
Prejudice Quotes

There are 1278 quotes

"To not judge a book by its cover because you never know who it's going to be that's going to make a significant impact."
"Islamophobia is a real phenomena, and one of the major reasons for this is the media."
"Don't judge a book by its cover. He's coming, giving seasoning, he's got something to talk about."
"We've got to change this narrative. We're doomed as a society if we just judge him off his hat and shoes and didn't see his character."
"If you literally think a group of people is sub-human, you can't really get around that."
"Everyone has prejudices and discriminates, but structures of oppression go well beyond individuals."
"The only way to challenge prejudice is to confront it head-on in the public realm and destroy it with argument and reason."
"Pumping out hatred of Muslims thinly disguised as hatred of extremism."
"Race isn't real... it really is just a collection of visible phenotypes... that reinforce social prejudices."
"We have to work together to confront bigotry and prejudice wherever they appear."
"You paint something as inclusivity, you paint it as Pride, you paint it as love...you automatically get this precedent that if you do not go along with this then you're homophobic or you're transphobic." - Comment on societal pressures.
"The most dangerous mistake is unthinking prejudice, contempt for an enemy based on who he is and what he looks like."
"The mere fact of being incarcerated itself is prejudice."
"What we're dealing with here in reality is a prejudice against homeless people."
"Our society hates poor people... our society hates elderly poor disabled people."
"The Creator of all of us calls on each of us to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God’s children."
"Discussions might be more productive if we could study the facts without prejudice instead of simply judging a book by its cover."
"Anti-Semitism is a unique evil in world history where you attribute everything bad happening in the universe to the Jews."
"One of the oddest things about lockdown for me was the way that people who were working from home...started getting spoken about with the same ignorant vitriol that's normally reserved for refugees or footballers taking the knee."
"Racism and prejudice are human universals... every group of people has had outgroup prejudice and hatred."
"Even the most liberal, well-intentioned white person has a virus in his or her brain that can be activated at an instant." - Van Jones
"I was taught very early that Islam is above everything, that Jews are mostly our worst enemies, that Christians are deceitful and immoral, and other religious groups are infidels and enemies of Allah."
"Racism is an extreme form of prejudice because it involves judging people unfairly but assumes that a person's own race or ethnic group is superior."
"There are plenty of powerful moments that legitimately do speak to the evils of prejudice and stereotyping."
"I think prejudice is as strong as hate, yes. Oh, when there is somebody, if he has a prejudice, then the answer will be, I hate such and such."
"Prejudice is a sure sign of an inferiority complex."
"Prejudice is the holding of an opinion without certifying its correctness."
"There is definitely a prejudice against things American."
"Prejudice is willful ignorance, dictated only by emotion."
"Guilt by association rather than the actual crimes of the individual."
"This is basically a drama about prejudice and injustice and it just so happens to star an immortal Canadian with swords in his hands."
"If the jew did not exist the anti-semite would invent him."
"If you're going to judge people's merit based on just country of origin, you cannot pretend that all countries of origin are equally likely to produce the same level of assimilatable citizens. That would just be silly; it's obviously untrue."
"Anti-Semitism is irrational hatred of Jewish people. It has been called mankind's oldest prejudice and has been rued in some form or another for hundreds if not thousands of years."
"It's tragic to think that her daughter will grow up with a mindset that people hate her when they don't."
"The Dreyfus Affair underscores the dangers of wrongful convictions and the influence of prejudice in legal proceedings."
"A thought is not just a woman or a woman that has promiscuous sex, she is a person, a creation of God with a history and an experience in life that has led her to her present destination and disposition."
"Discover that people are complex and your superficial prejudices will evaporate."
"That's the literal definition of prejudice: to pre-judge."
"Just because you don't like the way someone looks doesn't mean they don't have rights."
"It's extremely dangerous because it says Jewishness is about apartheid and genocide and so on which is the epitome of anti-Semitism."
"Overcoming prejudices and changing your mind."
"Racial segregation and demonization are wrong and dangerous no matter what its victims look like."
"Kids aren't born with hate. It's taught by people like you." - Chris Tyson
"If you look at someone by their skin color or sexuality and then you think you can understand them because of that or you think they should think certain things that's prejudging, that's prejudice."
"He's a racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic germophobe."
