
Vaccine Development Quotes

There are 294 quotes

"The vaccine progression from the sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 to the clinical trial executed in months is one of the greatest triumphs in biomedicine in history."
"I am optimistic. There are a lot of different vaccines being investigated, different kinds of mechanisms of engaging the immune system."
"The woman who created the Oxford vaccine now says that COVID is unlikely to mutate into a much deadlier variant and will eventually just cause something that looks like the common cold."
"The idea that we could actually have an 'invented in India' vaccine, that we could actually have multiple 'make in India' vaccines... the Indian producer was actually way ahead of his peer group in the rest of the world."
"If this vaccine works, we will owe it to American innovation."
"Because of his discoveries, scientists were able to very accurately analyze the Spanish flu virus, discovering all of its genome, and that allowed us to create a vaccine."
"We need to create a funding mechanism that will provide a steady funding for a base of scientists who are ready and able to develop a vaccine."
"Once they emerge, you have fast-acting containment strategies, that's really critical and of course in the end having a way to create vaccines quickly is another preventive measure or way of dealing with these things."
"Most important thing that we can point to, of course, is this small miracle, maybe large miracle, amazing feat of researchers to develop a 19 vaccine and for it to be put into use before 2021."
"The best outcome of this last terrible year has been the fact that we've got this vaccine after less than a year. That is a huge success for science."
"America is coming back. The development, manufacturing, and distribution of vaccines in record time is a true miracle of science."
"We didn't do it alone; we played a major role in the development of the vaccines that have now saved millions of lives."
"Labeling this a global health emergency means more international resources for prevention and more help in finding a vaccine."
"Developing a vaccine is a costly and time-consuming gamble."
"Whatever vaccine is successful, we need to make sure we're manufacturing it here at home."
"We developed the vaccines no one else will make because they're for the world's poorest people."
"You could convert someone into having, if you like, a symptomatic infection, getting the immunity without the disease, and that was the basis of the very early vaccines that developed."
"Operation Warp Speed and therapeutic advancements were Monumental achievements."
"A historic groundbreaking initiative in our ongoing effort to rapidly develop and manufacture a coronavirus vaccine."
"The process of the speed did not compromise at all safety nor did it compromise scientific integrity."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine in the pretty near future."
"The vaccine is coming and we're ready to administer it."
"Operation Warp Speed's mission is to enable and accelerate the development of vaccines and therapeutics to help control the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives."
"By getting the Justin's DNA sequence of the virus we were able to fully construct our vaccine within three hours."
"We need a COVID-19 vaccine, but it has to be safe and effective."
"Five times faster than the fastest prior vaccine development in history."
"It was the first glimmer that these vaccines were doing something."
"We're working hard to expedite the process of developing a vaccine."
"We're working together with many different countries, and we have no ego."
"We are rounding the corner to that day that we have a vaccine for the American people."
"The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months."
"Life is not going to get back to normal until we have a vaccine."
"We'll probably have a vaccine in about 18 months time."
"Things have changed, but vaccines will come."
"To have this facility where a new antigen comes in and 100 days later a vaccine goes out could save billions of people."
"The vaccine candidate that was given the first injections for the first person took place today."
"The pharmaceutical industry has been amazing, not just in terms of creating that vaccine but also the recent therapeutics."
"We challenge them to work together as rapidly as possible to develop a vaccine going forward and as Dr. Fauci has indicated we brought a vaccine to clinical trials now the better part of a week ago."
"All we're trying to do is buy time until we can get that vaccine out."
"Under my leadership, we're delivering a safe vaccine and a rapid recovery."
"It's going to end and a vaccine is going to be extremely helpful to us, and it is right around the corner."
"There's some hope that a vaccine will be even sooner than that."
"Our ultimate goal is the race for the vaccine."
"Rush this vaccine and force it on people because when that backfires you've just done more damage than any quote unquote anti-vaxxer could have ever done."
"We will have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of this year."
"We are closer than ever to a vaccine that will save millions of lives."
"Ask you stop playing politics with people's lives. The reality is that we will have a vaccine we believe before the end of this year, and it will have the capacity to save countless American lives."
"Vaccine may be rolled out earlier with positive data."
"Pfizer was notified of problems at Ventavia with the vaccine trial and that an audit took place."
"It's a very impressive story, just like on the vaccine side."
"I do actually think one of the greatest contributors to the fact that we had this incredible vaccine ready in less than a year is investments in basic science and research."
