
Chronology Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"There's a chronology to climbing a ladder; there's a chronology to living your life."
"We know with almost 100% certainty that the first temple was destroyed in the year 586 BCE."
"Timeline entanglement suggests a speculative concept where the chronological order of events becomes intricately unwoven, disrupting the linear flow of time."
"The book of Revelation is not necessarily in chronological order, and when you decide that it has to be, that's when you start forcing things on it."
"Almost everything from here on plays out in chronological order, in the years that the movies were actually released. Almost."
"The chronorium secured, a complete chronicle of all reality's history and future."
"That was a walk through Pokemon history, starting with the current generation all the way back to the oldest."
"If your writing involves a sequence of events that start here and then the events keep moving forward in time to a final event then that's very likely to be a story."
"I believe that was the next day on Monday, um and so uh that shot, I believe, was when he was being taken from the house to the police department to court to be arraigned on Monday."
"The most likely explanation is that the whole of old kingdom history is actually wrong by about 200 to 300 years."
"For a series that chronology was slapped together with flextape about 14 games and 25 years after its initial release the triforce stands out as one of the most well thought out symbols, maybe ever?"
"...with one sequence of scenes taking place chronologically while the other plays out in reverse order..."
"Events were burned into his memory and so he used them to remember time, to know and to remember what had happened, to keep a mental journal."
"Jesus was a historical figure... he was born probably between 8 & 5 BC... and Jesus died around AD 30, was crucified under Pontius Pilate."
"But it was 2019, '99 I started part-time."
"Everything after this is just the prequel."
"I repeat, however, that this enables me to fix the date."
"But just for the sake of telling this story chronologically."
"In order to be explanatorily prior, something need not be chronologically prior."
"Establishing a good chronology of past events in a person's life is invaluable, is super valuable and super crucial when you're attempting to make predictions."
"I had no idea what the red zone would be, but this is the red zone. If I didn't know when the common era started, you can figure this out because there's a red zone and this red zone just happens to divide all of history from BCE to CE."
"The fire started between 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning."
"He came a little bit later. He was the junior, got to hang out with the seniors."
"The seventh day is the last day of a week."
"Egyptian civilization predates Greek and Roman civilizations."
"If you start at the zero year and what's the zero year? Zero is right at the time Christ is born."
"What you then get for the entire chapter 11 is this rundown of all the rulers from Alexander the Great down to Antiochus epiphanies."
"There's a whole year accounted for here."
"What happened first, then what happened after that, then what happened after that."
"Crucial stages of Ice Age chronology thus appear to be one around sixty thousand years ago when the worm and the Wisconsin and other glaciations were well underway."
"The Sumerian King List provides the chronological framework for the different periods of kingship within ancient Sumeria."
"So, moving on from this, in terms of this relationship, in 752, Pope Zachary dies."
"History of that period tends to be very much about kings, battles, dates."
"The goal of relative age dating is simple: can we put events in order? That's it."
"Relative age dating is simply putting things in chronological order."
"The principle of cross-cutting relations states that younger features cut across older features."
"History has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. It's a one-shot deal."
"The museum's first section is Timeline."
"I really wish it could have ended this video with Husbands of River Song, but there's such a chronological nature to the development and stories of the specials that I had to go in order."
"Some stories have to be told as the time unfolds."
"It's just beautiful to see it goes all in order from the beginning of its history all the way to modern day."
"This is meant to be a collecting guide and a reading guide to help you guys to understand where everything takes place."
"The Star Wars timeline is measured by BBY and ABY, basically before the Battle of Yavin and after the Battle of Yavin."
"The years of the lamps, the years of the trees, and the years of the Sun."
"The years of the Sun so everything from that point onwards what we think of as the first, second, third, and fourth age these are all in the years of the Sun."
"We can put points on the absolute timeline thanks especially to what we know from Neo-Assyrian chronology."
"It's possible that they all lived chronologically very close to one another and that maybe we're looking at a closely related population."
"Paul's famine visit mentioned in Galatians would have taken place about the year 44."
"Scientists have now switched to using CE and BCE."
"Jesus coming to earth divided time into BC, before Christ, and AD, Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord."
"Timeline analysis: Use the times of reconstructed events to find when events took place."
