
MMOs Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The sheer scope of the project...seems to be combining all the best aspects from all the top MMOs over the past 10 years."
"MMOs take forever to release, so this year, I'm doing something different."
"MMOs were originally chat rooms with a bunch of people from all over the world, and you just had a game around it that you were playing as well."
"MMOs are good games because you get to play them with other people."
"As skeptical as one may be towards Classic's long-term retention, it is true that things like gearing just do take a long time in Classic."
"I do honestly believe that if anyone can solve these paradoxes, then the genre will be saved, and the day will follow when MMOs will rule the gaming world once more, as they should."
"MMOs need people to play them, but the more they try to keep people playing, the more you ultimately push them away."
"New World, the game that in 2021 provided the MMO community with some of the most entertaining meme material in years."
"Perception is such a very important part about MMOs."
"The monetization of Final Fantasy 14 is one of the best of any MMO right now."
"I think that MMOs have such a bright future."
"What if you could upload your consciousness into an MMO? Would you do it?"
"Hopefully I've given you some kind of hope for the future of MMOs."
"MMOs want to feel like their time invested is meaningful and matters."
"Digital Extremes going off the success of Warframe and making a fantasy MMO? That's pretty exciting for me."
"You'd be surprised at how hard it is to find an MMO developer nowadays where you actually like the developer."
"I would recommend this game to anybody who loves MMOs."
"Join me on a journey through the most awful MMOs I can find." - Josh
"The solo content in WoW is absolutely amazing."
"Kudos to WoW for handling issues better than other MMOs."
"WoW is one of the most fairly monetized MMOs."
"Dragonflight in WoW is arguably one of the single best solo experiences in any MMO ever."
"Star Wars: The Old Republic has one of the two deepest stories I've come across in an MMO."
"MMOs that incentivize playing the game in a more holistic way actually are better."
"The gameplay and rewards and difficulty are enough where it triggers the part of my brain that just enjoys what goes into playing MMOs."
"You can't review an MMO by playing three or four hours of it."
"Babylon's Fall has fallen. It's a dud. It's also a great representation why every AAA game studio does not need to develop an MMO."
"Lost Ark is one of the best mmos I played in a really long time."
"The reason we are all playing old MMOs is because they are just better than their newer alternatives."
"World of Warcraft has always been an incredible MMO."
"These right here are arguably the best MMOs that are available right now in 2020 going into 2021."
"Ashes of creation isn't going to be the perfect MMO and it most certainly isn't going to be for everyone."
"I've never played an indie MMO where I could actually recommend it to other people."
"Forest starting zones in MMOs are nostalgic and cozy."
"Such an iconic pioneer MMO... run better by players than the developers."
"League is one example... That's what mobas did to MMOs: get straight into the PVP, no messing about."
"The future of Classic is in question right now, Xramis is out and there's no more new content once you kill Kel'thuzad you've cleared the hardest raid in the game."
"I have not personally encountered a free-to-play MMO that is as good as Guild Wars 2 is."
"Club Penguin spawned a whole new genre of MMOs, birthing games like Moshi Monsters, Animal Jam, and Bin Weevils."
"I used to be like a guild leader in Korean MMOs, right?"
"People play MMOs for like social reasons more so than like difficulty or like challenging reasons."
"Final Fantasy 14 is a high production MMO, and its expansion's coming out pretty freakin' soon."
"MMOs are more than just a game where you progress and you gain levels and stuff. It's a little world where you can make friends and you've got to be able to do this."
"Let's talk about the MMOs coming out right now."
"Let's be honest, things like the Riot MMO set in League of Legends world, or Terra Blizzard's survival MMO... we still don't even have the name of."
"Seems like it's going to be a pretty decent year for MMOs."
"Part of what makes these MMOs fun is the combat... so we need to add some killing in here."
"When it comes to MMOs, I've always felt that your end game content should be just as important as your leveling content."
"MMOs have the power to create gold following, but making MMOs was hard on average; an MMO has to spend at least six years in the baking before it can get anywhere near being good cheese."
"In MMOs, you need a party, you need a Healer, you need a damage dealer, basically what we have in League of Legends 5v5s."
"The universal proliferation of technology and boom in MMOs have fostered a welcoming environment."