
Disrespect Quotes

There are 514 quotes

"When we begin to abandon ourselves, that's when we're allowing behavior to happen that we know is blatant disrespect."
"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." - Mike Tyson
"Orion had a disregard for my personal choices and boundaries that I had expressed to them."
"He's an incredible genius, and to be pulled off his show after giving people incredible amounts of joy and children laughter, and adults laughter, I think that's disrespectful of his talents."
"I'm no stranger to having people disagree with me, but the downright disrespect and tone I've seen in the little gathered communities on the internet is incredibly disheartening."
"When you become your own source of validation, you won't accept disrespect or undervalue yourself."
"None of our wishes were respected or upheld."
"Silence on its own and just completely ignoring someone is not a dignified response."
"Brandon feels incredibly disrespected by this and betrayed."
"That is the most ultimate form of disrespect out there."
"These are the 10 most disrespectful things the UFC has ever done to a fighter."
"BMF is the heartbreak... that's why it's disrespectful."
"This lack of respect will certainly bleed into the public Arena and will contribute to the breakdown of Law and Order."
"Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect."
"Spits like that is just the highest order of disrespect."
"There just has never been a president in our lifetimes, probably ever, in either party who has treated the office and the country with such disrespect."
"Nothing was off limits, it didn't matter who he was demeaning."
"I felt extremely disrespected. I felt that I asked very fair boundaries."
"I feel like super disrespected and at least be honest about it to like show some accountability to show like yeah that was that was stupid that was immature whatever but I don't stand by her I'm embarrassed to be associated with her."
"You don't even deserve the respect to have your name spoken."
"There's no greater motivator than disrespect."
"It's an insult not just to the Greek cuisine, but to the vegetable itself."
"I see it now... I have a 12 year old... nothing is worth that level of disrespect."
"Imagine your boss said [__] everything you stand for and called you a c in public like that."
"But I also think it shows how they've got absolutely no respect for the law."
"Constantly disrespect my opponents... until they prove to me otherwise."
"That's disrespectful! You deserve better than that."
"Fire-related perks make our fire spells burn, reduce fire resistance, and even ignite targets."
"Absolutely no respect. Would never shake my hand."
"Thomas Brown killed, boys. He's disrespectful."
"You're comparing Dune to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings is disrespectful."
"Disrespect grows when [__] can disrespect you it grows they'll get bolder and they'll do more."
"It's disrespectful to pick Draven against me, respect to him."
"If you walk by and they spit at your feet, that is the - I don't even think you guys need for me to explain that - you realize how disrespectful that is."
"Third way that women are gonna straight-up disrespect you, and at this point you're gonna start realizing that they're trying you, that this isn't an accident."
"Guys like you will treat her like disposable pleasures."
"Talking stupid loud while you're on the phone and they're like close to you having the whole conversation, they're being straight-up disrespectful."
"I don't believe you anymore. I don't respect you anymore."
"Disrespectful things that Julia has gone through, making meals..."
"It's disrespectful to overlap people in traffic when the light is red."
"Spitting on someone is probably the highest level of disrespect."
"Hey, Mike, I don't respect you anymore... You're a bit of a snake."
"You just gotta use them and toss them around because like they're not worthy of being wives."
"It's insane how some men will disrespect women all the live long day yet they still expect us to worship the ground they walk on."
"It's really just a matter of messing with kids and treating other human beings disrespectfully which is not okay."
"I don't respect it. I'm gonna tell you why I don't respect it."
"This stuff about his personal life, which is true, is completely disrespectful from the club." - Jack
"It's heartbreaking to think that this old lady's stuff is just left here."
"It's the most utterly disrespectful thing you could possibly do on this planet."
"That's not what happened, that is not the respect that we got. Instead, we got put last, I got [ __ ] around."
"Every black person should feel entirely disrespected."
"You gotta be a fool to disrespect Nipsey Hussle the way I've done."
"It is so selfish, it is so disrespectful of the other people at the table."
"Listen, if you disrespect me my response is just your karma... that's just how it is."
"Andy downplaying that documentary and not watching it is very disrespectful to the victims."
"It's as close as a director can come to insulting somebody else's movie."
"This is a little disrespectful to be honest to schedule us first a team that is probably technology challenged I would say would be the word that I'd use."
"Dudes who justify being openly disrespected, I don't understand."
"I hope people can see how this really could have affected me at the time. It's seriously just so disrespectful."
"So many of them get caught up mistreating women, forgetting who they even slept with."
"There is a level of disrespect in anime that I don't think enough people talk about."
"Bombing our Statue of Liberty, it's a slap in the face."
"If you spit on someone, you are saying you are a piece of [ __ ] and I own you."
"This is the most disrespectful and underhanded thing you could have done to the actors and people who fought against this very thing."
"For you to kind of mock that conversation and mock what he tried to share with you makes you... this is awful."
"A slap? Hands down, is one of the biggest disrespects you can give a man."
"This is just spitting in the face of the efforts of all these men and women who actively fought against fascism."
"That's showing you that you don't have no respect for the champ."
"The lack of reverence you two exhibited trying to lay hands upon her god, it is the worst kind of sin."
