
Mental Toughness Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"Mental toughness is not a class; it has to be a lifestyle."
"Staying mentally tough is a single player game."
"Once you're in suffer mode and decide not to quit, you force your brain to operate on a level it's not used to."
"If you're constantly taking the easy way out, you never callous your mind."
"Mental toughness isn't something that you sample; it's something that you live in every day."
"Mental toughness in general has been associated with higher performance in sports."
"Stay hungry, just keep the motivation high. Blips happen, things happen in life, but resilience, mental toughness, consistency will always prevail."
"Mental toughness is the best thing you can develop in this beautiful and ugly world."
"Most of the time, the fight is in our head. It's not about the techniques, it's about having the fight in you."
"It doesn't really get easier; you just get stronger mentally."
"Every time you talk to her, she's trying to improve something, whether it's her mental toughness out of the gym or her new combinations in the gym."
"You can't forget the brain. A well-tuned athlete also knows what's going on by just feeling it."
"You get kids that are six years old, seven years old accomplishing things that they didn't think they could accomplish and just slowly start stacking up that mental toughness and be like, 'Damn, I can do tough shit.'"
"To become one of the top 450 basketball players in the world, I was fundamentally sound, I was mentally tough, and I never quit."
"Mental toughness, that's what the greats have."
"If you have any mental toughness, any ability, if you have any fraction of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it but still do it."
"Mental toughness is part of athletics. It has been for a long time, and the reason that the greatest players have been able to be mentally tough is because a lot of them are stupid."
"Mental toughness, the ability to go through such a rigorous and grueling training and not give up, not quit, hence the dropout rates."
"Mental toughness is something that is, of course, a huge asset in productivity, in working out, and getting into shape, and it's something that we could all cultivate more."
"Wrestling is one of the pure sports, both beautiful and brutal, where both mental toughness and technical mastery of the highest form are rewarded with victory, and everything else is punished with defeat."
"You have to have that mentality of no, when to hell week I knew I would get broken I had to have an internal flame in me that can never be."
"The Mud Run is about instilling a Royal Marine state of mind."
"Mental toughness is knowing what to do when things aren't going well."
"Summer is all about mental... if you've made playoffs and you have a really strong mental that's when the teams will start to shine."
"He's in control of the mental battle, and that's what's always been really impressive about Fury for me."
"He's got the mentality, he loves handing out very heavy defeats to opponents."
"It takes a fighter's mentality to work in this business."
"It's going to come down to who wants it more... that mental toughness."
"That's six to three. That is no fire, that's no flame, that is literally just poison, dude. He's got poison in his veins, he's cold-blooded."
"You have to have mental toughness to play against any game that Kobe was in."
"The breakthrough is all mental toughness. The last ten percent is the hardest part."
"You have to have some type of resilient type of mental toughness like you got to have this some type of this mental Fitness."
"That's elite mentality. Every single season, every new manager, he goes to the back of the queue automatically."
"What sets champions apart from the rest of the world is that they are mentally wired differently."
"Pick up heavy shit, put it down, strengthen your body, strengthen your mind."
"He's one of the most mentally tough guys in the world."
"There is no athlete endurance sport athlete that I know that goes to deeper darker places than he goes."
"It's like gymnastics with heavy implements added into it. Total athleticism and power and strength and coordination and balance and mental toughness. It's everything."
"You build a muscle to toughness, to mental toughness, especially your mind is a muscle."
"Strength isn't just physical, it's mental too."
"When you think you're broken and couldn't possibly go another step, you're only forty percent of the way there."
"LeBron James has an unbelievable mental discipline."
"It is the mental Journey because it really take a piece of your soul from fighting the injuries."
"You gotta bounce back and once you get between them lines nobody else is feeling sorry for you."
"Sports ain't for you homie. Sports ain't for you. Sport is not for you. You do not have the Mamba mentality. You're not even close to it. That is some weak-ass soy [ __ ]."
"There is no crying in this arena. You cry, you just gonna lose."
"A more mentally tough Joshua could surprise people."
"It's just the perfect marriage of everything, he drove it the longest, he had the best short game, he was the best putter, and he was mentally like psycho, the killer instinct, yeah, his dad just beat it into him."
"Know your why. Connecting to your why is essential for mental toughness."
