
Programs Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"We have more programs than I can possibly remember."
"Who wants to go through a trial where your children are testifying?"
"Some of these programs are actually life-changing."
"This whistleblower program has been very, very effective."
"I think that it's time that these various programs come out."
"Without trust, no one can build high-performance teams and programs."
"If you want to get a list of the programs, we shift a catalog here."
"Unlike other programs I've covered recently, this one is not open source."
"All of my training programs are fast, easy, crystal clear, and guaranteed."
"...one of our least attended programs has been the one right after the holidays."
"All of these programs can pretty much do the same thing and that's help you make music on your Windows computer."
"Forgiveness programs are great but everybody won't qualify."
"We saw that as a really good opportunity to introduce the same program here at the honor farm."
"Despite their militancy, the Panthers were well received in the black community, thanks in part to their free programs and education classes."
"Scientists have put in place programs to reduce the negative effects of humans on ecosystems and biodiversity."
"In one form or another, the US has always had programs going that will help you get some land."
"As troubled teen and scared straight programs made hundreds of millions of dollars, they spread beyond the borders of the United States."
"Safe parking programs: rare but available in some cities, facilities provided, safe environment."
"just having clean programs for every single top skater it's just not a thing we've seen before"
"I've heard of some amazing weight loss programs. This has got to be the greatest one I've ever seen."
"It's easier to join these programs when you are new to affiliate marketing."
"Using the Revo Uninstaller is a better way to remove programs you know are malicious."
"His program will help you more than any physical product you can buy or do to help yourself."
"The biggest thing doing those programs was for most of the kids it was a sense of belonging."
"Cancer cells are individually different, running two different programs."
"Tell us about some of the interesting programs and initiatives that the chapter has carried out."
"Tyler never went to the leadership program after all."
"Programs are not just large projects, they offer quite a bit of unique value proposition."
"These storm spotter programs were effective in contributing to a steady decline in the number of tornado deaths in subsequent years."
"The earlier we can implement prevention and intervention programs, the more likely we are to be effective."
"You'll be able to create your own world with virtual reality programs."
"We have 17 programs throughout February to highlight the humanity and the contributions of African Americans."
"There's actually a lot of opportunities there, not just with private programs but also public programs as well."
"The programs have an insidious effect on the moral fiber of both the people who administer the programs and the people who are supposedly benefiting from it."
"It is not in my interest to bloat government with wasteful programs."
"We're living in revolutionary times, and new programs are needed."
"We are excited to partner on these efforts and bring forth a number of excellent programs across the platform of Wells Fargo."
"Queen's University has lots of programs."
"Show the programs that you're working during the match cycle, it creates a good impression."
"We have to let them know that we are offering programs for whatever stage they're in."
"It's funny, all these temporary programs that governments, these central banks make, they always say, 'Don't stress everyone, don't worry, it's just temporary.'"
"Educating the heart and how we've transformed them into active programs."
"The intentions of these programs are good, they're honorable, they're noble."
"The cost of maintaining those programs is enormous, and what a design like this does is it minimizes the cost of safe changes."
"If you see a course in this school, fantastic program, you can explore the programs here."
"These are amazing programs that are being done."
"It's not just about books and CDs and DVDs. It's about programs, children, teaching people, community center."
"You're saving thousands of dollars by exploring these different options and looking into no money out of pocket programs."
"Types are programs, that's what they are by nature."
"Programs that adhere to these three principles are significantly more effective than programs that don't."
"We have better guides, we have better programs."
"There are over two thousand and five hundred government and private programs across the country that will give you the down payment you need to buy your house hack."
"We started a couple of programs to make applications, in particular top applications not just from Google, safer."
"Impact evaluation is also useful for emergent and adaptive and responsive programs."
"It really brings the programs right into your view, makes you feel like you're there."
"Our core aims in our programs is to highlight the diversity of cultures."
"Rather than advocating the use of children's genetic data by parents or educators, why don't we invest in programs that are proven to give children the best possible start in life?"
"Now is a great time to take advantage of some of those programs."
"We can constantly improve any program, whether it's a defense program or a social welfare program."
"The food is absolutely delish and the social programs are simply amazing."
"We hope that this program is the first of many others to follow soon, Insha'Allah."
"After joining our work programs, these people experience incredible life transformations."
"All programs operate in complex and changing environments."
"Programs are affected by how the target populations and other sectors of the community respond to the programs."
"Other programs when you shutdown, they may save settings that you've changed."
"It's nice to be able to actually launch other programs."
"Community nutrition deals with the delivery of nutrition-related programs and services."
"In our programs, we must see the evidence."