
Broadcast Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"Good evening, everybody, and welcome once again to the midnight ride."
"This particular adaptation is notorious for the claim that some people tuning in, not realizing the broadcast was fictitious, were under the impression that there really was an alien invasion in progress."
"Live and free right here on Paramount Network."
"Our heroes plan to use the temple of communication to transmit a broadcast everywhere exposing Hargrove and his actions over the years."
"What a lot of people don't realize is that not just the work that goes into doing the show every single day, but also the fact that it's a chemistry that you have."
"Thanks for hanging out. We'll be back tomorrow at 8 p.m. Goodnight, everybody!"
"As always, this is Alex bringing you auf wiedersehen and farewell."
"This broadcast right here is going to be a game changer."
"Good night and we'll see you all again soon."
"I don't King Shame on my show I don't King Shame whatever people into is what they into."
"Every people got wild Kings a lot of them are not discussed on the broadcast so I don't King Shame."
"It's all love, baby. It's all love on this show."
"That's amazing and I think it's a perfect point at which to end the show."
"Make sure to tune in to the God's Honest Truth every Friday night at 10 p.m. on Comedy Central."
"Much love to all of you. I will see you bright and early tomorrow at 9 a.m eastern time."
"Not only is he a man of his word, he is here, top of the show, the inimitable, the incomparable, the one and only Dwayne Johnson, the rock."
"Moonlighting now that BC is gone all right Chuck thank you so much thanks to uh Showtime thanks to CBS Sports monkey morms on the ones and twos thank you to everyone who watched we appreciate it we're out."
"Don't miss the semi-finals of the featherweight world grand prix live and free on CBS Sports Network."
"We'll see you next week everyone, bye everybody."
"The show goes on Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. Eastern."
"Tim cast IRL is the main show at this point."
"Thank you both for joining me today. This has been a ride, and thank you all for watching."
"The guy who runs the line Jimmy Snow asked me to thank Robert for calling into the show."
"Sharon and I are going through the book of Revelation right now, it's a weekly study we're doing for Sky Watch TV called 'Unraveling Revelation'."
"We'll do it live! We'll do it live! F*** it! Do it live!"
"Good morning, good afternoon, good night from the 85 South Show."
"As far as this show is concerned, Social Security is today cancelled."
"Thank you guys for watching, thank you guys listening, wherever it might be."
"Thank you all for tuning in. It's good to have you here."
"This is officially going to do it... thank you for watching."
"Thank you Chad for joining us. Thanks for listening to this Lance Wallnow broadcast."
"Stay on this broadcast. Don't tap off because the Lord is healing, he's saying I'm healing their body, I'm healing their mind. People in the chat, listen, people in the comment section are saying that they're being healed right now."
"That's it for the news right now ladies and gentlemen."
"Coming to you live from undisclosed location Ohio, it's the complaining show!"
"Thank you so much for being here, making the show a part of your day."
"Thanks so much for joining me on my last flight here, but remember to stay tuned from here on out on Mondays at the regular time I'll be still posting."
"The reason why we're not seeing 4K over the air and we're not going to see it for a while is a combination of a few factors."
"That's it folks, I've enjoyed being on this program. TJ, you've been a swell guy. We can keep in touch, but I really enjoyed my timing. Wow, what."
"Well, we're gonna take a quick commercial break we'll be back and talk about the Grammys Fashions when we come back we'll be right back."
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in. I hope you have a good rest of your night."
"Well greetings and citations everybody what the best in relation on the planet earth to John Cabot show Kennedy from."
"Join me next time for another intriguing edition of 'Unsolved Mysteries.'"
"Welcome in to the award-winning Morning Combat."
"We're gonna play a record on the radio right now, one of mine."
"Father, I pray right now for every single person watching this broadcast."
"That's it for news this week thanks for watching."
"Thanks for tuning in. I'll see you next time."
"Good stuff, thank you all so much for tuning in."
"To everyone who might be watching this, he just wanted to say that [__] happens."
