
Emotion Management Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"Fear is a super freaking healthy human emotion. The unhealthy part is trying to escape it."
"M1 Finance takes the emotions out of your investments."
"Stoicism is not about the suppression of emotion, but understanding it, processing it, and not being a slave to it."
"Any craving, any emotion will eventually pass if you can just breathe and wait, wait it out."
"So the solution to 'Avoidance Procrastination'... is first... to recognize... the... emotion."
"Anger is a trap. As long as you're angry, you'll never expand."
"If you have emotions that happen throughout the day, do not turn straight to technology to suppress them, and instead process them."
"Trying to throw emotion out the door and really just focus on logic when you are finding stocks to invest into."
"How can we take that anger and do the anti-fragile thing, turn those negative energies into positive ones?"
"Emotion clouds judgment, leads to impulsivity, and has no place in the framework of a well-constructed expose."
"Operate in the Holy Spirit, not in your feelings and emotions."
"Right now, guilt is not useful; dehumanization is."
"Save your emotions for really important things because I've said it before and I'll say it again normally cooler heads will prevail."
"Alright, you're at like an 11, we need to get you down to a five, five and a half tops."
"Being emotionless is one of the only ways to really become profitable."
"Acting with restraint rather than anger leads to good decisions."
"There is no such thing as play money for me and yet I have to invest in this space for my children's future. How do you keep emotion out of it? Manipulation is taking its toll. Just hold tight."
"Dollar cost averaging is the best way to take emotions out of trading."
"I can't change how I feel... But what I can do is ask what am I going to do about it."
"Fear is an emotion. Emotions can often be disconnected from facts."
"If you follow the logic repetitively and you're not swayed by emotions, you're not swayed by greed or fear, you're going to be an exceptional Trader."
"Life is going on outside the bubble... people get so emotional about it."
"Sometimes you've gotta hone that emotion, you've gotta be professional."
"Trading is emotional, everything's emotional. Relax, remove the emotion and understand this is a simple job."
"You have to gauge human emotion... and go opposite this."
"Anybody can get it. So you better move the right way. Stop being emotional and just be logical."
"When you sit back and you look at the guys that you have to look at when you're going to put together that list, I think that you calm down a little bit and the emotion goes away a little bit... you see it for the way it needs to be seen."
"Deal with injustice, but don't hate injustice."
"Don't overwhelm your yellow, be mellow with the yellow."
"Decide this case on the facts rather than the emotion."
"Hate is totally fine, I think you just don't want to attack people and you want to be reasonable."
"I'm not going to let my emotions get in the way of making this happen."
"I make decisions not based off emotions but based off facts."
"It's really about controlling your own emotions."
"Their dream scenario is to sell electric vehicles with razor thin profit margins."
"Control greed, control fear, they always repeat themselves."
"Why can't we be like anger, very quick to dissipate?"
"If you're going to be emotional, rationality has to come down with it."
"Leave your emotions at the door and start bringing common sense and truth back into the equation."
"Removing emotion from it because emotion is not a good driver."
"You can't let the good stuff go to your head... you can't let the bad stuff go to your heart."
"Remove your emotions... don't get married to it... the best price... that is how to win in this market."
"When you remove the emotion and when you remove the feelings you can start to look at things objectively."
"Math over emotions... logic over just our gut."
"It's never fun to lose money, but I'm glad I realized that I was getting very emotional and I stopped trading that ticker altogether."
"Blame lets us discharge anger or frustration or hurt; it doesn't actually help us move forward."
"There's no sentiment, you get the best man for the job, and take emotion out of it because all this 'Giggs' talk is emotional or this 'Keane' talk is emotional. Roy Keane has not proven himself in management."
"Frustration is important. It's just how you manage it."
"A technical Trader who can disconnect from emotions can play the markets and have this really exciting wave on both sides of this emotional cycle."
"If you want to stop feeling so defensive or even particularly emotional at all, what worked for me is just getting educated on religious history and the psychology of religion."
"You can't let emotion get in the way of making a fiscally responsible decision."
