
Personal Effort Quotes

There are 797 quotes

"The Grass Is Always Greener where you water it. It's not greener anywhere else."
"Depression is the worst thing that ever happened to me in my entire life. Things can get better, sometimes with the help of medication, sometimes with the help of a professional, and often because of acts of will on your part."
"The only way I know to do it, maybe not the most sophisticated way, is to show up in person, be there, listen to folks, and try to earn that vote."
"At the end of the day, it's you, not the device, that has to do the work."
"Bring yourself to the point of clarity, but you have to make this happen for yourself."
"I try to get what enjoyment I can, where I can, and I try to spend most of my week trying to make the world a slight better place."
"To get the most out of Holy Week may seem daunting...but take heart. Even our smallest efforts made in love will draw us closer to God."
"I wanted to celebrate, so I spent 8 hours hand-signing all of these posters."
"You can never make everyone happy, but I'll do my best."
"I've made a far more conscious effort to be more positive and as a result, people have been far more receptive."
"Take the extra time. That's a great point. If you take the extra time, you actually can go find that butcher, that fishmonger, to actually try and understand where your food is coming from."
"If you're trying your best, that is enough. People who love you will stick by you no matter what."
"I did everything I could to be a family and make them proud."
"What is possible and not possible is not your business, it's Nature's business. Your business is just to strive for what you want."
"It takes so much out of you, like I can't half-ass it. If I'm going to put something out, I want to put my heart and soul into it."
"What is in us, we have no idea until we start trying hard."
"All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you."
"Just commit, just do it, at least you tried."
"Jesus is your Savior, but he can only go so far on your own. He wants to be your pole vaulter as your Messiah."
"Especially with me, nobody is spending more time and energy and resources trying to show people what to do."
"Sunny, I'm actually trying now. Check this out, check this out, speedrun, Melon. Everybody's counting on you."
"He made an effort to learn the language and he didn't necessarily have to do that."
"It's really about the value of your time and the care that you've put into the gift."
"It's more about personal drive than natural intellect."
"I'm really trying to teach her how to leave Indy alone."
"If you're willing to do the work, you can have anything."
"You're doing the best you can with the information you've got."
"Make the world a better place as much as you can with your own effort."
"And she had no idea that he had just spent 14 hours traveling back to Utah to visit her."
"Your race doesn't decide how successful you are going to be in this country. You decide that. Your qualifications."
"Faith without works is dead broke, faith without works is dead it's big a dog you could wish all this to happen in your life who could just wish me this yeah but if you ain't putting dinner work."
"You have to outwork an mf, you gotta outwork."
"In general, everything I've been doing lately has taken me a lot of behind the scenes sort of time."
"I'm definitely losing weight, working very hard."
"I really can't explain, bro. What I'm really giving y'all is priceless."
"Material things don't work, but I'm gonna hustle."
"I spent hundreds of hours planning and arranging our perfect day."
"I am incredibly impressed with the fact that you woke up this early. It is currently seven in the morning over there."
"Everything that I have I was able to get on my own solely through my own hard work efforts."
"You don't get what you deserve you get what you conquer."
"You've got to make some effort here. Put yourself in situations where you can meet someone."
"Your hardest is enough. As long as you're giving it the best to overcome confidence, that's enough."
"The grass is not greener on the other side. Grass is greener where you water it."
"There's opportunities everywhere anyone can do it if they want to."
"This is a grind, okay? This is not easy. This is not something you're just gonna walk into and fall into an icon out of nowhere."
"Just doing a little bit at a time really makes the difference."
"Your success is determined by how much effort you put into it and the discipline that you bring to the market."
"The way that you earn more money is going to depend again on you."
"It takes two to tango... to maintain that level of being best friends post a relationship."
"Result of Jupiter in Lagana: You'll be enterprising and ambitious, and you'll progress through your own efforts."
"You have to get your hands dirty and get your feet wet. You got to get in there and do the work."
"I bring that same Vigor to a fight in another battle and that battle is for the future of our country and the soul of our party."
"If the theme calls for a bit of technical skill you may not possess, do your best to make it happen."
"It's all about the work that you put in. Don't blame genetics, just blame yourself and your hard work."
"I might fail at it... but at least I can say I tried."
"Sometimes people don't realize that you are just a human being and you are just trying to do the best that you can in life."
"Truth has to do with our effort to find it out."
"It's hard to do when you're traveling, but she makes do. Girls gotta make do."
"This is your chance to make at least something right."
"At the end of the day, no one's gonna give you anything."
"You've gotta trust yourself a lot to be out here. You can only try your best, so just gotta trust it." - Madden Bowl competitor
"It doesn't take the Harvard scientist to move the needle on health. It can take the guy who busts his ass in the gym."
"That's what competing is, that's what sport is like."
"You can only give it what you can give it, and devin laurent certainly has done that. He has given it every ounce."
"Effie is literally doing the best that she can... she is doing her best and I love her so much."
"You just got to do the best they can and I think they've made really good choices a lot of the time."
"What am I on? I’m on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?"
