
Settlement Quotes

There are 512 quotes

"I really feel like you guys are going to find out where your heart is, aka where your home is, and you're finally going to settle somewhere where your heart feels safe, where your heart feels at home."
"The settlement will ease the burden for a city shelter system stretched to its breaking point by thousands of arriving migrants."
"The American story is people crossing the Appalachians into wilderness they did not know, places that had not been mapped, going to areas where they had no allies, setting down roots, and trying to build towns and civilizations."
"Most futures contracts are cash settled. Cash settled means no physical delivery."
"Afterwards, he offered me a six-figure settlement to never speak about it. As far as I'm concerned, the truth is more important."
"But let’s say all these difficulties are overcome and that the colonists reach Mars. Where would they settle?"
"The big story that's just breaking now is that amid the ongoing derek chauvin trial, minneapolis has agreed to settle with the family of george floyd for a historic 27 million dollars in a wrongful death suit."
"Let's check out Stonehearth. This is the story of a brave band of settlers..."
"I think the mandalorians have been given this plot of land next to the lava flat and they're very much making a home for themselves."
"Settlement's looking great, absolutely fantastic."
"It's important we've had 185,000 people come here since 2015 who've been settled and supported..."
"By early 1992, Ivankov had entered the US and settled in the Brighton Beach section of Brooklyn, New York."
"Mr. Wade's declaration settles the whole thing."
"The concerns of big powers ideally shouldn't be a factor in questions like these but in practice I guess they're probably going to have to play some part if any sort of settlement is ever to be reached."
"A successful outcome or a settlement does give you the clarity that you want."
"It ended up being the case that the seven million dollars would be split between the ACLU and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles."
"There is nothing quite like looking back on a new settlement and feeling like you've accomplished something."
"Your life is going to be settled and secured this night."
"There's going to be an amazing marital settlement."
"YouTube agreed to pay a hundred and seventy million dollar fine."
"The purpose of the Homestead Act was to encourage westward migration and settlement."
"A financial settlement of hundreds of millions of dollars for families who were torn apart."
"Welcome to Nord Hagen Beach: the settlement that destroyed the Brotherhood of Steel."
"Jamaica Plain: one of my favorite settlements ever."
"The community will help you settle in Canada, so once you're right here, everything will be ready for you including your accommodation..."
"Cash settlement means no risk to underlying assets."
"But if we could get clarity sooner like and we could potentially the only way that's going to happen is through settlement rather than full adjudication."
"Yes, that's going to make the SEC rethink about settling for sure."
"I don't see how the SEC would not capitulate at that point and just settle."
"By accepting this settlement offer, they're admitting what they did was wrong."
"Possibly looking to settle this lawsuit if at all possible."
"It's just lovely to know that they're going to be happy here."
"Springette offered two to three million dollars to let just let him walk away from the scene."
"American regulators have reached a settlement with Elon Musk, they had sued the CEO of Tesla for fraud because of his tweets."
"Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling permanently or temporarily at a new location."
"We were miserable fugitives, frightened helpless, desperate, doomed. And now we've become proud settlers."
"The gods' land had been settled but there were still things for them to do."
"Writing across the continent wasn't just people in wagons moving in taking empty land."
"The lawyers in this case are getting $19 million, separate from the settlement fund."
"For ten years the great army ravaged England before we settled the conquered lands of Northumberland."
"The most likely scenario in my opinion is a settlement; the marketing, there's a fine for the marketing, and then the whole thing's over."
"Finally on to the last step is step 8 which is to arrive in Canada and arrange for settlement with the employer and community."
"Because earth is what is it like 70, 70 something percent nitrogen 21% oxygen and a bit of other mix to gases so yeah, basically we've got a nitrogen oxygen atmosphere we can settle there."
"The timing of the settlement was totally inappropriate."
"I hope this gets settled, I hope it gets resolved."
"Even if they do use their own utility coins, they still need an open-sourced protocol for settlement - that's where XRP comes in."
"If they don't settle, Ripple's going to win outright."
"God wanted to settle down and take up residence with his people."
"This person does not want to run anymore. They want to settle down."
"So do you think it's an old settlement? Oh maybe Viking."
"The settlement dates to the early part of the 6th Century BC."
"It's thought that the megalithic complex took around 200 years to build, indicating that people settled here for a very long time."
"For nearly 450 years, the location of the settlement was a mystery."
"I'm so excited to just be settled."
