
Birthdays Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"That people tend to report feeling lower levels of happiness, believe it or not, on their birthday."
"It's a very special Thursday because it's the day after Jacksepticeye's birthday."
"Guys born by C-section have the nerve to call it their birthday. No bro, that's your release date."
"How likely is it that two people have the same birthday?"
"We're going to give you the best 17th birthday ever."
"I'm so excited because it's my birthday. I've always wanted to eat a cake with my hands."
"God didn't choose our birthdays arbitrarily or flippantly... He does things purposefully and with intention."
"Mom always takes a picture the minute you walk downstairs, then puts it on our family birthday calendar."
"Wishes are fun on your birthdays, but they just don't always get what you wish for."
"My birthdays are more special now because I get to spend them with the best people in the world."
"Birthdays define us... That's like who you are; that's what makes you special, that's your one holiday."
"Well, my wife has a rule in her family when somebody's birthday sing happy birthday you ready happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Valley happy birthday to you."
"For some reason, there's a 7% higher chance that you'll die on your birthday than on any other day."
"You might have like another 70 birthdays, you're gonna really feel old for like literally 70 of the birthdays that you have on earth, you're gonna start at 29."
"Happy Birthday to everyone whose birthday it is today!"
"Every year on my birthday I'd make a wish that someone else could be there too."
"Of course, there's something more important than my own birthday. Your birthday!"
"I'm still not used to birthdays, but let me assure you this was very enjoyable."
"Birthdays are special, why not? They only happen once a year."
"Happy belated birthday! One unfortunate day, am I right? No, because people can have happy days on that day to bring the joy."
"Let's celebrate both birthdays; it might even be fun."
"Normal people at their 21st birthday are drinking alcohol or partying with their friends. I'm sitting here stuck on a car ride to help my parents."
"I feel like birthdays are special because they're the only ones honestly reminisce on that day."
"Don’t ever say happy birthday to a German before their actual birthday."
"It's meant to be hunts his birthday but because of the awkwardness with the parents and they're both sleeping for the whole thing which is kind of sucky."
"It is getting towards the end of the day now though and I'm sort of realizing that there's no cake here so if I want a hunter to age up I kind of need to bring the whole gang home so we can get this cake show on the boat."
"They made him a cake. That's all it took. Don't fight on my birthday. It's my day, my special day. War is over, now they party."
"Respect someone's birthday instead of trying to make it all about you."
"I just celebrated my 28th birthday and I wanted to try something different this time, so I decided to write letters to those who have contributed to an amazing past year for me."
"Happy Birthday to everybody today whether their birthday is in November October January it don't matter."
"There's very similar energy that moves through people who share a birthday, and that's why you can kind of know them."
"I could be wrong, I heard a little birdie told me that there's a birthday coming up tomorrow."
"Birthdays are the best day of the year because you never know what's gonna happen."
"If your birthday was in lockdown, you gained a year of life because it doesn't count."
"Happy birthday mom and dad! How they got the same birthday? They are twins!"
"Literally like since my 20s I feel like every birthday is just hyped up and then expectations are just so I've just started to hate birthdays."
"Two birthdays, two birthdays in one go!"
"We're very impatient, so we're gonna use a hammer to make their birthday ever so slightly earlier."
"Happy birthday to all the moms out there, crazy that all moms were born on the same day."
"I hope that you're all doing well. I wish you all the best on your birthdays."
"I can't help it, I just love birthdays."
"Dog didn't know it was his birthday. Dog didn't know it had a birthday."
"Social media has made birthday celebrations an unnecessary expensive event. I feel like the other side is looking at the expense that it takes in order to reach this and then measuring if it's truly filling our desires."
"On my birthday, you do whatever you want to do, and then on your birthday, you do whatever you want to do."
"Birthdays with a zero at the end seem to have a special meaning."
"Don't ruin your financial progress because of birthdays."
"Everyone deserves to be celebrated and have a birthday."
"Wow, this is awesome. It's like all my birthdays come at once."
"Birthdays are a big deal. Your birthday is a big deal."
"I think for anyone who has a birthday during this time it can feel a little bit anticlimactic."
"Birthdays are special, birthdays are no big deal."
"It's like birthdays, everybody has one and everybody thinks that theirs is as special."
"I've actually only ever celebrated my birthday once."
"We are going big. I feel like your big birthdays are 18, 21, 25, and 30, but technically any birthday is a big birthday if you want it to be."
"Birthdays are... you show them every day by making him laugh and spending time with him. It's no better present than that."
"January birthdays, me, Peter, and Johnny. No one wants to hang with us, 'cause they're all skint and sober."
"I would say your birthday's in February."
"Let me tell you your birthday was, was it Tuesday last year?"
"I love birthdays because that means it's all specially about me."
"Happy birthday: Pokémon Center plays 'Happy Birthday' song on birthdays (Japanese version)."