"Stay tuned right here on Yong. Yeah, I'll see you guys next time. Yong out."
"As always Wednesday night, 6 o'clock Pacific, 9 o'clock Eastern. May the god force be with you all."
"Reparations now, y'all share this broadcast."
"I hope you guys enjoyed watching it because that was awesome."
"Join me tomorrow morning on Early Mornings Outlet at 6am."
"It wouldn't be a good broadcast without offending someone over my evangelical values and conservative principles."
"Your opportunity today as well. I'll go over how you get it in this big noontime broadcast. It's a big Friday. It's a wonderful Friday. I'm excited you're here."
"Our mission when we launched the show was to reach 100 million lives weekly to help them improve the quality of their life as we build and innovate and evolve."
"Thanks for tuning in and have a fantastic day."
"I appreciate you saying that because you got to realize too, we're 12 weeks, 12 hours straight this summer on ESPN."
"That's all we have time for today. We're out."
"Ladies and gentlemen, do not adjust your set, your screen, your monitor, whatever you're using. This is happening, ladies and gentlemen."
"I want to make you guys aware of it on the show."
"The television broadcast of Trump's criminal trials... is going to be absolutely like nothing this country has ever seen before."
"Good afternoon, friends, and welcome to another edition of Crime Time with Duty Ron and Ed Wallace."
"The actual broadcast itself has yet to be located."
"That's going to be her next title defense and it'll be live on Showtime."
"As a result of our broadcast, the case of Dennis de PUE is now closed."
"Have you heard the rumor of the devil broadcasting to the American public on August 29th, 1968? It's a seriously creepy urban legend that may or may not be true."
"K becomes a global hero since it was all being broadcast live to every nation in the world."
"The numbers heard recited in the SCP-3034 broadcast are actually a countdown from two-hundred, read aloud in Russian."
"The guests are really what make it. I mean, check this list out. Robin Roberts, Snoopy, the President, NECA, and then we got our boy Jason. At this point, he might as well just be on the broadcast every time."
"...resulted in Pacific Overtures becoming the first Broadway musical to be broadcast in Japan on television."
"The Hub broadcasted on the morning of ending Discovery Kids for good in the United States."
"It’s estimated around 2.5 billion people tuned into the live broadcast worldwide, making Diana’s funeral one of the most watched events in history."
"We are your gateway to Karbala. Salaam alaikum and welcome to Imam Hussein TV3."
"Monkey news. So, we still got monkey news coming up. You're an idiot, you know what I mean? That's to me quality broadcast."
"...you can ask us a question on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag ask the minimalists, that's all I got right now, I really hope you enjoy this broadcast of Tuesdays with the Minimalists, enjoy!"
"Millions watch the fight as it was beamed out on satellite around the world."
"We're gonna take one more commercial break on the other side. OTB shot of the day. We'll see you soon."
"Welcome back everyone to another downward night. That's right, I have been forced to break out for the first time on this channel the nocturnal recording, the nocturnal presentation of the downward diary. And boy do we have some downward news to cover today."
"Every Nation watched tense and uncertain as these Alien Invaders initiated their first chilling broadcast."
"Only Jay and Nia remember the erased events and they reconcile their relationship, which is broadcast across Ninjago."
"Join me, Sunday night at 8:00 for this very special and very different edition of 'Unsolved Mysteries', Case Studies of the Diabolical Mind."
"We're about to go out there. The problem is this isn't just for our show, this has been broadcast live on Sky, on all that South African sports."
"Welcome to the broadcast. Bill Gates has, with the help of some very bright people, created Microsoft, the world's largest software company. Some say it is the most successful company in the most dazzling new industry of the century."
"Thanks so much for watching IndyCar racing here on your home of motorsport, your home of the Indy 500, NBC Sports. See you next week."
"Thanks for being with us here in Austin, we'll see you back here tomorrow night for Texas and Florida in the region final on ESPNU at 9:00 Eastern."
