
Moral Lesson Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"The Lord told them that it was the spirit of the nun, due to her sins she was locked out of heaven."
"James Sandin learns that a stranger’s life is just as valuable as his family’s."
"The moral that can be learned from this anime is that war only causes harm to both sides. Even innocent people will be affected."
"We understand the lesson of the show. We can't become the enemy."
"The moral that can be learned from this anime is, that sometimes, when we want to maintain the peace of a group, we are unconsciously willing to kill another group."
"The villain's downfall and karmic punishment for their evil is baked into the premise of the Faustian Bargain."
"The moral of the story is I chose a half measure, Mike Ehrmantraut represents pragmatic evil."
"Sometimes a person might have wealth and that might lead him to become an arrogant person."
"Everything that comes to the dark will always come to the light."
"The third parable: 'The parable of the sheep and the goats.'"
"We're at a crossroads, did assar learn his lesson or is he going to abuse that power?"
"There's a nice message here about how helping people leads to happiness in a way that revenge doesn't."
"The broader theme of the story is you should never preach hate."
"Death Note shows us what happens when that corruption both wins and loses."
"Whoever humbles themselves will be exalted; whoever exalts themselves will be humbled."
"There's a lovely moral lesson here about growing and accepting every part of yourself to become the best you can be."
"Lies always beget more lies. See through one and their whole story falls apart."
"Only an opponent who is a fool of pure evil and pride would reject this lesson."
"Humanizing them is not condoning or forgiving them humanizing them is treating people and portraying people the way they really are as a cautionary tale to others that just because somebody looks and acts a certain way you shouldn't trust them."
"I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself shall be a paste and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted."
"Remember, the first shall become last, and the last shall be first."
"This game is a warning for us not to shut our hearts to the needs of others, to focus on the good of the world. We too can have Gordon's Journey Back to the light."
"Revenge bad. It won't bring back dead people."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is the truth will be revealed if we do not turn a blind eye to every incident and evil around us."
"Integrity is a lesson I learned when I was very young that no matter what I have to always do my best to be my best even when I can get away with doing wrong deeds."
"The story of the ring is fundamentally one of Christian humility the ring is so much power and corruptive influence that the only way to survive it is to give it to the most humble creatures a hobbit."
"Whatever happens in the dark will come to the light eventually. The truth will reveal itself."
"The greed becomes the reason of his death and the siren which takes his revenge."
"Revenge is bad, murderous bad, selfish desires are selfish, that is all incredibly obvious."
"The moral lesson of this anime is, it's a blessing for us to have friends we can trust, who know the best and worst of us, and who love us despite all our faults."
"Stepdad shames daughter for being a nerd dropout, he lives to regret it."
"Stepdad shames stepdaughter for having a gay friend, immediately regrets it."
"Karma served him a great big slice of humble pie."
"The entire lesson of the film is not to judge a book by its cover."
"The passage I really like... is Matthew 13... where the farmer... says, 'Presume wheat, not weeds.'"
"With great power comes great responsibility...tiny but really makes everything."
"He who can be trusted with little can be trusted with much."
"Don't judge people, or in this case, fish, on appearance alone."
"Ultimately what is in the dark comes to light."
"Judge not by outward appearance, but by the heart."
"Every prophet who teaches the truth but then fails to practice what he preaches, that's a false prophet."
"That servant goes out, he finds his brother, who owes him a small debt, and that debt was three days' wage."
"Favorite story of Moses? Probably when he's approached by God after the Jews sin with the golden calf."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux."
"The moral lesson of this series is taking revenge can be satisfying but it's not always the best course of action."
"Lust has brought down potentates, politicians, princes, paupers, and presidents to public shame."
"The legacy of the Sith had been finalized in their inability to see what true power gets them, a run-in with the devil."
"He felt like Superman taught kids that they can save the day by being stronger than your enemy and beating them up."
"If you repent, I'm convinced that they too will forgive you."
"The truth will always come out; it will prevail eventually." - Troy
"What happens in the dark must finally come to light."
"He who has never sinned cast the first stone."
"Aggression doesn't pay. Aggression has been seen to be defeated."
"The moral of the story is don't have your Karen mom fight your teacher... karma catches up with her and she gets arrested."
"The moral that we can learn from this movie is sometimes, creating a peaceful environment takes a sacrifice and an intense struggle."
"No matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses, the truth will always find a way to make itself known."
"Actions have consequences, Mr. Marston."
"The truth will beat a lie every single time."
