
Biblical References Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"You and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up."
"Behold, we consider those blessed who remain steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job and you have seen the purpose of the Lord."
"Esther in the Bible came into power when there was a terrible time in history."
"A lack of knowledge can also be in the area of bad things happening. God allowed the devil to touch Job, and in the end, it was all for His glory."
"Don't let distress drive you away, draw you near. Closer, so that like Jacob, you say, 'I'm not gonna let you go until you answer me.'"
"There's something spiritual to all this, and just know this: the Bible says that Satan is the one that traffics in fear."
"I'm a fruit inspector because the Bible says that you should know a tree by the fruit it bears."
"In meeting the situation consider that given by him who said that the children of this world are wiser than the children of light."
"The closest we find to any declaration of unity and diversity within the Godhead is first John chapter five verse number seven."
"When the righteous are in Authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people mourn." - Proverbs 29:2
"God only knows what the impact will be as all four of the horsemen of the apocalypse are on the march again."
"We come back to the dress code and A Song of Solomon talks about studs of silver studs of gold."
"Marriage should be between a man and a woman, but um, you know, the Bible very clearly describes many things as sinful and as not good things for us."
"Forgive and forget? No, go get them, Father!"
"When you find a promise that relates to your situation and meets your need, that promise is God's will for you."
"Some of these people are out there talking about...there's nothing in the Bible."
"Who will be protected through the seven last plagues?"
"There's another thing in the Bible when they talk about galaty as being a SE yeah yeah in Islam as well."
"We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against Powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age."
"Blessed are you when they persecute you for my name's sake."
"According to Revelation 6:12, 'the water therefore was dried up that the way of the kings of the East might be prepared.'"
"It's no man's gonna get the glory to an event, an event is going to take place, oh yeah, and it says very clear in the Bible."
"A fountain shall come forth of the house of Yahweh."
"There's a time for every season under heaven."
"Yes, there are mentions of prostitutes in the Bible... there is no reason ever that any real Christian should ever say to you that your life is over..."
"I relate more to David than I do to Goliath."
"Even from prominent outspoken atheists is to point out that yes the Bible contains a lot of bad things but that Jesus guy he's all right."
"Fear not." "Doubt not." "Be of good cheer." "Let not your heart be troubled."
"Solomon made the right choice when he wished for wisdom."
"They are in the Bible, they're in the New Testament and the Old Testament."
"God knew those apples I have a poison in them that's going to begin to corrupt your mind and I don't want that for you."
"There is a Biblical foundation for pointing stuff out."
"Even Jesus' family members, including his brothers, did not believe in him at first."
"What you're seeing in the revelation is really just a riff on all of these images that start from the flood."
"Heaven and earth do not pass away because during millennium new jerusalem is brought down to earth the Lord makes the earth new again."
"There is a biblical precedent for calling out false teachers by name."
"Spend time with God. The Bible tells us of an instance between two sisters, Martha and her sister Mary..."
"There is actual physical scientific evidence to back up something that was once considered a myth."
"You're only going to get one sign from me and that's the sign of Jonah."
"The Antichrist has 33 different names in the Bible...Prince to come is one of them."
"We're going to knock down this wall of Jericho with one shout."
"After Damascus is destroyed and Ezekiel 38 is fulfilled... the world will be screaming, begging, pleading, willing to do anything for peace."
"The love of money may be described as the roots of all evil in the bible but that hasn't stopped it from becoming a pretty big motivator."
"Love is patient, it's kind. Love is not jealous, it's not boastful. Love is not proud or rude. It does not demand its own way." - First Corinthians 13:4-5
"Pale Rider is definitely almost a biblical figure that comes in the answer to a prayer."
"Show me in the Bible where we do that. Show me in the Bible where it clearly teaches that."
"He knew exactly precisely what he was doing when he chose Judas."
"Michael, the Archangel, is probably the most well-known Angelic being mentioned in the Bible."
"Woe to them that are at ease... in comparison to the rest of the world."
"Healed by His stripes, you are healed, you are healed, you are healed."
"The Gospel authors seem to affirm the canon of their day by quoting Jesus directly."
"One of the most thought-provoking messages... right to the pages of the Book of Revelation."
"Jesus identifies himself more closely with David than any other figure... He was someone that everybody overlooked."
"Could we speculate that there wants could have been not just individuals like Goliath in the Bible but entire races of gigantic people?"
"As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man."
"Abraham's journey was a testament to faith, not a straight path."
"His name is Muhammad according to Haggai chapter 2 verse number seven."
"He is a lawgiver and Isaiah 42 confirms he will bring the Gentiles, especially the Ishmaelites, into the knowledge of the true God."
"You're not David, all right? Your trouble in life is not Goliath."
"This is the greatest time to be alive you're the Fig Tree generation in the Bible you're in the days of the soon building of the Third Temple you're in the days of the Great Harvest of the end time Revival you're in the days of Miracles."
"The mind of the Beast will lead to the mark of the beast."
"Jesus made this abundantly clear in Matthew 24 and Luke 21."
"If you're outside Benet yes or Al or son of Jacob then you are considered a son of Noah."