"Real thinking is hard work, that's why most people just rearrange their prejudices and call it thinking."
"Why would I choose to be discriminated against, to be ostracized?"
"Listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-nazi or I'll sock you in the goddamn face and you'll stay plastered."
"Just because she's not a single mother and doesn't have tattoos doesn't mean she's not going to divorce rape you."
"When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice."
"The truth is if you're a white male you're guilty, if you're a woman of color you're a victim."
"You can't change the color of your skin but you can change the ignorance of your mind."
"You can't say that everybody of that race is this way or that way."
"People treat people differently that are strange or different."
"When you take the actions of one person and judge an entire community based on the actions of that one person, that's racist, that's sexist, that's homophobic."
"They think that these people are terrorists now."
"Don't judge the person based on what you think it means to have that label slapped on their chest."
"You walk around and look at me and you go in your head before you even make a choice to say you just have a thought that goes dirty Greek."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, even if that cover has two big swastikas painted on it."
"Are mutants dangerous? That's what we're trying to find out. It's an unfair question and an unfair way to view a complicated issue."
"There was no greater sin than prejudice or discrimination."
"More bold than you would be otherwise. Things like name-calling or stereotyping. Prejudice or mockery are all things that occur in real life but are repeated tenfold online."
"I don't like labels as I mentioned earlier because labels come with all the baggage associated with those labels."
"If I had to imagine what a pedophile would look like, it would be just a photo of that person."
"Evolution never taught anyone to hate anything; teaching hatred is religion's job."
"I think something we have to be really careful of in Europe in the UK and the world is to not sink into stupid Russophobia."
"Like, deep down inside, being considered a bigoted person is not a good thing."
"The fear of the unknown is the basis for a lot of hatred in the world."
"Even in generally High performing suburban school districts, students of color face pervasive Prejudice."
"Get rid of your prejudice and your bigotry because it's like giving yourself a huge raise."
"It's stupid to be prejudiced and discriminatory because you're cutting off so many potential people who could help you."
"You know, be open to learning about other people. Don't form your opinions until you know those people you're forming the opinions about."
"Before you go and judge and assume that they're evil or something like that, you might be surprised to find that their ideologies and religion is quite the opposite."
"Freedom of expression is trumped by blind hatred for those that are just different from them."
"You cannot underestimate people based on your preconceptions."
"In Victorian England, he actually was subjected to what nowadays would be regarded as quite impermissible and unforgivable anti-Semitism."
"Prejudice is the child of ignorance." - William Hazlitt
"Without the aid of prejudice and custom, I should not be able to find my way across the room; nor know how to conduct myself in any circumstances, nor what to feel in any relation of life." - William Hazlitt
"If there's differences in outcome, that's proof of prejudice."
"If you are labeling people like that, you are the racist. You are the one that's the definition of racism."
"It's not your color that they're against, it's your condition."
"Let's not start writing off anybody in this country just because of where they come from."
"It's just like sad to see how much hate some people have in their hearts."
"It's offensive, it's like when you make these assumptions and prejudgments on entire groups of people."
"Hey, you know, if you're gonna have a Gay Pride Parade, you might as well spray poop everywhere. It's the same thing."
"You oppose these things and a certain intelligence here comes and says you know Shambhav, Harsh, and Rajiv are bigots."
"Conservative and ignorant transphobic [ __ ] aren't synonyms for each other."
"They call us hotep that's really a dig at foundational black Americans."
"But don’t want to communicate that people who do are white supremacists."
"If you can tag them as bad people either stupid or bigoted, you don't actually have to listen to their concerns."
"Regardless if it's because he's white or they just believe that he's a shooter, he's actually a fairly solid athlete."
"Prejudice is just a judgment made in advance of having any real information or experience with someone."
"Sophie and Rob were literally attacked just because of how they look, just because of how they chose to dress themselves, and it honestly infuriates me."
"You can almost think of homosexuality as an affliction and not just a sinful choice."
"As we look to the future one of the most important effects of the revelation on the priesthood is its divine call to abandon attitudes of prejudice against any group of God's children."
"White people aren't inherently racist... we shouldn't call people racist."
"Judging people for the terrible things they voluntarily do is exactly the same as hating someone because of their ancestry."
"It's a lot easier to say vile crap like this fly-bitten Savages that live in a tree when you haven't looked them in the eyes."
