
Soul Journey Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Everyone has a predestined path...and this is the path that your soul has prepared for you."
"We arrive here on Earth, our memory is wiped clean, and the goal is to find our way back to our truth, to remember that we're a soul having a human experience."
"The lower creation world is the only density state where souls can play the game of separation."
"You are an older soul sent here with a very high spiritual purpose."
"The Akashic Records are a spiritual record of your soul's journey, covering everything that has happened, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen across all your lifetimes."
"Your soul wanted to be here on earth in this lifetime so make the most of it."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"It's time for our souls to detach and acknowledge the completion of our journey."
"You can never truly know what another soul comes into a body for in a particular incarnation."
"Yes you are on the right path you are doing what your soul came here to do."
"Your Soul's path is all the experiences that your soul has chosen to undertake in this incarnation to align to its Highest Potential."
"You're continuing a scenario of multiple life plans. That's how magnificent you are in this new energy."
"Experience is the essence of the soul's journey."
"Recognize how your soul is maneuvering you onto your true path."
"You are part of a team of souls, called and supported."
"What does it mean for a world leader to accept that The Human Experience is based on a soul Journey?"
"This one was definitely one of the show stoppers..."
"You guys are old, old souls that come back here to do a job together, and one of you didn't recognize that until recently."
"Our soul has a specific signature relative to Earth. We chose to come down here and experience everything in detail."
"Find balance, meet yourself with awe, understand your path and soul."
"...the soul didn't come here to forget, and remember that's a byproduct, the soul came here for the fullness of the experience..."
"Life is eternal, we are born again; an old soul is born into a new body."
"The outcome is a turning point in your soul's journey, aligning with your highest purpose."
"These fleeting moments of familiarity may be glimpses into your past lives, the forgotten chapters of your soul's eternal journey."
"You've got to get out of your mind and align with your soul."
"This is your soul's journey, guys. Your twin flame is your soul. That's all this is."
"You have to understand that your twin flame is not coming here for you to be living with them and share life with them, they came here for the soul journey."
"Oftentimes it's like why didn't I choose an easier life? Some people do choose easier lives, that's their soul journey. But my soul journey was to go through hell so that I could really appreciate the heaven side of this, the heaven side of souls."
"...for some of you, this next place you're living maybe is the place that you're meant to be, you know like around that area, it's like your soul is kind of leading you to where you're meant to be right now."
"Soul contracts. We all have lessons, we all make mistakes, we have contracts with people."
"The soul chooses to challenge for that expanded growth to occur."
"The soul has this opportunity to ascend and one has the opportunity to see and hear, to explore the kingdom of the heavens."
"Twin flames represent two halves of the same soul, living separate lives and evolving independently, only to eventually reunite with a powerful, transformative awakening."
"The journey of the soul concerns the journey of that luminous light in this world."
"The soul is now moving back into the great soul of Adam."
"I believe that we all have a soul plan and a soul path."
"I am open to an expanded view of my life and align with my soul's journey."
"Within the Boneyard, no soul passes without profound contemplation."
"The moment the soul takes its authentic path, wondrous awakening can take place."
"Life is unfolding in accordance with the Divine will of your soul."
"We are not our birth chart; we are our true soul that travels from dimension to dimension and is not this one identity."
"When your soul gets to a certain level of understanding, it doesn't need to come back down here for the lessons anymore."
"Go shine your light; your soul has been training for this for lifetimes."
"Your human costume is not a mere facade, but a carefully chosen vessel tailored to the precise needs of your soul's journey through the terrestrial realm."
"The journey of twin flames is intricately woven into the fabric of the soul's evolutionary path."
"Astrology and astrologers are not going to tell you what's going to happen in the future; I'm interested in telling you where your soul wants to go."
"Souls are returning to their rightful places; new souls are coming down to the earth that we need."
"You're moving beyond ancestral patterns, completing a major part of your soul's journey."
"There's a curriculum for every soul in a given lifetime that it's here to learn."
"I am a soul on an evolutionary journey, and I have come to this planet in this lifetime to evolve my consciousness."
"We will do anything that we can for you as long as it's on your soul path or your soul contract."
"Whether you know it or not, you guys are all volunteers, older Souls that took the call to come and help Mother Earth."
"Each and every soul reincarnating on the physical world has the same objective: it's learning and experiencing."
"It really depends on each and every soul how long it takes to learn a particular lesson."
"The journey of the soul is all about realizing that we are the creator."
"We must never ever judge where anybody else is because where anybody else is in terms of their soul evolution is exactly where they are meant to be."
"There are no accidents in the universe; there are actually no true victims in the universe either."
"You are closing the doors on some major contracts of your soul's journey."
"You're following your destiny here, whatever your soul's contract is, your sole purpose."
"Become a soul traveler, move your soul along a timeline from being dependent, fearful, and needing support to being independent and in control of your feelings."
"The hermit card talks about when you're on that soul journey and nothing else matters but what means the most to you."
"Soul connections are not all about the love, but rather the journey to your soul's discovery and growth."
"This is about you being on the right path and your soul is not gonna let you down."
"You're coming up out the mud and you're going through a major ending on your Soul's journey and stepping into a new beginning."
"Your soul knows the way, your soul is directing you through the darkness."
"Expressing your soul is your Soul's Journey, your soul Soul path, what you came here in this lifetime to learn."
"It is important to occasionally remember and honor your past, for it is part of you, part of your soul's journey."
"The journey of the soul can be tumultuous, but things are coming to the surface, and there is an inevitability about that."
"Your natal chart contains your soul's journey and shows your lessons, growth, and patterns."
"Big time completion of a cycle in your life, overall in general of your soul."
"You're following your heart, you're following your soul."
"We do not own one another, we are all Souls on our own spiritual journey."
"Everything is in divine order. Everything is right where it needs to be in the process of your soul expanding."
"You are completing a major cycle of the soul this lifetime."
"This is your experience here on earth as a soul having a temporary human experience."
"We have our destinies for a reason; it is a choice of our souls also that we came."
"Obstacles are opportunities for your soul's growth."
"We're not going anywhere until we've completed our soul contract."