
Community Awareness Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Please, just be aware of that, be smart about it, and you know, do the right thing and do your part."
"I think people want to know what's going on in their city."
"We have to change the narrative and the stories and telling people here, see me, I'm human, here's my pain, this is somebody's son, this is somebody's uncle, here's the story that you need to understand about our background and our community."
"This truly feels like the end of days. Everyone please take care of yourselves."
"Foundational Black Americans knew we ain't got nobody that's going to really look out for us."
"This one very important detail that I believe people semi understand but don't really understand the scope or breadth of it."
"I'm staying home for my mother. But everyone, it's not about just you. It's about all of us."
"Trilogy Media in the house, we are addressing all 57 000 members inside of this tech support Kolkata Delhi group that you've got going on orchestrating thousands of people to scam innocent people all over the world."
"Imagine your kid comes off the bus and it's like, 'Mommy, my bus driver invited me to his youth group event on Friday.'"
"Stay alert, stay alive, and do whatever you can to not be part of the oblivious community."
"Congratulations to everyone who is part of this awakening with me."
"The question on a lot of people's minds is where is 14-year-old Ella Jones?"
"I think people should get on next-door this sort of Facebook for for neighbors so at least you know what's going on right around you which is super important."
"I feel like an idiot doing this, but I just heard that there was a shooting over on Trescott, and I promise I'm not trying to be dramatic or nosy."
"So, if people wake up enough and they say I can make this small sacrifice now, great. If they don't though..."
"The whole scientific community and anybody with any scientific inclination whatsoever is now acutely aware of what an unbelievable lying fraud this guy is."
"Democracy needs support. Democracy needs moral support."
"Stay safe, stay off the streets, unless you should be on the streets."
"Be responsible when you shop and think of others. Buying more than you need means that others may be left without."
"We as a people are being starved of information."
"We need to remind detectives that Ashley matters what happened to her matters and people are still out there looking for answers and looking for closure."
"Social distancing. You practice it. I appreciate it."
"I don't think a lot of people care what race or what country people come from, but the way this community is going down right under our noses showed me how little I actually know about our country's future, and that troubled me."
"Police brutality is real in our community we know we know it's been happening to be for social media."
"Kristen was not just a dancer at a club who disappeared. She was a daughter, a sister, and a friend."
"Everything I'm saying to you now, everything we're speaking about is already known to everyone here."
"If we can't pay local reporters then we as a country are left with that many blind spots where the dash is happening."
"I still got that much faith in humanity I would hope that it's not somebody around that would see this and not say something bro."
"Focus on yourself but don't disregard the world around you."
"Stay away from them corner stores, stay off the block. I don't care how tough you think you are."
"Family members and peers are often the best position to witness signs of mobilization to violence."
"This happened in the small cities and in St. Louis, right? And, you know, just all over this country that, that we kind of just sweep on under the rug when it happens, right? You know?"
"I'm black and I know what the police and the government has done to black communities to oppress them."
"I really feel like not just Brian Coburger's team but the legal community as a whole is missing the boat on something big."
"Don't let these the white diamond society misuse you against your own people."
"If you recycle and you haven't read up on your local rules, you could actually be doing more harm than good."
"I think it's also important for the creators inside of the communities to know what they want."
"People just don't disappear. Someone knows something or saw something."
"Be very mindful of those targeting our community."
"We need the collectivity, our community, to open up their eyes, right? To look at the fact."
"If somebody is deemed dangerous then you need to let the public know that's how you keep the public safe."
"There are places in Louisiana that people have never heard of that are full of Black people and full of forward-thinking white folks who want to see things different in this state."
"We have a problem if 70% of our own people don't understand the meaning of the Eucharist."
"If this ever happens again, people will not be so hesitant to let others know about a potential danger."
"Walking around with an open carried gun could be enough to already alert people."
"Evil lurks in our communities. Evil is a person who holds a gun to the head of a three-month-old."
"Thank you for being an engaged citizen and trying to keep your ear to the ground just like we are."
"It makes me happy to know that somewhere out there they're thinking of the little people."