"They don't think they're bigots. They just think they have the guts to tell the truth."
"Italians in general are less racist than Americans."
"Healing is part of the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"I never quite understood all of the hate that they got."
"A lot of people don't think that way and a lot of people are just primed into hating someone."
"It's important to challenge ignorance and prejudice among young straight kids."
"Luna is instantly suspicious of Tron since she senses she is half devil and does not want to work with her in rabi Kuna convinces her to do so advising her that she needs to see people more complex than black and white."
"I don't want to say white men aren't dangerous, but my body goes girl run, girl run."
"Blame a scapegoat class for this problem anti-Semitism in particular."
"Hating somebody simply because of the color of their skin is [expletive] insane."
"Grace, empathy, love, respect, and do yourself a favor and try and go f***ing educate yourself outside of your limited box and scope."
"When you understand why, you understand why people dislike black people."
"The frightful veil of prejudice is torn to pieces and is so forever."
"Some of y'all need to change your lives, man. You can't be having that hate in your heart."
"Most racism, homophobia, xenophobia isn't even rooted in hate as much as it is just ignorance."
"I love working with this group of people and I'm really glad that in this new year we sort of get a chance to stretch our wings and fly a little bit and do what we want to do and how we want to do it."
"Small kernels of Truth get twisted into big Lies by bigots."
"So yeah I've researched it I've talked to professionals I know what I'm talking about so maybe get past my skin color and realize that positive constructive and genuinely helpful information can come from an assortment of locations..."
"How can you hate me if you don't even know me?"
"Islamophobia is infecting politicians, celebrities, newscasters, and entertainers."
"It's a series about the dangers of bigotry and prejudice."
"All it takes is one white person willing to attack, because other white people were sure going to defend a white person over a black person than risk being called an N-word lover."
"People want to know what you are so they can know how to hate you."
"They've demonized a group of people who are just sat there minding their own business."
"The problem for me was not ignorant, it was preconceived ideas."
"Prejudice and hatred and racism discrimination all of this is taught it is not innate."
"I'm racist, I don't like white people but I'm gonna respect you as a man."
"How do you dismantle their fear and prejudice? By appealing to their common sense, by actually explaining to them." - Rula
"If race is important to you, you're the racist. If race is unimportant to you, you're the opposite of a racist."
"We need to really watch what we consume... before we start hating people."
"Prejudice-- I call prejudice a cancer of the human soul. It destroys the people who practice it, and it destroys everything in its sight."
"The demonization and hatred of homosexuality and alternative gender expression is learned."
"Racism still here... someone said I'm worried about how dark your baby is going to be."
"I was told by one law enforcement official, quote unquote, 'bad things happen to bad girls.'"
"The only people who believe in cancel culture who don't like it are like white nationalists and people who want to be racist."
"I respect the way BTS actively fights against prejudice, just as they do."
"If you ever heard the sound of hate, it is the most uncomfortable thing to experience."
"Being a person of faith has nothing to do with being a bigot."
"You're not transphobic if you buy this game... I don't think you're automatically a bigot even based on what media you consume."
"I don't think it makes you transphobic or racist to enjoy media that happen to be made by somebody who is transphobic."
"If your preference excludes an entire marginalized group including fat people it's not a preference it's bigotry."
"Don't let prejudice hold you back, you can lose a lot with your prejudice."
"If you're white, don't use it. Say it so we can know exactly what's in your heart."
"It's inherently racist to presume someone's values based on their skin color."
"We're the same people. Y'all just don't give them a chance. Most of these people are smart, Kodak smartest people person in the world."
"We're breaking down boundaries, little did I know I was such a bigot, holy shit."
"Our problem isn't the color of our skin, it's the color of our hearts."
"Never judge a book by its cover, never just assume, give everyone a chance."
"If you're judging somebody's merit or their viewpoint based on their color, this makes you a racist by definition."
"They just hated me because they did not understand people with autism."
"Injustice based on prejudice is just the battle cry of the lynch mob."
"Just because I'm white doesn't mean I have to be racist."
"Anti-Semitism is a real and rising problem in the United States."
"the nazis justified the jews subjugation on the grounds that they saw them as an essentially degenerate race responsible for centuries of historical oppression"
"Stop associating or having wars or burning synagogues because you're attacking people."