"Help is on the way. We have every confidence in a short period of time we could have one or more safe and effective vaccines."
"Even if we have a vaccine, we're looking at ecological damage."
"The end of this pandemic now looks more attainable as more vaccines come online and the vaccine news is consistently good."
"We're working round the clock to develop a safe vaccine that will end this pandemic and save millions of lives."
"I think this is a real game-changing vaccine."
"This is truly appreciated, so today's news is the first vaccine and the first step and it is very exciting."
"The Trump administration absolutely deserves a lot of credit for Operation Warp Speed."
"We're weeks away from a vaccine. We're doing therapeutics already. Fewer people are dying."
"Through Operation Warp Speed, we will have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of the year."
"We're on track to have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of this year."
"We produced not one, but two vaccines with record-breaking speed."
"Was the vaccine rushed? All the red tape was taken away, the risk was taken away from the pharmaceutical organization so what normally takes 10 years off and billions of dollars was now taking billions of dollars but done the same way."
"Unlocking the secrets of human aging and helping to develop vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, and HPV."
"If we succeed in the production of a vaccine against Alzheimer's, this is an almost unimaginable expansion of our medical prowess."
"Vaccines take time and are difficult to create."
"We're making very good headway with respect to vaccines... I think we're going to have some very good news for you on vaccines and therapeutics and cures."
"A vaccine is not gonna help us now, next month, the month after, but as I mentioned to you we went into a phase one trial."
"We will have a vaccine by the end of the year."
"If the Stars had aligned properly... we would be able to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine very quickly."
"This is record time, this is the fourth vaccine candidate in the United States to reach the final stage of trial."
"The vaccine success was a tremendous opportunity."
"Someday, the occasional heroes that are the beaker-geeks of the world might be able to create a universal flu vaccine."
"We're on an excellent course right now with two vaccines that are looking very promising."
"It turns out one of the biggest reasons we don't have vaccines for everything is simply because we don't try hard enough."
"The miracle in this is to end up with such effective vaccines so quickly, really a remarkable scientific triumph."
"Tonight, a new vaccine that specifically targets Omicron may be just months away."
"Novavax announces COVID-19 vaccine booster data demonstrating fourfold increase in neutralizing antibody levels."
"Who knows what the heck what happened you know 100 years from now right i will say this this vaccine has been studied intensely."
"The process of approving this under the emergency use authorization was rigorous."
"As we move towards trying to combat other viruses with vaccines, we're going to find out that if we don't allow the innate immune system's involvement..."
"America produces the first safe and effective vaccine."
"Thank you on behalf of humanity for the work you and your wife did to bring this vaccine to the world in extraordinary record-breaking time."
"We will continue...our relentless drive toward achieving the first safe and effective vaccine."
"It looks like the world will have its first RNA vaccine this year."
"One thing that helps is that dozens of vaccines are being developed and more than half a dozen are already in use." - NPR's Richard Harris
"The first genuine anti-cancer vaccine on the planet, and its efficacy is absolutely, I'm getting goose bumps even thinking about it."
"Nobody thought this was possible, nobody thought it was even remotely possible to do what we've done in a period of less than nine months, something that just not even thinkable."
"Success is rare, and success in this case not only meant that we would have a vaccine, but that we would have a vaccine on time."
"The job you've done on the vaccine together with a lot of others has been a modern-day miracle."
"We're on the verge of developing variants that may completely escape vaccine and previous infection-induced immunity."
"I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon."
"We found this virus. A vaccine for most of us."
"If an effective COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, a huge risk-on appetite for S&P stocks may appear."
"Moderna's vaccine candidate is showing promising signs, producing a positive immune response."
"Another way to stop a virus is to create a sterilizing vaccine that actually prevents the spread."
"The vaccine is ready so a company can make billions and billions and billions of billions of dollars."
"What data does Pfizer have on this new bivalent vaccine? Clinical trials? No, not yet."
"The long-awaited malaria vaccine for children is a breakthrough for science, child health, and malaria control."
"Through Operation Warp Speed, we have three vaccines in the final stage of clinical trials."
"We're rounding the turn, and the vaccines are coming."
"Our people are feeling good about therapeutics and possible vaccines."
"Big Pharma helped out developing the vaccine, they probably accelerated its development faster than any other vaccine in history."
"Instead of waiting for months, you could actually within two to three weeks declare a vaccine to be effective or not."
