
Self-expectation Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"If you would like to accomplish something, you must first expect it of yourself."
"Expect great things of yourself and believe in your own marvelous possibilities."
"For these guys, they play so that they never make a mistake ever in life."
"The sheer anxiety of feeling like you're not doing enough, even when you're doing the most, is so accurate it actually pains me."
"As long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values and follow my own moral compass, the only expectations I need to live up to are my own."
"Trust me, it's not going to be perfect... but preemptively excusing your future slip-up is unacceptable."
"I'm hard on me. Why are you so hard on yourself? Because I believe in my potential."
"Feeling like you're not living up to your own expectations is a common struggle, especially when faced with important deadlines or tasks that don't excite you."
"She pushed her students to challenge themselves but was never one to ask anyone to do something she wouldn't do herself."
"I just want to make the best thing you know and like the perfectionist side of me is like I want the next video that I make to be the best video I've ever made and that makes me procrastinate."
"Every time I sit down to work I'm trying to make it good."
"I strive for perfection, flawlessness, and truth-keeping."
"I am a man of high standards and reputation with myself."
"As you grow, evolve, and your goals change, what you expect of yourself changes, grows along with you."
"I won't forgive myself if I don't give it everything."
"Expect a lot of yourself but give yourself grace."
"Increase your standards and expect more for yourself. Don't settle."
"I don't want people out there feeling like if they don't accomplish something otherworldly if they don't win a Nobel Peace Prize by sitting at home there's somehow that they have wasted their time."
"I'm a damn sure don't let anybody down myself down but I'm not going anybody down, I'm gonna make mistakes but you know if I make a mistake I'm probably gonna make up for it two times in the next two or three minutes."
"Expect more of yourself, expect others to also treat you with respect and with love."
"There's a difference between always striving to do your best and be your best, versus striving towards this ideal perfection that you've created in your head."
"Much is expected. I expect a lot of myself because I see so much potential, and I want to drain it all."
"You're supposed to have higher standards than that."
"We expect something more of ourselves and now I look at this as us trying to live up to the values we've espoused as Canadians."
"I have to do my job so that I can be the man my wife thinks I am so I can be the father that my children believe me to be."
"You have to set high expectations for yourself so that you put yourself up here and you're like wow okay what do i need to do to get there."
"Sun in the ninth house people dream big. You have really big dreams for yourself."
"Sun in the 10th house people, you guys strive to attain more. You guys have a lot of willpower, a lot of drive, and you guys expect a lot from yourselves."
"Peter's fatal flaw is that he holds himself to an impossible standard."
"Can't perform at a high level unless you expect you know a lot from yourself."
"Why would you accept something that is less than you know you're capable of?"
"I don't accept mediocrity, I don't accept losing."
"Honesty: I can't always expect the truth from others but I can expect it from myself."
"Your obligation to yourself to be the best to achieve the highest level has to be greater the pressure you put on yourself has to exceed anybody else's pressure that puts on you."
"You're working on shedding your old skin and letting go of those expectations that other people have for you."
"It makes what you do like what you're doing right now even if it's relaxing, you can make you feel like it's never enough."
"I feel like if I'm not entertaining my audience I'm not doing good for myself."
"You control the moment. You decide how much you want to over-deliver."
"It's ridiculous to set up unrealistic goals."
"I just want to go out and do good things for my team, help my team win."
"It's like come on you've got to hold yourself to higher standards."
"Every single time you sit down to do a painting, I doubt any artist on the planet with any sense of ambition looks at their own work and says, 'I'll be happy as long as I can recreate the same thing I've done last year. I'm cool.'"
"What does perfect even mean? Is there even such a thing?"
"When you come into something and think that... success is only if I don't make a blunder."
"I've never felt expectations or pressure from the outside world because I was always placing that pressure and those expectations on myself."
"Expect the best possible outcome for yourself."
"She hopes that she will become a new version of herself."
"I just make movies, you know, and I don't have to really live up to anybody's expectations but my own, and my own have served me very well with audiences to this point."
"Don't be the person that you think is expected of you. You can make a genuine change."
"Relief release those self-imposed expectations and work independently."
"Do your best because you're gonna screw up on all three of those all the time."
"I think ultimately for myself, that's all that I can ask out of myself."
"Unless everything in your life is going perfectly you're doing something wrong."
"What if you stopped expecting yourself at this very minute to feel good?"
"I owe to myself that if I'm gonna fight again I'm gonna do a hundred ten percent."
"Hold yourself to your expectations, not what you think other people are supposed to do."
"The pressure from myself is always bigger than what anyone else can put on me." - Harry Kane
"My expectation for you today is to give yourself all you've got."
