
Societal Reaction Quotes

There are 166 quotes

"Anytime you move from being normal to trying to be exceptional, people aren't going to like that."
"That's how it goes. Whenever something's new, it's attacked."
"You see what they're doing? This is disgusting."
"The only time the dominant society really attacks you is when you're telling the truth."
"I know 'Don't Look Up' was created with climate change in mind, but I see it as representative of the way society reacts to a lot of negative but truly important news."
"What goes around comes around. According to the legend, when Akragas was overthrown by Telemachus in 554 BC, Phalaras got a taste of his own medicine."
"It felt like poetic justice; it felt like good riddance and dare I say, it felt a little funny."
"Maybe there's a backlash to the backlash that's quite possible."
"The offense isn't just because a person is racist... but the normally the reaction is to the violation."
"I can't believe this is still happening is a much more rooted, powerful, bitter reaction than I can't believe this just happened."
"If everything causes outrage, nothing's outrageous."
"I've got to say, watching the video and reading the stories about what took place in Texas... it is just incredibly heartbreaking."
"We're winning. Come August 15th when these parents go to school, when their kids go to school, and the parents see what these kids are being taught, they're going to lose it."
"People say, 'Hey, that gospel is going to anger people.'"
"When the righteous are in Authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people mourn." - Proverbs 29:2
"Populism is a reaction to the failure of elites."
"Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers."
"My fear is that we're going to rage, rage, and we're going to lash out and we're going to create problems."
"There's been a tactic of censors for centuries: they start with someone who is so utterly hated and marginalized that everyone is blinded by their hatred for the first censorship target that they cheer."
"What choice do they have? They're mad as hell, and guess what? They should be."
"This is the most significant event of our lifetimes not in my opinion because of the virus but because of the reaction the absolute insanity that is taking place around it."
"If anyone should be charged... it's that crazy bug-eyed... and guess what more people will be offended than I said that rather than her calling people to arms with a guy doing it."
"When you speak the truth and you're bold about it, you're going to be attacked."
"Personal Excellence is Ultimate Rebellion it pisses them off it pisses them off that you become fit it makes them angry that you become educated."
"Two years ago, I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out."
"Women have the right to express their sexuality and share their bodies however they choose, but they cannot choose how people respond to said sexuality."
"They ignored, they laughed, and now they're fighting."
"If this was a bunch of white people... that would be a national outrage."
"The societal response has just been so inconsistent and incongruent it's now become comical."
"If you say something true, it will trigger them more, not less."
"I agree with Chris Rock, what he said though, is that there were a lot of people calling him a [__]."
"I felt compassion, but then you didn't even protest when she was murdered and left for dead."
"It will not shock me at all you know they're doing it."
"The manufactured outrages of the day are just that—they are stupid."
"This is how liberty dies to thunderous applause, people are cheering for the system burning."
"Surprisingly, there has been overwhelming support."
"Test the theory. So I wonder how many rapists and murderers were reading these articles in 1985 and getting nervous. Such a good point, like, oh my gosh, they..."
"COVID is still a thing. Every time I say that people get mad at me. I don't care."
"Policy includes people and the way they're going to react."
"You know it's sad when you can't crack jokes or none of that no more, people come up there whoopin' Will Smith, of all people."
"I've never seen so many people celebrate a black man's death in my life. It took me by surprise."
"Problems are created by the lizard people, reactions are created by the public, then the solution is offered by the lizard people again."
"Not everybody's going to understand that. They're gonna see it and it's going to freak them out."
"They're so angry that this is being communicated by someone of authority who they can't just dismiss as a crazy MAGA right-winger."
"There was total panic in the town, the population wasn't sleeping because of the fear."
"Some people you know, they're going to lose their minds."
"When there is too much to mark over the course of action we are taking and when there is no moral sense of purpose attached to it, people's backs get up."
"I do not buy into the argument that everyone who's upset by this casting is racist."
"The queen was so revered she's so beloved and it seems to me that nobody is quite ready to move on yet they are all too happy to spend each day over the course of this week focusing and honoring her."
"Black men are experiencing a renaissance of sorts and people are hating to hear it."