"Here's the most important thing with Brandon Miller... if you've got it up here, oh my gosh, this guy's gonna be an All-Star."
"You're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Running is like that sh*t's so mentally like, bro, you're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"They fold mentally and physically as we saw the great Klitschko do and as all these other bombs will do too in the end."
"There's no bad conditions. There's only weakness."
"Kobe was mentally tougher than me. That's a quote from Jordan, and I believe it."
"Marginal gains strategy: if you are a winner and you have a strong mentality and you improve on everything you're already doing by 1%, you will see major gains."
"You can build mental and emotional toughness that makes you extraordinarily resilient."
"That team is mentally and physically tougher."
"Your mind will give up a thousand times before your body ever actually quits."
"Just be strong man. It's all mental hold it down."
"It's about survival... It gives you that tough mentality to take to the league also."
"Mental toughness is your ability to handle life's challenges and exploit them to your advantage."
"My biggest advantage is my mental strength. I have a belief in my ability that nobody can pierce."
"Sometimes you just have to suck it up and push through the fear, whether you want to or not."
"The greatest challenge in this game comes from the... mental challenge... do you have the fortitude to stand back up?"
"OG is like they never say die. They actually just go, 'Yep, we'll take this fight.' And then four fights later, we're gonna beat you. It's that mental warfare."
"Tough as nails if she set her mind to it, I can see her... get through that kind of stuff."
"A fighter's mindset: You won't hear a final bell."
"Every day I tell myself I used to believe I was the weakest man that God ever created, so now I believe that I'm the hardest man that God ever made."
"Dedication and toughness, both mental and physical, are crucial components."
"What a disciplined football team... just an incredible day mental mental fatigue sets in when you plan in a hostile environment."
"Mental toughness: doing what's best for the team when it's not necessarily best for you."
"I thought we showed great mental toughness, kept the fight going the whole game and that's what we needed to the last play so I thought we executed executed great."
"Resilience and mental toughness are crucial on the journey to success."
"You need to have that mental state of robustness. Even if it's the last 200 meters, mentally, you've got to go until you physically cross up that white line."
"Great champions are never defined by what they do with their A-game, it's what they do with their B-game that counts."
"Mental toughness is one of the things that I think a lot of a lot of guys in this league right now don't have right now M like now listen we got some talented guys in the NBA right now."
"The program is about developing your mental toughness... it's entirely intended for you to develop the mindset necessary for you to win."
"Elite mentality: bouncing back after a rough patch, aiming for consistent performance."
"You are untouchable. You cannot be shaken. You have ice water in your veins."
"Your mentality is the most important, and if you can give it your all to the very end, you're gonna win way more games than you ever would have if you would've gave up."
"Physically, they had to be tough, and mentally, they had to be able to stand their ground."
"For me, Harry Maguire, he's become a mentality monster."
"Magnus Carlsen's resilience in the face of adversity."
"People that are very resilient and gritty are masters of this."
"Prove to yourself how tough you are right here, right now."
"It requires strength of mind to be at the top of your sport."
"Survival mindset is what's going to carry you through any situation. Mental toughness is going to carry you through all the situations."
"Life will always be the most grueling endurance Sport and when you train hard get uncomfortable and callous your mind you will become a more versatile competitor."
"Toughness is doing hard things even when we don't think we can or we don't want to."
"Your ability to keep pushing shows your mental and physical toughness, even during some of the toughest challenges."
"I just believe deep down when we get to the backbone of a football team that Cincinnati is a little mentally tougher than the Hollywood Rams."
"That's everyone could talk about mentality and desire when they're playing regularly."
"The mindset of a warrior is a mindset of perseverance."
"I don't care how aero tested you are. Mental resilience is more important."
"You can finish when I get done. Bam, take that."
"Physical fitness is the root of mental toughness."
"The biggest part of mental toughness is always having the ability to believe you can do better."
"Fighting is a whole emotional thing it's how mentally tough you are the tenacity you have physically and mentally."
"It's our minds that we training and I figured that out in that camp I was like this guy can knock me out if I'm not ready you know what I'm saying this guy can knock."
"Boxing is hard, you know. To be a champion, to be a great boxer, it's [__] hard. So much dedication, discipline, your mind, talent obviously. And I don't want it. But at the end of the day, it's not what I want, it's what he wants."
"The mental part out here is the toughest."