"You can do it, it's just a matter of am I gonna show up or not."
"I'm going to try my best to be more eco-friendly... baby steps."
"You put your mind to all of it and all of that starts with just putting your mind to getting up."
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness; you have to catch it yourself." - Benjamin Franklin
"Do the best you can do with the opportunities that are presented in front of you."
"We need to have confidence in God that if we do our part... he will always do what's right by us."
"I invite the people who have been intrigued, you know, or whose interest has been piqued, do the work."
"He took the time, he had the thought, he put in the effort, he cared about me and my co-workers."
"Thank you for the fruits of your garden, your labor, and your love."
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly and who airs and comes up short again and again because there is no effort without airing or shortcoming."
"I did I needed to spend time dealing with the fallout from it so that was doing some effort responding."
"No man does it all by himself. It's fun, it's hard, you can do whatever you'll."
"Actions speak louder than words. You can tell me you want a million bucks but you ain't willing to roll up your sleeves and go work for it."
"I thought that Trump was clearly putting the effort in."
"If I gave it my all and I failed, then I know I have no regrets."
"There is nothing mutually exclusive about doing my best, which I genuinely try to do, and critiquing problems in my own community."
"I never wanted anyone to think that I didn't try I tried I put my all into that relationship it didn't work like and I can't like I can't feel bad about that."
"You can't earn what's in you, sitting back in a La-Z-Boy chair, hitting the remote control, watching HBO and Cinemax."
"Stop relying on outside sources... Put your goddamn head down."
"There's no such thing as good luck. There's either some power working for you somewhere or you don't get ahead in this world."
"The secret to life for me is work. That's the equation of life."
"I work really, really hard. My words didn't come from the air, you know. It comes from a lot of hard work."
"Life is worth putting every ounce of effort into, right? That's just who I am."
"Personal efforts can directly lead to financial gains."
"Consistency is our part; if you do your part, God will always show up to do his."
"To feel good, you gotta feel good and it's hard work to feel good."
"You're gonna start forcing yourself to be happy."
"Thank god you're the leader, I try my best, damn it!"
"The first merch drop I ever did, I shipped everything out myself. It took 17 hours so I'm freaking ready for this."
"It's always a win if I got up there and tried to do it."
"Being strong on this person or this connection, you're doing a damn good job."
"At the end of the day, sometimes in life things ain't gonna go well, but if you're putting in the work to make it better, that is one step in the right direction."
"You gotta work at it and bust your ass while you can."
"Life is 20% what is given to you and 80% what you make of it."
"I'll do my best to make sure that you'll be interested in me."
"It's going to be the one who enters the race and puts in the work, the one who's continually learning and working their butt off."
"Try and fail is better than to not try at all."
"It's not the song or the festival. It's that you took the time to care."
"Give me a little bit of credit for trying for trying to control what I can control."
"I'm just doing my best and sometimes my best is only a little bit but you know we do what we can."
"Don't ask for help until you put your best effort first. No one's gonna hold your hand through life until you're successful."
"I want to be able to say I've given this my best foot forward, you know? That's what I want to be able to say."
"Being a top G is someone who tries their very best at becoming the best version of yourself."
"That is what being a man in your own prime is really about...being successful is about...forcing yourself to do something."
"Effort and sacrifice: two sides of the same point."
"There is no picture perfect life and that is not true so um it's just that you got to remember to work your way towards the life you want to live."
"Give what you can give, do what you can do, start where you left off."
"That's why I work hard, that's why I go out there and experiment and read and meditate and do all this kind of stuff."
"Unplugging saved me 76%. Then I tried harder and saved another 11%!" - Jonna
"I just take every single day, I try and do the best I can to win today and make sure I'm ready to compete tomorrow."
"It's about just getting out there, putting one foot in front of the other, and just trying to make things better for people."
"I just want to fill it up... Not another thing I could do."
"I know that it's going to take it out of me."
"That's a lot of goddamn hours, man. That's a whole lot of goddamn hours. For most people, that's a week and a half worth of work, goddamn."
"Move it speed people and things just don't happen for you. It's crazy, it's crazy."
"I've worked hard for this channel to get where it is and the thought of it all going away because Alex can't take criticism scares me."
"The people that are out there in the world making changes aren't people that are any better than any of us or know more or way smarter, they also just [__] tried."
"Isn't it amazing that I'm working hard... somehow this monstrous thing that I feel like is just a dragon with a million heads comes out smelling like a rose every single time."
"Life doesn't give you what you want, life gives you what you earn."
"Isn't it dandy, Jim? I hunted all over time to find it."
"You gotta work for it, success doesn't just come on a plate."
"They feel like your connection is salvageable. They feel like they can do or say something to kind of win you back."
"Ambition: you don't get lucky, you make lucky."
"This person is trying to bring some form of change into this dynamic."
"If you're not a hundred percent in it, you are not going to get the result you want."
"The goal here is that you cannot lift up your family by yourself."
"Be proud that you gave it a shot and you know what Lisa next time you're going to try and do better."
"Any little thing you can do to help will get you further along than doing nothing."
