
Religious Unity Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Be quick to see where religious people are right, make use of what they offer."
"I hope and pray that all of us, as brothers and sisters, yes we have differences, but Inshallah, God willing, as we say, we come together, worshipping the Creator, following God's guidance, Inshallah, God willing, we can eradicate many ills and evils and problems in the world."
"Thank God there's one Lord, one faith, one baptism."
"All religions are the same... no matter what religion you ascribe to, you're worshiping the same God."
"Eventually, we're going to unite with the papacy to enforce a national Sunday law."
"The power of the cross, I mean, it's everybody on the planet, no matter where you came from, your creed, your color, your mistake."
"The Quran affirms that the people of the book, revelation given to the prophets before, i.e. Moses and Jesus peace be upon them, was revelation from God."
"I would be careful with forgetting the fact that these people are brothers and sisters in Christ."
"There is a one world religion that is coming that is preaching a doctrine of acceptance and tolerance of all, just as long as you are not accepting and are intolerant to the doctrine of the one true God."
"The unity of the brethren commands a blessing."
"True Unity will only come when we acknowledge truly who God is and we choose to follow him and live for him."
"Rick mentions that now they have enough evidence that confirms that there is gold stashed somewhere on the island."
"We gotta get back to one nation under God, period. End of story. Nothing else matters."
"It's like God has brought people together through Jesus and the world's trying to do that by showing how different all the categories are."
"I seek to unify the quarrels between religions."
"The goal of Oneness in religion is not what people think."
"Faith amid the ruins, Pope calls Iraqis to affirm kinship under one God... We all worship the same God, we just all need to get along."
"This Islam is powerful, and those that possess knowledge and understanding and implementation of this religion, you are powerful."
"Protestants have United with Catholics into the third millennium."
"Father, I pray that they may be one as we are one."
"You are joined with people just because of la ilaha illallah, you have nothing else in common and that's enough."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"Ecumenism is really important that's the thing yeah we should."
"That does not make us a divided Ummah. We can pray different days on Eid, we're still going to be one Ummah."
"May Allah unite us, may Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala bring us together, let's have a concern for one another, let's have a love with one another, and insha'Allah we will meet."
"God and all those religions is love. Love is love is the universal truth."
"We need Muslims of all backgrounds to come together and ensure we are fighting this to the last mile."
"The main beliefs common to every faith system: belief in the goodness of God and the sacred part of ourselves."
"The one world religion... peace utopia on earth."
"If you follow only Jesus in the Bible, you'd end up being a Muslim."
"Though the world might be divided, the Church of Jesus Christ is not divided."
"When Jesus is there celebrating the Passover... it's a common union. Communion makes us one."
"Let's agree to disagree fraternally. We know we're separated brothers but we're brothers and sisters in Christ."
"Allah is the same God they believe in. God of Abraham, same as we believe."
"If we want to see unity happen, it's gonna take every single person in this room saying, 'I want to be a part of what God's doing.'"
"Just as we freely bowed to his royal majesty the great sovereign’s hand for the sake of the Orthodox eastern common faith, so do we now, being a free people, freely depart."
"There's one God, there's one Lord, there's one baptism, there's one spirit in all and through all."
"Unity in Christ precedes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit."
"God's word... we have to unite around God's word."
"We've seen the true gospel believers really kind of coalesce and come together in a very unified way."
"We build alliances upon the Quran, that's how we unite."
"All prophets came with the same message of believing in one God and worshipping one God."
"Islam brings objective morality; it unites people with objectivity."
"We need to find a way for all Christians, Christian Americans, to stand together."
"The truth will be something held in common by every sect of all the way back to the very beginning."
"You have broken the unity of the Ummah." - Sahaba to the Hada Jets
"It doesn't matter if you prayed in Greek, Hebrew, English, it doesn't change. It's the same name, it's the same person." - RMD DMR
"I'm on the same religion that Jesus was upon. I'm on the same religion Moses was upon, the same religion Abraham was upon, the same origin Noah was upon, the same religion that Adam was upon."
"What they really want is to take Christ from us."
"It seemed good to us, having become of one mind, to select men to send to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul, men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
"When Hagia Sophia is returned to that Orthodox Christian world, they will then become closest in love and affection for this Ummah."