"Evidence from York shows that by the mid-10th century, the Vikings here really were becoming a settled and civil people."
"Just so we're clear, a decision to settle a lawsuit, especially in 2023, is in no way an admission of wrongdoing."
"Happy, just half literally happy. Everyone's settled, all the stress has gone."
"The lawsuit was officially settled out of court on July 22nd with both Rina and WWE agreeing to not discuss the matter in public nor disclose the terms of the settlement."
"Jericho is considered one of the earliest continuously inhabited settlements in the world."
"Only a prosperous permanent settlement would have bothered to import such high quality tableware."
"It's where the count whenever a case settles, that the money that is paid from the insurance company or individual from the defendant is put into that client trust account."
"He vows to travel to the place of Vinland, a place far west unsettled, where he and his companions can create a settlement with no slaves, no weapons, and no war."
"There may come a day when Mars will also begin to have a viable economy, perhaps through mineral deposits or real estate."
"If in fact you two decide not to be together, there will be a judgment in his favor in the eight hundred seventy-six thousand ninety-nine cents."
"It seems like this is my home now."
"The exodites have formed their own way of life away from the craft worlds and they will ever more call these worlds home."
"Unlike their Proto-Indo-European ancestors, they mostly lived sedentary lives in small to mid-sized villages."
"And those tools in the hands of tens of thousands of incoming settlers would bring change at a pace that would astonish even the men and women who were living it."
"Heart Home was once a wildly settlement that existed north of the wall 600 years before the start of the series."
"Bitcoin enabling instant final settlement."
"This is flatland where natives live for probably 13 14 000 years."
"Juanita receiving one of the largest divorce settlements in history at that time reportedly around $168 million."
"I've already resigned. We're settled."
"May the confusion over where to be located May the god of Heaven settle that matter in Our Lives May the confusion over when to marry who to marry where to marry be settled once and for all in our lives in the name of Jesus."
"Well, we think they arrived in the late 6th century and occupied the Isle of Wight and all this area probably from the river Aen over virtually to Hayling Island."
"...maybe what we may have is a settlement and a cemetery from the same period."
"A lawsuit is a lawsuit and just because you settle doesn't mean you're guilty. It just means it's cheaper to settle than to actually go all the way through court."
"The area that is now Oklahoma was originally home to a variety of Native American tribes."
"Texas has had a much longer history of settlement and development than Oklahoma."
"This takes me to the second settlement I'd like to show you, which is the desert tonight's main capital, scolding spear."
"Once they feel they have absolutely no more cards to play to prevent David Miscavige from being deposed, they will make every effort to settle."
"Isildur settles in and rules over the lands of Ithilien."
"Such a claim cannot be settled cheaply."
"They searched for the planet most suitable for their settlement and finally found something incredible."
"They reach a settlement with the state and she surrendered her insurance license."
"This is a story of like people like refugees leaving Wano and making it to the East and then settling there and then having a family."
"Micronesians are one of the fastest-growing groups of people settling in Hawai'i."
"Mary got all of the damage payments from Steve and her house was basically brand new."
"Astoria was founded in 1811, making it the first American settlement west of the Rocky Mountains, and thereby the oldest."
"Contrary to the common belief that the English countryside was unsettled, when the Vikings arrived at the British Isles, they found England intensively farmed, with few open spaces where they could establish their own villages."
"By no means does this imply that we have to settle."
"When Nicholas Seyfried staked his claim in 1890, then everybody started coming to Creed."
"Let's quickly talk about lawsuits. I know I talked to you guys about the settlement of $415,000 for the Jade egg, we already covered that."
"After a grueling winter on sea, on May 13th, 1607, the settlers arrived on a marshy peninsula in a town they've named Jamestown."
"That's where they're going to have to live, folks."
"You have to be cruel to be kind and say the only place of settlement was Palestine."
"This will settle it. Jousting. The Green Knight is from the next castle."
"Bissonnette eventually settled his legal case with the government, agreeing to return 6.7 million in profits from the sale of 'No Easy Day' and giving up any proceeds from the future sale of the book."
"The settlement is very careful to call out that your language describing your compensation can't be open-ended. You have to have a way of determining what the amount will be from that document."
"Koh Samui is the perfect place to settle and base myself and live in Thailand."
"For settlers crossing the Appalachians, Indiana was a promising destination."
"I think we should think about settling down here."
"It would be many more years before the Lenape people came to the area, and that was in the mid 1700s."