"Everything before Him is B.C. Everything after Him is A.D."
"It's a highly intuitive and easy to use rich database of images and information that tracks in chronological order many of the greatest watches."
"Every single beat and character is related to the Bible in order, all the way through the Old Testament and the New Testament."
"BC stands for 'Before Christ' and AD stands for 'Anno Domini', which is Latin for 'in the year of our Lord'."
"According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus was likely born somewhere between 6 BCE and 4 BCE."
"When you put them in chronological order, you can actually draw a line from murder to murder."
"The biblical chronologies are not grounded on historical memory but are rather based on a very late theological schema."
"Scripture describes the chronology related to the Exodus pretty specifically."
"Chronology is sort of the backbone of history."
"We're confident in our chronology, but we understand that we need to build community confidence in the dates."
"A day can last 50 hours from the beginning of when that date starts in the earliest place in the world to when it ends in the latest place."
"It's written to be a chronological perspective of someone's life."
"It's not fully dictating every single thing that you see, there's a huge chronological element to Threads still."
"Once you're in the first Millennium, things start to become more reliable."
"The big questions in the field of Quranic studies are related to the original text, the Quranic variants, and the chronology of the Quran."
"Moving in reverse chronological order is almost always the best strategy for languages which have multiple stages."
"...this is a very powerful type of information, genetic data... it's a little bit like radiocarbon dating... which established a chronology for the past."
"We can use relations between these intervals to calculate current time and date."
"I like to begin the story at the end, so that's where I'm going to begin."
"The date for the inception of the Holocene... is exactly Plato's date of eleven thousand six hundred years BP or before present."
"The chronological sorting of memories is an interesting business."
"History is made up of four components: time, people, places, and events. That is the glue that makes up history."
"The surface chronology acts like a stratigraphy column."
"We're going to start referring to the first year of AI as year zero."
"The moon helps us determine the chronology of the life of the whole solar system."
"The chronology of this would suggest that the division of the larger Anglo-Saxon precinct into the smaller Norman precinct is the same date as the laying out of your plot."
"Geography and chronology are things that people don't really like to talk about, but in the Old Testament particularly, they're very, very important."
"We actually need to do both, with an emphasis on events more than on dates, but we also need to look at those events chronologically."
"It's worth studying these slack water sediment layers if they can tell us not only how many floods there were but the timing of these."
"I think a chronological study Bible or chronological tool of some kind is just really helpful to biblical studies."
"The following chronology shows how the Nazis' carefully designed plan to murder all Dutch Jews unfolded step by step."
"I prefer to watch them in chronological order, right, and release order."
"The exhibition is a 360 degree overview, following a strict chronology."
"Trees make excellent history books because they show us when events occurred."
"The power of timekeeping was taken from the moon and given to the sun."
"We believe very, very strongly in building a timeline of events."
"A chronological journey through the field of literary theory would be a difficult, if not altogether impossible proposition."
"In the year of the Lord, which obviously is Jesus Christ, Christian system of dating which we still have today."
"The timeline report is a chronological order of all communications located on the device."
"BC stands for 'Before Christ,' and BCE means 'Before Common Era.'"
"Understanding the chronology of Chichen is part of the key to understanding the history of the site."
"The written history of mankind goes back over five thousand years."
"The evolution of the Roman and, by extension, our modern calendar is the story of finding the compromise between these two cycles."
"Israel is God's sundial; if anyone desires to know our place in God's chronology, our position in the great march of events, look at Israel."
"We have the chronos time and we have the kairos time; the kairos time is the time of God and the chronos time is the time of men."
"The chronology is given in terms of the house of God."
"When we last left the Titanic, it was approximately 12:40 a.m. on the morning of April 15, 1912."
"The combination of astronomical signs produces a unique set of circumstances which can only be accounted for by one date that matters in the sweep of New Testament chronology."
"The date of Jesus' birth, the birth of the Messiah, was September 11th, 3 BC."
"Our chronological age is how many years we've been on Earth, and our biological age is how old we are biologically."
"I would start with Iron Man, go chronologically."
"I'm reading through the New Testament chronologically."
"What's next after April of 2017? May of 2017. What's next after 2017 itself? 2018."