"It's time for you to make a head-over-heart logical decision that's not based on emotional bias."
"If you play the game through emotions, you're going to lose."
"I was always known as the person with a bad temper and the person who just couldn't control their emotions, especially when things got really difficult."
"I've learned to take the emotion out of the conversation and see what people are truly about."
"Emotion is not the problem. It's how you deal with the emotion."
"Procrastination is not a problem with time management; it's a problem with emotion management."
"How do you manage your mind? How do you manage your focus? How do you manage your thoughts? How do you manage your emotions? Your behaviors?"
"Managing emotions, managing workload, managing expectations, and just learning how to be a boss."
"She's not sitting there thinking 'Oh my god, is the way I'm feeling in my heart being perfectly represented on my face?' No, she's just trying to manage the fact that she's overcome with emotion and really distressed."
"Every religion teaches us, when we're about to develop negative harmful emotions, we must confront them and try to minimize."
"Don't allow anger and rebellion to turn a bad moment into a bad day or worse, a bad life."
"Once I told them I was about to explode with irritability, then it actually helped. And I didn't for the record. Yeah, you separated yourself from it. You are not your emotions."
"Trusting your intuition is not only wise, it's vital for successfully managing the emotional complexities we encounter in life."
"Because this is a calming down issue, because this is a self-soothing issue, escalating the emotion and escalating the aggression is actually going to make the problem worse."
"Gratitude can be a powerful antidote to negative emotions like anger and envy."
"What we do have enormous control over though, is how we engage with those thoughts and feelings, how we manage them."
"If you're angry and vengeful, you're a very unpleasant person to be around."
"It does you no good to have a skill if you're too afraid to use it too ashamed to use it so you have to work on the emotions that interfere with skilled behavior."
"When you get angry and you get frustrated, the quality of your work goes down."
"What we found is that the more people use apps to monitor their emotions and their thoughts the better they are managing them and and avoiding problem behaviors as a result of those emotions."
"Once you're out of your comfort zone, what do you do? Do you focus, do you push yourself, or do you let the emotion take over?"
"The key to being human is learning how to manage emotion."
"It's not letting that emotion become who you are, it's just seeing it so that it doesn't amplify."
"As traders I think a lot like athletes we're gonna perform at our best when we're trading free of emotions when we're trading free of any fears and any worries."
"A big part of it, guys, is y'all guys gotta control your emotions."
"Even though you've got a lot of emotion going, it's always better to step back and think about it before you act."
"Jealousy is a part of my life. It's a natural, again human instinct. I'll try and deny it but I control it... It's just a feeling and I go, 'Oh yes, that's cool.'"
"Business is an input and output game if you remove the emotion and you take all of your fear and worry and anxiety and self-hatred and anger away from the from the equation and you just boil it down to the numbers you can rationalize predictable work."
"Just let yourself be mad and don't fill it with anything."
"The most success you're going to have in your stock trading is when you have no emotion whatsoever."
"Size your trades to ensure emotions are not part of the decision-making process."
"By cultivating mindful awareness, you're able to catch emotions like greed or fear as they develop."
"Being a mechanical trader has made trading a whole lot less emotional."
"You've got to take that emotional content away because if not, you'll make mistakes."
"She is very good at guarding her emotions, very cool, calm, and collected on the outside even when she doesn't necessarily feel that way on the inside."
"You never remove emotions; you just get better at managing stress, managing those emotions."
"Devotion means you're organizing your emotion in such a way that it works for you absolutely."
"Setting yourself realistic barriers might just allow you to do something that's really important in golf, which is manage your emotions."
"Sometimes you need to step away, calm down, don't do anything stupid when you're frustrated and angry."
"Control your anger and you will live long and prosper."
"Let's stop with the feelings and we start with the reason."
"I found myself being more calm and not so fearful when I get into the markets."
"Please calm down, there's no need to get so angry about this."
"If you're feeling a negative emotion and you just put your attention on something else... that can have a similar effect of dampening arousal."
"Turn off your emotions if you're able to, and execute the trade as planned."
"The most important thing about an effective emotion management strategy is being comfortable dealing with your demons."
