
Realistic Expectations Quotes

There are 354 quotes

"We have to be cognizant here that this is not an all or nothing. It's not like it works 100% or it works 0%. It works somewhere in between, like most interventions in life."
"Be realistic about your weight loss expectations. Understand that weight loss is not linear."
"These aren't get-rich-quick schemes. They will require a bit of hard work upfront and they won't make you a millionaire overnight, but they can help you to earn anything from a few hundred to a few thousand pounds a month, depending on the time and effort you are willing and able to put into them."
"Genuine recovery and anti-hacking experts do exist...but the hard reality is the money is gone unless someone you meet with face to face that works for your bank can tell you otherwise."
"This is your home, where you live, and it doesn't need to be picture perfect."
"You don't put on body fat in one week, and likewise, it's not going to come off in one week, but you can make a significant change to your lifestyle in one week."
"Even the best, most thought-out relationship between a parent and a child will eventually lead to situations where the kid is [expletive] stupid."
"The important thing is to have heroic leaders. What reality taught me: 'Real heroes don't control other people's lives.'"
"It was a small change, but it was the best they could do."
"We've got not necessarily a happy ending—I mean, ideally there's no cancer—but testicular cancer is super treatable when caught."
"The thorium movement can't rely on promises of magic alone."
"I kind of love Star Citizen for what it is, not for what it's not."
"As long as you’re committed to doing this and doing it right, and you have realistic expectations, you can definitely make money with a small account."
"I think a lot of people will give up, maybe that's too high, let's say four years."
"You're making the wrong decision if you're getting into poker because you want to make a quick buck. It takes a lot of time."
"I think the fans of Barstool would idealistically assume these guys are buddies, but you don't have to be best friends to work together."
"Be patient and realistic when considering dating someone."
"Nobody's perfect, nobody. If that's your standard, then nobody can."
"A happy, healthy, loving relationship is going to feel boring. Not boring in a bad way but boring in a new way."
"Compatibility is at the bottom of it because people can look good on paper but still not fit together."
"Your best hope is the usual techniques of setting boundaries, setting realistic expectations, and engaging in radical acceptance."
"It's nothing to be alarmed about if a test doesn't go off without a hitch the first try."
"Marriage is not about love; marriage should have love, but it's not all about love."
"Make it actionable, attainable, and realistic."
"There's simply nothing easy about it and anyone I don't want anyone to have any other uh impression than that."
"You're not any less of a fan if you go, 'Right, I do want us to win. Like, I want us to win. But I just can't see how we're going to win to the level we need to win with this process.'"
"You're optimistic, you're perseverant, you're good-spirited, you're cautiously realistic and hopeful at the same time."
"Just because the ideal outcome isn't always what we are left with, that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive for it."
"Every deal that happens in the offseason is not going to turn the team into a contender. You have to do these building block steps."
"You don't blindly build thinking that somebody is something that they're not."
"Maybe it could be the case that 10.0, maybe it's not gonna be a masterpiece but honestly I think we'd all settle for a seven and a half out of ten or an eight out of ten."
"But kit lenses are usually not gonna be moneymakers. Kit lenses will usually never give you that super blurry background or even produce the results you're seeing on either Instagram or online."
"If you project for the worst and hope for the best, you can never be disappointed."
"It's going to be an awful couple of months, I tell you what."
"Just look at every other previous project, every other previous blockchain, and then have a realistic view of what you should expect."
"Abstinence is a legitimate goal but it's not the immediate goal for everybody."
"Set realistic expectations with yourself and others."
"Thinking mini cuts are magic is super common, there are no shortcuts with many cuts just trade-offs."
"Masks are not magical cloths that guarantee you safety from all harm."
"Most of the time it's not going to end in a shooting."
"There's 80% of people who are not gonna do it, you know that's a reality."
"For every single person out there that says to themselves I'm going to wait until the market goes down 80 percent, you're gonna wait until you're dead because it ain't gonna happen."
"Your job as a trader is not to catch every stock that makes a move in this market."
"Human beings cannot be perfect on a sustained basis. We can for certain periods of time. Therefore we have to expect failure. People make mistakes."
"Don't fight for love, that's not the way it works."
"This is not like we can't fault people for this right they want to they want to first of all adhere to what you're asking them to do but the ability to do that is not always a hundred percent right."
"You don't have to solve every problem that people have 100%."
"Nobody's perfect so nobody's kids are gonna be perfect... there's no such thing as perfection."
