
Technology Influence Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The tool is controlling us... Technology has grown into such a pervasive force that it surrounds us completely."
"Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world's richest men, two CEOs of the world's most powerful and influential companies, will soon be shirtless in a cage trying to kill each other while the world watches them live on the very devices that continue to make them rich."
"I think Google is more powerful than Congress, which is a scary thought."
"We've given up on the children. They're being raised by algorithms."
"We become what we behold. We shape our tools and then our tools shape us."
"There won't be a Patreon CEO who bans you, there won't be a Jack Conte who bans you."
"DNA has full modification and printing power over memes."
"Steve Jobs was one of the greatest visionaries this world has ever seen."
"We're just pawn puppets in whatever that AI may be doing."
"Twitter is like the new radio, folks. Up-to-the-second information all comes from Twitter."
"Ukraine has already been sacrificed on the altar of Western finance and Technology."
"It's about keeping them docile. When Neuralink becomes public, these cultists are going to be lining up screaming and begging for it."
"Son enjoys the cult hacker super amazing legendary status that it does because ZFS is not the only technology that Sun came up with that is like this."
"Free speech matters outside of the government setting, in big tech, in the rest of our lives."
"Who needs Dominion voting machines when you have Google and YouTube determining what you have access to?"
"There's nothing like how I feel about Ford in Florida zone Elon is doing so much good for the world." - George Hotz
"We need to break the Chokehold of Silicon Valley censors and restore free speech in America."
"Driven by their love for, but perhaps not coherent understanding of, sci-fi, these platforms are shaping the world we live in, and what we imagine that future could look like."
"The new order takes place a few years after the events of the 2009 game with the Nazi forces overwhelming the Allies thanks to their new advanced technology."
"If your child is on his phone nine hours a day, it's the phone and the people that he interacts with and watches when he uses it that will form him. It's the phone that parents him, your second fiddle at best."
"Experts warn that humans will soon be worshiping AI as Gods."
"Tencent's control over Western social media and games aligns with China's plan for global dominance."
"Engineers, hackers, and software developers had come to be seen as countercultural heroes."
"Technology, especially consumer technology, creates culture."
"These mini consoles inspired dozens of companies to jump into the retro gaming scene themselves."
"It's so touching to have an eccentric tech stock billionaire so dedicated to saving mankind like this."
"The new generation fortunes are all made through code or media."
"One of the really cool things that the very first osmo action introduced was custom presets and gopro copied it with their next gopro gopro has custom presets now."
"It might amaze you how many algorithms are working quietly behind the scenes in our everyday lives."
"Social media users, almost four billion people, are tapped into some of the things that we're talking about here."
"My conviction on blockchain technology, on cryptocurrency broadly, on bitcoin specifically, on DeFi, all those convictions just keeps getting stronger every day."
"The iPhone is widely regarded as one of the most influential product designs of the 21st century."
"Tech influences every part of our society; it touches every part of our lives."
"YouTube has genuinely changed my life and everybody around these life."
"Elon Musk is promoting an optimistic pro-human future... gentlemen, I have to go... phone open in the bathroom now."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"He who commands the algorithm can cause a lot of problems."
"PlayStation is saving gaming literally... if Xbox was the only main console, gaming would be dead right now."
"PlayStation 5 is single-handedly saving the entire gaming industry."
"The only thing that's limiting you now because you have to reach is your imagination and the internet would literally bow down to you."
"Elon $5 Dogecoin: it is time to go on this journey and look at the possibilities here."
"Future software companies are going to capture a large portion of that value."
"I think it is terrifying that a handful of Silicon Valley billionaires have the ability to censor, to deceive, and manipulate votes."
"They want to control your mind with technology."
"We're going to be reaching a point where now unless you see something with your own two eyes it is going to be incredibly difficult to sit down and believe anything that you see."
"It's because of my mom and the gift that she gave me that allowed me to basically explore technology, programming, circuit boards."
"Elon, bro, sign up for a different social media platform."
"Evan wanted Snapchat to become one of the most important technology companies in the world."
"I wish I could say that damn machine hypnotized me, but it didn't."
"Ripple either ripple EDA puts a dent in the universe or it goes away."
"Facetime was already everything and now it's just gonna take over the world."
"The influence that big tech has and their willingness to manipulate information... is terrifying."
"Now executing an equity trade is free that's called Robinhood."
"Elon doesn't need Bitcoin but Elon does need Bitcoin. The world's richest man understands that."
"Apple just single-handedly validated ultra running as a real sport now that they've designed a watch for it."
"Technology is the place where you can gain and acquire the biggest competitive advantage."
"The single greatest threat to free speech we have today is big tech censorship."
"Computers! They're going to influence your lives in the future."
"Changing something about the hardware of a phone changes your behavior."
"Big tech has, in a quite literal sense, become Big Brother."
"Palantir can make a huge difference in the trajectory of these governments and the future of democracy."
"Technology has made our world increasingly open, and for the most part, that's great, but all of this openness may have unintended consequences."
"Social media algorithms have so much power over us because they work in the background we don't realize they're influencing us." - Unknown
"First off, it should be clear to everyone at this point that to get mainstream adoption, we're gonna need mainstream platforms."
"It's become virtual, software, the operating system of our world."
"We're being controlled by big tech in a way that the government never could control."
"These billionaires... are hiding behind this cool nerdy sci-fi futurism smoke screen."
"I just hope we don't let AI become the death of meaningful and creative game experiences."
"Mobile devices like tablets and smartphones are the big elephants in the living room."
"Steven's age, like 12-year-olds, that think that what's happening these days is like normal because they've never seen a normal world without phones in their hand."
"Big tech makes sure your voice is silenced... no opposing viewpoints allowed."
"As time wears on and the influence of the app grows, it's pretty clear forms are tying themselves in knots just trying to keep up."
"The term metaverse was first coined 30 years ago in a science fiction book called Snow Crash."
"For the first time in humanity, we are being raised by algorithm."
"The algorithm does the algorithm control us, or do we control the algorithm?"
"The impact of generative AI is profound."
"AI is taking over the world, so I thought it would be fitting if we do an AI-generated workout."
"The way you even think is changed by those machines just being there, and you're a different person for it."
"And I think now it's heading towards a direction where technology is starting to enslave us."
"Our reality is increasingly being manipulated and mediated by technology."
"Never before in history have 50 designers at 3 tech companies influenced what 2 billion people will think and do right now."
"Developers are really the new kingmakers."
"You have these tech titans; they control the world. What we need is more of a creative, humanistic spirit."