"I just long and pray for Christians of all different types of all different ethnicities to be united under the banner of truth."
"The cement that holds the entire religion together is actually hikmah."
"I'm a fan of orthodoxy. I am the way the truth and the life, but I am a fan of unity because if you are not one, you are not mine."
"We have to become spiritual beings and practice the one tenets that the world's major religions have in common."
"One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism." - Ephesians 4:3.
"While there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, Christians struggle to maintain unity in the church throughout the world."
"All nations shall flow unto it, coming to the house of the God of Jacob."
"May Allah make us brothers and sisters, and may He allow us to see each other as brothers and sisters."
"Marriage is three-in-one, and hell can't stand against you."
"It's not just Christians, it's Muslims, Christians, Jews, anyone of any faith or lack of faith thereof, need to or we need everyone to try and embrace and support this war."
"Each is calling on God, and it is the same One. And yet, different names but the same one power, one unity."
"Remember the favor of Allah upon you when you were enemies, and Allah brought you together."
"True Christian unity could be such a powerful counter-narrative."
"They all believe the core essentials of the Christian faith in the same way that evangelicals believe in the core essentials of the faith."
"Has the mind of Christ. It's not just one bishop that has that, the whole church has it."
"All the bishops must join the Pope in consecrating Russia, fulfilling the specific request from Our Lady."
"The fundamental principles of faith enshrined in the Shahada and the tawheed therein which bind the umma in an eternal bond of unity."
"All religions and traditions have one common goal."
"May Allah bless all the scholars to unite the ummah."
"The confusion is all about the fact that it's one God and it's one human race. We keep dividing ourselves off and thinking, 'Oh, he's different,' but actually, there's only one God."
"Jesus says that we're to be united. So to not be united is actually to disobey."
"May it bring about unity in your church through Christ our Lord."
"So the Christians have to unite they have to remain strong they must pull together."
"Unity in the body of Christ doesn't mean we have to pretend there aren't serious, important issues we disagree on." - Emphasizing the importance of open dialogue within the Christian community.
"We Catholics need to find a way to come together."
"The war between faithful Catholics by the way has just ended abruptly overnight we're all standing together we're all United."
"We believe in the same God that inspired Jesus, that Moses, that Abraham, and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them."
"Victories don't happen by accident. We need you in the war—a war to share the love of Jesus Christ."
"The world is unifying Islam, Christianity, and Judaism under one God."
"Religions are like rivers that flow into the same ocean."
"This is about humanity. If you're a Christian and you don't see this, it's what Jesus did—he destroyed every racial barrier he could find."
"May the love of God fill our hearts anew, uniting our lives in the grip of the gospel."
"There's one Lord, one baptism, and one Savior."
"God's power is exponential when we come together."
"There's only one God, one church, one standard, one rule to salvation."
"I believe that this thing is where many streams come together to make a river that God uses to ignite Revival in this nation."
"We need to be unified on those things: Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life."
"God is one, sages call him by various names." - Rigveda
"The church in Ukraine has been, I don't think it has been as united as it is now. It's so united and prayer is going on around the clock."
"Together we will find a way to Jesus." - Luke 5:18-26
"The chosen is fulfilling prophecy by merging all religions together."
"The foundation of holiness is one god, one faith, one baptism."
"Let's unite under what the Most High says concerning ours."
"Unity is the strength of the body of Christ. Division is the weakness of the body of Christ."
"May that unity lead to our strength... that we may fly unimpeded around this world to spread the three angels messages."
"Human life Finds Its unity in the Adoration of the one God."
"We are blessed, we are seeing the Jewish people and the Christian people more and more come together in one family for the glory of God."
"All of you hold on to it and don't be divided, remember the favor of Allah upon you."
"We're here for the same message and that's to praise and please Allah."
"It is not a unity of religion we plead for but a unity of religious people."
"The edict of religious unity and toleration enshrined freedom of religion as part of Imperial law, prohibiting religious persecution."
"... we agree on that we don't want people to leave the faith we want people to follow beliefs that are true and so we're totally United on that."
"We're going to see a convergence of the streams in the body of Christ."
"Isn't our father Abraham? All of us. Jews, who's their father? Abraham. Christians, who's their father? Abraham. Muslims, who's their father? Abraham."
"The Eucharist is the very foundational principle of what unites us in Christ."