"It's total disrespect, teenagers vandalizing the inside of Muskogee St. Joseph's Catholic Church."
"This is disrespectful to that level to have her sit in Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat."
"You know, the game got so disrespectful, you know what I mean?"
"It's very disrespectful that people think that they can take this kind of position."
"Humpy plays this game like she has zero respect for her opponent."
"This oversight is just unacceptable and it is so disrespectful and you would have to be literally blindly ignorant to not be able to acknowledge what happened in this situation."
"My old man said he wanted a boy. No respect. No respect."
"Dignity and respect, and how they don't treat us with it."
"Black women get the most disrespected out of everybody."
"As an adult, I feel very disrespected being treated the way I felt. This is the closest I felt to high school as an adult."
"There's nothing more disrespectful than the words 'you can't wrestle'."
"When individuals experience disrespect on a regular basis, they may not recognize it as such due to normalization, low self-esteem, or fear of conflict."
"I don't think I've ever seen an anchor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain."
"It's not just about the money, it's about this lack of respect."
"Gone now Montauk and slaps her on the ass and she walks away."
"That [ __ ] was the most disrespectful [ __ ] I ever seen in my life, bro."
"These people who govern us are complete morons and deserve none of our respect or even attention."
"Disrespect never gets better; it's designed to go farther and further and further."
"The man still being an 83 is just absolutely disrespectful."
"Latrice says she is met with disrespect and she is tired of it."
"She's a liar... you don't give me no respect."
"This should be about science and facts. Good job, dick face Mike."
"Your sister really disrespected you and honestly put you in danger."
"They've disrespected us, they've ignored us, they've disrespected our time."
"It's just a disrespectful little turd, and I'm tired of you." - Catherine
"Keep my name out your mouth, we're actually kind of disgusted with you."
"Jay-Z was convinced that either Kelly was losing his mind or being disrespectful on purpose."
"I just think that her family, who she knows very well, just doesn't have good boundaries and they're super disrespectful."
"For him to be saying what he just said, it's so disrespectful to the families and loved ones of people who have died."
"You can't come into someone's home, throw away their pet like a piece of garbage, and expect everything to go back to normal."
"I'm not that type of girl, and it was very disrespectful."
"This isn't about love, it's about disrespect."
"What struck me is that someone had not only murdered this young woman but treated her with such disrespect."
"He's horrible, how dare you go through my tower without paying your proper respect."
"The amount of disrespect and negativity is shocking."
"The fact that he seemed to be cold-hearted enough to completely take advantage of this and manipulate and scam his fans out of money shows that he absolutely had zero respect for his loving supporters."
"Spitting on people has got to be like one of the wackest things you could do bro."
"He's extremely ungrateful towards them, which is really disrespectful to their friendship after everything."
"Spitting on somebody is the worst thing you can do."
"Disrespect is earned, is friggin' brilliant."
"Being ignored got to be the most disrespectful thing that you could ever do in life especially to somebody you call your friend."
"If he is disrespectful to you, to others, to your friends, to your family members, just plain rude, mean, and disrespectful, this is a major character flaw."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is finally time for another installment of the most disrespectful moments in anime history."
"If I smack you, I'm clearly letting you know you're a [__] cuz that's some [__] that you do to a [__]."
"You're soft, I'm sorry, nothing. You know what, you get a call from the president, that's right, you're a loser, no one gives a [__] about you."
"...once infidelity is mixed with disrespect, there is nothing left; pack up whatever is left of your dignity and take a walk."
"He laughed in our face, laughed in the employees' face, and basically had no regard."
"You're a disgrace to West Point fuck you sir."
"I don't give a [__] about your apology, Shay. You are a sick, disgusting little [__] and you have disrespected me to the max."
"To bully someone is to heck to them. Showing casual disrespect like a monkey, like an imp, you're impudent."
"Tecking has so little respect for Sanji, he would eat him."
"What an absolutely disgusting display of disrespect and humiliation towards one of the greatest superheroes of all time."
"Damn, that's effing Stone Cold. Someone who loved and respected you wouldn't say that."
"For him to keep doing that right in front of your face..."
"What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?"
"When we push the dance and push the song, all you do is disrespect me for what reason?"
"That was the highest level disrespect."
"He's just, it's just so insanely disrespectful, it's wild to me."
"Yes, no one could be bothered to spell his name right."
"You have crossed the line. The disrespect you have just done is absolutely ridiculous. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"Jesser, you tried disrespecting me off the bat."
"I already went to Oakland to kick your ass once. You're a bum."
"If adults talking to me and I disrespect them, my mom back hands the [__] out of my mouth. I deserve that [__]."
"At the end of the day, you can't dictate how people react to disrespect."
"I hate to disrespect the dead but I'm so glad he's gone."
"Not being able to get justice and the respect, and to be ignored, that just adds insult to injury."
"We blatantly disrespect our elders because they can't keep up with our technology."
"They're sick in the head so they was talking all this saying 'oh you guys are in the car with us, oh you guys are riding in the car why can't you get in your own car.'"
"These are the times that Michael Jordan disrespected NBA players."