"A mentally tough person can hear ideas they disagree with and feel strong enough about their opinion or open enough to grow."
"You build mental toughness through practicing, focusing on what you want, speaking into existence, and you gotta keep your foot moving forward."
"If you can develop the mental toughness and a fortitude to push through when you want to quit, that's what it takes to build something over time."
"That's what we've been training for all year, just have the mental toughness, if you're down three-one, that you can execute pitches."
"It's a lifestyle. You don't hit the snooze button. You don't not go run. You go run. You want to make your beds? You make your bed. You don't want to clean your house and clean your house. You don't want to study, you study. That's how you start to callous your mind."
"There's no shortcut to being mentally tough."
"It's a six inches between your ears, it's 90% mental, so being mentally tough and having a positive mental attitude, all of those things are super important."
"Mentally it was a tough time to spend 24 hours a day looking at the same three walls inside bars."
"Bodybuilding is genetics. I think that's a cop-out. Genetics play a role obviously, but I think that people forget that maybe it's part genetic, but mental toughness is a huge part of bodybuilding."
"It's a fitness challenge, but it's more about mental discipline."
Winning in business demands mental toughness: "The difference in winning and losing... is so small it's almost too scared to talk about."
"Never give up, always fall back to your level of training. It's all it talks about, all about mental toughness. That's what's going to get you through a game, not one quarter, two quarters, three quarters. It's going to take all 60 minutes, and that's exactly what it took."
"The mental toughness required to push yourself on these events... there is no greater waste of time than not moving forwards when you could move forwards."
"Mental toughness is the ability to resist, to manage, overcome doubt, worries, concerns, and circumstances."
"That just proves that you are mentally Tougher Than People think."
"What makes a great swimmer? Mental toughness and the ability to stare at that line for hours upon hours upon hours."
"For me, what I learned about is what real mental toughness because before you know, talking about skating and conscious and being nervous and all that, learning how to get your mind right in that situation, that's a form of mental toughness too."
"Days like today is what makes this sport so fun, it's the mental challenge, right? It's the mental battle."
"Mental toughness is not the same thing as emotional avoidance."
"They keep you playing, mentally tough."
"What separates him is his mental toughness."
"The people that could withstand that kind of pressure became champions, became world record holders. It's all about the mind, Jocko. That's what nobody knows more than you."
"I think the mental toughness that players have today is nowhere compared to what we had to have back in the day when we played."
"This was the toughest team mentally I've ever seen."
"What does it really mean to be the world's strongest man? Is it the man that can lift the most, grip and hold the longest, or carry the heaviest and run the fastest? The answer may be all of the above plus one other thing: that thing we call mental toughness."
"The 100 mile... mentally that is very very difficult."
"Running itself will help you develop that mental toughness, this resilience, this discipline, that will help you push and achieve goals that feel impossible but that you CAN accomplish if you set your mind to it."
"Mental strength, which is the most important thing."
"It's that point of the workout where that mental toughness becomes just as important as that physical toughness."
"Focus on it. Three more. When the workout gets tough, you gotta kick that mental toughness up."
"If you lose up here, you're going to lose out there."
"This is that place where you often have more in the tank than you think you do, and that's that mental toughness piece."
"Strong as well, he mentally added."
"I saw myself getting stronger and even just looking like I was getting stronger, so I did notice the scale go up which was still is Pretty Tough mentally but knowing that I like I have goals I want to chest press 135 I want to Squad 200 or or more."
"It's not just a mental toughness program, it's going to teach you these really good habits through these 75 days."
"Tiger's mental toughness instilled in him from a young age helped carry the burden of what must have felt like the whole world on his shoulders."
"Mental toughness is doing what's good for the team that might not be good for you."
"Hey, that's a big mental thing that not a lot of people could do. Like AJ said, you get up there, you're scared, you're supposed to be scared to death. It's whether or not you can, you know, kind of break through that mental toughness a little bit."
"This is a mental toughness check right here for this team."
"Anakin knew he had to be mentally tough here. He couldn't buckle and he couldn't give in."
"the mental toughness of Ben Kelly really showed through today"
"You have to enjoy the pain. That's gonna sound very weird, but it's gonna be uncomfortable, and you want to have the uncomfortable feeling to actually get into that next level of yourself. So, mental game, just as much as the physical one."
"Teach your son to be mentally tough."
