
Mystical Experience Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"The key features of this so-called primary mystical experience...are this sense of unity, this sense of the interconnectedness of all people and all things."
"To have your first mystical experience of absolute love is essential."
"Facing mortal suffering, a mystical experience can reduce the fear of mortal suffering itself under the most dire circumstances."
"Intention might be the most important step into having a mystical experience."
"The experience that we're talking about... I would rather call it really a deep mystical religious experience."
"The sounds from the sky challenge us to expand our spiritual perception, to listen not just with our ears but with our hearts."
"Every act of genuine love, every effort to balance the luciferian and ahrimanic forces within oneself, is a step towards Christ Consciousness."
"Humans are Spiritual Beings. It's not the other way around. Every one of us has had that mystical experience."
"Suddenly You Are Not Alone a phantom Voice issues from the wood itself oh stranger do you know the spell which controls the gate uh no I do not."
"The divine starfish heard our pleas, and pulled back the curtain of the material so we could gaze upon it."
"The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight."
"It literally felt like some energy Portal had opened."
"Once you go above 200 and up to say 400 then you're usually talking about a transcendent or a mystical or a unity experience."
"Oracular visions are only supposed to make sense in hindsight."
"Prepare to embark on a great and exciting journey as you have chosen to be self-initiated into the sacred mysteries of the powers of the universe."
"The true mystical experience of divine love is not just emotional, it's transfiguring."
"Mysticism means you blew your flashlight, it became a flare, you saw everything the way it is, and after that you are never the same again."
"I was changed. I could feel the Winds of magic suffuse me."
"Mushrooms feels like its own unique consciousness almost like a entity or at least a portal to a different realm."
"Life is short, life is precious, and you've got some really great portal energy opening up."
"Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam that emphasizes the personal experience of the Divine and the attainment of inner Purity and enlightenment."
"Witnessing the power of the sun Emperor Sutra, Shintian twitches his face in surprise."
"Be the high priestess, chill out in the esoteric realm right now."
"You're on a magic carpet ride and you can feel yourself evolving into these higher states."
"Doctor Strange Magic and I are researching a crucial moment in your past but it's probably better if we just show you how about it ready to uncover one of the greatest mysteries about your life after death?"
"Catherine suddenly saw in the sky a vision of Christ surrounded by other Saints and apostles."
"Mystical experience... it's an experience of oneness, basically of being in the present and being truly yourself."
"Paradox is at the center of mystical experience the paradox of pain and ecstasy being simultaneously overcoming of our limitations."
"I saw these sparkles coming down through the air, and I could see through these sparkles that there was another space opening up."
"Psychedelics tend to occasion mystical experiences that tend to be very, very meaningful for people. So, you know, buckle up."
"The mystical experience may occur in a matter of seconds."
"So, the true mystical experience leaves those who have it with a strange and continuous humility, a humility that is not false humility now, that is so full of gratitude that the individual can never be proud, because he is forever grateful."
"I experienced another mystical event... Then Jesus came."
"A mystical experience is one that takes a person from chattering about god to having an experience of the power and the nature of the divine."
"I shot like a beam of light at this thing and then it just disappeared and then almost instantaneously like I woke up in my body."
"The highest mystical experience... there is still something that experiences this identity."
"It felt like liquid light, just a hook and expanded in my head."
"There's something about that Holy Ghost I can't explain, I got it."
"He accessed a different dimension, a portal where he heard voices and saw the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Um, particularly the more mystical Paul, um, the Paul that says I no longer live but Christ lives within me."
"All religions have been founded on some kind of mystical experience."
"Fasting has something within it that is way beyond our maybe our intellectual understanding."
"The ultimate mystical experience is where there is no sense of 'I', your sense of self is diminished, there is no awareness of the world, and there is no intellectual function."
"The Beloved is always nobody experiences it."
"Mystical encounters defy all description, language is utterly inadequate to describe what happened when lover melted into the love."
"In the middle of the night I saw the sun flashing with bright light, I came face to face with the gods below and the gods above, and I paid reverence to them from close at hand."
"Finding a feather during meditation or prayer can be a profound and deeply meaningful mystical experience."
"...those that have the more intense mystical experience had, the better therapeutic response."
"There's some kind of divine alchemy here occurring."
"The soul goes, 'We're free, let's go,' and all of a sudden the side effect of it is mystical moments."
"At the dead of night, I saw the sun flashing brightly."
"I've read about others seeing her, a young woman who comes out when it rains to drink from the sky."
"In the end, these experiences serve not only to deepen our bond with our cats but also to expand our own spiritual awareness, reminding us of the intricate and mystical connections that bind all living beings."
"A ritual of dedication to self and those whose gaze hold fire but whose whispers carry you softly through the unknown."
"The mystical experience... came first for me."
"The moment you are in awe of life, you're going to have a mystical experience."
"We learn to distinguish between a mystical fanciful autosuggestion and experience of spiritual reality."
"The prayer of Union is the cellar in which our Lord places us when and how He chooses."
"That is what the mystical bond between man and machine looks like."
"All these ideas of the spiritual, the godly, as this attitude of must, and we have been laid down the laws which we are bound to follow, all this jazz, is not the only way of being religious and of relating to the ineffable mystery that underlies ourselves and the world."