"We should not expect women to be superhuman."
"Don't beat yourself up over not doing everything."
"Even if you stay, at least you will do so with your eyes wide open and not believing that this is going to change."
"Great relationships aren't always those who are good at relationships."
"See people for who they are, not who you want them to be."
"Acceptance doesn't mean approve of everything they do, which is good because I don't think anyone has a family where they approve of everything that everybody in their family does."
"Being very realistic and calculated when it comes to deciding what is worth imposing these stresses on your body."
"As long as they're making progress, that's okay. This is still a test program so I don't to set expectations too high for such an early vehicle."
"It's actually fairly realistic for TSM and RNG to play one-one in this group."
"Pick your battles, pick your battles buddy. That's what we say to guys when they're getting married. Pick your battles."
"I'm not here to make a bunch of calls and then tell you I got it exactly."
"What's an actual achievable goal versus... can you actually use that amount of money to create something."
"It doesn't start with everything all at once... Just keep that in mind when you're starting your careers."
"Part of setting realistic goals is also having a realistic effort."
"Looks fade too, that's the thing. In ten years I'm lucky you weren't gonna look like that anyway."
"But while it may not make $1,000 a day overnight, something that it does do is it makes passive income."
"Perfect is the enemy of good. If you meet your 'dream girl,' you're overlooking a critical aspect of them."
"Passion doesn't equal a good game... sadly, I wish that was the case."
"Fluency does not mean perfection. If you're fluent, you're conversationally fluent. It means you're fluent when you have a normal conversation. You're not perfect. You'll make mistakes."
"Shoot for the stars, you know. But I think life is like about compromise, so you can't always have everything you want. So sometimes you do have to lower your standards a little bit."
"My dad is not walking from no f***ing D.C. to New York to save me. Not happening."
"Hey, do you think you'll ever get one? Probably not, probably not, pal."
"Nobody's happy all the time. A happy life does not mean being happy 24/7."
"It's not going to work out with the bad boys because guess what they don't settle down they're not marriage material but there's hope and instead of chasing the alpha, go after the beta."
"You might want a man with money and a washboard stomach but is that a need and more present might be someone tactile who will hold your hand or cuddle you or is keen to spend their retirement traveling with you."
"Stop looking for the good in people. Look at a snapshot, don't date nostalgia, and don't date potential."
"Everybody thinks overnight success is a real thing. No, it's not."
"Yes, you can trust it, but you know that it's not a perfect thing and it should not be the only thing that you rely on."
"If you're expecting it to be more than that, if you're expecting it to do everything your computer can do, ultimately you're going to be disappointed."
"There is no such thing as overnight success. It doesn't exist."
"I'm not saying the channel's not for you. I'm happy to help you guys get jobs if you just want to be a worker. Great, go do that. If you try, you might fail."
"You don't have to fulfill all of these requirements all the time."
"I just want to add on the end here that it's completely unrealistic to expect every single live stream to be a banger with Incredible progress being made every single month."
"Parenting is unfair. Parenting is really hard. The expectation is not perfection but it is still important to own the fact that this is a decision that you made and you have to sit with the consequences."
"Should you view the Disney parks through rose-colored glasses? No. But does every park change need to make you sweat? Also, no."
"You would be far better off instead of having a target body composition for some movie role and then rebounding rather drag."
"Artificial intelligence is very important, but there's also a lot of crazy hype on the subject. Artificial intelligence is not going to cure cancer." - Charlie Munger
"Taking baby steps to move things forward every day, not people that set goals so high for themselves that they're never gonna achieve it and then they feel like a failure."
"Being realistic with those expectations makes those blows easier to deal with."
"Anyone telling you there's a way to make money without any effort, without any setup at all, they're either scamming you or just blowing smoke up your ass."
"Thank you, over $100 million for Joe Rogan and you're not Joe Rogan, so it won't be $100 million, but it might be a hundred thousand."
"It's not going to be a straight day after day improvement on the leash train."
"I don't want to sugarcoat anything I don't want to say oh yeah the first four days were mmm and then they actually were horribly excruciating."
"Don't expect to make thousands of dollars overnight with just one pin. The results take weeks and months of consistent posting."
"I expect there to be some suspension of disbelief, but they didn't even have her doing impressive Harley Quinn stuff."
"Any parent who tells me that they're certain they're doing the right thing scares me... half of parenthood to me is the uncertainty."
"The man for you it's not gonna feel like a fairy tale at first."