"thank you for tuning in people that's it that's the broadcast that's the tournament we are out of here uh thanks so much for watching all weekend volleyball Source I'm Rob Sinclair this is Everett DeLorme one last time here from West Charleston West Virginia we out peace."
"The grassroots racing tour continues all across the country. Be a part of our broadcast. We'd love to show you during our NBC broadcast."
"In these cases the production team made use of outside broadcast vans, which were originally designed for news broadcast."
"Just an informative one today I suppose."
"The broadcast ends with the reveal to the entire world that Peter Parker was Spider-Man."
"The Q9U is a dynamic broadcast microphone with XLR and USB-C connectivity."
"Live from Boston I'm Amelia Madrigal."
"Your story needs to be broadcasted, worldwide."
"We're here today, here in Granite Bay being broadcast worldwide, to confirm this vital truth as we head into the final days of Earth's history."
"We thank you for your word, and we pray that those watching this broadcast, those listening, have heard today that there's a great day coming."
"Welcome to this edition of PGA Tour Classic."
"Welcome back it's another Round with Radar."
"Until then, on behalf of our crew and here in Las Vegas and my partner Maria Ho, this is Ali Nejad saying good night."
"You are watching five on your side"
"Thanks, everybody, for joining us on our Sunset Safari on this beautiful Sunday afternoon."
"Thanks to our broadcast, a father and daughter who have never met finally found each other."
"Pat wanted to take the airwaves for the King of Kings because the King of Kings told him to and Pat answered Here am I, Lord, send me."
"Fox will be airing a King of the Ring special from October 1st through October 3rd."
"As I send the word here live today, you can receive it right where you are."
"It turns out the pursuit had been broadcast on radio and TV"
"This is truly guys, thank you so much for staying with us, we've had a little bit of technical difficulties."
"We'll be back with a final word, stay with us."
"We're picking it up this Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Eastern time."
"I'm Rob, that's Everett. We're signing off for the night. Peace. Thank you."
"Holy greetings to our radio television and Internet viewers in the name of Jesus Christ."
"It is Reaction Time, ladies and gentlemen."
"Thank you for joining us on this mental health edition of in-depth."
"It's a three-ring circus, not a radio show."
"So the conversation will continue, probably right up until Fight Night, join us here on Showtime, we'll see you then."
"We interrupt this broadcast for a very special emergency announcement."
"Let's get out of here with some music, and I will see you guys at 5:30 p.m. Eastern for a recap of Summer House Martha's Vineyard. I got lots of thoughts, lots of thoughts."
"The truth of God is the greatest religious program in the world."
"It's live, it's from London, and you will see it Saturday on ABC's Wide World of Sports."
"You're listening to the Johnny Carabella show."
"Let the same Glory the same anointing that is resident in heaven be released now into the lives of those who are watching and who are listening to this broadcast."
"Folks that's about it for this week."
"I'm alive. Those two words came across the radio, heard by the world."
"The human drama of athletic competition; this is ABC's Wide World of Sports."
"Hello, hey, this is on. Okay, if you can hear my voice, you need to keep your asses inside," the broadcast abruptly ended, leaving the group unsettled.
"A warm welcome to everyone watching from home."
"Thank you for joining us this morning, hope you enjoy this Sunday morning broadcast."
"This is the national program from London."
"Good evening, and I welcome you with words never before spoken on this program."
"Welcome to our live broadcast, we're excited on this Thursday afternoon to get on the internet and hopefully share some knowledge with you."
"You've been the audience, this has been Stuff and Things."
"What makes this broadcast so special is that you guys are tuned in and that you are a part of this with us."
"This is the emergency broadcast system. This is not a test. Please stand by."
"Good morning to everyone watching across Australia and New Zealand."
"Thanks for tuning in, and I hope to see you next time, if there is a next time."
"We appreciate everyone tuning in this afternoon."
"Bye, and we'll see you on the radio tomorrow. Thank you so much."
"It's a full house as far as the people here live, it's going out all over the world through Facebook and YouTube."
