
Shared Values Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"Let me summarize: There are really three parts to making a relationship a successful relationship... quality of friendship, dealing with conflicts, and creating a shared meaning system together."
"Freedom becomes less about my individual freedom and more about our collective and shared freedom."
"You might think that you are the only conservative in Austin or Chicago, but you're not. There are other people that share your values."
"America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles."
"You should be able to buy delicious chocolate from a company that shares your values."
"The pursuit of a genuinely common good requires us to find common purpose across our differences, grounding our society in a set of shared values and commitments."
"It's a blast to work with other musicians that you've liked. It's not only about sharing the same beliefs and values, but also figuring out a way to support each other, no matter what."
"Diversity is wonderful in the context of those shared values."
"The real issue is just the shared moral framework."
"I constantly return to President Kennedy's wise words on our friendship: 'What unites us is far greater than what divides us.'"
"As President Obama mentioned earlier, if geography made us neighbors, then shared values made us kindred spirits."
"We all have to be together to pick ourselves up, and I don't mean through government. I mean through shared values and shared community."
"But when we can get close enough to where we agree to live in peace and we share values then diversity truly is a strength."
"It is a mistake to suggest that in that diversity we don’t have incredible common priorities and values."
"Why wouldn't we help support some of the folks there that are believing in many of the philosophies that we believe in?"
"The two of your hearts together as soul mates and really have that commonality in your personality types, the way of thinking that you share..."
"Shared values. That's what's at the heart of successful relationships and marriages—shared values."
"Our values are at stake, the values of the Ukrainian people, shared by the American people."
"It's not your equality or my equality, it's our equality."
"It's all about the things we share. Let's come together."
"The goal is not to do business with anybody, but with everybody who believes what you believe."
"If you hire people who believe what you believe, they work for you with blood, sweat, and tears."
"There are objective truths within this life that we all share."
"I've found half a million people with the same mindset as me, and I'm here for it."
"What people hope for are ties of alliance or ties of friendship on the basis of shared values."
"What do Americans have in common? ... People do need shared values."
"We're all in this together, we all have a shared appreciation for this amazing expansive and ever-evolving industry."
"It's bringing people together that wouldn't have otherwise come together that have shared values." - Hermela Aragawi
"It's what the liberal project was about in the first place, creating a space in the public sphere in which there was a common sensibility."
"Why do we take the time to understand what our actual history is? Because our country is made up of a shared history with shared values."
"The one thing that will unite your family is some sort of shared values."
"Nobody is above the collective and that's facts."
"Pursue relationships with people that share your values, and you'll be a happier person because of it."
"Together we share common customs, common values, common dreams, and common heroes."
"If you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden."
"If you're looking for new friends that share your values or simply a cup of coffee at a cafe that hasn't gone woke you'll love the Public Square platform."
"We are about people, other people of the book."
"Culture reflects the dreams and aspirations we all share."
"There's a necessity for shared values... establish common first principles... cosmos evolution non-aggression."
"Now is the time to appreciate our shared humanity."
"Even in a cruel world, there are still good people who share our sentiments."
"The only one thing that we all truly share is freedom."
"It is imperative that we recognize our shared humanity."
"Zero food waste is important to both of us and so we talked about that."
"This is definitely a man after my own heart."
"It also is about our shared values of democracy and freedom and how Taiwan has been an example to the world in that regard."
"At the core of our message, that's what we definitely aligned on."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"By seeking common ground and focusing on shared values like compassion and progress, we can work towards a more inclusive and beneficial future."
"Center around equity. Not as a secondary concern, not as a box to check, but as a shared value."
"Our nations share close geography and history that will forever bind us together, but our values are even more consequential."
"We can create communities based on common perception of value across the world."
"If everybody shared the same moral foundations, everyone's lives would be better."
"They're going to be tied together by guiding principles of Steve that they both shared."
"We're all united by the same love of our great country."
"People vote for others who share common values with them."
"We must unify around our shared values and rise above the partisan rancor."
"Surround yourself with people who share your interests and your values both men and women."
"I'm so glad to hear that, bro. I'm so glad to hear that because what I always think about man is we one."
"Normal people build true friendships upon shared values, shared loves, shared aspirations."
"Imagine if the black community and the Jewish Community actually had a flourishing relationship built on shared values."
"When you connect with her, when you actually start talking about the things you guys share together, it's companionship value."
"We're all part of that unconditional love and commonality."
"I just want you to know it's important to me as it is to you."
"Sharing both age and political heritage, I so appreciate your ongoing fight and information in these times of both hope and terror."
"The purpose of New Britain should be grounded in the shared values and aspirations."
"Maybe rather than constantly talking about this pie in the sky dream of unity...maybe we should lean into the communities that value the same things we do."
"They were connected by humor, insight, and the shared belief that conservative ideas can be advanced through culture."
"By developing and building emotional connections with people who share your ideas, you can kinda let go of that anxiety of not knowing if others will support you in your ideas and instead embrace the value of having your own community."