"I always want to know what people do on their birthdays like what are their plans."
"Birthdays are like the one time of year I'm actually noticed."
"I love birthdays and I love surprises."
"Birthdays are magical no matter what you do."
"Something about birthdays always makes me feel weird and like even though I'm always surrounded by my family on my birthdays like I always have a lovely dinner and like things like that I always just feel not loneliness but a feeling similar to loneliness."
"A birthday is a birthday, no matter if you're 2 or 82."
"Happy birthday, Feats from the jbtv community!"
"But we move on to the next one. Happy birthday next week."
"If it's my girl's birthday, the birthday girl shouldn't have to pay for nothing."
"What if I told you we had the same birthday? Do you know he thinks that vaccines cause autism?"
"I actually cannot believe it. This one somehow feels more emotional than her first birthday."
"Birthdays are important no matter what age."
"Birthdays are... I hate them in general. Getting sung 'Happy Birthday' to might be the worst 30 seconds of the entire calendar year."
"Think about a birthday gift from me."
"How many birthdays are there? 365 or 7 billion? No, no, he's got a point."
"All of a sudden she's like 'oh we do stuff for each other's birthdays now'."
"I'm someone who loves birthdays. I love celebrating people."
"If you guys have any birthdays coming up, then you can always do scavenger hunts for your birthday present?"
"When you get a little older, you'll be thankful that birthdays only come once a year."
"I'm going to give y'all the best birthday Vlog next year of y'all lifetime, like I promise, y'all got my word, man."
"Birthdays like this are a good time to look back and look ahead, and to celebrate."
"I'm getting you a goddamn dog for your birthday, so shut up!"
"Birthdays are supposed to be spent with the people who care about you."
"I thought you said birthdays were about being with family and I still feel that way, but I also believe in giving nice gifts."
"Birthday people think birthdays are more about the presents, but I think birthdays are more about the day you were born and just celebrating you because you were born."
"Birthdays are a bit of a funny one for me. The older I get, the more I worry about my birthdays."
"I also need to get Sadie's card for her birthday present so we're going into Target and just a couple of other random things maybe."
"'Your birthday is today,' the American clerk says with interested eyes."
"We've got two birthdays coming up in July so I think that means we need to get the birthday cake popcorn."
"She's classy. She knows she can't outshine someone on their own birthday."
"I always loved birthdays. I have a birthday month. It's always been that way. I love birthdays."
"First birthday is a lot like your last birth."
"It's my birthday nothing's gonna ruin my birthday."
"That's cruel, yeah not a good birthday present."
"Birthdays once a year, why not? That's true."
"Happy birthday to all y'all end of March Aries and the beginning of April."
"Robert's birthdays were always special occasions for the family."
"We just say 'It's my birthday, [__] it.'"
"Perfect day for your birthday, it really is though."
"I'm so grateful for another birthday, trust me, like I'm some people just never get to reach those years."
"Birthdays are a really big deal in our house."
"Birthdays are supposed to be happy days."
"Birthdays remind us how fabulous we are. Love, light, Emmy. PS: We share an August 18th birthday."
"my daughter birthday on the 25th really hear my brother birthday 124"
"Ordinary mortals need but one birthday."
"I just want to say right now that yesterday was Junior Donald 71st birthday the owner of that car yep and Mike's daughter Lindsay will be 10 tomorrow a lot of birthdays going on in that 94."
"Keep celebrating both of your birthdays."
"Pick a case. I'm a twin and my sister and I, we love our birthday."
"I always do a number balloon for their age."
"The chances of two of them sharing the same birthday is fifty percent."
"you know for your birthday you obviously want to look amazing and you already do"
"All respect to everybody, without the birthdays what we have, we'd have nobody on the earth."
"Many people love to be recognized on their birthday."
"All the restrictions had ruined my previous two birthdays, and I was more than ready to make up for lost time."
"I had 16 great birthdays without him."
"Thank you so much for making my day special. I'm usually like depressed on my birthdays but you all made it just amazing."
"I'm usually like depressed on my birthdays but you all made it just amazing."
"Honestly, birthdays are so stressful, even to remember. Birthdays are stressful, girl."
"Okay, so Hampton, I asked him what he wants to give Kat for her birthday."
"Birthdays were just always so fun when I was a child, and they still are. Thankfully, it's a celebration of life, actually, and the celebration that you turned another year older."
"Shout out to all you counselors, birthdays, now I know when the month for cancer, so shout out to you guys."
"Americans just like love putting emphasis on weird birthdays. 16 is a big year for some reason. 18...oh, you're legal, you can vote, but nothing else really happens."
"Every surreal number has a birthday."
"Happy birthday Derek, that's right, I know y'all's birthdays because I booked a few flights for y'all."
"September was like one of the most special birthdays of my life because I'm not a birthday person."