"you gotta work and you have to do the work people don't want to do the work"
"Mind and behavior are two really complex topics, and no one can claim to have mastered them completely, but what you can do is, give it your best shot."
"You try to get all these things yourself, 'you have not because you ask not.'"
"It's more important to try to help people and to know that you did."
"Your own environment, you get what you put in."
"I knew I had to work harder than everyone else if I want to get good."
"Just do it. You can always redo it if you have to."
"You can give yourself that closure and know that you did your best. You did everything you possibly could to save that relationship."
"I had been busting my ass working trying to maximize the abilities that that I may have and I got the call and I was there talent hard work and luck I was at that intersection I put it down."
"Put more effort into yourself and you will feel better."
"I have a positive outlook on this, you know. Anything that I do, I want to do it well."
"You deserve the best, but you have to be willing to do the necessary work to get there."
"If this person's trying to get their own business off the ground, they're trying to do it all or you are."
"I've never deep cleaned more in my entire life."
"Your success is closely tied to your ability to trust and to try."
"I'm not gonna panic. I'm just gonna work my ass off."
"I'm gonna do everything I can to get this business turned around."
"I work every day I'll work my ass off to give her the best life that she deserves."
"I was trying to heal the divide with the gangsters."
"If you don't put in the effort, you will not see any results."
"If you want something, if you have a passion in your heart, fire in your belly, it's going to be you. It's going to be you getting up early, it's going to be you staying up late, it's going to be you running the miles."
"Hard work beats talent. You could have all the talent in the world, but if you do not put in the work and give it your all every single day, then the talent goes to waste."
"The odds were stacked against me, but I had to try anyways. It was the only option I had."
"We're all born with greatness; you earn greatness."
"A healthy get-to-do relaxation lifestyle requires effort, but the effort produces that twilight zone and produces that unconditional pride in yourself."
"It's not going to depend on whether we like or don't like a tweet comes out of the CEO. How upsetting must it be to an individual like Elon Musk who's working his butt off to try to change the world?"
"It's like if there was music that you're like, 'I would love to hear this,' you would have to go out of your way to search and dig to find it."
"Healing is something that happens to you. You have to make the conscious effort."
"Just wake up and do the best that you can and then that's about it if you want to wake up and and do very little that's fine like just do the best that you can in any day I'm giving your current state."
"I think you're a great addition to the team and you're trying your best."
"He's not perfect, he's just trying his best."
"You can do it, you just have to work for it."
"Every Muslim, based on their ability, tries to perform their best."
"I'm trying to do the best I can to use what I was taught."
"The biggest mistake people think make is thinking that just by wishing for it, it might come or that it's serendipity, that it's just kind of good luck. And that's not true. You've got to do the work."
"You've been working your butt off being super dad, super husband, super human, and you deserve to be treated like a king."
"My fidelity is based on my reverence for God at the end of the day."
"Your marriage can be miserable if you make it miserable; it can be amazing if you make it amazing."
"Just for you, your own effort, intensity, motivation, and gratitude upon getting gains."
"I fall sometimes, but I will try my very best."
"It's been so crazy... I put into every single workout just like... the best I absolutely can." - Justin Medeiros
"I've got to earn it when I'm in the movie, so I gotta earn it."
"What can I do to make my marriage better today?"
"Give it your 100%, not mine or anybody else's."
"As long as I give 100%, that's good enough for me."
"Just for today, you can give it 110%, you know? It doesn't have to be just to do with your work and making money. It can be in every single aspect of life."
"Being rich has nothing to do with luck." - Samuel Leeds
"I'm doing my best and that's all we can do, isn't it? Doing our best."
"If this 5-year-old who has given all this joy and love to people can show the power of positivity, then I think the message should be give it 110%, everything that you have, and don't stop until you get what you want."
"Life is a game of luck, a real man makes his own luck."
"All you can do is put your head down and do the work."
"True love and making the effort, this is the romance of a lifetime, great love is worth taking the steps you're guided to take."
"And this is why being a stock picker pays off in the end if you're able to deploy my type of strategy and you're willing to put in the work ethic, man, the gains are ridiculous."
"After 2 weeks of hard work, once again Andrea had knocked it out of the park and made another space in our home absolutely beautiful."
"If you're not making money today, if you're not at least trying to make money, dude, you're not gonna make it."
"Here's to the future... I'm gonna give it my best shot."
"I'm going above and beyond, that's just how I mean."
"I just try to do things that are entertaining and funny."
"Someone here is ready to invest in the relationship in a new way. They want to take action towards this and put effort towards this because they want a victory with you."
"The expedition now succeeds or fails by my efforts."
"You just have to push through it, like, you have to at least try."
"Maintaining the balance of being extra rich and not, because I'm gonna keep it a hundred like, I haven't been an artist. Like, I'm working harder than you."
"If you're down to give it your all, then do it."
"Tomorrow is a new day, a new day for you to wake up and give it your best."
"Being with her is the greatest blessing of my life. Why would I take scripture and have somebody else do all the work in that?"