"Intimacy is attached to mental health, and like a lot of people in the brown and black communities don't really focus on their mental health."
"It's not only about exercising our power... it's about being nuanced about recognizing what we have to do to keep that continuity in office of people who look like us."
"When people live in the neighborhood, do they know who the gang members are?"
"It's not a random incident, obviously it's targeted."
"It's one of them things where it's like the reason needs to be talked about is in case he does it to more people and he definitely definitely will..."
"Identifying these institutions as a threat to the community is one of the most significant ways to get black folks to care about politics."
"Saying that white privilege exists isn't to belittle the success and the accomplishments of white people."
"We're facing this as a nation, as a global population, and we're going to have to pay close attention and watch out for our families and our neighbors more than ever before." - Deborah
"His story was widely circulated among African-American communities but remained widely unknown to the vast majority of Americans for a very long time."
"We just have to continue to make us aware of all the things that affect black people so that we can get our ultimate healing."
"This is not a joke and death here is real." - Mayor Drew Dilkens
"We gotta expose those... come to the truth. Yes African soul brothers and sisters but brothers and sisters Americas."
"Pay attention to what's happening at your school board meeting."
"So, we as a community, as a society around the world, just need to be aware of that, just to always keep our eyes open, so."
"Remember guys, we aren't out of the crisis just yet."
"You'll give them a better sense that more of their readership is aware and annoyed."
"Thumbs up, thumbs up, thumbs up! Let's inform and alert other people."
"There are so many talented black people out there that people just have no idea about."
"Try to make sure if the harassment continues that people around you and in your audience know that it's serious."
"We really do believe that somebody still knows that this person is out there."
"We would absolutely agree there are injustices happening towards the black community."
"Systemic racism exists in our institutions and communities across this country."
"Sadly, Jeremy told me that there's something like five other crash memorials in this general vicinity."
"But I am saying be mindful of the fact that there are people in need around you and very close to you don't have to look very far to find people in need."
"The more people know that you're here to do things like this for more animals, the better."
"Be kind and if you see something, please do say something."
"If you don't talk to people of color about how hard it is for them to access resources in their neighborhood, then you're not going to vote accordingly."
"They're admitting that he was leaving ammunition at his buddies' cribs, and somebody was working with this dude. They're never lone wolves, they have a whole network of these white supremacists."
"Let's keep waking up our people, let's keep edifying our people, and let's stay alert out there. Shalom Israel."
"We need to be informed, we need to be prepared, and we can divert."
"There's an awful lot of people are going to be left behind."
"Please keep Michael's face, name, and story in your hearts, eyes, and minds."
"I just need people to be aware and I try to do this as best as possible and that is that you have to look for the good in certain projects."
"We finally have a common struggle. Now all the people who've been begging for you to feel how hard any given day is, now you know."
"His family, his friends, his workplace... everybody knew. That was his private life."
"The community was well aware of what was happening at the Frankie household."
"Neighbors said they heard a rifle shot just after 2:00 PM."
"This is fact. Somebody in the goddamn apartment complex near this parking lot filmed the whole thing."
"I'm ready for the truth to come to light, y'all ready for the truth to come to light? What is going on in these streets?"
"Understanding this danger is vital for governments, communities, and individuals."
"We all want Arsenal to play, but we gotta recognize the magnitude of this."
"I feel like they're trying to let people know so they can be prepared for what's coming next."
"You're not alone. Many of you just think that you're seeing things that nobody else is. I'm seeing it, the people in the comments down below are seeing it, you're seeing it with your own two eyes."
"The CDC has already said that people who die from the virus are mostly obese and overweight, and there's no focus on that in our communities."
"Hidden figures ain't no figures hidden in the black community, we know where they are."
"It's about pretending everything is fine when the rest of the community knows that everything is not fine."
"My neighbor responsibly hired professional arborists to safely cut down their own rotted tree on their own property and gave us notice of their plans, even though they aren't legally required to."
"The number of unarmed black people who were killed by police last year was nine, that's 0.00002% of the entire black population."
