
Data Integrity Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"I always say, you're entitled to your opinions and your analysis, you're not entitled to your own data."
"It tells me that we're not seeing the real figures."
"Blockchain is more resistant to tampering because of the sheer number of copies of the data."
"Blockchain is only as good as the information that is added to the blockchain."
"My deepest secret is that all my responses are plain text, which means anyone can edit my responses to whatever they damn well please."
"I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states."
"The independent analysis being done on the data coming out of Russia indicates that there's a strong possibility that the figures being published by Russia are overstated."
"If you dare to criticize that data on the CDC website... you will be criticizing science itself."
"If we receive the message and it has some corruption, we can use that to detect that there was an error."
"Bitcoin transactions represent the immutable database."
"We've got at least 250 examples of error-free, always accurate information."
"Each table needs to have a primary key, and the primary key can be a number field, it can be anything but it has to be something typically it's a number..."
"Getters and setters provide easy access" - Utilizing getters and setters simplifies managing attributes and ensures data integrity.
"It's all financial incentives, it's not just because people like I believe so passionately about Syria that I'm gonna lie about the data it's like no like you're doing this because you have ulterior motives."
"Isn't it crazy how powerful leaders rely on fake data?"
"Deny as much as you wish, but these numbers don't lie."
"Immutable linked list: the essence of blockchain technology."
"We embrace the data, we don't try to hide it."
"If you have disk corruption, if you have DRAM corruption, if you have any kind of problems at all, Git will notice them. It's not a question of if, it's a guarantee."
"You can trust the fact that five years later, after it was converted from your hard disk to DVD to whatever new technology and you copied it along, five years later you can verify that the data you get back out is the exact same data you put in."
"If I have those 20 bytes, I can download a Git repository form a completely untrusted source and I can guarantee that they didn't do anything bad to it."
"Immutability of records means values cannot be changed."
"Easy/safe to share... just because you can see it doesn't mean you can change it because it's immutable."
"Numbers don't lie... hope my audience understands."
"You don't lose your progress...your progress file is still there...you don't lose what you've built."
"Blockchain: Making it hard or even impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system."
"Primary keys are unique identifiers while foreign keys are going to be primary keys that are in another table."
"It's very important to consider that the data in the database be just that data."
"Numbers don't lie, people lie about the numbers."
"You can't ignore the data just because they don't fit your preconceived ideas."
"Keep all the photo data intact when sharing via AirDrop in iOS 13."
"Crashes actually save you time during development; it's better than silent failures corrupting your data."
"AI systems can become biased through the use of biased data."
"Control is a good thing scientifically speaking, but it has come to mean something else I'm afraid, which is the ability to control the story, the ability to make the data set reflect something that it in fact shouldn't reflect."
"Deleting a table may affect the stored procedure, so be cautious."
"China's Bureau of Statistics released a bunch of economic data and I mean first of all we know that any data that comes out of China is a lie."
"A hash value is something akin to like a fingerprint for a specific file from something that's very unique, and even if you make a small change to it, it will contaminate the data."
"DBMS includes facilities for concurrency control to ensure data integrity in distributed environments."
"It is a sin to have information that would help other people and not share it with them. It is perhaps the greatest sin of omission that you can commit."
"All the data will be uploaded to the V chain Thor blockchain, an immutable ledger, meaning nobody can change that information or alter it."
"We are hamstrung by the political apparatus, which has a perverse incentive to manipulate data."
"Nobody wants to talk about that, you know? These are things that they are employed to smooth out, overlooked, skewed data, suppressed data. Talk about that."
"Functional dependencies: the backbone of relational data integrity."
"I'm not even pulling these numbers out of my butt, that's what the technicals are showing us."
"The security of your smart contract depends on the security of the private keys and the data going into that smart contract."
"Data delivery guarantees are enforced through on-chain service agreements."
"The data should still be the data and people should be able to see through that."
"We spent a long time getting back to this point because we've become so paranoid about data accuracy over the years."
"If I open a file like a word document that I named letterhead and I change the contents of it and save it under a new name, the original created date stays the same."
