
New Direction Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"This eclipse...signals a time of significant change and transformation, potentially bringing about a new direction or path in life."
"This year you initiate a new vision for your life, a new direction."
"We're taking that new step in that new direction, and it's a breath of fresh air."
"This feels like cd projekt red going no yeah let's just go a [ __ ] dynamically different direction and I think that's just super exciting."
"Yesterday my life was headed in one direction, today it is headed in another."
"Manchester United are finally moving in a direction that feels new."
"It invigorated the fan base, brought new hope to Star Wars in a fresh direction for the franchise."
"Accept that there's going to be a whole new direction, healing in your life."
"She's releasing control, she may be trying to go in a new direction."
"Time for a change in life, Scorpio. You're on the right track but you're being led towards a new direction."
"Your angels are telling you to choose a new direction away from this situation."
"It's not that I want to get relegated, but if that means we can reset and just go again in a different direction, then maybe."
"There's a major signpost moment in your world where you're going to take another direction."
"Shoutouts to these services—I really like them. I think this is a great step in a new direction."
"This is you taking a brand new direction, leaving old pride behind."
"Messages that you need to listen to... guided in a new direction... moving forward."
"It's time for a shift, it's time for a change, the universe is pulling you in a different direction."
"That's kind of what's driven this whole new direction that I'm going in."
"It's a new sheriff in town, drawing a line in the sand."
"This direction you're taking is definitely going to change your life completely."
"It's like they called in a new opportunity and now they're choosing it. Somebody is going in a new direction."
"It was life-changing. It basically changed the entire direction of my life."
"There's a re-evaluation here, and it's allowing to head in a new direction and experience things you've never experienced before."
"Choose a new direction and be open to opportunities presenting themselves."
"You're coming out of the cold, stepping into a new direction."
"A pivotal point in their life that directs them towards a new path."
"Your person wants to move on with you in a New Direction."
"Move into that new direction, something is going to be really successful for you guys."
"Work in a new direction to meet your future spouse."
"Failure is fine; you learn from it, you grow from it, and it takes you in a different path."
"This event attracted widespread media attention and marked the beginning of a new direction for sport climbing in America."
"Like all great sequels, it finds a way to dig deeper into the roots of things, take the story in a new direction, and deliver the experience of the first film."
"God could turn anything into a complete 180; you could change the whole direction of your life."
"Maybe taking a chance on a situation, somebody could be thinking about taking a leap of faith in a new direction."
"I just want to bring this channel to another direction and make it more interesting for everybody."
"It's time to put something from the past and move in a new direction."
"I've changed my mind, I've changed my tune, I headed out east."
"I was finally like, okay, gotta try something slightly different here."
"Ever since she had started going out with David Graham, it was like Diane's carefully ordered world had suddenly been knocked into a new orbit."
"This encounter with this person signals a time and opportunity to shift the energy of this connection and move in a better direction."
"It's going to change new path. Awesome."
"Now is a good time to embrace this ending and to see it as an opportunity to move in a new direction."
"They're taking a leap of faith in a whole another direction."
"Your support has helped propel the channel into a whole new direction."
"Peach Momoko has been handed the keys to Ultimate X-Men."
"We found that as soon as we were able to lay aside prejudice, we began to be possessed of a new sense of power and direction."
"You took the leap of Faith here to go in a New Direction."
"It's as if the universe is arranging certain events in your life to push you in a new direction."
"This feels fresh, this feels progressive, this feels like the band really trying a new shade."
"They went for it, they went in a new direction."
"We're finally getting away from the attached Star Wars story, the Skywalker stories."
"Detour, slow down, explore, go in a New Direction."
"There's travel, you're moving into a new Direction."
"You're just taking a leap of faith towards a whole nother direction than what you were on."
"I just want to make a change and go a different way."
"You're looking forward to some type of New Direction in your life."
"That one word would be 'turnaround'."
"Your life's about to take a whole new direction."
"This new path is leading to a lot of success for you."
"You're determined to succeed, you're driven in another direction."
"You are moving in a new direction, moving on from some challenges or from things that no longer serve your highest good."
"Stepping out of this old cycle, moving into something new, moving in a new direction, and it's about lightening our load as we move forward."
"Feeling excited about a new direction is a gift."
"You're taking action in another direction."
"That was the beginning of like a major new direction in your life."
"You have a chance to go in a new direction."
"You're moving into a new direction after a very difficult situation."
"Choosing a new direction... things are going to work out in your behalf."
"We're finally understanding our new chapters, our new selves, and we're moving into this new direction."
"Have courage and faith, because right now, life is trying to nudge you forward and move you in a new direction."
"This is my time to shine, this is my time to let go of all of that, and I'm now going in a different direction."
"You are in this transition right now, doing something different in your life or taking some sort of new direction."
"You're at a crossroads in your life, trying to choose a new direction."
"Maybe a separation is necessary, and there's a real sense of freedom here with this death card, the ability to finally get on in the direction that you need to go."
"You're ready to take back the power, ready to go in a new direction."
"Something's changing, something's moving in a new direction."
"You're going to be moving in a very new direction in your life."
"Go off on a new path towards someone who's more compatible."
"The judgment card is all about hearing the call from spirit to move in a new direction."
"This is a reading of profound change, profound initiation, and a significant new direction for you."
"This is a big change in your trajectory in life, this is a big change in your life path, in your purpose."
"The universe is pushing you in a completely new direction."
"You're going to regain some sort of strength to take a chance on something new, to go in a completely new direction in your life."
"Your biggest challenge here is to pick up the pieces and start planning and moving into a new direction."
"This is someone who has always had the desire to do something different, change their direction, change their life."
"When you do decide to move away from something or start taking steps in a new direction, it is going to benefit you."
"What you have coming in has the possibility to set you and your life in a different direction."
"You're looking for something different, you're looking to go in a different direction."
"It's high time you step out and go in a new direction."
"You're moving into a new direction that is going to lead to tons and tons of happiness for you."
"An epiphany moment, a realization, you become clear in your mind of a new path, of a new plan."
"You're starting over in a new direction without bringing the baggage with you."
"Lives will be transformed, fates will take a new direction."
"It's all about your practicality, security, new direction, waking up, and feeling your life again."
"Queen of Wands is about being bold, really moving in a new direction in your life."