"Fascism is all about preying on people's fear and prejudice."
"That's hate in my opinion, that's stupidity, that's bigotry, that's prejudice."
"If the only reason you don't want to date someone boils down to the fact they're trans that's transphobia right there."
"People often loathe what they can't understand because it scares them."
"Parents who don't want their daughters around trans women are ignorant."
"Love is always offensive to people who come from a place of hate."
"Racism has many, many faces. It has many dimensions. Resentment and envy of a group's success, who happen to be identifiable in terms of race, is racism."
"Having a mental illness does not make you an anti-Semite."
"The irrational hatred of any group is an exercise in closing the mind."
"It's like when we look at someone and we just profile them or assume things based on what they look like."
"Your view of what countries are like in war and the people in those countries is the most shockingly bigoted but just deeply stupid view of humanity I've ever seen."
"This is just a horrible, horrific situation with bad timing and bad circumstance absolutely. Does it speak to a general rule that because you're black you can't buy toy guns for your kids anymore? No."
"Compassion can help even those at their very worst, while prejudice leads to societal destruction."
"Anything we can do to help people understand each other is good because of course prejudice is bred from ignorance and exclusion."
"If people don't agree with the orthodoxy... then they're stupid, they're idiots, they're racists, they're misogynists, they're Islamophobes, they're transphobes."
"Every photo for me is a mug shot if i ever went into a gun store i think they'd just be like no no way don't sell to your kind."
"Ignorance is where you get prejudice, you know. Not knowing people's stories is where judgment blooms."
"Witch hunts stand as harrowing reminders of the depths humanity can sink to when consumed by fear, ignorance, and prejudice."
"Intelligence, education, and bigotry are inversely correlated."
"Some people can be so narrow-minded when it comes to bloodline and beliefs."
"Anyone can be racist, and anyone can be the victim of racism."
"It's not like all the Targaryens are just completely hopped up on supremacy and stuff like that."
"Islamophobia is a real phenomenon, especially in this 21st century."
"Islamophobia is fueled by misconceptions spread by the media."
"It's deeply frustrating when people who are very anti like anti-trans or anti whatever when they can't see the clear metaphor in front of them."
"Trump supporters are racist, and if you create a space for racists to thrive, they will."
"It's about othering people, and we've known this throughout history that anytime that you say another group of people is the cause of all of our problems, it's a dangerous thing to do."
"You cannot legislate love. Hatred is easily seen when you're victimized by it, but it's often hidden when you possess it."
"The burden of suspecting other people on the basis of their lineage is so great."
"Transphobia is not just about prejudice against individual trans people, it's also a way of thinking that understands non-trans people as more natural or organic and erases everyone else."
"Those other places are all One race and immigrants are just inherently criminal. Whoa, I've never heard someone say something like that."
"Most people who are racist, homophobic, sexist, or prejudiced also have love for their friends and family... it's not confusing when you're watching it but when you meet people in life."
"The only people on this planet who want to be ‘normal’ are those who are othered based on prejudice."
"If you care about skin color to a degree that you categorize an entire group of people as being ignorant, arrogant, and oppressive based just on how they look, then you are a racist."
"Put prejudices to one side, open your heart, and think about peaceful hearts."
"Accusing somebody of being a school shooter just because they're a big scary man? Nah, that's not Prejudice at all."
"What are we going to do about the Ferguson that's in us? You know that part of us that still crosses the street, locks the doors, clutches the purses, when we see young black men? That part."
"Some beliefs can be incredibly damaging to a person, like the anti-vaxxers or racists."
"The idea that being gay is anti-American, like that being gay is somehow treasonous."
"It's easier just to say I'm a bigot than to listen to my ideas."
"One bad person does not represent an entire population."
"Just because someone's a Republican, you know, that they're that it's evil and then it's all they must be bigots it just makes no sense."
"Hate people not because of the color of their skin but because they hate themselves."
"You're the problem, you're a bigot, you're old-fashioned, you're a transphobe, you're holier than now, you're judgmental, you're out of touch, you're what's wrong with every single Church in existence."
"You're headed down a bad road when you assume that almost an entire population just chooses to be evil."
"My conversations with anyone is not 'are you documented?' That's not it. But yet, this law now makes it a priority for all of us to put that barrier, that prejudice."