"The problem isn't sugar, the problem isn't vaping or nicotine, the problem isn't alcohol, the problem isn't heroin or opioids, the problem is that the people that reach out for it are the people that don't have emotion management tools in their toolkit."
"You have to discipline that emotion because that can lead to other problems."
"Yes, you can immediately calm yourself down and control your feelings for a moment."
"Don't step with anger, step with clarity."
"If I were you, I wouldn't let sentiment interfere too much."
"Pour your emotion into the design side of things and take the emotion out of the pricing side of things."
"Stored anger that's not processed can turn into determination."
"The word itself acknowledges that Vulcans do have emotions, but on managing them rather than being managed by them."
"You're not aiming to be robots; that's the thing. You'll never fully remove emotion, you can reduce it and you can manage your mind but that's about it."
"We want to show the people finally that we can have dialogues without it becoming emotional and without it becoming disrespectful."
"Keep emotion out of your dang trades."
"Anger does not have to be destructive."
"You have to be stubborn enough to put up with all of this stuff and just be pragmatic about it and deal with it, manage your emotions."
"I'm very angry, and I don't want to be an angry person."
"Bai states that he will try to put his emotions to the side so he can focus on this responsibility."
"It's important to not be influenced by emotion; you have to leave emotion at the door."
"Ideally, you don't want to get frustrated, you want to take a step back, pull out of that emotion, take a step back and just look at things objectively and look for an alternate way forward."
"The psychological aspect of it is so important and probably the first part of the journey to getting ahead financially is managing your emotions."
"Anger is pointless; my emotions are under control."
"You got to know your stuff, yo. You can't be emotional when you're buying real estate."
"Trade the market, trade the system, and don't care so much whether you're a swing or day trader; just trade, manage your trade, manage your emotions, and you'll be absolutely fine."
"If you don't have facts, it's fiction; if it's fiction, it's emotion. We don't fight fire with emotion; we fight fire with water."
"We don't let our emotions cloud business."
"Try it out, see what it's like to be someone even for a day, there's no grief, no anger."
"Anger is a bad emotion to have; there are ways you can express anger that doesn't involve you shouting."
"...if we could just take the emotion out of the business we'd be like wait this is like the easiest funnest job ever."
"You have to let your head rule your heart in business."
"Let's move the emotion out and be objective instead of subjective."
"When you understand the basic neuroscience and social science of how emotions work, you can actually develop a repertoire of techniques... you can manage your emotions so they don't manage you."
"There is a professional way to communicate your emotions without being emotional."
"The essential part of leadership training is how to manage negative emotions."
"Staying angry takes up too much energy."
"For us, we can't be emotional or impulsive because if we do that, all the progress that we've made and all the investment that we've made will get multiplied by zero."
"Fear is like any other emotion; it comes and goes. It's how you handle it."
"Stay patient, and keep the emotions out of it."
"Anger is anti-joy, and it can ruin our life if we let it."
"Remove your emotion the best you can; the better chance you have of thinking logically and clearly."
"Don't let hysteria and emotions run your decisions; put in the effort."
"When you set your goals... use that creative power, use that emotion, but when that thing comes back around full circle... cut that emotional switch off."
"He really has control over those emotions."
"Controlled rage is better, and when you're a professional athlete, you know how to turn it on and turn it off."
"Take your emotions out of the market, put your logic in the market."
"You have to have a lot of patience, you can't be super emotional."
"You need to be able to take the emotion out of it."
"Debate requires you to be to a degree able to control your emotions."
"Anger can easily cloud our perception and judgment."
"I'm not gonna live by what I feel."
"We as humans, as emotional animals, have to lower our biases, lower these emotions in order to see truth, facts, data, evidence objectively."
"We'll put our feelings aside, we'll stop crying, and we'll get to work."
"You do not make decisions when you're very happy or when you're very hungry."
"You have to make decisions with your brain and not with your emotions."
"You took the emotion out of the equation and you started seeing things very clearly."
"Keep yourself in a good mood every day. Don't get excited, especially angry."