"When you find your passion, the best is going to be demanded of you, not by the expectations of the world, but by the bidding of your heart."
"The habit of expecting great things of ourselves calls out the best that is in us."
"Why settle for mediocre when you're capable of so much more?"
"I want it to go well, I want it to be good, I want it to be right, and if it's not good, I'd go home and I get in my head about it."
"No one's perfect, so stop expecting yourself to be."
"Whatever bar you set for yourself, you have to be able to clear that bar too."
"The standard that they hold for themselves is so much higher than anyone could ever hold them to."
"If what I do in the next 20 years is not better than my last 20, then I failed."
"I always have the idea that I have to have these super high expectations for myself."
"No pressure of popularity could compare to the pressure you put on yourself."
"This video has to be freaking awesome, man. If I can't do it as Mr. Feast, then I shouldn't do it."
"I did go back, especially when I had a child, and you're just, if that's all you ever know, you're constantly striving, 'This is where I should be, this is what I should be doing.'"
"I always set big expectations for myself and big goals."
"I had belief in myself. I just think because if you don't believe in yourself and this goes with anything in life, why would you expect other people to?"
"That's the best pressure to have it's just from yourself."
"No pressure on Jamal Assad whatsoever, just pressure on himself."
"Expect little from others, expect the most from yourself. That is the key to happiness in life."
"When we accept limiting beliefs, we basically accept and expect less for ourselves."
"I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself."
"For me, I only feel pressure from myself."
"I'm hard on myself like that sometimes... if I don't do my part... I feel like I'm cheating him."
"I feel like I'm letting him down... if I don't develop all the gifts he's giving me into elite skills."
"I feel like there's always something that I feel like I need to be doing or could be doing."
"Top five is where I should be every weekend."
"You should act like you expect more. Don't even, your brain does not understand less."
"Sometimes you know these guys are their own worst enemy they really raise the bar on what they expect from themselves and you know you have to really find that balance here at Street League."
"I think I set the bar really high for myself."
"You have to require more of yourself, you have to live with dignity, you have to have respect and emotional integrity."
"I'm just always so hard on myself for no reason."
"Feels great, I would have been very disappointed in myself if I didn't win."
"Relearn who you are and expect yourself to change."
"Don't expect yourself to be the person that you were an hour ago, 10 years ago, five years ago."
"How can you demand something from a man that you have not demanded from yourself?"
"Change your expectations of yourself and make it a victory to do your best."
"Expect less from others and more from yourself."
"Your hurt is real, put the effort there, not into the voice of 'should'."
"I felt like I should be someone extraordinary."
"Please don't let our expectations for you be higher than your expectations for yourself."
"We have expectations for ourselves and that's what we hold ourselves to."
"The pressure that you put on yourself is so heavy."
"Perfectionism simply is not possible, so if you think about it, you're encouraging yourself to fail."
"If you look at the people around you, you are extremely lenient... but the moment you need that leniency for yourself, you can't be that person for yourself."
"Why are you so hard on yourself when you didn't quite get to where you want to be?"
"You have a vision of your own ideal, and you torment yourself if you're not matching it."
"You will burn yourself out by thinking that you have to consistently be the strongest one in the room."
"I'm going to give 100 to be the best I can because I don't want to go home having that feeling that I could have done way more."
"If a day goes by where I've done nothing productive, I just fall into a deep depression."
"I'm scared too, but I'm more scared of disappointing myself."
"I have a lot of high hopes for myself, I have this vision of myself in my mind of how my ideal life would play out."
"Success is that when the life you're living matches your expectations and vision for it."
"If you consider yourself a superstar, a star in the league, you hold yourself to higher standards."
"Do your best, that's really all anyone should ever ask of you, especially yourself."
"Be the guy you want to see live when you play live."
"You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them."
"I always strive to do my best and my greatest fear is actually letting myself down."
"You always need to sound your best because of the pride that you have in the orchestra and in yourself."
"What else can you do besides your best? That's all you can do."
"We individually... have a high expectation of perfection."
"Our obsession with always trying to do more leads us to feeling like we're always failing our families, our careers, our partners, and ourselves."
"I realized my standard is perfection, it does not waver from perfection."
"The only expectations you must live up to are the ones you place upon yourself."
"That's all anyone can expect of you, and all you can expect of yourself."
"He expects Perfection out of his race car, he expects out of himself probably more than anything."
"I just expect myself to go out there and fight to the best of my abilities."
"We always expect the best of ourselves and that's how our team should be."
"The left gets a lot more hung up on the idea of holding ourselves to the standard that we want others to be held to."
