
Moral Strength Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"If you teach people to have standards for themselves and to be morally strong people, then they can't brainwash you."
"Even when he was pushed to the brink when serving as a General in the Clone Wars, he was never tempted by the dark side."
"True forgiveness, where it isn't deserved and everyone knows it, but it's given anyway."
"You need more grace. We come to this next line in the Lord's Prayer: 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'"
"Do not underestimate your moral strength and promote your values instead of apologizing for them."
"The truth is contagious, lying is, but the truth is as well. The second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this... I don't get supernatural on you but you are filled with this power from somewhere else."
"Be best led by compassion strength and kindness."
"Virtue, courage is actually the testing point of all the virtues."
"Sansa forgiving Theon speaks highly of her character, forgiving someone who did awful things but was there when needed."
"Integrity: credibility plus commitment plus courage."
"Strength to resist evil is best gained through aggressive service."
"He stood up to them, didn't sell his soul to the devil."
"The finest conquest is the conquest of right and not might."
"Courage. Moral and spiritual strength are as important as your muscles."
"True heroism encompasses wisdom, kindness, and moral strength."
"What makes a strong human is knowing what's best and staying away from what just feels good."
"I'm very proud of Pete for going against the crowd and refusing to claim his rewards. That shows a lot of character."
"The good inside of one person is stronger than all of the evil in this world."
"It's a pretty magical thing to doggedly hold on to one's integrity."
"Hanukkah is such an important message spiritually, mentally, psychologically, and also morally because it gives us the strength to fight against the Antiochus, the evil Greeks who want to destroy society." - Rabbi Avi Schwartz
"Put your foot down. I know it's hard, but you gotta do what's right."
"Being good isn't easy; you have to be tough."
"Even being tempted like we're tempted but he never sinned."
"The more good you are, the more powerful you are."
"When you suffer for doing good, you show courage despite persecution."
"The goodness is their power and their purity."
"Light is always stronger than any form of darkness."
"Courage, faith, and fighting for what's right."
"They will stand strong in the midst of temptation as Joseph did in the midst of Egypt."
"Prayer provides Grace which is necessary you cannot there are certain kinds of moral weaknesses you're just not going to be able to conquer without Grace."
"Their moral strength came from a deep Christian faith and pride in their ancient heritage."
"It was an act of moral strength to lift her foot and set it on the bottom step."
"He must either be good or else he cannot be great, because greatness rests upon goodness and owes its strength to it."
"He'd do it, she asked me. Hmm, dude do what? You've seen some of the worst things happen to the most innocent, how in the world do you keep going when time after time you come face to face with such despicable evil?"
"God cannot tempt people and God cannot be tempted by evil."
"When the world hasn't treated you with kindness and you do the right thing anyway, that shows strength."
"I speak from experience; it was virtue that upheld me in my misery."
"If you are a moral person, if you are a good person, if you are an honest person, if you are a strong person, then you will be strong when you're alone, you'll be strong when you're with your family, you'll be strong in all different situations."
"He who overcomes by force, hath overcome but half his foe."
"There is a lot of moral force behind a person who is in the right with what they are doing."
"Strength of character, moral strength, that's the most important strength of all."
"I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary."
"Or do we mean a character who is strong in terms of her personal morals and resolve, making her a strong role model?"
"Be strong then and brave, pure, patient, and true."
"A stronger breastplate than a heart untainted, thrice is the arm that has his quarrel just."
"Integrity is what beats out darkness."
"The world has lost its strongest soldier, one who walked day and night against its corruption."
"The coward strikes the blow, and the brave man turns the other cheek."
"I hope you find the strength to do the right thing, however hard this may be."
"Strength of courage is more important than physical strength."
"That is the virtue of fortitude, one of the cardinal virtues that all other virtues ripple out from."