
Irreversible Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"What is seen cannot be unseen; what is known cannot be unknown."
"Yes, I am a feminist and I do think it's important because it's just a basic human right to be treated equally."
"Once it's over, you're never getting it back. You'll have nowhere to run when adulthood comes knocking."
"If you reveal your secret identity, that's it, you can't take that back."
"This is a Pandora's Box we will never ever be able to go back."
"A global experiment from which there is no return."
"Once you see it, you can't unsee it... Once you know it, you can't un-know it."
"I am sorry for taking our parents and our sins... I wish I could take it back... reality is that we can't."
"At some point, you sell your soul, you don't get it back."
"Once people get a bit of Freedom you can't put them back to sleep."
"Once you feel that fork tongue caressing your earlobe, you're never going back."
"The point of no return is where you go past that point of decision where there's no going back."
"Once you pass the point of no return, going back is not an option."
"Once you tap into some sort of gift, you're not going to be able to close it back up."
"Once one had set foot upon the path of the magical arts, there lay nothing but the harsh reality that there's no turning back."
"Once you go through a transformation, you can't go back."
"You don't get an oopsie takesy baxi for this."
"Once a major life-changing event occurs, oftentimes it's a one-way street; there's no going back."
"There's nothing you can do to reverse the process."
"The time that has passed will not come back to you no matter how much you cry."
"You sure you want to delete this? Action cannot be undone."
"Once it's happened, you can't change that."
"What's done can't be undone, and I tell you there's nothing against us unless the dead could come to life."
"Jimmy is so far gone by this point."
"I think by 2030 we've reached point of no return right."
"You cannot go back ever. Withdrawal is a one-way street."
"Once a bomb goes off, you can't defuse it."
"When you start the game, when you are a part of it, there is no going back."
"Our life now will never be the same."
"I'm In Too Deep there is no coming back from this."
"It seemed like a big question that's about to be revealed and are you sure you want to know the answer? You can't go back. The box would be open."
"There's no going back. Some hurts go too deep."
"The genie can't go back in the bottle."
"Things the genie can't go back in the bottle."
"Haven't you caught on yet, Wilson? There's no return ticket. It's a one-way trip."
"That's how you lose a guy. That is one thing that you never come back from."
"There's no going back. You've changed things forever."
"Looks like there's no coming back from this."
"You must realize there is no way back for us."
"Once you sell your integrity, you can never get it back."
"Once you put data into these systems, my friends, you cannot get it back out."
"Time is something you can never get back."
"Once you cross the Event Horizon, there's no coming back."
"You can't reverse it. Once you hash, there's no way to go back. It's just like a fingerprint."
"The internet can't be uninvented."
"Plastic surgery is no joke. It's not reversible."
"Once you start driving, you can't go back."
"The effects are irreversible, irreversible brain damage."
"I knew I was gonna see something that I can't unsee with this video I knew it."
"It's important... many decisions we make are irreversible."
"But look, many things are irreversible in life."
"If you drive carelessly, you'll have brain damage, and that's irreversible."
"Nothing would ever be as it was before."
"It's too late to save them. Otto says they'll have to be liquidated."
"What has been seen cannot be unseen."
"When you find the light switch, only you can turn your light switch on. But once you turn it on and you see everything, you can't unsee it anymore."
"Whatever we've done with our lives can never be undone. No force would allow it, such is the nature of free will."
"You can always say more, but you can't put the genie back in the bottle."
"Well baby, there's no turning back now."
"Trust me on that, son. On that day, she will leave you and there will be no turning back."
"Once you cross the threshold, there's no turning back."
"It's all over and there's no turning back."
"Once you evolve, there's no going back. It changes you permanently. Any unfinished business you had, unfinished forever."
"Ignorance is bliss and you can never go back once you know the truth."
"Once you've had these mis... you never turn back."
"We literally are not going back from this. Good luck everybody."
"That's a bell that can't be unrung."
"The door only swings one way. It doesn't go in the opposite direction. Once that point of view gets you, you can't go back, you can't unsee it."
"Once you go through that door, there is no going back."
"In other words, once you go through that door, there is no going back."
"Alexander now has no way to go back."
"Once something is over, you'll never go back to it."
"There's no reversing the process, it is going to continue."
"You can always take off more, putting it back on is impossible."
"Once you go, once you're gone, you're gone."
"Bitcoin transactions don't have chargebacks."
"A mirrored connection, something irreversible."
"It only takes a couple of seconds for a life to change irreversibly."
"Make sure it's what you really want because after this there's no going back and best of luck you guys."
"There's gonna be a little chip missing that you can't fix, and uh, that's the impact my friends."
"Once you have done the connection ritual there is no way back."
"At this point, I don't know if there's any coming back from this."
"There is no going back to the way things were."
"This was definitely like the point of no return."
"Once you cross that line, once you jump that fence, there's no taking it back."
"It's so important to get that right before you start doing the stuff that you can't erase."
"Once you put money into this Financial Freedom account, you lock it in like a one-way door."