"We care about the same things and it's an honor for us to get to do that."
"Because of our shared humanity, we're all entitled to equality."
"This is my favorite part. I don't know you personally, but we have the same heart, brain, and power to change the world for the better."
"Choose a woman who is loyal, trustworthy, and shares your values."
"Serve together, recover together. It's a philosophy not limited by the flag you wear. Your brothers and sisters in arms are connected by something so much deeper than the borders that separate us."
"Find people who are like-minded...compassionate...who have the same values as you."
"We have shared past, present, future, language, belief in God, morality, equality."
"Somebody who balances you, somebody who has these faint visions and desires as you."
"The time has come to invest in alternatives... people who share the same values of freedom."
"Everything that makes Israel worthy of defending is what makes America worthy of standing up for with the utmost pride."
"Being in alignment with people who get our beliefs, values, who are committed to us."
"We had a common culture, we shared values, we were united."
"The liberal story... humans of all nations and classes share certain experiences based on which we can find shared values and interests."
"She has solid values, lives them, and they're similar-ish to yours."
"Your partner should always be on the same level as you are, whether that be career, kids, or your mindset towards life in general. You gotta be on the same page."
"You can love someone and not have a connection with them. You can have shared values but lack the connection."
"A place where the teachings we were putting so much effort into living could really be the shared inter-subjective cultural context."
"There's still a sort of shared sense of Truth which is important for a sort of functioning Society."
"You can have a diverse society, you can have a society in which there are many cultures and many ideas but there's a core of shared democratic values like toleration like respect about which we can build this."
"Omega decides that she wants to stay with Clone Force 99, a sentiment which Hunter shares."
"The empirical fact however is that we all very largely share what we regard as morality."
"...all of these things, I think that is very important to understand that it's our shared heritage."
"I'm not trying to attack religion. I'm trying to say, what can we draw from all of them that can be shared by all of us?"
"You want to find somebody who has the same goals, same values as you do."
"So John and Danny's whatever connection they have it should be based on shared values found family for two people who desperately want family and this shared prophetic need."
"Both of you will have the same values or both of you will value the same thing."
"Being alongside someone else that has those same values as me has made it a lot more enjoyable."
"Shared experiences I think are what's gonna build us into a kinder future, hopefully."
"Elves and men have many shared values and experiences, certainly they relate to each other more than they could to one of the inor."
"I've been concerned about, look Israel's a robust rowdy democracy just like ours and you know they're very few countries in the world that where we share so much."
"It's only by generating a shared story of value rooted in first principles and first values that we actually generate Global intimacy."
"You can't respond to a global challenge without Global coordination. But you only have coordination if you're living in a shared story, you have shared coordinating values."
"I think what also helped us or why we got along right away is we share a lot of views on things outside the court."
"Collaboration. People are working together, shared values. Yes, sir. Yeah, even if people come and go or whatever, there's a healthy culture that stays intact."
"Jews and Christians together accept the moral principles of the Torah."
"To live from kindness, together, creating the world we believe in."
"I think we're on the same wavelength then because it feels good when someone's like, 'Oh, you're a true Craftsman'."
"They both had similar values, interests, and wanted the same things in life."
"What I love most about Starsky was Hutch, and what I loved most about Hutch was Starsky because they shared the same heart."
"Being part of a community gives you meaning and value."
"I also believe family is the most important thing; we're the same in that regard."
"Our personalities are very different but our values are similar."
"You and I once fought for the same cause. We fought for honor and valor, protecting the weak and keeping the strong in check."
"Shared values and behaviors are the bedrock of high performing teams."
"Looking for someone that enjoys and values the same dreams and ambitions that I do."
"Now more than ever, we must unify around our shared values and rise above partisan rancor to forge a common destiny."
"To find someone who wants you to be a better person and who wants to grow with you has like-minded ideas."
"I stand here this morning, looking quite so different from all of you, but share the same belief in the ideas that liberate mankind."
"We must respect each other again in an atmosphere of shared facts and shared values, comity, and good faith."
"Do business with people who have the same values you do, people you can trust."
"Compatibility is not based on sameness; compatibility is on shared goals, vision, faith, and attraction."
"It's important to me and I find that it would probably be important to you guys as well."
"It's when you work together, when you listen to each other, and are willing to let the people in your lives know why this is important."
"We share the same ideals, the same values, and we stand together."
"The principle here, the simple reality is that people bond most with people who share not only their values but also their interests."
"The real magic happens when you have people who share similar values and interests."
"It's not about your ethnicity, it's not about your religion, or how you look like; it's about our shared values as human beings."
"This reclusive community was founded by like-minded people searching for a simpler way of life."
"People don't want to buy from brands; they want to buy from people that have shared interests and values as themselves."
"People don't understand the value of what it is that we have. Whether we agree or disagree, the shared values that we have, the country is always going to be worth fighting for."
"Of soloists but of course of shared values that when joined together resonate like nothing the world has ever heard."