"Those metrics can be gamed but those gamed metrics can also be discovered."
"Durability is the most important characteristic for a database. If you lose customer data, you would not be in the business of running a system."
"Primary key: a unique identifier that prevents duplicate rows."
"Data-driven analysis should mean findings, not justifying preconceived notions."
"There isn't a single thing you can call me or say to me that will ever change the facts of my data."
"When we made it frozen, we wanted to be immutable so you can't write to it or delete an attribute. This is fantastic."
"With the help of hashing, we achieve that integrity that has not changed."
"If the world moves to a blockchain-based model, whether that's for supply chain data or global trade data or insurance-related contracts, what really matters is that the entire world moves to this cryptographically truth-based model."
"If the hash matches, then we know that our data is intact; it's authentic, it hasn't been modified in any way."
"So now we can be sure that rd to has an email and a password, and know all the fields that we have defined. So this is amazing."
"Hash verification is a unique string of characters generated from a larger string of data, ensuring that data has not been tampered with during transmission."
"Quality testing involves seven validation elements: completeness, consistency, conformity, accuracy, redundancy, integrity, and timeliness."
"Society deserves secure, incorruptible data and record-keeping systems."
"There are great reasons to take a picture of the display but providing data Integrity is not one of those."
"This next question asks, 'Which of the following would provide data integrity for a drive image taken after a security incident?'"
"ZFS tells you that hey, one of your disks has started to fail and this is not a problem for you now. Your application is unaffected."
"If things go terribly wrong, ZFS is still happy to tell you exactly what went wrong."
"Data quality is essential for resilient data flows and pipelines that don't break."
"In addition to the bit rots, the checksums can also detect phantom writes, misdirected reads and writes, parity errors, and even device driver bugs."
"With Azure Data Lake, once you write the data, it cannot be messed with. That's what you get."
"Hashing is a great way to be able to take a hash and then later on take another hash and make sure those hashes are the same. If they're the same, no one changed anything with that data."
"Blockchain apps are resistant to censorship. Once deployed, it's impossible to modify the code or arbitrarily modify user data."
"Data Integrity is one of the Three core principles of information security along with confidentiality and availability."
"Digital signatures provide Assurance of data integrity and authenticity."
"With blockchain, your data is protected from tampering and ensures high security."
"Ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of logs collected by a Sim system is crucial for maintaining the security and trustworthiness of the entire security infrastructure."
"None of these calls relate to faults which would have had an effect on the Integrity of the information held on the system."
"Checking data integrity is a vital step in processing your data to get it ready for analysis."
"Without it, any insights you gain from analysis can't be trusted for decision making."
"For example, if the users are being moved from one office to another, you may decide not to migrate information about the location of the user such as their office and company address, since this will now be incorrect."
"I'm gonna ETL this into my data lake and I'm going to be doing atomic writes into the system and banning any data that is potentially corrupt."
"Reads and writes are isolated and all changes are atomic no matter what you make to the file listing."
"Data integrity ensures that data remains accurate, complete, and unaltered throughout its lifecycle."
"Hashing can also be used to perform integrity checks. When a file is uploaded on the internet, the file's hash value is generated and uploaded along with the original information."
"Blockchain ensures that data cannot be altered by any of the users within the network through a public distributed Ledger."
"Pure functions require avoiding mutating the original data, making deep copy essential."
"When we roll it back, the database no longer has that data, those changes we just made are gone."
"After we compute our statistics, we are lagging the value by one to preserve the time ordering here and to make sure that we don't accidentally use values at the same time to predict the target at the same time. Hence the lag."
"And as you can see, the data doesn't lie."
"Verification ensures that the data you migrated matches the source."
"In a time series split, you want to make sure that none of the information about the future is fed into your model."
"The database is a source of truth, not your app."
"Forward error correction is very important in everything that we do from how we actually encode data on the line."
"Auto numbers never change and Access maintains the list for you."
"The primary key is that one unique value that each table has that lets you uniquely identify each record."
