
Modern Slavery Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"The biggest thing that leads to modern slavery is unhealthy boundaries."
"Slavery is something we in the West thought had disappeared... but not only is it still present, it's also prevalent in our own backyards."
"There are more slaves today than at any point in human history."
"8 million people trapped in bonded labor, a modern-day slavery practice."
"Libya is a somewhat unsafe country, there's sort of slavery out there."
"Human trafficking, or modern slavery, is amongst the most pressing human rights violations of our time."
"Modern day slavery... they're not free to leave."
"It's the only form of slavery that exists in plain sight."
"It's a human problem and every one of us should want to see it come to an end because there's currently 25 to 40 million people trapped in modern-day slavery."
"It's hard to imagine that in the 21st century Chinese citizens are living a slave-like lifestyle. This is because they don't have human rights. This makes you a slave."
"Most people are modern-day slaves and they don't even know it."
"You're nothing but a slave to a cell phone. You are slave to it, nothing but a cheap, weak slave."
"Slavery never went away, it just changed forms and no one noticed."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"Slavery never went away, it just changed forms."
"There are more slaves per capita today than at any other time in human history."
"So, yes, we are now talking about forced labor with no compensation, a euphemism for modern-day slavery."
"There is more slaves now than there was when America was founded. Wow, like people don't like to think about that or talk about it, but that is true."
"India unfortunately takes the spot at number one on today's list as the country has the highest number of slaves in the world."
"Slavery still exists in the world yet most of the major powers ignore the fact."
"Their current rights are chattel slavery for us."
"Slavery is Alive and Well... just more sophisticated."
"The formal Atlantic slave trade may have ended, but of course slavery, like piracy, continues to this day."
"There's currently more people enslaved and human trafficked right now than when slavery was actually legal."
"Modern slavery is when someone is forced to work under force, coercion, or violence at no pay above subsistence."
"Slavery is alive and well, and it's not confined to far-off sweatshops in Southeast Asia."
"It's impossible to believe that we still have slavery in the UK."
"It's a slavery even in our own day, one human to the property of another."
"Slavery today is the same but with a new name."
"At this moment, there are 46 million people engaged in some form of modern slavery."
"Women and girls account for seventy one percent or twenty nine million of all modern slavery victims."
"Between 20 and 35 million people live in slavery today, five million of them are children."
"This is an insidious form of modern-day slavery."
"If a community cannot choose what they grow, they cannot decide how they'll grow it, they cannot decide the price at which they'll sell it, this is a modern kind of slavery."
"In the age of wonderment, that is my question, that in the 21st century why are we allowing slavery to exist?"
"What methods, what efforts, what kinds of movements against the current problem of modern slavery and human trafficking have worked, which haven't, which ought to work?"