
Inner Dialogue Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"With words or inner talking, we build our world."
"Most of us are totally unaware of the fact that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life."
"How do we love ourselves? It's used to have a healthier inner dialogue."
"To be in conversation with the God within is key."
"Nobody can heal you. Nobody can change how you talk to yourself. This is an inside job."
"It is what you say within yourself that heals you."
"How often are you visited by that negative voice in your head?"
"Having a conversation with the voice of our soul has never been more important."
"Changing the inner conversations changed how I experienced the outer world realities."
"Learning all of this stuff helped me largely change the inner dialogue, and as that got better, my discipline slowly got better too."
"I have a very active imagination, I have a very active inner dialogue."
"If a man could only control his inner dialogue, he would find the most rewarding of all conversations."
"Your self-talk around love and your self-talk altogether, okay, so what you believe, your voices are in your head."
"In order for things around you to change, you must first change your inner dialogue."
"Everybody out there has value and it might take you a couple years to find that value. You will find that inner value. You just gotta talk to your inner child and say hey, look would I do something to you that I wouldn't have done unto myself?"
"A new way of living in the moment, a new way of working in the moment, a new way of health, health in the moment."
"Nobody talks to you more than you."
"Go away, go away," I whispered to myself.
"The inner critic is like the heckler in the audience."
"How can you speak to yourself with more love?"
"Learn from the past, especially when it comes to inner dialogue."
"Journaling has given the voice in my head a stage."
"You know this isn't real," said her third thoughts.
"So tonight, the easiest way out of the maze is to control your own wonderful inner conversations."
"The first thing I would say about the voice inside your head or that dialogue is everybody has it unquestionably."
"The various parts of the psyche are in a permanent state of dialogue... They constantly communicate with each other, negotiate, debate, and disagree or agree."
"Your mind doesn't go and be like, 'Bro, you're trippin'. Your mind be like, 'Yes, he is trippin', girl!'"
"I always tell them [the fighting voices in my head], 'You guys have to not do that and you have to just let me do my work.'"
"Cultivating awareness around when we're having that inner negative talk."
"He talked to me inside all the time."
"Silence then deep in his mind in the dark corner from whence they always spoke he heard a gleeful mocking a little laugh."
"Words are wind," she thought. "Words cannot hurt me. I am beautiful, the most beautiful woman in all Westeros. Jamie says so. Jamie would never lie to me. Robert even. Robert. He never loved me, but he saw that I was beautiful. He wanted me."
"Everyone has their own Gremlins, the little voices inside our heads which hold us back."
"I won't stop until I find it," Naruto thought.
"The most powerful conversation you'll ever have is the confirmation you have with yourself."
"Allow your inner self-talk to line up with God's Word."
"My head's like, 'Do this, you need to see that, no, this is more important, you see that.' And it's like, 'Anna, if you don't shush, you'll be lying in bed for the rest of the day. So you either go have fun on your scooter or you do absolutely nothing.'"
"...to model the possibility of a friendship between the ego and the psychic landscape that the individual can have a friendly relationship to what's happening inside of them despite the fact that it could still be uncertain."
"Let the voice in your head become a companion leading you to a new height of freedom and autonomy."
"If you can begin this process of dialoguing out loud as well as being internal, then your guides, your teams, God, source frequencies, they will show up for you, they will be there."
"Develop self-awareness, pay attention to your inner dialogue, and identify moments when self-compassion is needed."
"All that we can do is control the nature and the direction of our inner conversations."
"We're all human beings... once you stop listening to that inner dialogue so much, these labels on separations break down."
"Be kind to yourself; that dialogue that you have inside your head is so important."
"Once you change your inner dialogue and you get total control of that, there's nothing that can take anything from you."
"Take a look at how you talk to yourself; are you living with yourself as a best friend or as your worst enemy?"
"Everything that is happening to you is based on your inner dialogue, your imagination."
"If your life isn't the way that you want it to be, you can manipulate it by changing your inner dialogue."
"Make your inner conversation match your fulfilled desire."
"In the space of intuition, I hear the soul's gentle whispers, the inner dialogue with my essence is a sacred conversation."
"It feels like intuition is my soul speaking to me."
"Learning how to tap into that inner dialogue... is a very powerful skill."
"This is the thought process you should be having, the inner dialogue as you're trying to solve these examples and do this kind of work."
"It shows how we talk to ourselves, how we nurture ourselves, and how we deal with day-to-day situations."
"You will always have a conversation that follows the one that you have with your highest self."
"Have you realized that most of your unhappiness in life is due to the fact that you are listening to yourself instead of talking to yourself?"
"It's a form of self-love to have those honest conversations with ourselves."