"Throughout the system you have lots of opportunities to settle your case with the assistance of our family relations officers, with the assistance of your lawyers, or with the assistance of other private professionals who you can hire."
"Now we can start asking interesting questions like why did people move, how did they move, and what happened when they settled after movement."
"...we've managed to get a little bit closer to the people who decided to make their home here 1,400 years ago."
"These are the Viking place names like Bu and nust which suggest settlement."
"John Burnham purchased 75 acres of land in western Lineborough and proceeded to rest a farm from the forest."
"It starts all the way at the fall of Rome, that's how a lot of Venice was settled by people who were fleeing."
"I'm so settled in and I really start to feel like this is home."
"Throughout, the post office was trying to settle the claim."
"In settling this case, I'm also choosing the freedom to dedicate my time to the work that helped me heal after my divorce."
"It settled in less than a second, and there was no cost to either party."
"It's not because suddenly you're desirable, it's not because only the movies are right, it's because you got resources, and they want to settle. And be careful."
"Sometimes it's more important that matters be settled than that they be settled right."
"The mine was so lucrative that an accompanying mining settlement called Vulture City was built."
"Dodge City was originally Fort Mann, then Fort Atkinson, and then Fort Dodge."
"We settled for 50 million dollars paid over 10 years."
"So, these 60 will return with these additional settlers, and they're going to try to make Jamestown work now that they have this resupply vessel with them."
"Waipiʻo was first settled around 1100 AD."
"Settling is what happens when old houses over time sag now you would think it's an issue I would think it's an issue but in the world of real estate investing and living in the Northeast it's actually not an issue as long as your foundation is structurally sound."
"Settle each one in writing. Settle it in writing. Settle it in writing."
"The Neolithic Revolution, the transition from hunting and gathering to farming and animal husbandry, to a settled way of life."
"I found a world that seemed to be less terrible than most, and I settled down. I built a life there. Fell in love."
"It was done. Everybody hears you got a settlement and they think, 'Okay, so you got money, right? Can money heal? No, no, not at all. No, money can't take back the time that we lost in those years. We would never get that back."
"I want to say first, I'm glad Cassie is getting, you know, whatever closure she needs here, and whatever, whatever's... whatever took place, and whatever settlement, 'cause damage was clearly done, right, right?"
"It's about you learning what it means to be loved in a deeper way, how to live in love, how to be settled in love."
"okay so here we are in Hans Mill yeah the Prophet Joseph Smith is sending people out here they're settling they're building communities what what were some of the things that made missourians not want Latter-Day Saints around."
"In the glory, everything is settled."
"Old families come from all over the place to find their new tomorrow in the hills of East Tennessee, to lay track, dig from the earth, cut timber, what have you."
"Our settlement is still in progress, so I have left some elements like this junky fence, just because it does afford us a bit of extra protection."
"All we have to do is look and our wish to settle here which we initiated months ago will come to be just as we wanted."
"Settlement at any cost is not the appropriate paradigm."
"With their settlement already established, they didn't have to worry anymore and could immediately start exploring the new continent."
"400 years ago, the travelers on the Mayflower set foot on what is now Provincetown... Tonight our focus is on those who arrived on the Mayflower."
"After meeting Peril, he decided to move inland for a while; the two of them moved to Possibility, a new town that’d sprung up between kingdoms."
"The settlement of Madagascar is a diverse and mysterious history."
"He said, 'We'll settle for $111,000 and they'll wipe your debt completely clear and they'll not put it on your credit.' I said, 'Okay, I only have one problem. I have no money.'"
"This settlement is for the nation, this settlement's not an individual settlement. This settlement is final and forever to help the nation with its long-term economic goals."
"You're the best, brother. Let's go get settled up for this gear."
"The first thing in any video where we're trying to share what we know about where to dig or how we decide where to dig... three things. The things that these people needed to live... they wanted high-level ground just out of the flood plain."
"That's what Ted is, and we settled for the deal, it's okay."
"I saw one pot outside. I'm going to settle up with Phoebe. Stuart might have to help me get this in the car."
"The religious zealots in the North and the plantar capitalists in the South often had very little in common but no matter how little they did in fact have in common they share a single unified vision of the place they had come to settle."
"...the largest direct action settlement in U.S history."
"They were happy with the thought that this place was to be their home for quite some time."
"It's believed there are still more buried here in unmarked Graves these likely are some of the settlers from the old fishing Village."