"We had all the advantages that Americans didn't have in 1918. We had a record-setting vaccine, as far as time goes, to get a vaccine out in less than a year. Nobody expected that to happen."
"Actual important news: It now appears that vaccines could be on the way."
"You want to know why I think they like doing this? They hate Donald Trump. 'Warp Speed' was Trump's initiative. It worked."
"Three vaccine candidates have now moved into phase three trials."
"The UK became the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine for use."
"The UK's vaccine program was one of the most successful and effective initiatives in the history of UK science."
"Science is amazing. In nine months we came out with a vaccine. It is a triumph of science."
"We have very good news potentially about the vaccine now."
"We are certainly encouraged to hear this morning's news that the Pfizer bionic vaccine with 90% effectiveness may be available by the end of the month."
"The sooner we have a vaccine, the sooner we can go back to work."
"It bought doctors, scientists, researchers time to develop either treatments and eventually hopefully a vaccine."
"The regulation cutting is helping speed the development of a vaccine."
"We've included significant resources in order to ensure that those therapies and ultimately that vaccine can come online as quickly as possible."
"Dr. Fauci's agency profited off of the Covid vaccines."
"It's fantastic that we've got so many vaccines coming to this level of maturity."
"We hear good news about a successful vaccine trial."
"Vaccines go through less rigorous process than drugs."
"We should be putting together right now and providing $25 billion to do it, to make sure we have a detailed plan once a vaccine is in fact found."
"We hope we're going to come up with a good vaccine."
"It's a race between vaccines and variants."
"It's a real triumph that we've gotten the vaccines as fast as we have."
"I'm delivering a safe vaccine in record time."
"Jonas Salk was able to randomize 400,000 kids. We are 70 years in the future."
"This is the moment when experts shine. Getting a vaccine into phase 1 in a matter of months is pretty amazing."
"We are reaching this critical milestone in our vaccine development program at a time when the world needs it most." - Pfizer CEO and Chairman, Dr. Albert Bourla
"But what traders really want to see here is the development of a vaccine."
"Gilead has been pushing REM des severe through safety trials right now pending an actual vaccine is probably the best we've got as far as treatments go."
"Vaccines turned COVID into the flu. We should celebrate that we have created a gigantic scientific miracle."
"We did some things right, the biggest thing we did right is... we made the vaccine."
"mRNA vaccines for cancer could be available by 2030."
"We do expect to have a vaccine by the end of the year. That has always been the goal and we are still on track for that."
"Even Jake Tapper says that the speed with which the vaccines have been created is 'an unmitigated success'."
"It's a great day for science, it is a great day for humanity when you realize that your vaccine has a 90% effectiveness." - Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO
"What's exciting about the Oxford vaccine to me... this is just my own intuition."
"I'm hopeful that Johnson & Johnson in the next month will get approved because that's a single dose vaccine, very cheap, highly scalable."
"The search for new vaccines for old diseases is endless."
"Encouraging news on vaccines: Moderna's vaccine candidate showing promising signs."
"Operation Warp Speed streamlined a lot of aspects of vaccine development."
"It says so much about the modern Republican party that the only positive thing you could possibly say about Donald Trump's handling of the pandemic is the vaccines were developed on his watch."
"The mRNA-1273 vaccine induced an anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune response in all participants." - Moderna Vaccine Trial
"The first malaria vaccine to meet the WHO's target of 75 percent efficacy has reached phase 3 trials."
"We believe that before the end of this year we will have the first safe and effective coronavirus vaccine."
"There'll be a vaccine and there'll also be another cure here to talk about."
"Our study of evolution has given us the ability to predict flu strains and develop vaccines to fight them in advance."
"We will get a vaccine... we're going to end up with something here."
"Unleash a virus then introduce a vaccine for it - that's exactly what they're gonna do."
"I do think we will have a vaccine there's no biological barrier to having a vaccine we have animal coronavirus vaccines that are that are highly successful in the veterinary world."
"There's hope, thanks to the Trump administration. Vaccine development was amazing."
"The Trump administration's greatest achievement was this vaccine."
"Surgeon general Vivek Murthy says the first COVID vaccine doses for kids under 12 could roll out by the end of the year."
"Under my leadership, we will have a safe and effective vaccine before the end of the year. We will swiftly defeat the China virus, end the pandemic, bring back our critical supply chains, and lift our economy to unprecedented new heights."