"The anime's moral message that we can learn from this anime is don't forget to always cherish every moment we have with the people we love because we will never know when a moment will be our last time with them."
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing."
"Revenge oversteps anything. We all learn it."
"So I guess the moral of the story tonight is, 'Dude's rock.'"
"With great power comes great responsibility though."
"You give, you get. The lesson of sacrifice is crucial in life."
"The rebellion of fallen angels emphasizes the severity of free will and the consequences of pride."
"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom." - Proverbs 11:2
"You've been selfish. Your selfishness got you killed."
"Maybe this is needed, to finally understand that with great power must also come great responsibility."
"Yes, I cheated one time and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life. There is no excuse for cheating, so I'm not going to give you one."
"War is horrifying, and if there's one thing I think Miyazaki can teach us, it's that it will turn us into monsters if we let it."
"The essential message being with great power comes great responsibility."
"Morals of the story: Don't let people make a choice for you and follow your paths."
"Whoever humbles himself will be exalted, that's the point of the story."
"He who is without any sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." - John 8:7
"Karma just needs to come back and teach them a lesson."
"If you worship a monster, ultimately it will make a monster of you."
"Generosity rewards generosity: petty behavior like this is pretty difficult to resolve with a conversation."
"The remedy for the rebellious nature is the cross."
"There's a difference between suicide and sacrifice; you do well to learn it."
"The seed is good and the soul is good, but the thorns that sprang up and choked the Word of God."
"Treat others as you'd like them to treat you. It's simple, and a lot of religions could learn from that."
"I met a kid outside the mall crying, he lost his $200 so I gave him 40 bucks from the $200 I found. When God blesses you, you must bless others."
"It's what's on the inside that counts y'all."
"Hannah learns a valuable lesson about not judging books by their covers."
"Eventually karma's gonna come and bite you in the ass."
"The moral of the tale of Red Riding Hood: don't trust strangers, but if a picture says a thousand words, the moral of my tale of Red Riding Hood is sometimes you can't even trust a collaborator."
"Their pride and arrogance was revealed, and their contempt for weakness turned upon themselves."
"Sin is like a disease, if you cover it, it will fester."
"So the moral of the story is, if the imposter will not wrap you up."
"Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
"It is our earnest hope—as it is our belief—that this little book will serve as a striking moral lesson to every reader."
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is never to have greed in our heart because greed will only cause suffering in our life."
"The moral lesson from this animation is, if you ever need to defeat an evil overlord and save a planet, just remember to create a black hole and give them a good head bump."
"The moral lesson from this series is never underestimate the power of love"
"Moral lesson from the story: Living a life built on lies and deceit will eventually lead to a downfall because in the end you might find yourself in a place where there's more ice than lies."
"The moral lesson from this film is that you should never help someone who wears a bomb."
"The moral lesson from this film is be thankful if you lose your shoes cause maybe in the future it will lead you to be the best boxer and preacher."
"What's the takeaway from this boys? I feel not just that but like the takeaway is like we should do our best to help out people in need even if you don't know them."
"The moral lesson from this film is sometimes even monsters need a hug and some wise words to let go of their grumpiness."
"The moral lesson of this animation is the importance of teamwork."
"The moral lesson from this drama is don't judge others based on their appearance or circumstances."
"The moral of the story is don't trust your uncle too much; he might be plotting against you with vampire experiments."
"The moral lesson from this series is never judge a book by its cover unless that book happens to be your high school nemesis turned potential soulmate."
"Moral of the story: let's actually treat each other with kindness and let's actually treat each other with respect."
"There's a strong lesson at the core of this movie."
"The moral is simple, sometimes you can't cut bad friends out of your life, and when that happens you can always pick them up as your kaiju self and throw them as far as the eye can see."
"Anakin will become a Jedi. Nothing good comes from hate."
"The moral lesson of the story is if you ever find yourself caught in a love triangle filled with Daydreams and mistaken identities it might be time to switch schools and pick up a new hobby like extreme knitting."
"The moral lesson of this film is always make sure your restaurant is fireproof, even if it means fighting off gangsters and former spies with potatoes and secret skills."
"The moral of this film is a thing all characters in this film could use to enrich their lives and stuff, was to not jump to conclusions."
"It blows my mind that that's what the basis of this story was pretty much about: like, believe in yourself, do your own thing, but at the same time, it was don't judge others for who they are, who they try to be."
"The moral lesson from this film is if you're a police officer who gets fired don't worry just team up with a gangster rob a bank and take down corrupt cops to find happiness and redemption in the end."
