
Damage Mechanics Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Coldheart is getting a pretty nice buff: the grace period before the damage ramp falls off is now 1 second."
"Enemies coated in Jarate will take mini-crit damage from all applicable sources for 10 full seconds."
"Leshrac diabolic edict now does pure damage. The damage per explosion reduced from eight through 44 to 7 through 28."
"It's a lot, it's a lot of magic damage. Mordekaiser's autos have a bunch of on-hit damage."
"Keep pressing your W with your all your tentacles slamming and shit, you do a lot of damage."
"Legion Overwhelming Odds damage per hero increase to 80 that's pretty big."
"Woodcutting and pickaxes only do extra damage to the object you're supposed to be hitting."
"The more damage you have, the less mechanics the bosses can do."
"Granted, you can't craft wendigo, but still, I think explosive light combined with chain reaction, you're looking at some Mega explosions with some substantial damage."
"Remember, once somebody does go to sleep from the bubble, the next source of damage to hit them will wake them up from the CC but will also deal double damage up to a cap."
"The longer you attack an enemy, the more your damage rises and rises and rises."
"Physical spells that have base damage now display that their damage scales off AP as well in the upper tool tip."
"Disposable missile launcher will fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12 times 300 damage on a 45-second cooldown."
"Ball lining increased PV damaged by 30 percent and reduced the Ping scalar on both primary and secondary detonations."
"Colonel Autumn's laser pistol... ignores damage resistance, making it ideal for use against heavily armored foes."
"The damage goes from 25 to 200, it's a ridiculously high scaling damage number."
"This opened up a whole world of possibilities for damage output."
"This damage will apply the most damage to the first player hit and then dispersed among the rest of the group based on proximity."
"A Lightning Bolt's almost always going to deal excess damage."
"Life Drinker adds your charisma modifier as necrotic damage to your attacks."
"Everybody else does, so again 60 base damage and five arrows you put that together and it does a lot of damage."
"It literally choke slams them on the ground which is insane."
"Damage shields essentially act like an extra health bar enemies have to break through."
"One for all: Hitting three separate targets improves damage output for a moderate duration."
"W max this ability hits just as hard as the ult."
"The focus for this week was all about airburst making the explosion valid for damage scaling changes."
"The minute you don't crit you lose 66 percent of your damage."
"For every hit you miss, the next one does more damage, at least that's what I tell myself."
"Bst doubles the damage you do and the damage you can take."
"I love that they gain trample because a lot of the times when you're going wide, sometimes you need some way to get a little bit more damage through."
"Master of Hexes: applying an extra six flat damage every time we damage an enemy."
"It's not just about the 50% damage reduction, it goes even deeper than that."
"Explosive is doing, would you believe it, explosive damage."
"The burst damage that echo provides is actually filthy."
"Jingliu's Ultimate, Florephemeral Dreamflux, deals a set percentage of her ATK as Ice DMG."
"There's nothing you can do to stop this thing it will pierce through every damage resistance and leave nothing behind."
"Horizon Focus reveals and increases damage dealt to enemies hit by abilities at range."
"Chempunk Chainsword applies grievous wounds when dealing physical damage."
"Divine Devourer deals bonus physical damage equal to 6% of your max health."
"You're talking about a thousand percent damage to corpse explosion, it's the only possible legendary."
"Another mechanic with the lightning is that any time you take damage or pick up a DK barrel, you stall the lightning for a brief bit."
"Understanding how you primarily deal damage is key."
"It also leaves behind a little puddle of damage on the floor after you use pulverize."
"It's a return to those kind of all or nothing hits where you either hit the tank and you do significant damage or you don't."
"The damage system continues to be excellent, beating out many other titles with ever-progressing levels of just utter Anarchy delivered onto your poor metal steed as the race progresses."
"Camille's Precision Protocol: Bonus damage that scales into true damage, shredding through any champion's defenses."
"He's an HP scaling Hydro DPS dealing most of his damage through his beam charge attack."
"Oh, if I time it right, no fall damage at all, and I dealt a ton of damage to the cow in one hit. Oh, that is so cool!"
"Blood presence grants straight 15 increased damage and a 4 heal on all damage the Death Knight deals, clearly a DPS presence."
"Rotation fundamentals: your auto shot is the bread and butter of your damage."
"The higher the difficulty, the more damage you'll take... Nightmare offers quite a challenge."
"Proc chains make up the vast majority of your damage in any given situation. Period."
"Uh, pretty good Inferno Titan also comes down, just pings hits, damage to the left and right, so I like that as well."
"A saver take half ability makes sense if it's hard to avoid in the fiction entirely like the explosion of a fireball."
"For this one, it's similar to water where it has fall off but it does more damage and I've added channeling."
"Technically, Noel has a built-in 20% damage reduction, 10% crit res, 10% crit rate, and 20% damage increase."