"But always remember you can't go back once you do this. This is the absolute last step, okay?"
"It won't come again, not from me anyway."
"Once that Genie was out of the lab there would be no putting it back."
"It cost us everything but I could never go back."
"You can't go backward from here. This is like being an 18-year-old getting a Ferrari."
"If anyone goes, it's over, do you know what I mean? It will never be the same. I really do believe that."
"There is life before Layla, and there is life after Layla, and there's no going back."
"The enemy can't stop it and the enemy can't reverse it when God opens the windows above us."
"Once you issue an invitation, there's no going back except through exorcism." - Malachi Martin
"I love the lesson that some actions you take are irreversible and leave long-lasting effects."
"Once you've tasted the glory of Jesus, there is no turning back."
"You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Chaos is chaos."
"Humanity now has reached the place of no return."
"Once the train leaves the station, there ain't no going back."
"The triumph of the modern natural sciences... is an irreversible process."
"Once everything starts, there will be no turning back," said Grandfather.
"You can't put the cork in once the genie's out."
"I can't go back now, that's true."
"You're never going to go back folks."
"Once you start to hear that voice there's no coming back for it."
"From this point forward, anytime I'm having French toast, this is how it's going to have to be. There's no going back."
"You can't take back a stroke of the brush."
"...This is overthrow. This is permanent. There's no going back. You are not going back. It's not coming again, a second time."
"There is a point of no return, when hearts become irreparably hardened."
"If going back was out of the question, then only one thing remained."
"Once a life is taken, it cannot be brought back."
"If you do and make the mistake of looking into those large glowing eyes, there's no turning back."
"Once you're gone you can't come back I mean that's the way God designed it."
"There's no second chance for a first appearance. You're not coming back to this dirty old world anyhow."
"Once you pull that trigger, you can't take it back."
"Now it's too late to say sorry. What has happened can't be changed forever."
"Once you shatter the vase, you can't put it back together."
"Explain it with the truth. There's no going back now."
"...it's not a fad... it causes a fundamental shift and guess what it doesn't go back to the way it was before unless it's disrupted Again by something else."
"Surprising you with your first small airplane ride...there's no going back."
"We're getting past the point of no return in some of our plans here, and I don't like it."
"But once you take the challenge on and you get to the other side of it, life becomes, you can't walk back through that door."
"There is no going back once you have actually done that level of work."
"I couldn't go back to the way things were before. I've seen too much."
"There's no going back, no going back."
"You can dodge a rock, but you can't unhear a word."
"Once we form that first impression, that's it. The ship has sailed to a remarkable degree."
"Once you try it, there's really no going back."
"You can't unring that Bell, girl."
"Once you start, you're committed, you can't undo it, it's just like the bullet on the gun, once you pull that trigger, you're committed."
"Once you let the genie out of the bottle, it's very difficult to stuff it back in."
"Once you see, you cannot unsee; once you walk through, you cannot take it back anymore."
"Once you have started to awaken, you can't turn back."
"You're gonna see, hear, and learn things that you cannot unsee, unhear, or unlearn, and for that, I'm sorry."
"Some bad things that happen are irreversible; they are not so much learning experiences as life in prison experiences."
"There is a line that you cross; there is no coming back."
"The world has changed. None of us can go back."
"Once the words had come out, there was no taking it back."
"You can't rewind and you can't go back."
"Think of it as being unable to return to Earth after being transported to another world."
"Once you're a pickle, you can't be a cucumber no more."
"The lid has been blown off of our world, and there is no way to put it back."
"Once human beings start out on this road to reason, Science, and Technology, there's no way back; it's a one-way street."
"The world's changed, and we can't go back."
"Once you get COPD, you can't reverse the effects of it; that's it, you've got it now, but by stopping smoking, it can really, really help the patient."
"Once you go away, you never go back."
"Once you go to the next level, you can never go back."
"Once you start the spiritual awakening, there's no turning back."
"Once we reach tipping points, then there's no going back. We start a chain reaction beyond our control."
"Are you willing to learn things you cannot unlearn?"
"You can't put those words back in a bottle."
"Once we start going forward, we can't go back."
"Our time is the one thing we never get back."
"It's the hardest thing that plays on your mind because when those words do come out of your mouth, there's no taking them back."
"How can you put the toothpaste back in the tube and expect things to be right?"
"Once a box has been opened, it cannot be closed again."
"You have crossed a threshold from an old way of being in an old life and try as you might, you cannot return."
"An event that would change everything permanently, where one cannot go back to how things were before that event happens."
"Fire is fire. There's no coming back from that."
"They cannot unknow what they now know."
"It's like Pandora's box; once it's open, it can't be shut again."
"Once you're awake, you can't go back to sleep."
"Once you meet your twin, you are never the same... there's really no going back."
"Because some mistakes... can never be amended... once you've made them."
"Once they fall in love with you, there's no looking back."
"Once you're moving forward, you can't go back, and you know that."
"Make your decision with conviction and clarity, because once you make that choice, there is no turning back."