"It's one of the things you just hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
"Nothing world-shaking to me, like a few little surprises here and there."
"No election in a large population is going to be a hundred percent free and fair."
"If your dreams don't work out and you've given it a good run, it might be time to consider getting a job and pursuing your passion on the side."
"Nobody's perfect and I don't expect perfection from anyone. That's unreasonable."
"You're not going to win every game. Accepting this mantra, as well as having realistic expectations, will ease up the anxious thoughts."
"Just know like I've had several consult some people are like I'm like 40 and I'm barely growing at all well what do I do and I'm like do you want to do this to and they're like I don't think so and I'm like you feel free to quit."
"I quite like that as a front six. I'm not saying it's going to win the league, that's not what it's meant to do next year."
"Just because you don't look like an IFBB pro after training for a couple years doesn't mean you're a hard gainer."
"The best thing you can probably do is be into the assumption that you have a chance to win but you're not guaranteed because the hubris."
"Pack those patient pants... something will go wrong every day that you come to a Disney theme park."
"If you don't do anything eye-catching in a game, that doesn't mean you had a bad game."
"Using an RTX xx atti at 1080p is already a bit unrealistic as most gamers with a $1000 plus graphics card would play these modern triple-A titles at 1440p using high-quality settings."
"Don't expect it to be done quick... it's not realistic thinking."
"The pathway to success is never a straight line."
"You just keep going and also just rest and keep it like rest easy knowing that not every piece of your content is gonna take off one out of ten is gonna take off."
"Just try and go into your theories of what casting and what plot outline you think could be happening for the Arkham series with realistic expectations."
"Allow yourself to feel good about something, but have realistic optimism without expectation."
"Patch 1.2 delivered if you had realistic expectations."
"Best of luck on it I hope you have a great time doing it here's my best piece of advice right now though understand it's probably not going to be great and that's okay and if it is great bonus look at it as a learning experience."
"Nothing is ever as simple as you hope it would be."
"You're getting stronger, you're more realistic about your love expectations."
"The switch to electric cars on a global scale will not happen because we want it to happen, or because there's a push for it to happen."
"Perfection in this journey is not realistic and it's not required not for any of us on this side of the screen and not for you either."
"Beggars can't be choosers... we got what we got."
"Your chances of success might be one in 50,000, you think they're one in five."
"He's not a miracle worker, he's just very good, that's all it is."
"Is this going to be life-changing? Is this going to be the sweetest romance ever? No. But is it kind of sexy? Yeah, I'm going to say it, it's kind of sexy."
"I'd rather have it at a 5 or 6 out of 10 rather than zero."
"What common sayings are actually terrible advice? 'Never ever give up.' Sometimes it's just time to stop."
"Let's go ahead and dive into the Tesla 4680 battery expectations versus realities and do our best to figure out exactly what's going on here."
"If we couldn't do better than that, I'll take it."
"He's not inconsistent, everyone has bad days."
"There's always gonna be like little hiccups here and there."
"What's the secret ingredient? There is no secret ingredient."
"The most important tip I can give for creating with Vocaloid is be patient, be realistic, and have fun."
"If it's one of these things that sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
"Teams like Chicago win the Stanley Cup, it's realistic for year number one."
"If you're starting out as a one-man show, you can certainly undercut the entire market, but then you're locking yourself into being unresponsive to your clients when you take a day off."
"It's a normal thing to have a few bumps in the road."
"You can't spin a disease. It's either going to get worse or it's not going to get worse, and we're going to find out."
"Be careful what you think is settling; the grass is not always greener."
"Let's let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect in 2023."
"For every step forward, there's two steps back in my eyes."
"I don't necessarily jump to the conclusion of thinking she loves me less, but I would jump to the place where I'd say, 'Okay, this probably isn't for me.'"
"Don't expect overnight success unless you go viral."
"Start with the motivations people actually have and not the ones you wish they had."
"It's not about being perfect; it's about being human, god damn it."
"You guys are married, this is what being married is like, this is not dissimilar at all."
"There is no perfect Trader out there, there's no perfect system, there's no perfect anything."
"Don't idealize them, don't see them as your Manic Pixie dream girl or guy."
"The expectation should never be that you're not going to get stressed."
"I don't think we're ever gonna have the offense that gets those 40 plus touchdown seasons."
"It's not all sunshine and roses on the other side of things."
"So my point here my overall point is whenever you're looking at different options and systems just make sure you realize that most none of them are going to be perfect."