"When this event happens, you'll have people taking the mark and then you'll have people living free and clear."
"Nothing is secret that shall not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"A funny word, forgiveness, you know, back to the Bible."
"Whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea.'"
"In the beginning God created heaven and earth."
"Knowing Jesus from the Old Testament will restore your hope."
"Jesus was prophesied in the beginning of the Bible."
"The Bible is trying to inform us there is something different and strange going on in the promised land."
"Kings come and this is what the Bible is talking about."
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as lions."
"The rapture is in the Book of Thessalonians and in 1st Corinthians 15, and you cannot read those passages with any kind of sense of, 'Is this the truth?' without coming away with this: It's in the Bible. It is absolutely clear."
"Jesus was in the middle, and the criminal was on the left and the right."
"For greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world."
"The gates of hell shall not prevail against them."
"The marriage of the lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the lamb."
"Put on the whole armor of God so that you will be able to stand strong against the wiles of the devil."
"Do not think that I've come to abolish the law... Not one jot or one Tittle will pass from the law."
"You have this fourth son of Noah who goes to the very eastern edge of the world."
"The jar of oil was not spent, neither did the jug of oil become empty according to the word of Yahweh that He spoke by Elijah."
"One of the most astonishing prophecies in the book of Isaiah."
"Not even the Quincy King Son of God could stop Isaac."
"Here are some amazing statements to show you indeed that Mohammed is the one foretold in the Bible."
"It's just truth, you know what I'm saying? And there's just so much truth in this Bible right here."
"For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom."
"The true dragon of chaos was the woman Eve who cast all men into eternal damnation by toiling the ground rather than living in the heavenly garden."
"We fight not against flesh and blood but against Nations and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places."
"It's a desperation. We see that 40 days is mentioned throughout the Bible quite frequently."
"We now live in an Isaiah 5:20 world where evil is good and good is evil." - 3
"According to chapter 7 verse 24, it's where Adam and Eve were sent to."
"Did you know that Noah was a liberal eco warrior and the world's first environmentalist?"
"You got the seven trumpets... horrendous creatures... they kill a third of the world's population."
"They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"The Lord maketh the earth empty and wasteth it."
"The last thing we want to be is like those Pharisees because you read in Scripture and go gosh God really was against those people he was really harsh towards those people."
"The book of Revelation talks about controlling commerce, world currency, and religion. We saw a glimpse of this during the pandemic."
"The second time he's come in, not as a lamb, but as a lion of Judah."
"I like this image of desire because it's the word used in the Eden narrative, it is the word Jesus uses in his garden test: 'Not my desire but your desire.'"
"It takes the sword of the spirit to divide between the soul and the spirit."
"How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news."
"Think of the days of Noah. Out of all the thousands, only eight were saved."
"God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."
"You're literally living in the end times, and the Bible says that we would see these signs of his coming."
"The Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of fire... Death is wages paid from God to you for your sins."
"Even if you're an atheist... skeptic... the biblical narrative affects you... you better at least know what's happening."
"God created man in his own image... and god saw that it was good."
"So what's the point? It's kind of the Corinthian problem where you remember in First Corinthians 13 Paul makes this just incredible statement."
"Every time they seem to prove him wrong they would come after the Israelites."
"The reason why most people think of a king from the line of David when they hear the word Messiah is because David's story is the fullest narrative portrait of the anointed one in the Bible."
"God's will is health, come on, God's will is life, health, and prosperity. It's in the Bible."
"If you offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it'd be better for you if a millstone were hanging around your neck and that you were drowned in the depth of the sea."
"The word of God is going to stand. It is not going to return void."
"His predictions of the good inheriting the earth also echo the statements of Jesus in Matthew 5:5."
"The only exception will be Caleb and Joshua, the only two people who had crazy faith."
"He met all three Temptations with scriptural truth from Deuteronomy."
"I declare that I am healed in Jesus name. Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 6 says that nevertheless I will bring health and healing to it. I will heal my people and let them enjoy abundance of peace and security."
"These things are walking amongst us. They live with us. It's very interesting that harkens back to the Bible."
"The whole world was astounded and followed the Beast."
"The Son of Man is the glue that holds all these things together."
"So now we know how ancient was he, we'll go all back and go back to Ezekiel 28."
"Jesus told us that in the last days, there would be earthquakes in diverse places."
"That's what the Bible is talking about when he said the serpent cast out a flood."
"Jesus is always present in every aspect of rest throughout the entire Bible."
"The second coming... it's the second most prominent reference in the Bible next to salvation."
"God never cracks the Red Sea so that you can return. He only cracks the sea so that you can advance."
"As far as the east is from the west, so he has removed our transgressions from us."
"We're seeing Acts 1:8 take place: in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth."
"The scriptures have long forewarned us of such deceivers, Jesus himself cautioned us."
"If He did it for Joseph, Abraham, Daniel, if He did it for Solomon, why not you? Why not me?"
"The tribulation begins according to the Bible with global peace and prosperity and safety."
"When you remove the biblical definitions of both morality and justice that arc actually bends into a boomerang that brings you back into a different type of bondage." - Delano Squires
"Modern scholars commonly accept that the Leviathan that is alluded to is a primordial sea serpent which God battled at the beginning of time in order to create the universe."