"It is one of the more absurd and nutty conspiracies out there, and to most people, it has rightfully become a sort of widespread joke."
"The harder the government pushes, the more resistance it creates."
"Why is it then that amidst all of this chaos and uncertainty the stock market is on the rise again?"
"When I saw the alert on my phone that this tragedy had happened I was not surprised, I'm shocked but I am not surprised."
"Walking around with an open carried gun could be enough to already alert people."
"Reaction to mass shootings: going after the guns?"
"Society reacted when such occurrences have taken place involving larger groups of onlookers."
"Victim culture is toxic to intelligence, progress, and truth."
"Condemnation doesn't stop hate, it only makes hate bigger."
"In the wake of any tragedy, we are all left trying to understand why."
"Now is it the end of the world? No, one can calm down."
"We're not going to be able to change what is happening right now... But what can change is how we all react to all of it."
"The mere mention of certain truths stirs up rage in mainstream society."
"It's a good day when you see a piece of garbage like that get dealt with."
"The status quo has been broken, and I think some people are a little bit afraid because they really don't know what to expect next."
"They're making themselves look very foolish and you can tell it's not playing very well with the public."
"Are you effing kidding me right now? This is what everyone's been making such a big freaking deal about?"
"The satanic Panic of the 1980s is a big big example of that."
"It's likely that I'm being canceled for a joke that I told that was funny and people agreed with."
"Literally like murdering somebody for being loud in a Subway and Tim is framing this as the murderer was doing some kind of heroic protest against Crime on the subway."
"Wow, they want this dude dead... not just jail but dead."
"I think we've reached a tipping point, where everyone's going, 'Holy crap, what is going on?'"
"Whether it was a hoax, hysteria, or something more sinister, the legacy of the black flash is a chilling one."
"If I found out aliens were real, I'm looting everywhere, Mars Attacks like the apocalypse is amongst us."
"Anything that becomes really popular on a wide scale will naturally just be hated or rebelled against no matter what it is."
"Why does truth, dark skin, and confidence equal aggression?"
"It's not outrage of course, it's fear. It's panic."
"First of all, you just told me I'm a prophet, and then right after you told me I'm a prophet, you say your people are gonna run you out, which is unimaginable."
"From the moment it premiered, 'Fatal Attraction' was a lightning rod - people couldn't stop talking about it."
"Why does it take the election of Donald Trump for this actually to be news?"
"When the big dogs come and they get the recognition and the attention that they deserve, why do people get mad?"
"This album makes people look themselves in the mirror, that's why majority of people are downplaying it."
"The man gets 200 years in prison... but yet no one feels any justice."
"Exercising my rights freaks people out, that's not really my problem."
"The 2000s were a reaction to the darkness of the '90s."
"Most people fear that with a not guilty verdict the riots will get very bad."
"Most people rejected his message. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth."
"People wanted something to blame, something as exciting as a scapegoat, and the press loves a story."
"It is one thing to pursue good policy that happens to trigger people on the left, it is another thing simply to trigger them and then assume that you have done something good."
"It's crazy how people get upset about politics and a standup bit they don't like, equal venom."
"She will be attacked and canceled because she's telling you the truth."
"That's what's gonna gonna make people be like uh basically that that that's going to create social unrest."
"Listen, man, I don't think the people who live there are in Oklahoma anymore based on this ruling."
"Every time that people of color have made progress, there has been what Carol Anderson at Emory University calls 'white rage'."
"Freedom of speech goes both ways. You can say whatever you want to say, but now everybody else can react to what you're saying, and there could be consequences to what you're saying."
"When you abuse your authority, when you abuse your legitimacy, you wreck your own power and the people don't take kindly to that no matter what situation or society you're in."
"No one is more hated than those who speak the truth."
"Rest in peace, Kevin Samuels. Certain people found some solace in his message, other people did not. It is what it is at this point."
"When you succeed what you notice is that everyone else turns and says wait what what what are they doing what."
"It's another day which means another mainstream media meltdown."
"The biggest problem with the character is not how she acts but how the world around her responds to her behavior."
"I've been really kind of drilling down... about people's reaction to this pandemic and what colossal cowards so many people have turned into."
