
Iconic Games Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"This game is so legendary to me, man. I still get like... I still get teary, genuinely iconic to me."
"A phenomenal marketing campaign and you have one of the most iconic Sonic games of all time."
"The double-oh-seven name wasn't what made Goldeneye such a classic, but rather the brilliantly designed gameplay and mechanics."
"The Shadow Temple is one of the most famous Zelda dungeons for a reason."
"This little gold cartridge is the holy relic of video gaming."
"Mario Kart 64: the franchise's most iconic entry."
"Doom is crucial to the history of video games, and nothing ever aims to dilute its focus. Kill demons, find secrets, solve puzzles, unlock doors. It never compromises on that vision."
"Street Fighter 2 is on Super Nintendo from the arcades, the ultimate combat game. Each fighter has a different technique, an acrobatic move, a hidden punch. It's on the streets now, exclusively on Super Nintendo."
"This is the story of GoldenEye on the Nintendo 64."
"Maybe it was the dozens of iconic franchises the machine was home to."
"Back in 1993 ernam Jen was basically the questing Beast of its era."
"Gordon Freeman from Half-Life 2: powerful, strong, and beautiful."
"You've got to admit, Mario games are awesome."
"The 1958 championship game, the greatest game ever played."
"The seventh game of the 1971 World Series... unlike anything else in sports."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: the closest you can get to playing the cartoon."
"Final Fantasy 7 is the game that put the series on the map."
"Number 1: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out - 'Legends are legends for a reason.'"
"GoldenEye 007: from on-rail shooter to groundbreaking FPS."
"Mario 64 is one of the most satisfying games on the planet to get good at."
"Everything in GTA San Andreas is simply unforgettable."
"I hope it ends on Lego Star Wars. That would be the best."
"The Miner-Poison combo: an iconic duo in Clash Royale history."
"Super Metroid: One of the very best games ever made, period."
"Super Mario 64 established what a 3D platformer should be - a hub world that connects to many smaller levels and a single big collectible that is needed to advance the story."
"Personally, this is probably one of the most iconic Maddens of all time, man."
"Marvel vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes cemented the legacy of Capcom vs. fighters."
"That's how you want to open your game, holy [__]! Mass Effect 2, okay."
"Horror games have been around for decades now with Resident Evil being the game that brought it to the mainstream."
"Congratulations to all you PC players who finally have the opportunity to play one of the greatest games of all time."
"Mario 64 had you wondering what the next part of the castle was gonna look like."
"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time tops many people's best of all time lists."
"Some people are play video games, but everybody's played Mario."
"Walking has been in video games since Pac-Man took his first steps."
"Banjo-Kazooie stand at the top tier of the N64 catalog."
"Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer was a defining moment for the entire franchise and it's the primary reason that so many people fell in love with not just this game but this entire series."
"All comes back to that fateful night in the Spencer mansion."
"A Link to the Past needs no introduction like how Super Mario world was Nintendo's magnum opus for the Mario series I am 99.99 confident in this game being the absolute epitome of Zelda games."
"Rainbow Road, when I think of a well-designed Mario Kart course the Wii's version of Rainbow Road is almost immediately what my mind goes to."
"It would be weird because chances are if this is your first Zelda game, you're gonna go look... That's gonna be the very first game people tell you to go play." - Zachary
"Tetris became potentially the best-selling game ever made."
"This game reminded me of Flashing Juventus and Real Madrid in the big European nights. Now we need Kolo Toure and Jens Lehmann for Villarreal, hell yes!"
"Mario 64 was the top selling title of the Nintendo 64."
"Every video game company wants what Nintendo stumbled upon so easily in 1989: Tetris."
"The fact you instinctively think of Skyrim when you hear the world open world... goes to show how insurmountable its Legacy is."
"How could you have never played Shadow of the Colossus?"
"This is one of those games when you think of platformers, you think of this one."
"Game seven of the 1988 Eastern Conference semi-finals for Dominique Wilkins and the Hawks and Larry Bird in the Celtics."
"The Freezer Bowl, one of the most iconic games in the history of the NFL."