"It's good night from me, and we'll both see you next time."
"Thank you so much for watching us today, we hope we covered everything here on Equus."
"Hello everyone, Daniel Yuck here. Thank you all for tuning in today, I appreciate you."
"Good morning, this is Bill from out of Europa Naples, and today we have a big storm stirring off to the southwest corner coming in hot, gonna be nasty."
"Good evening and welcome to Match of the Day."
"We'll see you next week on the WoodSongs Old-Time Radio Hour. Good night."
"Hello and welcome to a special Thursday Night Live."
"Thank you for listening in today, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's the Crimson Tide of the Volunteers, the SEC on CBS."
"The FLN's broadcast galvanized the nation."
"Wake up show for the morning, stay tuned tomorrow, same time, same station."
"We've got one more Wednesday night together."
"We have broadcast our existence out into the universe for a very long time."
"It's my prayer that God will use something specific in this broadcast today to really speak directly to your spirit."
"Hello and welcome to December's Crimewatch."
"Tune in every Saturday at 10 a.m. for Saturday Morning College Kickoff, your pre-game guide to the hottest college matchups."
"Well, that's all we have time for today, thank you for listening."
"Good morning and welcome to the morning show."
"Gavin cono winning every single bracket this weekend so far, right now going to be on ESPN three times in Las Vegas with a fourth chance tomorrow."
"Well hello, good morning, and welcome to Tuesday Morning milkshake live here on Channel 5."
"That brings us to the end of this special edition of Happy Hour."
"Welcome to Wayne Radio TV Halloween edition."
"Welcome to Live from the Vault TV."
"I appreciate you tuning in. Merry Christmas. I'll see you next week."
"Stay tuned, see you guys soon, and we're out."
"Thanks for joining us, until next time, it's bye for now."
"Wake up, get up, it's the morning show."
"It's such a joy to come to you each and every week and share the word of God with you."
"Thank you so much for joining us on this fine Tuesday."
"And I do believe we are live everywhere."
"I am Karma Chris, and I am signing out."
"This game had as much drama as any game we have ever televised."
"Enjoy the rest of your evening, afternoon, morning, whatever it may be, and we'll see you next time on Chicago Reacts."
"This is Court TV live, your front row seat to justice."
"Thank you all for tuning in, and until next time, signing off."
"The 72nd Major League Baseball All-Star Game, it's right after this break, and it's right here on Fox."
"It's the World Series, it's game three, it's Halloween, it's all next on Fox."
"For the first time in history, a global audience will be able to see the crowning of the British monarch live."
"Thank you for tuning in today, I appreciate y'all for being here."
"Hello hello and welcome to Wednesday's edition of cracking the cryptic."
"Now come back after these messages."
"Thank you for tuning in today, and we'll see you next week."
"We're coming to you live from the past."
"Thank you so much for joining my live broadcast; y'all take care, have a blessed day."
"Well, I thank you for another great segment."
"Thank you all for joining us in the wee hours of the morning back in the US or wherever you're watching around the world."
"From the high desert and the Great American Southwest, I bid you all good evening."
"You're watching live here on News Now."
"Good night, Night Vale, and every person who can hear my voice."
"Good evening, it's good to have you with us."
"Welcome back to the show and good morning."
"We're back and we're live weekly."
"Welcome to all of our listeners and viewers across the country and around the world."
"Thank you for tuning in, and you are a valuable part of my Thursday."
"This first story of the night was sent to us by a listener."
"Her project was Broadcast because that is exactly what it was meant to be: a program, a series of sounds and characters, personas, collages, pastiches, and moments that together created experiences that no other mode of expression could."
"You guys keep us on the air, and I just want you to know how much Jack and I appreciate it."
"Good evening one and all and welcome back."
"Good Friday morning everybody, it's a little bit before 10 a.m."
"First of all, I'd like to thank you if you are tuning in tonight."
"It's been added to tons of playlists, been playing on radio."