"Our birthdays, if you guys know, are three days apart."
"It's always hard around our birthdays because they fall right by Thanksgiving, Christmas is next month."
"Yes, I do, and I know all of their birthdays. They are individual family members to me."
"Studies show that the people who have the most birthdays end up living the longest."
"I literally love birthdays; they are like my time to shine."
"It's all go this end, all these lovely people are having birthdays."
"I celebrated my birthday March 15, May 15, and October 15, yes, 'cause I can."
"She gives the coolest birthday gifts."
"Here's to many more birthdays together."
"I love birthdays, and I mainly love his birthday because I'm just so happy he was born one day."
"I think birthdays are important; it's like one day a month someone feels special."
"I love birthdays, it's my love language."
"Birthdays are so important to me, and I feel like they should always be so special."
"Do horses have birthdays? Yes, they do."
"I love opening birthday cards; it's so nice."
"Birthdays are a good day for a bit of hatchet burying, I think."
"Happy birthday, Cohen Douglas. Birthdays are a good day for a bit of hatchet burying, I think."
"They have matching birthdays, birthday buddies."
"Birthdays, they're just the best, aren't they? I guess it depends on your age."
"Are birthdays worth celebrating? Yes, birthdays are worth celebrating."
"If 23 people view this video, there's a 50% chance that someone will have the same birthday as you."
"If this video gets 75 views, there's a 99.9% chance that someone will have the same birthday as you."
"I make a big deal out of the kids' birthdays. They don't have too many more living under my roof, and I want to make them count."
"August is a month of festivals and so many birthdays and so many festivals in this month; it is the quickest month of the year."
"You share your birthday with over 9 million people worldwide."
"We do birthdays really big around here."
"It's okay to celebrate one child on their birthday."
"It'll help you come up with ideas to design your birthday cakes."
"I love birthdays, and all my friends know I love birthdays, so they match my energy."
"Everyone deserves to have a little bit of a spotlight on their birthday."
"I wish the same thing every birthday that I ever had."
"The most important thing about a birthday is not the gifts, but spending time together."
"I've always been that person that loves birthdays... an excuse to be even happier than usual and do all of your favorite things."
"Even though I had been the one to ruin her birthday... she had been the one to save mine."
"I love birthdays, I love all birthdays in general."
"You know what I like about birthdays? Is that we're all together."
"She would pour her heart and soul into every single birthday."
"To give every birthday lots of sparkle and cheer."
"As you know, we always celebrate our birthdays with style, and today is no different."
"I've just thought throughout July and August, five of my friends, it's five of my friends' birthdays, five! July and August are going to be expensive months, let me tell you."
"We made a promise that we'd always be together on our birthdays, no matter what."
"One thing that I realized the older that I get is that birthdays can look different and they can be special no matter how you celebrate them."
"I love birthdays, I love everything that goes with the birthday."
"You can basically just go through and add all of your family members and friends as birthdays and just have them set up with simple timestamps."
"If you care about someone, you should know their birthday."
"Birthdays are truly amazing because they're the day we're successfully born into this world."
"'When you're in my life, birthdays are huge.'"
"Birthdays are really fun and it's so fun to celebrate with your family and friends."
"I feel like birthdays are always just so nice, so much love."
"Birthdays are pretty much the only thing that every person in the world can relate to across the board."
"Everyone deserves a 19th birthday party."
"The most important thing is that the girls have fun on their birthdays."
"I don't think every baby needs to have gifts for their birthday, especially not a first birthday."
"I don't really do the whole birthday thing; I feel like it's kind of a part of the matrix."
"I feel like birthdays are important."
"First birthdays are like huge milestones."
"Birthdays are God's greatest compliment to you because the opposite is you don't make that age."
"Shout out to other October birthdays, this is for you too."
"Birthday week is a plus for me because I love birthdays."
"Sometimes you gotta cry a little bit on your birthday."
"Birthdays are important, and it's the one day a year that it's all about you," she's right.
"Birthdays are kind of funny though because when you're really young, a birthday is a very happy thing."
"Do you know what kind of party is my favorite kind of party? A birthday party!"
"Isn't it crazy how like the older we get, birthdays become more and more menial?"
"I want to create a date of birth property because it is nice to keep track of people's birthdays, especially if you have a large family."
"She was a devoted mother who would never miss out on her children's birthdays."
"Birthdays are a big deal to him, which that's been kind of neat."
"We have two kids now, two boys, they're one and gonna be three actually on April 5th."
"We do birthdays big, they're special."
"I don't care if you're a complete stranger to me; if it's your birthday, I'm going to make it special."
"We celebrate Jesus' birthday, it's just a lot of birthdays."
"I'm big on birthdays, especially if I'm dating you."
"Everyone deserves a happy birthday."
"May your birthdays be amazing and blessed."
"The older that you get, the more you just don't care about your birthday."