"The sacraments bring us together and govern us in unity."
"The Tibetan tradition is a union of Sutra and Tantra."
"The path of Jesus gives you direct union with God, the tantra of Jesus, basically."
"Ultimately, the council fathers called for reconciliation with their brothers and sisters, seeking a deeper union in a common love for humanity."
"If the Parliament of Religions has shown anything to the world it is this: holiness, purity, and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any one church in the world."
"When the church comes together, the world begins to change."
"Evangelical unity is not in need of creation, it's in need of discovery."
"I think the major division religiously in the world today is not between the religions but within each religion. I have much more in common with progressive Jews and progressive Muslims than I do with the absolutist wing of my own tradition."
"God is not partial and Jesus is not personal; He died for every tribe and tongue and nation."
"Wouldn't it be constructive for the various religions to triage out the hierarchy of offences and realize that the core things that you believe are probably quite similar?"
"Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
"All religions are one; it's different paths to the same mountaintop."
"Hold on to the Rope of Allah all together and don't be divided."
"There's been so much disunity in the Christian world because it's not fully soaked into people's minds that it's okay to disagree."
"Some claim all religions reflect the same truth."
"All the religions being rooted in the same truth and all having the same God."
"There has to be a consensus amongst the churches who are doing this movement together that the gospel is true, that the biblical gospel is true."
"A belief in a loving God should not divide but really should unite people."
"Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel."
"There's only one Mass, and it's a Heavenly Mass."
"Baha'is believe in the truth of all religions."
"All faiths are right and they're all chapters of a single eternal faith of God."
"We're trying to unite the theology back to the original theology."
"When the first presidency and the Quorum of the 12 speak in unity, they speak on behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Even beyond this doctrinal unity... we have an even more substantial Unity of the Eucharist."
"What unifies us is found in the fact that these things are defined by scripture."
"The ordinances of the temple unite us in special ways."
"There's neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female; you're an heir with the Father and a joint heir with Jesus Christ."
"The river of God is so unifying of the body of Christ."
"...the call to Christian Unity is more relevant than ever before."
"All believers are brethren and there is a fellowship of believers."
"The religious experience of humanity has been remarkably unanimous."
"We call upon a gathering of all the Somali religious scholars... and they came to Somalia, sat for almost a week, and issued a fatwa where they collectively, unanimously, and categorically rejected and nullified Al Shabab's claim to Islamic ideals as part of their war."
"All the different religions are based on the same universal principles."
"Unity of the church is extremely important."
"Biblical Unity is truly the way forward."
"We eastern Catholics really want to someday be Orthodox and in union with Rome."
"We want to be a family that comes together with the Holy Spirit to magnify Jesus."
"I still hold to the belief that Jews and Christians and Muslims, we're all of the family of Abraham."
"Everyone is under one roof for one sake and one sake only, and that's because we're all here to celebrate the completion of the Quran."
"We call for religious leaders across all faith traditional lines to join together that we may call black men and send them back to the church, the mosque, the temple, the synagogue of their choice."
"He did amazing things in terms of here in America, inspiring men of all walks of life within the Pentecostal realms of all denominations and types and outside of the Pentecostal realms, he brought them all together."
"The flesh becoming subject to the spirit, or the son to the father, being one God, suffereth temptation, and yieldeth not to the temptation."
"The notion of the coming of a redeemer who is going to bring justice and peace on earth is a universal principle accepted by most religions."
"I am the one Church of Christ who is Muslim and Christian and we have the Living God who has never died."
"We believe in all of these prophets, telling the Christians not to worship Jesus and telling the Jews not to reject Jesus, to bring them back to the path which is worship God alone without partners."
"All religions lead to God when there is true devotion and love."
"Every religion teaches love, let's focus on that."
"The Holy Ghost want us to come together and pray."
"All religions are the same, it's just different manifestations of the poetic genius."
"The ultimate touchstone is found to be in communion with the Holy See."
"The God of Abraham, the God of Jesus, the God of Moses, the God of Muhammad, Allah, the God of all the prophets and the apostles and the messengers, everyone."
"Ecumenism is an attempt to promote unity amongst difference within Christianity."
"Most of the orphans in the world who are being taken care of by the people of God - Catholics, Muslims, Jewish people."