"You cannot base a relationship on the good times."
"New does not necessarily mean better or mean that all of your problems will completely disappear."
"You are no help to your daughter when you are telling yourself Fantastical stories about what's going on in your daughter's life that aren't true."
"Those vows said that for a reason. It didn't just say when sunshine is up."
"I think for Tesla to do like a doubling in one year, it's of course anything is possible but we need to look at what's realistic right."
"Never give up on the good times, but also don't try to force the good times."
"Kids don't need perfect moms, they need happy moms."
"Rarely depends on market conditions but I've set about that's realistic for a new trader you know like of course I've experienced"
"Suspicious of something too good to be true."
"I've never believed in hiding from uncertainty. Make your best estimates, you're going to be wrong but so what? So is everybody else."
"I don't buy stuff on the number that I make three years gotcha I don't buy stuff on numbers I don't make three years you just have to look at your numbers that way."
"In finding someone good enough to settle down with, rather than finding the perfect someone."
"I realize that this program is not going to give me drastic results because it's not a drastic change from my day-to-day life."
"Be humble, manage risk, have realistic expectations."
"Yes, but don't expect immediate gratification—there's a delayed aspect to it."
"The reality is that skincare takes a lot of time to see the results that you want."
"Not everybody is going to get crazy results, but it's a great way to get started getting back into fitness."
"Everybody wants these things, but there's a certain level of sacrifice. And you gotta understand the game too. I know the game, I ain't gonna lie, I'm just gonna pump. It is what it is."
"Success in any MLM, not just Ariel, is easier said than done. Please use caution."
"No, we don't expect all believers to walk on water, to raise the dead, to do all those things, and I don't see that expectation in Scripture."
"Just make sure your expectation is right, and then your reality won't be far from it."
"If you do your best, nobody should expect you to do anymore."
"There's no perfect solution... no one answer for everything Kyle."
"You're not going to have the perfect everything bike."
"The only thing that didn't really hold up is my lips but I was expecting that and it faded really nicely."
"You do not go from looking like this to this in 10 weeks, two of which were quarantined workouts, okay? This is years, years worth of work, and he did not get it by doing CenterFit's workouts."
"Map making takes time and practice, and unfortunately, one thing is guaranteed to be true: your first map is going to suck."
"We will have ups and downs. It's not going to be the summer that some people think it's going to be."
"Are you committed to helping them achieve their goals not the potential you think they have not the goals you project onto them not the life you think they could lead but are you committed to helping achieve their goals."
"For the romanticizer... it's about giving up on the soul mate... taking away the disney rom-com hugh grant moments and saying like what's romantic is this these are the things that matter let's get you into a relationship."
"The biggest reasons for failure is setting unrealistic goals we talked about this a lot it does not have to be three hours to look healthy and do your best it just doesn't have to be pressed for time."
"Kevin De Bruyne to come back after that long out and to perform how he did I seen he did an interview and he was like look I'm being realistic I'm not ready for 90 minutes but but I know I can perform at the top of my game for 2025."
"Don't have high expectations for the other person because the only person who is perfect is Jesus."
"Working on something means working on it, talking it through, finding solutions, making compromises."
"A realistic understanding of what this year may hold."
"Don't look for the one person that's got it all together because they don't exist."
"Be critical, look at yourself, and don't beat yourself up about not being lightning fast."
"Best piece of advice: follow your dreams. Worst piece of advice: follow your dreams."
"Remember our goal is healthy skin, it's not perfect skin."
"I'm not making any promises to anyone that I don't believe are overwhelmingly likely to be kept."
"It's not hitting certain numbers; it's not being a certain level of jacked. It is the ability to only progress slowly."
"Fall in love with the problem. Anytime it's hard, there's less competition, anytime less competition, you'll get a better deal."
"No quick fixes or magic methods that will make an improvement overnight."
"Is every ride in Disney World gonna be worth your time? Honest answer: no."
"I know right now we gotta settle for less at the moment not too less you but we still blessed enough to get an amazing car."
"Let's stay realistic on the channel, leave the crazy predictions for the other channels."
"You are not a special snowflake. If there are already people achieving things that you want to achieve and are doing well, why can't you?"
"I think that oklahoma made the best possible hire in the situation that they were in in the realm of reality right they're not getting nick saban."
"We can't expect perfection, but it does look good."
"Cooking at home doesn't imbue your burgers with magical properties."