"How mentally tough are you, you know what I'm saying? How mentally tough are you to be able to even process all that, to say I ain't gonna fold?"
"Professional athletes are mentally tougher than I am."
"McGregor's mental warfare had got him the ultimate prize."
"We gotta lock in, mental mistakes you can't have, this is where mental toughness kicks in."
"It's an incredibly mentally tough."
"That was a huge show of mental toughness."
"Mental toughness, that's how I do it."
"You gotta be mentally tough...you are the watchman on the wall of your own mind."
"I definitely think that running is one of the most difficult physical and most importantly mental challenges that you can put yourself through."
"Maybe my muscles aren't as big as the person next to me who maybe is a man but maybe I can be a little more mentally tough or maybe I can problem solve a little more efficiently."
"It's not a physical challenge or a transformational challenge; it is a challenge he created purposefully to increase your mental toughness, your discipline, your grit, your foundational habits, and to help you grow from the inside out."
"Just try not to psych yourself out."
"I think it's because that mixture of confidence with the aggression...his mental toughness to focus on what he needed to do."
"Mental toughness comes from being able to continue to move in that value direction."
"To be able to sustain and how you sort of manage failures through mental toughness is really important I think to being successful."
"It's also a master class on mental toughness, how pushing beyond the limits of what we perceive possible rests not in physical talents, but instead in training mindset."
"Strength is first, mental toughness to get it done."
"Mental toughness has no gender. Pat Bradley is slightly built, shy, and unassuming, but Pat has an intensity that can sear you when she chooses to reveal it."
"I've gained major respect for the heat for their mental toughness, their physical toughness."
"If you look at the toughest people in the world, what they all have in common, they're very comfortable just being on their own."
"If you're mentally tough enough and you use some of the tools that I talked about and listen to yourself, you'll get through it all. I'm convinced of it."
"Unless you develop the skill set of mental toughness... you will never do any of those things."
"My ability to endure pain is greater than 95% of the pro guys."
"He's mentally real tough though, he's got a lot of moxie, he's not afraid of anything or anyone."
"The more mentally tough you can be, the more willing you can be to suffer and sort of keep pushing even when you suffer."
"So much of this life like ranch rodeoing and cowboying in general is just mental."
"Mental toughness is a key to winning the biggest event of your life."
"I think I needed to work on just my mental toughness and staying focused on what I got to do on the court."
"After seven to ten days, our mental toughness massively increases by around sixty to seventy percent."
"By far the most important thing you've got to have to win in business in these United States today is a very unique kind of mental toughness."
"Tua has had the mental toughness of something that I've never experienced or understood."
"It's all about just training and start... that mental toughness and that sort of thing will come."
"She's strong. She's very strong. Very strong mentally, physically she's a beast."
"That was another aspect of just being mentally tough."
"I have to master solid technique and increase the mental toughness that's required to get to failure."
"Stay tough on this one, guys, it's all about that mental toughness."
"Days like today call for mental toughness."
"You just can't let your guard down, it's just, you, you just mentally the players got to be tough, coach has got to be mentally tough as well."
"The toughest team is the toughest players mentally and physically."
"To finish with that after the kind of start she had says a lot about the mental toughness of her."
"Really remarkable strength and mental toughness."
"The things that are hard to do that take mental toughness, do them."
"That has a lot to do with your mental toughness and you understanding what you really do and the longevity of your reputation."
"The mental toughness to stick to it regardless of what's going on around you and what's going on even inside of you is why I wanted to do it."
"It's about being tough mentally, and when the tough gets going, you've got to stay hard in those points."
"He's very strong, very strong mental fire."
"Mental toughness is more about learning what not to think about."
"That mental toughness muscle is a muscle just like anything else, you have to exercise it, and it'll get stronger."
"It's all about that mental toughness, prove to yourself how tough you are right here."
"This training is madness, like crazy. It's not for the faint-hearted or the weak."
"Mental toughness is your ability to be flexible and adaptable despite what you're given as circumstances."
"The mental toughness that it takes to not start thinking like that."
"The more mentally tough you are, the faster you can go."
"Tempo workouts callous the mind for racing; they teach you to tolerate more discomfort and develop mental toughness."
"I think that 75 soft, although I am following the rules, is also a mental toughness challenge, but it's more realistic and you're more likely to complete it."