"The Saxon settlers collectively established political hegemony across most of England."
"We made a part 36 offer to him in January, stating if you pay our full claim we wouldn't seek our costs which he rejected."
"By 1902, Coldfoot had two houses, two stores, seven saloons, and a gambling house."
"There was no one living in Iceland at that point, so they just built a country from scratch."
"Well, you've done a really good job to this point and you're doing a really good job because a lot of people that get a settlement check like this feel like they hit the lottery."
"It would be really fun to see that village where all the settlers got wiped out by that volcano."
"She lost her business and was pursued by the post office for settlement."
"It’s not just going to be the gateway to space, but probably the lion’s share of space settlements and enterprises until the population in space exceeds that on Earth."
"Through grit and determination, he founded the first major European settlement in the American Midwest."
"It's just exciting that we're getting to the point where we can look at places that we can actually have."
"Just because people settle out of court doesn't mean they're guilty."
"The UFC reached an agreement to settle all claims asserted in both class action lawsuits for an agreed amount of $335 million."
"Montre ultimately won the lawsuit with a settlement of $775,000."
"We've been here for a while now but we really, really like it here."
"Tombstone is getting bigger and better every day. It's a might nice place to start thinking about settling down and raising a family."
"With an Iva you pay payments every month for five years and then at the end the remainder is wiped off."
"We finally have a home. We've literally been nomads, we've been [ __ ] gypsies for the past 18 months."
"I've been getting settled into here, so I feel like this year it's going to be more of making the place our own."
"We settled out of court, and I gave the mistress a part of the life insurance policy and half of Alex's share in exchange that she can never sue the estate, me, or my children ever again."
"Settlements began to emerge on smaller waterways connecting to the James River."
"I think the happiest people are those that have settled because they've settled now."
"Reduced rainfall would cause agriculturalists to abandon larger settlements, effectively stifling the flow of any surplus foodstuffs."
"Comets, the visitors to the inner system from deep space, are potentially one of the best paths for us to settle and colonize the inner system, and to get into deep space."
"With artificial gravity provided by a black hole we could potentially settle planets which were much smaller than Earth."
"Mom had told me when I was nine that the street was named for the tribe that lived there years before our family had settled in."
"Without its help, humans would have never been able to settle here in the first place."
"One of the things that they found in the course of their excavations were rock walls. This was really rather stunning because it indicated that people were staying put at Magic Mountain much longer than we previously thought."
"I ain't got no place to live, so stay with me till you get settled."
"The fighting moved in around a series of tightly placed wigwams."
"One of the first things you do when you move to the Netherlands is to open a bank account."
"You really need the BSN number to complete a lot of moving activities and to settle in the Netherlands."
"When you think of long term in terms of settling down, Canada is the goal."
"I'm finally settled, so now that I have cleared that elephant, let's get to business."
"The settlement was not just a financial resolution but also a symbolic gesture of the city's recognition of the wrongdoing and a step towards healing the wounds caused by the violent arrest."
"These mentions of uh people on the fell sha the township itself probably owes its uh existence to being a convenient Sheltering resting place."
"Saint Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the United States, founded in 1565 by Spanish explorer Pedro Menéndez de Avilés."
"The controversy about whether or not Mr. Cody should be dug up and placed in Cody, Wyoming, was settled once and for all."
"The story of the settlement of North America begins approximately 200,000 years ago."
"I'm settling on land for the first time in months."
"That's your problem. That settlement I gave your [ __ ] mother was to make you go away."
"Mari was first settled in 1884, and then for the next 100 years, it was one of the great inland transport depots."
"Most people settle, they don't really care and they don't persevere."
"It was as if one had turned back the calendar to the early days of the settlement of our country."
"It's relevant, it's the first organized settlement west of the Mississippi."
"From the earliest days of settlement to the times of war and strife, Westfall has weathered every storm."
"I feel like I've settled into life here very easily, very quickly."
"We must negotiate the settlement that will stand on its own."
"I just write to say you will be glad to know that I am settled in my new place and going on all right up to now."
"CBDs can make domestic settlement faster, more reliable, and less costly."
"There's a huge difference between when your home loan is paid off versus when it is settled."
"He helped establish the second settlement in Kentucky, Boonesboro."
"Take heart, Lady Philippa. I will bend my mind to this issue and I will not rest until you are happily settled one way or another," Mr. Tuttle Kirk said, an unexpected warmth and kindness within them.