiting the life of a survivor."
"A Survivor who had a legacy to share."
"She is a survivor, I have never seen such survival skills."
"We told you that this would be a performance, the role of her lifetime. As a heroic survivor. Survivor of brutal abuse."
"In Survivor history, how many people were on the verge day one or day two and then went on to win it? It's pretty remarkable."
"It's been a ride getting to this point, but we did it, we're here."
"I'm a survivor. Here I am today facing my abuser. I'm finally being heard."
"Sorry Fred, I mean the fire represents your life on Survivor. You can't be afraid of fires."
"It was survivor's remorse for me."
"Emma was the only Survivor barely survived a horrible home invasion."
"Everyone was afraid. I was a pharmacy student at the University of Utah when this happened."
"She cost me a miracle. She's a miracle baby and I'm a survivor."
"As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, I value your Insight and hope you might see this and consider it as a future topic thank you."
"...JT just pulled off the first ever perfect Survivor game in Survivor token Chans what else can he do."
"I think Season 2 is really a great season for being able to still watch that early Survivor, what it was like in the very beginning, what made us fall in love with the show originally."
"You can say what you want about Russell, but never has a player in the history of Survivor found three immunity idols without a single clue. Okay? And I will even go on record saying that it is never going to happen again."
"If you can take a long hard look at yourself when you're at your lowest and in that moment you can accept what you see, in my eye that's what makes you a true survivor."
"Each season of Survivor is a story. There are main characters, Sidekicks, comic reliefs, and villains. A good season of Survivor tells a compelling story that has you rooting for someone and against someone else in hopes that it all ends in a satisfying conclusion."
"T-Bird from Season 3 Africa. Theresa was a sweetheart."
"Natalie from Micronesia. Natalie did not get a lot of screen time her season but when she did, she made it count."
"Welcome to the story of Theresa Cooper, a castaway on Survivor Africa."
"At the end of the day it's like, people ask you, 'Would you rather the title of Soul Survivor or the million dollars?' and it's like, well, luckily you get both of them."
"Francesca got voted out the first time, twice when she played, she played two times I voted out first. Kind of get that it's kind of hard to believe but yes, that happened, that's a horrible beat."
"Here are my top 10 greatest pre-merged blind sides in Survivor."
"From the very first vote of rocks being drawn, a tone was set for one of the wildest, chaotic, heart-rending, salad-tossing seasons of Survivor we have ever seen."
"This is the Parvati that Jeff Probst falls in love with and everyone refers to later on... her game here is not a fluke or happenstance she really is just that good."
"Palau is the best season of Survivor I have watched in 2021."
"For me, I think this is one of the most character-driven seasons ever."
"We had two queer women on Vanuatu, and I don't think it was ever discussed. Survivor was not interested in drawing all that attention to that."
"Spencer said last night when you guys were throwing each other under the bus for Tribal Council Jeff's like pitting you against each other I mean you have to plea for your life and Spencer calls you the most likable person he's ever met in his entire life"
"He's the biggest threat right now over Spencer and over all of them, he's the biggest threat and they get together and they vote him out love the do to death but he's, he's the biggest threat so far he's playing well he playing well."
"That's the toughest part of the game is really you're sitting here and you're like who is really with me or they ly me to my face and then when you go to tribal counseling you're see your name pop up when my name popped up with Alexis I mean my heart sunk."
"Survivor 30 and 31, Worlds Apart and Cambodia, are the only two seasons stretch up to now present-day where nobody was blindsided with an idol on them. Since Caramoan, basically at least every other season now, someone will get voted out while holding an idol."
"She does try to do some damage control by telling Tiffany that the advantage is gonna be played for the yasa tribe on Nasir and not against Sandra that would be so silly."
"They didn't even vote her out Garrett went home with the idol in his pocket after she dumped their entire food supply wow that's how you know this tribe is a mess and no they don't get better but they're not as bad as the next tribe."
"Carr wins their third immunity Challenge in a row obviously Jeff is voted out."
"I grew up watching Survivor. I have trained in my life. I've seen a slide puzzle be on Survivor."
"Stephanie is the biggest Underdog in Survivor history."
"Rupert was The Lovable teddy bear who worked hard played hard yet was a social Underdog."
"So, yeah, justice for Chelsea. I liked her a lot. Even in the pre-merge."
"Not going to Tribal Council Prem merge was very bad for me."
"I'm very honored by Fishback because I have so much respect for him but it's 100% his fault."
"I think Kim Spradlin played a more flawless game and made fewer missteps along the way."
"Rupert and Laura, married Survivor veterans, were a team on The Amazing Race 31."
"Penner makes this season better and in a lot of ways that's all I can ask for out of someone as a character."
"Penner went from villain in Cook Islands to a clear hero here."
"Out of 23 character moments shown on the show, 18 were heroic and five were villainous, making Jonathan Penner a hero character on Survivor Philippines."
"He played an otherwise solid game and he has a great social game when he works at it."
"Survivor is about making hard decisions and doing a little lying if you have to. It's business this time."
"This twist just happened to be introduced when a former Marine had no more idols to save himself."
"Survivor Gabon threw in a tribe swap at the last second to shake things up."
"Survivor can't help itself in attempts to rig certain parts of the game."
"Rob and Amber, two of the lesser-known All-Stars, would dominate the season."
"Redemption Island was clearly designed for Russell or Rob to win."
"I can understand why the producers did what they had to do this season."
"The Kelly Wentworth award for best pre-merged boot. That's Christine."
"So personally, I have Sophie's game at 20 in terms of my winner rankings."
"But also, but a late edition, we're going to be having a 'Why Sophie Won' coming up this weekend also on our South Pacific coverage."
"Kong is the last survivor of his species."
"Uh, what if Coda dominated? What do you think, Phil? That would be the worst season in Survivor, or it would be my least favorite season of Survivor."
"He proved that he's more than a star; he's a survivor."
"Aris was much bigger of a threat than people remember him being. He held his alliance together, smoothed things over within their ranks, and pulled off one of the steadiest winning games in Survivor history."
"Sophie pulled off one of the steadiest winning games in Survivor history. There aren't many flaws here, and yet she's usually ranked low. Winners at War helped her perception, but I say keep bumping it up."
"Mike's at the final nine but Mike didn't need the fire making challenge, he just prevailed at the good old-fashioned immunity challenges. Dare I say it is the most impressive challenge run in Survivor."
"Mike was in control of the game before him entering the merge as the shot caller for the majority alliance."
"The tradition of Survivor that since the very first season is to say you gotta vote for the person who plays the best."
"The real Nayong, not just the victim who was given this name but the young girl who fought for her life, and the young woman who continues to persevere, is a survivor."
"'I'm a survivor!' Hey, where the survivors at? If you're a survivor, holler at me! If you know you're a survivor, give God a survivor shout!"
"In a lot of ways it was a lot easier because people were talking about Me Too in general, people were also starting to understand like, hey maybe we should give survivors a platform."
"This person is a survivor, and it's you."
"Among those who charged and survived was Edwin Hughes, nicknamed Balaclava Ned."