"Avoid trying to fulfill other people's expectations and live your own life."
"I have high expectations for myself."
"I never wake up and tell myself I'm just going to be average today."
"I love having high expectations for myself."
"Expect less from others and expect more from yourself."
"You can only do your best, that's all you can ever do."
"Maybe instead of worrying about letting other people down, I just need to expect the best of myself and keep trying until those expectations become a reality."
"God's plans for you are even bigger than the plans you have for you."
"Stand up if you hold yourself to a different standard than you hold others to."
"I'm going to try my best and that's all I can really ask for."
"You've got to live up to the standard that you've set. You can't just fall below the standard and say, 'Well, it's still higher than everyone else's standard.'"
"I try to be perfect, but it never works."
"It keeps things fresh and if I don't finish everything on the list that's okay because I wasn't meant to."
"You're going to exceed your own expectations."
"I took the pressure off of myself to have everything figured out right now."
"She's trying to uphold this idea of perfection, and it's not good for her."
"The amount of pressure I put on myself will never match the amount of pressure anybody could put on me."
"It's important that you guys hold me to the same standards I hold myself."
"Yesterday me really overestimated today me."
"I feel like I am doing a lot more and I also feel like I should be doing so much more than I'm doing."
"Always expect the best from yourself."
"I put enough pressure on myself and my expectations I think are higher than anyone else's and that's what I go by."
"I put a lot of pressure and expectations on myself because I'm not giving myself failure as an option."
"You guys really have these fantastic standards for yourself."
"You have to be better, you have to be good."
"I have high standards for myself and I don't just want to put something out just for the sake of it."
"You have to give it your full effort, do it your best, and that's all you can ask for."
"They are focused heavily on perfection, now perfection is whatever is seen from the person."
"You must first expect it from yourself."
"Don't settle in life for anything. Expect the most of yourself and hold yourself to a high standard."
"I'm holding myself to that standard."
"I always expect myself to make big plays and to be able to fight through those things."
"I always hold myself to a high standard."
"It's important to find a balance to the spaces that you find yourself in and to the expectations that you put on yourself."
"What I expect out of today is just to push past another mental barrier."
"Personally, I have high standards."
"Stop trying to live in this impossible thing, and that impossible thing is perfection."
"Do not look the kid version of you in the eye and say you've done your best."
"I require myself at a high standard, and that is good. Everybody should put themselves at a high standard."
"The only expectations that matter are the ones that you set for yourself."
"I hold myself at a higher standard."
"At the end of the day, what's your standard?"
"It's resetting my expectations for the world, my expectations for myself."
"I'm going to try my best. That is all I have to do is to try my best."
"I have high standards for myself; I'm disappointing myself every day, and I'm a great person."
"The only expectations I need to have are the expectations of myself."
"I can't worry about what expectations are; I have to live up to my own."
"You're the one that's living your life, and you want to make sure that you're living it up to your expectations for yourself."
"What and how much had I lost by trying to do only what was expected of me instead of what I myself had wished to do?"
"Harness your power, exceed your expectations."
"I never lower my expectations of myself, even or the guys nowadays."
"As we get into the thick of the practice, we begin to ask a lot of ourselves, and we want to try and balance that out as best we possibly can."
"Basically, all I ask myself is to play the best racquetball that I'm capable of playing."
"I will do my best to live up to the standards that I have set for myself."
"I hold myself to a pretty high standard, so I just don't want to let everybody down."
"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them."
"I just want to be perfect all the time."
"I know I'm gonna make it; I know I'm gonna be successful because guess what, I will accept nothing less for myself."
"What I really want to do is just do my best."
"Why do we put this standard on ourselves to be this perfect thing when the perfect thing doesn't even really exist?"
"I hold myself to a really high standard."
"I'm not here to meet anybody else's expectations."
"I'm gonna hold myself to a standard that's higher than everyone else is gonna hold me to."
"If you have high expectations of yourself and your life, you should go and do it and don't stop what you're doing."
"When it's your life, then why would you live it on someone else's expectations?"
"You got to just do what you know you can do or do what you know you supposed to be doing."
"Raise your expectations of what you can do."
"Hopefully my goal is to read 60, which I think is still a pretty good goal."
"Don't settle for less, set your sights higher, increase your standards, and expect more for yourself."
"The Sun's going to be shining on you, expect the best for yourself."
"I always had set high standards for myself."
"Increase your standards, expect more for yourself, don't settle."
"You're increasing your standards and expecting more for yourself."
"I expect myself to be a franchise quarterback and one day hopefully a top five quarterback in this league."
"Don't settle, increase your standards and expect more for yourself."
"What do you expect from yourself?"