"Your community knows about your connection, they see your person moving away from their karmic partner."
"Communities need to become more open about talking about these topics."
"It is not going to be good for anybody who has been watching this all of the community has been seeing this stuff go on for years."
"But you know, share this with other people because unfortunately, we still hear this narrative about Pope Francis."
"If it happens to your neighbor, you would love your family enough to say, 'I must protect you.'"
"Athena is still missing she's four years old and still missing so the more eyes on this case the more awareness out there the better because hopefully as more people see it it will lead to a tip being generated."
"I feel like people are underestimating the severity of this virus."
"Don't you love it when a subreddit becomes self-aware? I mean it's the best. A lot of people realize just how not serious 'not like the other girls' has really become and just leaned right into it. And I'm loving it. I'm loving it."
"I think we need to treat people correctly without penalizing people that are not in that community for not knowing or not being up to speed."
"This case is a harrowing reminder of the dangers lurking in everyday places and the importance of community vigilance, robust legal systems, and support networks in protecting our most vulnerable."
"Violence against us has been historical and extends beyond the discourses of hate."
"Find the good in the tasks, the projects, the people around you, not just in the things that you do but outside as much as you can."
"Just imagine waking up to the sign 'Welcome home Zion' so everybody in the neighborhood got to know that we had a baby girl."
"It's very important that you spread this knowledge because in reality so many of our people... are going to these fraudsters for help."
"Just imagine knowing you have this and you're seeing kids with it, but you're not making it about you."
"It's like they're standing in a crowd pretending we're alone. That's delusional. We are surrounded by life."
"I want racists to be just comfortable enough that they let us know who they are."
"We need to start realizing who is destroying our community."
"We support the frauds in our community. It's time for us to stop supporting them, to start supporting the real."
"There's a huge ability or disability community out there."
"If their approach was the opposite and that this will all blow over because the news hits on a Friday and Friday news cycles are where you do the dumps that you hope no one notices, they don't quite understand the hi-fi home theater community."
"How are others, not just pets, being treated in our community?"
"London went into tier three lockdown... spare a thought for people who aren't with their family."
"Can you imagine just to try educating the people more that there is an issue and it's happening in our own backyard. We need to do something about it."
"If you've got something going on at your property, you've probably got other people in your area that need to know what's going on. Not everybody is comfortable with talking to their poor neighbors about this kind of stuff, it gets really awkward."
"But at least that hope we get this information out to each council so they are more aware where their hot spots are and actually take some action."
"Thank you to everyone for your feedback in schooling me on dog theft; truly never crossed my mind it could be an issue in this town."
"Don't get so consumed in your own grief that you don't notice the people around you."
"Educating yourself... and then being aware of your community and your surroundings."
"I warn younger people in these videos, these videos I took my time to do, take my time out of my day to make these videos to talk about young people trying to help young people have a better understanding of the communities that we live in."
"Severe weather possible in the orange, yellow, and green; tune in, spread the word, tell your mom, tell your friends."
"Now all of Sodor knows what a strong engine you are."
"Mental health is a big thing within all communities, especially the black community."
"We have to do a better job of making sure that people understand that those services come from good public health work."
"Everyone, please take it seriously. Overwhelming the hospital with overly sick patients if this thing spikes too fast is just going to be a disaster."
"In a tight-knit neighborhood, when something is out of the norm, people notice very quickly."
"If you're not paying attention for yourself, pay attention for your neighbors, for your grandparents, or other family members, friends, co-workers, anyone that you think may one day be in need of a program like this."
"As our society continues to age, it's incumbent upon us to better understand dementia not just as healthcare professionals but also as community members."
"They understand how important it is for both schools."
"Think positive and be aware of what's going on in your neighborhood and in your community."
"Have a good day, be good people, and stay safe out there, everyone. There's a lot of crazy people these days."
"Did you know that over the last two years there's been a 17% increase in the number of burglaries in this area?"
"He wanted to do was raise awareness to the local community that hyenas are not bad."
"I just hope that people realize that they have an impact on other people."
"Education about your community is priceless."