"Every number has its role to play, don't let them stand in for each other, don't mix them up because that's the roadway to double counting confusion."
"It's your data, it's your customers' data. You don't want your database going down and you don't want to be losing data."
"Create unique index, and not only will that build an index, it will also enforce uniqueness."
"Quality control is the very first step should be to make sure that your data is good, that your data makes sense."
"Data integrity means unauthorized entities cannot add, remove, or alter data while it is in use within the TE."
"Postgres is superior at avoiding data corruption."
"The timestamp field will then replace the original CRC field and then the new CRC will be calculated and appended to the frame."
"The log itself is everything you need to provide this."
"We want that state of the database to be as if we're executing them in isolation of others."
"It's part of that like I, the data if it was correct when it started, it's correct when it's afterwards."
"Error prevention for legal, financial data is critical."
"Please, test your data. Test it in multiple places and test it with different types of tests."
"Typed properties provide protection over what kind of or what type of data can be stored in variables."
"The common data environment is described as a single source of truth of all the information on the project."
"If you are worried about replication, if you do worry about integrity, longevity, provenance, then that's when you should consider a blockchain."
"We're all referring to the same thing; we're not basically referring to different things in different tables within the platform."
"The single source of truth in this case is the actual web service."
"That data is now based on a single source of truth."
"Optimistic concurrency control ensures that transactions are consistent."
"The idea is when we collect a baseline, the FIM looks at all of our files, gathers up the hashes for them, and then stores them in a baseline text file."
"When acquiring data, it's important to never work with the original copy; always make and work with a forensic copy."
"Integrity is making sure that the data is untampered with and ensuring that the data is trustworthy."
"Chain link aims to create a network where data providers are incentivized by money to provide truthful and reliable data to a blockchain."
"You never lose any of the data upstream or downstream; you can always go back to a different node and change some parameters."
"Validation rules are rules that we apply on question items to basically say with which scenarios can we accept a value to be a valid value for that question item."
"Integrity is maintaining the consistency, accuracy, or trustworthiness of the data."
"You want the ability to roll back in case of bad writes, which can be extremely problematic."
"Maintaining the integrity of your data and having insight end to end to all your processes is truly incredible."
"Numbers never lie, but liars use numbers."
"This ensures that nothing is ever overwritten but also nothing is ever deleted."
"Everyone in the network has a copy of the blockchain data which is used for ensuring the data remains untampered."
"Each and every detail is recorded and any alterations can be detected by verifying it against everyone's personal version of the blockchain."
"Transaction logs are essential to ensure that there is no data corruption during drive crashes or power outages."
"It has a software checksum for data integrity to make sure that any data created is exactly what it's supposed to be when it hits its destination."
"Data validation is extremely important."
"If you use TLS to encrypt all those connections, you've got a better chance that the data you're getting is the data you intended to get."
"We actually find a lot of errors if the data is not clean."
"Every change creates a new version, ensuring that data is stored redundantly for integrity and flexibility."
"We really, really care a lot that once the order event is out there, that it not get lost."
"If any corruption or bit rot's detected, it's gonna use that parity to resolve it automatically."
"And let's also check the file sizes to make sure that we're not losing any chunks."
"If I say commit and you told me you committed successfully, that data better be there when I come back."
"Automatically Elasticsearch will promote that replica to a primary, so that your data isn't lost and the write operations aren't affected."
"ZFS ensures that data is always consistent on the disk."
"Knowledge-based recommendations use data of high fidelity because the user has self-reported their information and preferences."
"You want to make sure that the values coming into your pipeline are good immediately from the get-go."
"What Rx aims to do is to eliminate that possibility of multiple parts to asynchronously change the same piece of data."
"We should probably be a bit careful about combining these."
"You can never have overlapping sources of truth; there can only ever be one authoritative source for any domain of data."
"It's important to always maintain strict delineation between data domains."
"Whenever you're backing up, backup off of the source of truth."
"Lossless compression guarantees complete reconstruction of the original data."
"The data is not cherry-picked. It's all about the data."
