
Emotional Boundaries Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"When a person has poor boundaries, they often sort of really start not only absorbing roles in other people's lives but almost sort of start absorbing other people's lives. Like, other people's bad days become your bad days, other people's losses become your losses."
"He wants to be the world's greatest detective. From what I've seen so far, he will be someday."
"I'm not in any way obligated to put my feelings aside to save face for them."
"You shouldn't emotionally attach yourself to people based on their mental health issues."
"You ain't worth my love if you only love to hate me."
"We're not friends. I love you, but we're not friends."
"Emotional boundaries: 'I'm not being hard-hearted, I just realize it's not wise for me to over invest emotionally here until this is safe.'"
"You cannot make a person happy... deeply and totally and utterly out of your control."
"Keep your heart to yourself, stop acting like everybody is your husband."
"Don't hand away your psychological passwords. Don't give away those most vulnerable parts of yourself until someone really gains that trust."
"You're not responsible for other people's beliefs."
"You can't force someone to love you, you can't."
"If you don't take the gift, it's left with you."
"Definitely don't let this connection drain you in any way."
"You will never take him back because he shattered the trust. His current relationship status has zero bearing on that shattered trust."
"You do not give your heart away to just anybody. They have to earn it."
"Back off, because you will crash and burn if the commitment level and the physical intimacy aren't appropriately matched."
"Unconditional love can become unhealthy if you attach other things to it."
"You can love this person but when will you choose to love yourself more."
"You don't owe it to anyone to share anything you don't want to."
"People can stay in our life in our hearts but not in our lives."
"There's a thin line between love and hate, correct?"
"Don't take on burdens that aren't yours to take on."
"Build a healthy boundary but not a brick wall."
"Embrace your vulnerability so you can move beyond rigid boundaries."
"Quit being an emotional banker for other people's problems. Stop it."
"It's been a really good look so far for this old dynasty."
"Forgiveness has a time limit for some people."
"You can't force someone to like you, no matter how much you like them."
"Just because a person says they love you doesn't mean you have to love them back."
"You can be loving and forgiving of somebody and still retract your energy and not let them drain you of your vital life force. It can be two things."
"You're not responsible for anyone else's emotional behavior. That's their devil, can you see that? That's their boogeyman, that's their shadow self. You are not responsible for that."
"You can't fix someone, accept them or let them go."
"Stop trusting people with your heart that broke it. Stop being loyal to who has not been loyal to you. Stop giving yourself away."
"If somebody doesn't want to be vulnerable with you, then what's the point? Are you really connecting?"
"I'm a Scorpio I usually make sure the door is tightly shut and the bridges burned... exes can be very creative."
"I only go where I'm invited I'll only go where I'm valued and that's it that's it when you've done valuing me out but the problem is these dangling carrots people got they got people running around."
"Stop giving people access to you emotionally."
"A lot of you guys are learning to not save or nurture people who aren't nurturing you."
"Your emotions are not my responsibility. I'm happy, I'm good. If you're not, oh that's your problem for real."
"Accept it, but don't absorb it; accept it, that's who she is, but you don't take it into here."
"Just because you can take on that crap doesn't mean it's yours to hold on to."
"That's not mine to pick up. Okay, pick up your own baggage."
"You can't let yourself on fire to keep other people warm. If you're a really empathetic person that takes on everything, or if this is triggering for you, you have to again look after yourself."
"You're trying to turn this girl into your mommy and your therapist. She's not there to be your emotional human pacifier for the trauma or whatever you experienced in childhood."
"Your child is not here to take care of your emotional needs."
"All you ever owe someone else is to act with integrity and compassion. You do not owe someone else any kind of emotional Fidelity."
"You have to be able to tell him that you're cold-hearted and you need to heal, you need to grow, you need some time, but I can't really deal with you on this level."
"...even if you have sex straight away, it's not about the sex, it's about have they got a hold of you, so don't be physically hard to get, be emotionally hard to get."
"If you're telling someone else more about what's going on in your mind and your life than you are your partner, I find that emotional cheating."
"There's a fundamental difference between being mad and not respecting someone anymore."
"When we rest socially, we give ourselves time to recharge and maintain our emotional boundaries."
"Emotional cheating is very much a real thing and very much cheating."
"I don't got time for people getting in their feelings, man."
"You are not responsible for their emotions or how they're processing this."
"I love that you have that hard line. Like sometimes you say things to me, you tease me a lot, and depending on what emotional mood I mean, I don't want to be teased. And so sometimes if you tease me and it's just hit me wrong, I don't want to be teased."
"I need to learn to not absorb people's emotions, I guess. I think I need to go to therapy."
"If it's happening around about you, it doesn't mean you have to let it on the inside."
"You can't do anything with them outside of love them from afar."
"The people in your life are allowed to have their emotional reactions, and it's not your responsibility to manage their emotional reactions."
"People who abuse and disrespect you don't deserve your mental and emotional energy."
"Never push a loyal person to the point where they no longer care."
"Children are not obliged to serve as emotional props for the adults in their lives."
"No one is obligated to return your feelings."
"You can't leave family, but you can emotionally separate, loving from a distance."
"Sometimes you just have to love people from a distance."
"Be clear with your intentions, be clear about your boundaries, what you can handle emotionally."
"There's a thin line between love and hate, but that line should never ever be crossed."
"People can only really hurt you at the level that you allow them to hurt you."
"When another spirit, another energy, and another emotional state comes into your world and you say, 'Not here, not in this universe,' and he walks away, then it means bad energy has left your life."
"I have feelings for them, but you know what? I've been down this road before, and I'm not going to go down it again."
"You can't keep giving your heart to someone who keeps walking all over it."