
Vaccination Benefits Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Compared to fully vaccinated Texans, unvaccinated Texans were 12 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 and 26 times more likely to die of a COVID-19 associated illness."
"The rates of hospitalizations, admissions in ICU, and deaths are really low in those who are fully vaccinated."
"Even one dose of the vaccine not only gives you personal protection but it also reduces your chances of passing the disease onto others."
"The benefits of the vaccine here are very dramatic, not just on the health front but the economic front, the education front."
"Vaccination, that's what protects us, that's what opens us up, that's what gets the lockdown off."
"The benefits of vaccinating the adult population overwhelmingly outweigh the small risks."
"The highest proportion of COVID-19 cases and COVID-19 associated deaths were among unvaccinated people."
"He could self-aggrandize all he wants and it would only help him and people who aren't vaccinated, it would save lives."
"The chances of surviving COVID is much higher with the vaccination."
"Vaccinations have stopped polio, vaccinations have decreased measles, except for in locations where people aren't getting vaccinated."
"The death rate is much higher among those who are unvaccinated compared to those who have..."
"Vaccinations continue to reduce infections, hospitalizations, and deaths."
"If you have the vaccine, it's going to either stop you from getting ill or greatly reduce the severity of the illness."
"You have a 95% better chance if you're vaccinated."
"Statistically speaking, you are extraordinarily unlikely to get seriously ill or die from COVID after you've been double vaxxed."
"If you're vaccinated, you're pretty much safe from the virus statistically speaking."
"I think it's fairly obvious when you look at the data that natural immunity plus vaccination would provide you with the best protection."
"Getting vaccinated has a communitarian effect."
"The vaccine is helping us to bring back our freedom."
"Vaccination is more than just antibodies against the virus to prevent infection; it also provides a substantial amount of protection in the T cells, and that translates into lower hospitalization rates."
"Vaccinated persons are something like 70-75 percent less likely to infect others."
"It's undeniably true that if everybody was vaccinated we'd just be way way way better off."
"Your protection against death and hospitalization, in particular against severe disease, is the same... So that are also very very good news for all of us."
"Vaccination greatly reduces transmission, and two doses provide a very high degree of protection against serious illness and death."
"More people are getting vaccinated, more lives are being saved. Let's be clear."
"The only thing that has saved not only the government's ass but our ass as well is the vaccination program."
"Vaccinations have prevented millions and millions of deaths."
"If everyone in your circle that you're seeing is vaccinated, then do you still need to quarantine?"
"The more people we vaccinate, the better we will do, the fewer outbreaks we will see, the sooner we can get back to our way of life."
"Complex system vaccination... it's a beautiful, beautiful invention of humans as a way to effectively trick your immune system."
"Data shows a significant reduction in deaths among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals."
"Vaccinated people protected from hospitalization, unvaccinated people not protected."
"The single best thing anybody can do is get vaccinated for their own well-being."
"Vaccines reduce transmission, that's the YouTube's official policy."
"Once you have this vaccine, you can literally do what you want."
"The main reason people should get vaccinated is to prevent hospitalization and death."
"Vaccinated people are less likely to infect others."
"Requiring vaccinations for students will save lives and protect future generations."
"Being vaccinated gives you additional protection."
"Natural immunity wears off, but this vaccine never does."
"By getting vaccinated, you are both lessening the spread and less likely to die."
"Vaccines are wonderful and everybody should get them."
"I think vaccines are fantastic they're wonderful advents of technology that have allowed us to basically triumph over over nature."
"I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now."
"Absolutely get the vaccine. It may actually very much keep you healthy and safe in the midst of this pandemic."
"Vaccination will get us back to our lives as they used to be."
"But we do know now that if you are vaccinated and infected, you're just much less likely to transmit to other people."
"The individual was fully vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms."
"Vaccination in long-COVID patients seems to double the rate of complete remission in long-haul symptoms."
"Individuals that get COVID after vaccination are less likely to get long COVID."
"The benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects."
"Reduction in severity observed in these studies can be explained by immunity either from high levels of vaccination or high levels of recent exposure to the virus."
"He is thankfully doing well because of the fact that he is vaccinated, boosted, getting treated."
"Vaccines prevent infectious diseases, preventing disability, disease, and loss of life."
"Kids in highly vaccinated areas are much more protected because they're surrounded by people who have immunity."
"The one thing that can help us make sure we don't get COVID, or if we do get COVID, it doesn't cause that big of a problem, is the vaccination."