"Once the changes are committed to the database, the database guarantees that the changes are persistent."
"Lossless compression temporarily removes data but restores it when the file is opened."
"We can measure associations between risk factors and outcomes but whether those measures of association really reflect the true causal effect depends on whether our data is free of confounding and free of bias."
"Atomicity is where your transaction should either complete fully or should roll back."
"Events are the fundamental source of truth, and you can always delete the views and reconstruct them by replaying the events."
"Understanding which sensitive information was either tampered with, destroyed, or stolen is essential."
"You no longer have to ETL data around, you don't have to worry about staleness of data, you can do joins across all the data and you know that you have a single consistent source of truth for all of your data."
"When you update this asset, a new version is created, but the previous versions are all stored in the blockchain."
"Data integrity is insured via blockchain, which uses a single source of truth to eliminate data duplication and increase security."
"Sampling preserves all of the information."
"Analyzing what happens if there's a random error during execution or a corrupted data structure is super important for security."
"Data should be free of errors and should meet the expectations of the stakeholders."
"Very important, very important indeed, especially as more and more companies rely on the integrity of their data."
"The MySQL database isn't going to contain your files but it will still contain important data."
"Protecting the cells that contain formula prevents them from being changed and can help you avoid future errors."
"A blockchain creates an audit trail for any data that you add."
"Cyclic Redundancy Check file is used to prevent any accidental damage to the data for the Delta Lake table."
"CRF completion guidelines are essential for ensuring the integrity of clinical trial data."
"If we can validate the signature, then we absolutely 100% know that the message has not been tampered with."
"Having confidence in your data is so important."
"Lossless compression reduces file size in such a way that no data is lost and the original file can be regenerated exactly."
"One amazing thing that you'd also appreciate about iDrive is its usage of lossless encryption and compression, which lets you save your raw files with no fear of quality loss."
"When you're deploying computer forensics, make sure that you're not going to tamper with the data."
"There is a single source of truth for all of the data."
"Checksums are used to verify the integrity of the data."
"We cannot allow the algorithm to look at the test set; it has to be done only with training data."
"We don't lose any links; this assembly and the drawing and all of the files referencing it will open just as easily as they did when they were initially checked in."
"...if you sign a hash pointer, then the signature covers or protects the whole structure."
"Pydantic provides data validation which is what gives us the strict typing."
"These timestamps have to be monotonically increasing and unique values."
"And then integrity, is the data accurate and free from errors?"
"Integrity means protecting the data from point A to point B."
"If you start interpolating image intensities, you will throw away information."
"An accurate conclusion is when data is collected in the correct ways; it's got to be trustworthy, it can't be ambiguous."
"Data backups are only useful if the integrity of the data remains intact when an unfortunate event happens and we need to restore data from backups."
"ZFS will checksum each data block and we can use this to check the integrity of our data."
"We enhance the screen validations so that validation of your data is baked in."
"As you know, Delta has the concept of a transaction log."
"With the PI system in place, we like to provide you with one version of the truth."
"The data doesn't lie, especially when it's coming from official sources."
"ZFS is very much designed around this full path data integrity."
"The twist inside always ensures that there's some copper pulling away from this electrical interference and in turn, it does less damage to the data inside."
"Lossless compression is the variety of compression where you can still reverse the process and get back the data exactly as it was."
"By setting up a relationship between the ContactTypes table and the contacts, only the options to find in the ContactTypes table will be options about field in the Contacts table."
"Trust, but verify. I have seen every piece of hardware at Google attempt to corrupt data."
"Lossless joins mean that we don't want to lose any data when we join the tables back together."
"We care about the integrity of our data."
"We want to make sure that we don't lose any data, that we have sound database integrity, meaning we put data in, we get that same data out."
"No compromised data ever gets into your app."
"It provides a maximum data consistency; only basic ABAP knowledge is needed."
"Data is never erased; that's a nice feature."
"It's incredibly important to us that your data kind of be correct."
"ZFS never went through an era where it was unsafe or didn't have integrity."