"The wizard and the hopping pot reminds readers of the importance of selflessness, kindness, and using one's talents to benefit others."
"The Fountain of fair Fortune teaches the importance of empathy, friendship, and perseverance in overcoming challenges."
"The tale of the Three Brothers teaches readers about the dangers of meddling with death and the importance of humility and acceptance of one's fate."
"So I guess the moral of this story is: don't judge a book by its cover, be kind and supportive to everyone you meet, no matter how ugly, because they could make you rich someday. At least that's the moral I walked away with."
"The moral of the story is if you see something and you absolutely love it you should buy it."
"The point of the parable is to illustrate the meaning-depleting power of greed, the power to rob you while it enriches you."
"Nowhere in A Song of Ice and Fire is this truth about perpetuating violence and not being able to end violence with violence expressed better than in the famous speech from Melisandre."
"When you lie to the Holy Spirit, you lie to God."
"I helped you, now you hold the truth."
"The Waltons stood as a poignant reminder of the enduring importance of moral and ethical principles in storytelling."
"Why didn't George Washington's father punish George after he chopped down the cherry tree? Because George was still holding the ax."
"God will exalt those who humble themselves, and abase those who exalt themselves."
"Teach me to feel another's woe, to hide the fault I see, that Mercy I to others show, that Mercy shown to me."
"It's not about the powers you have, it's about how you use them."
"A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it, and a flattering mouth worketh ruin."
"That guy could have helped me. Listen, buddy, I hope you learned someday that not helping someone can be the same thing as hurting them."
"My mom said lying to people was bad."
"Thomas knew that he was right about the idea of sharing."
"What a man sows, that shall he reap."
"Much was given, much is required."
"If you do something wrong, you should say sorry, right?"
"She is the fiend-like queen; it's a cautionary tale, evil is to be rejected, divine right of kings is to be restored."
"Videl looks at her father seriously, saying that he has to do what's right, just like he taught her."
"By presenting and eventually celebrating the positive transformation undergone by a selfish, cold-hearted miser, Charles Dickens uses A Christmas Carol to convey the thought that anyone is capable of changing their ways and becoming a better person."
"For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged; and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again."
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."
"The moral of the story here is to say what you mean to say, and to not say what you don't mean to say."
"Charlie Brown realizing the importance of loving thy neighbor."
"I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching."
"Beware of jealousy; it eats up your good deeds like a fire eats up firewood."
"Now you know that greed gets you nothing."
"The moral that can be learned from this anime is sincerity and trust."
"Let that be a lesson to you kids, stealing is totally okay as long as you steal from a bigger thief than yourself."
"There's somebody that forgave us a lot more than what we have to forgive somebody else."
"For with the judgment you pronounce, you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you."
"One of the clearest themes in the teaching of Jesus is that rich people are in deep trouble."
"The moral of this story is for us to be careful with whom we trust."
"Remember, an allegory is a story that contains a moral teaching or message."
"The story of Genesis must be reversed; first, Kane must stop murdering Abel. This is essential if you're to survive."
"Wheel of morality, turn, turn, turn, tell us the lesson that we should learn."
"What did you learn? Stealing is wrong, unless it's from pirates."
"I have learned not to commit adultery. I have learned how to keep myself seeking the Lord even when things are going good."
"I didn't want to go, I never liked it, but well, it's something I heard there that's always stuck in my head, that we should hate the sin but not the sinner."
"Now for me, the moral of the story is definitely don't trust anything on social media."
"Cursed is the man who does not honor his father and his mother."
"Everything in this life comes with a price; your friend paid the price this time. All you wanted was free pizza."
"There's a moral story in how this crash plays out."
"Learn a lesson: must be kind to everyone."
"The good sorghum bows down low in humility; it's a great analogy."
"We can learn from this story that it is clearly unwise to have any affair with a married woman."
"The theme of Charity is used by Dickens to demonstrate to his rich readers that they need to be charitable."
"If you were kind and if you were good, if you help your friends like you know you should, you're the tallest person in the world."
"If she's a good girl at heart, she'll learn from the pain and the shame and she won't do it again."
"Forever after, the billy goat learned not to eat so much."
"It makes for great storytelling; it has a powerful message about greed and apathy."
"If you exalt yourself, you'll be abased; but if you humble yourself, you'll be exalted."
"Dickens employs the supernatural to directly confront Scrooge with the consequences of his actions and attitudes."
"It has a really good lesson at the end."