"...religions did serve that purpose and fundamentally even if you reduce it further it's shared ideals; shared ideals are necessary for a group to cohere so they can focus on things that are necessary instead of infighting."
"My principles are your principles; you can hold that value and I can hold my value, and we can live side by side and be happy."
"Thank you for caring about school because I care about school too."
"Our shared humanity is the melody that harmonizes the world."
"Our vote to leave the EU was no rejection of the values that we share as fellow Europeans."
"I think this is cool and I think there's other people out there that also think it's cool."
"We shared the same values; it doesn't matter your religion or where you're from."
"It's very important to both of us."
"These are all things we should have wholeheartedly agree with."
"You should want to be with a person who shares similar values, morals, and life goals as you."
"We are a shared community with shared values."
"The importance of sharing the same values is not just a personal preference, it's a necessity for a harmonious life."
"The church is united in its love, its beliefs, its organization, its practice, its worship, and its service."
"Both partners have the same feelings, ideals, values, and shared life goals."
"We have common sense in common, and that means we have everything in common."
"We are all better off when we embrace fundamentally good values when we share values of responsibility and decency together."
"The group is definitely a huge part of my life... we are held together by the same core set of beliefs and what we want to accomplish, and to me, that's a family."
"You gather people together that have the same ideals as you."
"Italy and the U.S. share a set of values, a set of cultures."
"Our two countries have shared interests and shared values, and we can each make great contributions to the other."
"Discussing common ground, shared experiences, values that you both hold or things that you both feel passionately about such as hobbies."
"There is a lot more that unites us, a lot more shared values than things that divide us."
"I am just as much an animal lover as you are."
"I think your belief is what my belief is."
"I did marry my soulmate, found a man who has the same values, work ethics, goals as mine, and we work together to achieve them."
"Our shared values -- our commitment to human development and the dignity of all people -- continue to guide our work as global partners."
"It's been really cool to like kind of have a fresh start with someone who has similar values to me."
"I believe in Redemption, and I know you do too."
"Finding room for the things of the spirit, a common search for the good and the beautiful."
"Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors that govern the interactions of members of a society."
"One Guyana is about a common vision, a common set of values, a common set of principles that will define us as a nation."
"A relationship that is built on stability, one that is built on values and principles that we share: human rights, democracy, freedom."
"It meant a lot to him, so if it meant a lot to him, it meant a lot to me."
"I think you can pretty much be happy with anyone as long as your values are aligned and you're both determined to stick it out."
"There is no you, there is no me, everything is us, everything is ours."
"I don't think that we are separated and divided by what we believe in, I believe everybody is on the same page at the end of the day, everybody is a human being."
"It helps to have a set of values that you both share."
"Culture is those things which are shared by people who grew up in the same forest."
"They didn't care about color, they cared about shared values."
"Honestly, be a lot alike, share values, and if you can sit in a cafe and talk for hours, that's the beginning."
"Culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes, values, expectations, and norms for behavior."
"Art not only reminds us of our own humanity but helps us remember our rightful place as part of a community with shared values."
"Eve and Maximillian's story is a testament to the power of open communication and shared values in overcoming societal barriers and building a love that transcends racial boundaries."
"Find those people that share the same ideas that you share and then build from that point on."
"When India and the United States meet, it is a moment to celebrate the values of democracy, pluralism, liberty, and freedom."
"The fact that humans around the world share these properties, they are seen again and again in the kind of core fundamental universal cultural set of cultural universals which are universal and good."
"All people on this planet have more things in common with one another instead of differences."
"It's not me, it's not Mark, it's not Shea, it's not Ty Jerome, it's a shared set of values that we want to have in place so that we know that the environment is coming not from the standings but coming from us."
"Some of the genealogies of the values of liberty and emancipatory thought that we hold dear were articulated not just by the ancestors of the European population in this country but by the ancestors of the African population as well."
"Focus on similarities, shared values, and common identity."
"As we begin to share meaning, we will also share values and develop a common purpose."
"The United States was shaped by Ireland, and the values we share remain to this day the core of our historic partnership."
"Over many years, we shared a great many values."
"Function ism is a consensus theory that believes we as individuals agree on norms and values, allowing for social order."
"I feel so glad to be in a place that I think not only shares my values but to be in a Sisterhood of awesome women."
"It's about the power of community, which I think we can all connect to."
"Partnering with Niantic is incredibly exciting because we have a core set of shared values."
"Ours is a partnership based on common values and interests, a shared vision of the world, and the deep-rooted ties of friendship among our two peoples."
"Authentic leaders align people around a shared mission and values."
"We share a lot of really important values, or our values are compatible with one another."
"It's time to commit, has to do with faith, lifestyle habits, the things you have in common."
"This is a beneficial and balanced connection, both parties have the same feelings, ideas, values, and shared life goals."
"I hate injustice, and so does Brandy."
"We share not only values, all the values we have high respect for, but also we have built a world order in a way by United Nations, Bretton Woods, and supporting that."
"Shared values and visions are the foundation of a strong connection."