
Endocrinology Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Muscle is an endocrine organ, secreting proteins that have wide-ranging effects on the body."
"Fat is not energy storage... adipocytes are actually very endocrinologically active."
"Fat is an organ, and not just any organ, it's an endocrine organ which means that it's an organ that secretes hormones."
"Endocrine communication is involving hormones in the bloodstream."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone antibodies stimulate the TSH receptor, causing hyperthyroidism."
"By the time you have a full-blown Addison's, that gland is pretty well destroyed and you're not able to output cortisol and several other hormones."
"Your thyroid gland is controlled by your brain which makes thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH."
"Question six: Screening test to check for excess of what hormone should be checked in this patient?"
"FSH controls estrogen and if estrogen is low, FSH is high."
"Glucagon in the pancreas is released to increase glucose in the body."
"The skeleton is now identified as an endocrine organ."
"The endocrine function of the pancreas comes only from the islets of Langerhans."
"The zona glomerulosa produces primarily aldosterone."
"ADH will activate aquaporin 2, which is going to increase water reabsorption."
"Exercise can actually increase your bone mass, and hormone levels like growth hormone and thyroxine can increase your bone mass."
"The insulin fits onto the insulin receptors, this is the lock and key idea."
"The pineal gland is an endocrine gland that releases melatonin to help you sleep."
"Cushing's is often caused by a tumor on the adrenal or the pituitary gland."
"Thyroxine and triiodothyronine increase metabolic rate, influences both mental and physical activity, and are required for normal growth."
"The hypothalamus controls the pituitary gland."
"It is actually the most common endocrinological disorder in reproductive age women worldwide."
"Endocrinology is looking at diseases that affect hormone-producing glands in our body."
"The most rewarding aspect of endocrinology is a combination of working with your patients."
"Hormonal proteins such as insulin are secreted into the bloodstream to coordinate an organism's activities."
"The pituitary gland is seen as the master gland because it affects all the others."
"Regulate the level of glucose in the blood; regulate it, absolutely determines it."
"The endocrine system is responsible for regulating functions in the body like appetite, sleep cycle, growth, brain functioning with response to stress, and blood production."
"Central diabetes insipidus is the best answer here."
"These hormones sustain life; you cannot live without them."
"Visceral fat... becomes an endocrine organ in and of its own... driven by inflammation, age, and hormonal factors."
"The endocrine system consists of the endocrine glands which produce hormones directly into the bloodstream."
"A tropic hormone is a hormone that affects other endocrine glands."
"Growth hormone stimulates overall growth and production of protein and release of free fatty acids."
"The CEO of the endocrine system is the hypothalamus, followed by the general manager which is the pituitary."
"Hormones are secreted when needed in very small amounts."
"When a cell secretes a hormone to act on the same cell, it's called autocrine."
"Growth hormone also has direct effects on the growth plate that are independent of IGF-1."
"In the case of SIADH, we're gonna have this excessive release of antidiuretic hormone without any regard to our plasma osmolality or our fluid volume status."
"The pituitary gland is often nicknamed the master gland."
"If someone is making too much thyroxine, then they will not make as much TSH."
"The adrenal gland is on the top part on the outside of the kidney, producing hormones used in a variety of different ways in the body."
"The pituitary gland sits in here, it's a very important gland."
"The whole hormonal piece is huge; the endocrine piece is huge. It is not a simple topic."
"The endocrine system, made up of glands like the pituitary and thyroid, produces hormones that direct vital body activities."
"The metabolic clearance rate is just equal to the rate of disappearance of the hormone from the plasma divided by the concentration of the hormone."
"It's just fascinating once you can understand the whole hormonal system and how it works and how you can put back what you've lost in the aging process."
"The pituitary gland, known as the master gland, secretes hormones that control different activities in the body."
"The pineal gland being the single eye, melatonin being the hormone which is secreted by it."
"Thyroxine increases, does TSH decrease? Yes, thyroid goes down, they have negative feedback on each other."
"Hormones are by definition released into the blood."
"Glucagon is a hormone that's released by the pancreas and it's released in response to low glucose levels."
"Endocrine signaling is going to play key roles in maintaining homeostasis, mediating responses to stimuli, and assisting with the regulation of growth and development of cells."