"I don't know of any scientist who thinks we'll be getting shots into our arms any time before election day."
"Good news on the Moderna vaccine, this is going to be the second vaccine approved."
"Pfizer just announced... the vaccine looks like it's really heading in a very rapid direction."
"It's fantastic and nobody should ever take that away from what has been achieved to go from nothing to vaccines already being implemented in this period of time is an extraordinary achievement."
"Good news: an experimental vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech shows promise in early tests."
"This is a miracle. We thought you couldn't make a vaccine against coronavirus that would last at all."
"The vaccines themselves should be owned by the public since it was our money that was given into it."
"If India creates a working vaccine using a very different approach, this is again going to be a huge ideological blow to the Chinese Communist Party."
"This is a very big moment in Operation Warp Speed history."
"In terms of a vaccine, how can we do this? Well, there are three types of vaccines that are in use right now that have been licensed for the various diseases."
"Let's not forget that the Pfizer vaccine for example in recent times were invented by a Turkish couple, both Muslims."
"Does it occur to you that there are a heck of a lot of viruses out there... that scientists have never been able to create a safe and effective vaccine for?"
"If Joe Biden were president, you wouldn't have this vaccine for four years."
"The politicization of the pandemic and the politicization of the vaccines didn't help our understanding, but it really is quite a miracle that we actually pulled off these whole series of vaccines so quickly."
"The incentives for building vaccines for pharma have historically been poor."
"We have four great companies already [working on vaccines] and it's going to be added to very rapidly."
"The amazing irony of this whole thing is that the Trump administration developed this vaccine."
"Love science! Thank you, Moderna and Pfizer."
"There is good news on the vaccine front Astrazeneca's CEO announcing its shot could be ready for large-scale vaccinations as early as this year."
"We've shaved years off the time that it takes to develop a vaccine."
"We've done it while maintaining the FDA gold standard for safety."
"The president wants to break through regulatory barriers to get a vaccine as safely and quickly as possible."
"In the end, the work Brotman did in that lab led to a vaccine for hepatitis B, and a few other important things like screening tests for hepatitis C."
"We have come such a long way three historic scientific breakthrough vaccines."
"We've shaved years off of the time that it takes to develop a vaccine, in some cases many years."
"The vaccine concept incorporated in the mRNA 1273 vaccine was designed by Dr. Corbett's team from viral sequence and rapidly deployed to industry partner Moderna for an FDA approved phase one clinical trial which unprecedently began only 66 days from the viral sequence release."
"...we were most likely eliciting the types of T cell responses that we wanted to elicit particularly as you think about vaccine induced enhancement for other respiratory viruses."
"...which really shows just how robust these types of gene-based platforms can be as you think about rapid vaccine development and then the phase one clinical trial started only 66 days after the SARS-CoV-2 sequences were released."
"There is reason to be hopeful, however, and today we're going to hear from one researcher leading the charge at the NIH in the development of a COVID vaccine."
"It's reasonable to think we might have a universal or some kind of broader flu vaccine at some point."
"It suggests that Pfizer and partners are scaling up at risk to produce millions of doses by year end with the approval process while the approval process is underway."
"...I think it's worth mentioning for example that during covid we saw within a year the development of not only a new vaccine but a new type of vaccine."
"Moderna's mRNA skin cancer vaccine shows early promise in a new study. When reached out to my Republican Uncle he said I'd rather take my chances with skin cancer."
"I volunteered to take on a role as heading of the vaccine development team."
"Mostly remarkable is that it's been 40 years; there's still no vaccine for HIV but in less than two years we now have multiple vaccines for SARS-CoV-2."
"...if we're going to get back to something resembling normal in our lives, it will be because we've made the progress that we need in areas of testing, treatments, and ultimately vaccines."
"Having an armamentarium of vaccines available that may be safe enough for broad use and that may well generate protection."
"We're on track to have the world's first safe effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year."
"Vaccines are phenomenal... it's pretty phenomenal."
"It's a medical miracle what happened; no vaccine had ever been developed in less than four years, this vaccine was developed in roughly 11 months."
"It has been a miracle of modern medicine and science that we've been able to develop the range of vaccines that the world has available to it over the last 12 months."
"Speaking of innovation at scale, a great example is how Pfizer brought the COVID vaccine and oral treatment to the world in record time."
"The key to a successful vaccine is to trigger the adaptive immune response."
"With the mRNA vaccine, they're so much closer to a vaccine for HIV."