"He's been treating me like the trash that he left at the curb."
"If at any point I feel like one of you are being disrespectful in school, outside of school, on social media, you will be replaced and or let go."
"I think Drake's going to get disrespectful in the next tune."
"They can't stand the idea of you being celebrated and seen in a respectful manner."
"Seeing a match with the innovation, with the tradition of Ultimate X treated like this by 3D, it was a mockery made out of one of the most innovative matches in wrestling history."
"What the is that supposed to be? I'm not supposed to respect her like a Jew."
"By the time she did, she was like, 'Kevin, how dare you disrespect the man of God for playing that type of music in front of him?'"
"Arrogance and disrespect will eventually destroy yourself."
"People can be so cruel, you know? I mean, I had people spit in my face for money at me."
"When you've been disrespected for so long, respect feels like a sweet gift."
"This might be the first instance I have ever seen in my life of a getting speed blitzed into disrespect like bro I'm going just keep it real right now."
"Shut it, Little Miss Scholarship."
"He said everyone's just another piece of [__]."
"Go home and make me some dinner, woman."
"Gina Carano, every time somebody puts Gina Carano, we get that here's a tall glass of shut the [__] up."
"You can get killed doing stuff like that, you know, because that's disrespecting your gang."
"What he just did was disrespectful."
"It's a shame, it's a slight, it's a slap in the government's face that such a fate can befall a citizen right inside the BR bus."
"He said two dumb [ __ ] and he kinda put you down though in the same..."
"What's the worst thing he's ever said to you? Calling me the B word."
"No disrespect, but he's lying like a big dog right about now."
"If you don't pull a ho on the M, you a punk."
"Game over now, now to get that disrespectful, you know what I'm saying, to open the track up like that, you know what I'm saying, you ride a couple of verses, then you let the Outlaws, you know, ride, and then the track stop, like come on, man."
"F you! How dare you, you disrespectful piece of..."
"When you have a populace that you constantly disrespect, at some point, this is bound to happen."
"Everybody's going to see this movie everybody's going to watch a fall from grace like it's going to be International feels like a waste it just feels sad it just feels disrespectful it just feels gatekeeping."
"That's bold to me too, and disrespectful."
"...Lil Mama just interrupted a performance that was deeply special to a man that had the power to obliterate her career."
"The guy was very rude to us, he was very dismissive, he referred to us as children despite the fact that we were in our mid-20s."
"It came to a point where it was like y'all are just crossing so many boundaries now, spilling over into my children. Not here for it."
"If you're constantly looking, bro, you're not going to be happy till you find something, so it's like a level of disrespect you're going to take it 'cause you need, you need to find, you need something."
"There's no doubt about that... the way he spoke about Sheila that night was not pleasant."
"Some people died for this country and holiday and all they are doing is mocking it by showing up like that."
"This shows such a bone-deep disrespect for the people you're talking about."
"He was spit on anything, he even spit on a damn dog."
"You took me for granted, and you will never get the same respect back."
"Believe it or not, social media has made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people."
"why do you need things spelled out for you like a six-year-old and that's disrespectful to six-year-olds"
"Disrespect is often a result of someone else's suffering, their anger, their fear, their insecurity."
"They're just treated like garbage, you know? Like nobody seems to respect them or anything."
"Understanding disrespect in our journey to handle disrespect with Grace and wisdom, it's crucial to first understand what disrespect really is."
"I love it, the disrespect. I love it."
"If a [__] disrespects any artist on QC, they can't ask me for no favors, I don't give a [__]."
"To see him routinely get disrespected in point guard conversations routinely not making or at least borderline making all-star teams."
"Would you be upset if we ever had a straight parade straight parade right they have pride parade yeah and he said oh that's totally he said that's totally disrespectful."
"To put him outside the top three, outside the top four even, is just disrespectful, man."
"What do you know? I can't wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremony or outfits. Oof, wow. Oh, damn, the disrespect."
"He got caught on the big cam disrespecting us."
"...talking about how nice her [ __ ] is sitting."
"If you want to have fun, we're gonna have a good time, but that's it. It's just disrespectful."
"Wasting the time of the NHS is disgraceful though what a horrible individual."
"I would never be able to look at myself in the mirror again if I condoned that level of disrespect and stayed with you."
"Because men are stupid and I do not respect them."
"Actually, Allah humiliated him. They couldn't pick up a truck to reverse his body, they picked up his dead body and dashed him in the back of a pickup truck."
"And I've lost all respect. All respect."
"Spineless, disrespectful pieces of [ __ ]."
"That's like saying I can get you robbed right now. That's out of pocket."
"The fight between Toji and Gojo is ambiguous, but the most disrespectful moment is after Toji kills Gojo, he says, 'I think I'm starting to remember how to do this.'"
"GG's, coach. Nobody cares about the Giants."
"The consequence is pain he's blocked my line of sight with that goofy cape don't disrespect the cape."
"Wasting my time is a form of disrespect."
"it's just rude like you know you get like oh you got it y'all be like [ __ ] [ __ ] you it's like how dare you the audacity like what's wrong with you bro"