"The Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea."
"When the angel sees the blood, he will pass over."
"According to the Bible it says it is more blessed to give than to receive."
"Water is mentioned over 700 times in the Bible. More than hope, more than faith, even more than praise."
"All the things written about the messiah in the books of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms, those things were written about me."
"Are these all signs of the end? Is Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 literally playing out right before our very eyes?"
"The glory of God is to conceal a thing, and it's the honor of Kings to search it out."
"We see the global stage being set for what the Bible predicts. Where does it predict that? Let me just give you a few verses."
"Psalm 22: 'They pierced my hands and my feet.'"
"So what do you remember? The wolf will lie with the lamb or the wolf will dwell with the lamb?"
"He who knew no sin became sin on our behalf that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus."
"Ezekiel Saw a perfect living example of extra dimensional unfolding."
"Looking back through history, there are actually hundreds of flood accounts, and the similarity between these accounts and The Genesis Flood are uncanny."
"The idea that this person is your soul mate because they are in in the biblical language azer connecto which means literally a Helper against you is is correct."
"Power is so important that the Bible is not silent."
"Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, and they're going to see and know that."
"So, if you think about this Bible quote I gave at the beginning, 'Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.'"
"I feel like we're headed towards something big... if you've never read the last book of the bible, I would take a look at it."
"The pause is what I call the pregnant pause. It's what David calls 'selah' in the Psalms. It is a moment for them to ingest, digest, and appropriate what has been spoken before."
"Keep the faith, armor up according to Ephesians chapter 6, Psalm 91."
"Now you got to put this in perspective Jacob and Esau two different different types of men right Esau is daddy's boy Jacob is mama's boy."
"Let us go out realizing that the Bible is right: 'Be not deceived; God is not mocked: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.'"
"It's legal for you to read those accounts in Scripture and say, Lord, overshadow me with your glory like you did the apostle Peter so that those who are around me would actually be healed."
"But guess what? You're also going to come across this thing called the Rapture. But again, it's not nothing new. It's been in the Bible the whole time."
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord."
"Thank you Lord for drowning Egyptians, thank you Lord for killing those babies."
"It's not like this is some we're referencing some other letter that's just like not connected to what's going on in Acts."
"He is the Jewish Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
"It's simply a Biblical major sign of the end times."
"He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also... greater works than these shall he do because I go to my father."
"Relationships are never gonna be easy. Adam and Eve, it wasn't easy."
"Behemoth essentially becomes an example that God provides Job, allowing him to behold the monster to illustrate his point."
"For those of us who read the Bible it's clear extraterrestrial beings not only exist but they've been here since the very beginning."
"His scars weren't scars at all but biblical epitaphs carved into his skin."
"The Lord was with Joseph and caused everything that he did to succeed."
"How many angels from God did it take to bind Satan? One."
"I will come again and receive you unto myself."
"Your thoughts come first. Go and look in the bible. There's more than 300 scriptures that describe..."
"God set rules, and if we go back to Genesis, you could write this down."
"All great moments of deliverances in the Bible came at strenuous times."
"It really feels as if the book of revelation is coming to life now."
"The world was full of violence in the days of Noah, as the days of Noah was, so shall it be at the coming of the son of man."
"Why would Jesus say it in the last days? There will be signs in the sun, the moon, the stars."
"The Bible tells us in Psalms that '[The Lord] heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.'"
"The West is the first place to eliminate slavery altogether specifically citing the sections of the Bible to talk about human freedom and the innate value of every human being."
"For 40 days and 40 nights it rained for Noah, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, Christ was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days."
"The Bible says in Hebrews 9:28, 'To those that eagerly look for him he will appear a second time.'"
"Bible prophecy points us to the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ."
"Your primary weapon is the Word of God and your armor is listed in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 to 18."
"The Earth shall quake before them and the heavens shall rumble."
"Mary did crush the head of the serpent through Jesus."
"I used to live in Franklin Tennessee Battle of Franklin takes place in Tennessee... What do we have when we open up the gospels the very same thing."
"All you have to do is go back into Genesis to see the original borders of the promised land."
"That's in the Bible, the biblical Parable where a prophet is not without honor except in his home."
"We're transitioning from rallying troops to taking nations. Gideon's band of 300 didn't just defeat an army, they established God's rule on the land."
"We are God's workers, His building, His field, employed to preach the gospel to every creature." - 1 Corinthians 3
"I was the guy at the gadarenes... Jesus cancelled them."
"Unto us a child is born, and he is the Mighty God."
"Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God helps those who help themselves."
"You have to realize that when the children of Israel came to the Red Sea, God did not miraculously build a bridge over the Red Sea, God parted the Red Sea and commanded them to walk through it."
"We see the writing on the wall that comes from Scripture."
"Bowing should only be reserved for the king, paralleling Mordecai's loyalty and Joseph's choices."
"Miracles seem to come in waves in the Bible, and I believe we're going to see more miracles, especially when persecution increases."
"Look up, lift up your head because your Redemption draweth Nigh."
"When this thing goes, it's going to be biblical."