"Will there be social panic? Vigilantism? Riots? Armed revolt? I think the answer is yes."
"The truth sounds like hate speech to people who hate the truth."
"No lies detected from my end, zero. I don't understand what all the fuss is about."
"Expect psycho crazy going off in July because they're freaking out."
"At least he tells us that he's a racist, that's dope."
"I feel like it's a non-issue... the controversy seems made-up."
"The aftermath of the incident was itself disturbing, the video quickly became a viral phenomenon."
"I got the craziest, looniest, most hated person in America."
"It's crazy, you know, you see things like wow, but um I mean it happens, you notice he's not the first, you know what I mean, he's very public."
"The liberals as soon as there's a Starbucks that runs out of mocha chocadas they're going to freak out."
"Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down."
"I'm willing to plant this flag... because at a certain point, people with some common sense, with religious views, conservative views, even liberals... even they are starting to stand up."
"Clown hysteria had taken over news outlets everywhere."
"Decades and this show up there will be mass panic."
"The Virginia Tech shooting triggered widespread criticism of US gun culture, sparking debates on gun violence, gun laws, mental health treatment gaps in the US system."
"This war hysteria reminds me of the hysteria that followed 9/11."
"If you say 'I hate black people,' nobody's going to say anything, but if you say 'I hate Jewish people,' the entire world uprises."
"It's shocking to hear but it's not surprising."
"Here comes the panic, not from you and me, not from the people who got prepared, but from officials."
"As Things become more and more patently ridiculous that more people will be encouraged to say the truth."
"When you tell the truth they will call you crazy."
"Y'all mad about a Black Captain America, but what did the one that was white just do?"
"People were immediately upset by the release of the pregnant Barbie, saying it promoted teen pregnancy."
"People don't hate the truth. They hate the outcome."
"I don't think people like that are really as big as a threat as people try to make them out to be."
"Be a good person, do it. You'll get some backlash but would you rather get backlash for being a good person?"
"This little girl was trying to save the planet and have the police called on him."
"The fact that this man did this interview, even though Nick apologized, even when he shouldn't have apologized, they're going to see this as a loss."
"The politicization of this virus has been really shocking."
"And do you know what they will do? They will call you mad…and heretic."
"Share what you find with people who you think it might educate, entertain, irritate but not so much that they have to try to destroy your social standing."
"When Carl put out that video as an out proud gay man, it got everyone in the football world talking."
"We fought a whole war against the Nazis...do we get upset about these things?"
"You cannot expect people to like you, you're gonna have people hate you and people that like you for who you are."
"The sheer scale of that monster inspired hopelessness in the common folk."
"Fasting became everybody's trend. People were calling me crazy."
"What a moral panic is is where you take something that is not a serious threat and you treat it like it is a serious threat."
"I think there is a massive reaction to being told how to think."
"I'm a truth seeker and a truth teller, and for that I am also a target."
"Murder is rarely rewarded with adulation and fame but scorn and infamy unless you kill the Prime Minister of Japan."
"Bernie Sanders dropping out... huge to water after quarantine."
"If people want to ever understand how lynchings happen they got to see one in live time because the chauvin verdict was rule of the mob not rule of law."
"It's like I'm actually seeing the world react to me in so many different ways."
"So I do, I don't mind that, you know, but I do think there has to be an awareness. I think that it's a good thing that people are so appalled by things that are happening."
"White people are not harmed when they're called racists."
"This is where the word cult starts to become quite popular."
"The gas thing was crazy but the insanity continues..."
"I want to see us become more thoughtful rather than so knee-jerk reactive as a collective when we hear of harm being done."
"Marlon Brando's 1953 film 'The Wild One' ignited a full-blown moral panic with its portrayal of delinquent bad boys on motorcycles."
"People will get mad over anything. You could cure cancer and people would still be pissed at you."
"This is sort of a thing that's a cycle in U.S. history: you have a lot of change and then you get a reaction to this change, a lot of times it's political reaction."
"The more you push an agenda and base it off half-truths or just flat-out lies or misinformation, the more pushback and rejection you're going to get."
"Fully social theory suggests that society is unequal, however, the reactions of people to crime influence how the individual perceives crime."
"People hate the truth, they really do."